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Double Exposure: A Dark MMF Bisexual Romance by Cassandra Dee (12)




She came into my office dressed in a pencil skirt and high heels.

“How’s that filing coming along?” I asked smoothly, expression impassive.  “I hear it’s a mountain of documents.”

Jed said nothing, my partner sitting silent in his chair, although those blue eyes roamed all over Angie’s figure, that sweet curviness so tempting and delicious.  His male body went hard instantly, the big man’s energy radiating tensely from his form.

The brunette started, immediately aware of the hot vibe, the way we both wanted her.  But she was like an unsuspecting lamb in a lion’s den, letting herself quietly into the room.

“It’s good,” said the girl softly, shutting the door behind her with a snick.  “It’s good.”

I cocked an eyebrow.

“Really?  It’s fine?” I asked skeptically.  “That’s a shit ton of work, and I hear you’re doing it all on your own.”

The girl sat down across from me, next to Jed. 

“It’s fine,” she said taking a deep breath.  “Actaully I’m here to talk about something else.”

Both Jed and I braced ourselves.  Oh god, the last two weeks have been fucking awful.  We’d thrown Angie out of our trio, reluctantly, but it had to be done.  Jed had protested at first like a mad dog.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” he growled.  “She’s the best part of this.”

I was seated in his lap at the moment, legs spread and dick pointing straight up.  I wanted his cock in me, desperately wanted it to invade my tight asshole, but Jed had important things to say first.

“Like I said,” he ground out.  “Fuck what people say.  Let her have what she wants.”

I whined slightly, running my asshole over his dicktip.  Jed always feels so good when he’s in my butt, but at the moment, the alpha was holding back.  He knew that I’d do anything he wanted at the moment, and was using it to his advantage.  Again, his glans skated over my anus, teasing and tantalizing, making the pleats clench with anticipation.

“God, fuck man, just do it,” I ground out, panting, leaning forwards.  “Just do it, fuck me with that hard dick, leave the talk for later.”

Jed grunted harshly behind me, grabbing his pole and teasing it against my anus again.  But he ignored my command.

“Like I said, just let her have what she wants,” he ground out.  “Let her get two dicks, what’s wrong with that?”

And this time, I turned, arching my back, looking into those penetrating blue eyes despite the fact that I was two seconds from completion.

“Angie doesn’t know what she wants, asshole,” I ground out myself this time.  “She’s eighteen.  You think she knows what she’s talking about?  Hell no, that little girl would lie down on the highway if we told her to, she wouldn’t care if there were two semis and four trucks coming her way.  She’d tear her own heart out if we told her to.”

That made Jed pause for a moment, but I guess the description persuaded him because with a grunt and a pop, he eased his penis into my hole.

“Unnh!” we both growled, our voices a rising cacophony.  “Unnh!”

But even as we buttfucked, Jed wasn’t done with the issue yet.

“She’s old enough,” he heaved, drilling me deep.  “Angie’s old enough to know what she wants.”

I merely gripped him hard with my anus, making the big man shudder, his dick twitching in my hot inner chamber.

“Naw, she doesn’t know,” I panted back.  “She has no idea what she’s asking for.”

And with that, both of us burst, sperm flying everywhere, mine whizzing in an arc to spatter on the floor as Jed coated my GI tract with his good stuff.  Shit, the sex was fucking amazing, it hadn’t lasted even two minutes, but that’s the thing.  Wouldn’t it be better if Angie were here to catch my semen her mouth?  Or if I was able to spray in that pretty little pussy?  Wouldn’t it be better not to waste, to have that sweet female body with us, the ultimate cum receptacle?

And it seems that Angie wanted to take up the issue now.  Because as she let herself into my office, the brunette was even more beautiful than we remembered, that figure so curvy underneath her office blouse, the skirt hugging her hips tightly, emphasizing that huge butt.

“So what did you want to say?” I asked smoothly, looking at her idly.  Jed, that fucker, wasn’t even bothering to hide his hunger.  Dude was like a ravenous lion, staring at her with lust.   I shot him a warning look because Angie is worth more than both of us put together, and mofo better not mess it up.

The little girl looked between us meaningfully before biting her lip.

“Well,” she began hesitantly, taking a deep breath.  “I wanted to talk to you about us.”

“There is no ‘us,’” I interrupted smoothly.  “There’s a me and him,” I said, nodding at Jed, “but there’s no ‘us,’ girlie.”

Angie looked stricken but she summoned her courage, straightening those narrow shoulders before looking both Jed and I in the eye again.

“There is an us,” she said slowly, her voice low but firm.  “There’s absolutely an us, and I’m not sure why I got boxed out.  I didn’t want it, and I know Jed didn’t either, so it’s you, Brian.  Why me?  Why did you force me out?”

At that, Jed swung blazing blue eyes to look at me as well, the heat so hot that I could feel my eyebrows singe.  But I stayed calm, cool and collected, instead turning back to my lovers.

“Angie baby, you have no idea what you’re talking about,” I said idly, leaning back in my chair like a relaxed lion.  “You have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about.”

