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Dirty Games (A MFM Ménage Romance) (The Dirty Series Book 3) by Tara Crescent (13)



Scott and Zane spend Wednesday night at my place, but they leave early on Thursday. “We have to go to Manhattan,” Scott says, “but we should be back by the evening.”

I wait for him to volunteer more information, but he doesn’t, and I don’t ask. Look, Nina, I lecture myself, they told you they want a second chance, and Scott told you he’s making an offer for your building. Things are good. You don’t want to be the kind of girlfriend that needs to know where her men are all the time, do you? Because that’s insane.

“Have fun,” I tell them brightly. “I’ll be working this evening if you decide you want a drink when you get back.”

Since I’m awake already, I head to the Merry Cockatoo. There’s always something to do when you run a bar. A keg from a new brewery was badly off; we had complaints about skunky beer from three different customers before we pulled the tap. I’ve been trying to call them to bitch about their quality control, but they never pick up their phone. I’m determined to track them down today.

Then there’s the day-to-day stuff. Reagan needs to take some time off next week to shop for a used car. Patrick took a look at hers and pronounced it unsafe to drive, and I trust James’ father implicitly. I have to adjust staff hours, order food and drink, pay bills… the list is endless.

The bar is empty when I get in. I head straight to my office and lose myself in work, not looking up until I hear a loud series of knocks on the door shortly after ten.

Lucas must have forgotten his key, I think. That’s not like him. I get up to let him in, but when I unlock the front door and wrench it open, it isn’t Lucas standing there.

It’s the last person I expected to see again.

Chris Muller, the band manager of the Evolving Whistle, is standing in front of me, a serious expression on his face. “Nina,” he says, “we need to talk.”

Wordlessly, I step aside, and he walks in. His gaze sweeps over the interior of the Merry Cockatoo. “Nice bar,” he says dismissively.

The last thing in the world I want is to make small talk with this man, so I cut to the chase. “Why are you here, Chris?”

“Because Zane and Scott are making a terrible mistake,” he responds. “They’re planning on moving to this stupid, dead-end town. They’re abandoning the band.” He glares at me. “Because of you.

My first, instinctive reaction is to feel guilty, but I stiffen my spine. “They’re adults,” I say coolly, “they’re capable of deciding what makes them happy.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Nina,” he snaps. “They’ve always had a blind spot for you. You give them a come-hither smile, you spread your legs, and bam.” He clicks his fingers together. “The only brains they’re thinking with right now is the one between their legs.”

I wrap my arms around my chest. “I don’t care what your opinion of our relationship is, Chris.” It’s freezing in the bar. I should turn up the heat before we open. “I don’t understand why you’re here. If you have a problem with Scott and Zane, you should try talking to Scott and Zane.”

“Do you know where they are right now, Nina?” Chris correctly interprets my blank look, and the sneer on his face grows. “No, of course not. They’re in Manhattan, having brunch with an acquisitions executive at Sony. They’ve been offered a three-album deal. They’ll have a week to make up their minds, but you know what Zane told me? No matter what Andy wants, no matter what Jeremy wants, he’s going to turn it down. Because of you.

No. They can’t do that. Zane’s voice sounds in my head. As much as I want a record deal, I’m not holding my breath. I’d have better odds winning the lottery.

I can’t let them pass this up. Not for me. I can’t live with that hanging over my head. One day, they’re going to look at me, and they’re going to realize that I was never worth the fuss, and I can’t face that look in their eyes. I can’t face their regret.

The front door swings open, and Lucas walks in. When he catches sight of my expression, his eyes turn concerned. “Nina, is everything okay?”

“Yeah.” My voice is barely a whisper. “Everything’s fine.”

“Think about what I said, Nina.” Chris rises to his feet. “Break it off with them. You know it’s the right thing to do.”

Chris Muller is a slimeball who’s never done anything unless it benefited him in some way. The reason he’s here is for his cut of this three-record deal, not because he cares about Zane and Scott.

It doesn’t matter because he’s right.

There is only one thing to do, and that’s to end it with Scott and Zane. Tonight.