But Jed shot me a dirty glance then.

“What he’s saying,” the big man interrupted, “is that we want what’s best for you baby.  And getting mixed up with the likes of us is no good,” he said, that rumble deep and convincing.  “It’s fucked up, it’ll fuck up your life for good.”

She threw us a searching glance.

“Says who?  How, fucked up?  Why do you say that?”

Now, Jed and I both goggled.  Wasn’t it obvious?  Holy shit, weren’t the repercussions obvious?

“Baby, we’re two alpha males,” ground out Jed, those blue eyes like fire all over her curvy tits, making the girl quiver.  “We’ll fuck up your body like you’ve never been fucked-up before.”

I groaned.  Shit, what he was saying was right, but at the same time, it had the opposite effect.  Because Angie immediately sat up in her chair and nodded, breasts heaving.

“But that’s what I want,” she moaned slightly.  “That’s what I want.  See?  Look, this is how much I want you.”

And those little fingers were fast because in an instant, one huge tit was out and beckoning to us, her creamy flesh on display, that pink nipple hard and stiff in the cold office air.

But I made myself sit still, I made myself stay behind my desk although I wanted nothing more than to jump up and devour the sweet, succulent meat.

“Put it back in,” I commanded, rasping harshly.  “Put it back in,” I ground out again.

Angie shook her head stubbornly.

“You’re not the boss of me,” she whispered, bright spots of color on her cheeks.  “You’re not the boss, and I’m not leaving until I get an answer.”

We could hardly focus because at that moment, the girl began stroking her nipple, pulling and tugging, making my dick jump.  But Jed is a better man than me.  I keep making like he’s an asshole, which he is, but in our moment of weakness he rose to the occasion.  Because in one swift movement, his jacket was off and he draped it over the girl so that only her face poked out.

“Like Brian said, baby, if you’re here to get answers, then this isn’t the way to go about it,” he rasped.  “Put that tit back in and talk.  We’ll listen this time.  I promise.”

And slowly, Angie nodded, flushing.  Something moved under the jacket, and when she slid it off, everything was back in its place.

“I didn’t want to do it like that,” she whispered, “But I didn’t feel like there was a choice.”

“Choice for what?” I asked, voice menacing.  “What the hell are you talking about?”

The brunette took a big breath.

“I know you want me for my body,” she said, voice low.  “Don’t pretend you don’t.”

I was just about to say something nasty when Jed stepped in again.

“Of course we want that delectable pussy, never said we didn’t,” he said smoothly, eyes hot.  “But what do you mean?  Where is this all going?”

And the brunette turned wide brown eyes to us then.

“I want to be with you,” she said, shaking her head.  “Can’t you tell?  Can’t you tell?” she repeatedly bitterly.  “I’ve been locked up in that stupid conference room looking at documents, barely even going to class, barely even living because I want to be with you.  So why are you locking me out?  Why did you decide to put me on ice?”

I took a deep breath.  This conversation was so tangled already, the air hot, tension sizzling, and I decided to be straight with her.

“Baby,” I said in a deep voice.  “You think you want to be with us, but do you know what that means?  You’d be with your brother in law, do you know how fucked up that is?”

She shook her head.

“Maybe Hannah got to you first, but she’s gone now, so it’s fine.”

I let out a choked growl.

“Sure she’s gone now, but that doesn’t make it better.  This is a small town, baby, people talk.  People will think you’re a horny slut, getting it on with your sister’s husband.”

“Ex-sister’s husband,” said Angie pointedly.  “Ex.”

I groaned, sitting back.

“Only ex as in she’s in the grave,” I grunted morbidly.  “Not ex as in she’s not your sister anymore.”

Angie looked about to say something, but Jed interrupted then.

“What Brian’s trying to say is that you’re young,” he said smoothly.  “You think you know what you’re getting into, but trust me, you don’t.  An affair with your brother in law?  And his law partner?  And the fact that Brian and I are into each other too?  It’s a triple threat, way too much for a young girl to handle.”

Angie was quiet for a moment.  I thought that maybe Jed had gotten across to her, that despite all the distractions, the boob show, the talk about her pussy, the electricity sizzling in the air, that maybe Angie had gotten into her head just exactly what we were concerned about.

And when she lifted her eyes, I saw it was true but in a completely different way.

“I know what you’re saying,” she acknowledged softly.  “I know why you’d say that.  I wasn’t exactly professional just now, whipping out my assets,” she said flushing a little.  “But you can’t make that choice for me.  The choice is mine, and if I decide that I’m okay with it, who are you to say otherwise?” she asked, shooting us a searching look.

Now this, I didn’t know how to reply.  Because I’d never heard her say straight out she wanted it.  I’d always thought that Angie was caught on the current, caught on a wave of lust and excitement with us, and because she’d been dragged along, I’d made all the decisions for her.

“So let me get this straight,” I said, voice low.  “You want all this?  You want people to know that you’re in a threesome with two men?  Two men who drill each other, one of which used to be married to your sister?”

Slowly, the brunette nodded, eyes wide.

“Don’t make any choices for me Brian,” she replied softly.  “Let me make my own please.”

But I couldn’t accept it.  I couldn’t accept that I’d been so wrong.

“No,” I said flatly.  “No fucking way.  You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

But that’s when Jed leapt into action.

“I dunno about you mofo, but I just heard the girl say yes.  I just heard Angie say she wants us, in no uncertain terms.  And if you don’t want it, then maybe I do.”

I shot my lover a shocked glare.  What the hell?  Where the hell was Jed going with this?  But the blonde man merely grunted again.

“Who says this has to be a threesome?  Maybe Angie and I wanna go it by ourselves.  Maybe you’re the one making this way more complicated than it has to be, and you know what?  I’m not a complicated dude.  So whaddya say Ange?  Me and you, home on the range, just the two of us?”

The brunette looked just as shocked as me, that pink pout opening with no words, eyes astonished.  But Jed merely nodded again.

“Like I said, baby girl, I appreciate those assets,” he rumbled, running a big finger down her cleavage, lightly dipping between those Double Ds.  “If I can get ‘em all to myself, why not?”

And at that, I had it.  This fucker was so fucking twisted, such a fucking asshole.  In a second, I was standing before them and literally grabbing Angie out of his grasp.

“Don’t you fucking touch her,” I snarled.  “Don’t you fucking touch her, you piece of shit.”

Jed didn’t move from where he sat.

“All I said, mofo, is that you don’t have to be a part of it if you don’t want.  I’ll gladly take the goods,” he drawled.

But Angela had had enough of both of us by now.

“Shut up,” she said harshly.  “Shut up.”

We turned to look at her, never expecting to hear cuss words from such a shapely mouth.  It was a turn-on, but completely out of the blue.  I’d always thought Angie was shy, a nubile teen who was finding her way in the world, but shit, was I wrong.  Because she launched into an attack that blistered, making our ears burn and dicks pop.

“Both of you, shut up,” she snapped again.  “I’m so sick of hearing you guys talk about me like I’m not here, making decisions for me.  I want this to be a threesome, get it?  I want all of us part of it, not me and you, or me and him, or the two of you together.  All of us, get it?”

Dumbly, we nodded.

“Not just that,” she raged a little more.  “But I’m totally prepared to handle the consequences.  Sister’s husband?  Check.  Law partner?  Check.  Two male lovers?  Check check.  I got it.  I understand.  I can manage.  So why are we still talking?”

Total silence for a moment.

“I’m with you baby girl,” drawled Jed from his corner.  “I’m with you all the way.”

She whirled on me then.

“What’s your excuse, Brian?” she demanded.  “What’s your reason?”

“There are no excuses,” I began slowly.

“You’re filled with excuses,” she snapped, hands on her hips.  “Now out with it.”

And this time, I was totally sincere.  Holding up my hands, I offered peace.

“Angela,” I began.  “I don’t want to screw up your life.  We don’t want to screw up your life,” I said, throwing a meaningful look at my law partner.  “Jed and I are grown men, we’ve had all sorts of accusations and death threats hurled at us.  You think the criminals we defend are nice people?  Hell no, but we’ve made a decision, we can handle it.  We can handle what people say, that’s our business.  But can you?” I asked searchingly.  “Can you manage, baby?  Because I promise you, it’s not easy.”

The brunette nodded furiously.

“I’ve been telling you all along that I can,” she said in a firm voice.  “I can absolutely handle it.”

I shot her another long look.

“But honey, this is going to be far worse than you ever imagined,” I stated mildly.  “You think the Courtside Club is bad?  Try the entire town talking about you.  Imagine all your friends shutting you down, gossiping and whispering about your ‘male lovers’ plural.  Plus, they still haven’t found out about me and Jed.  It’s gonna be a big fuckin’ pyre, honey, a huge bonfire of ashes.”

The girl was still for a moment, lip trembling, but then she nodded resolutely.

“I can do it,” she breathed, brown eyes wide yet determined.  “I can do it.”

And even though I still had some doubts, I caved.  Everything that I felt for her came rushing to the fore.  Every feeling that I’d kept under wraps, hoping to stifle them, to deprive them of oxygen, came crashing like a tidal wave, and I gave into my deepest desires.  Because I wanted to be in a threesome with Jed and Angie.  I wanted both my lovers to be happy, I wanted the three of us to share, to taste, to cherish, and Angie was telling me that she was ready.  No, more than ready, she was ready to jump head first into the flames.

“One more time, baby girl,” I ground out.  “Now or never.”

And without any hesitation, the brunette answered, rushing into my arms.

“Now,” she murmured, breath hot on my throat.  “With you, Brian and Jed, I’ll always choose now.  There is no never for us.”

And that was absolutely the right answer.  Because Angie, Jed and I are a trio.  We were birthed in the flame of pain, by the horrific actions of her sister, christened by Hannah’s death.  But what’s done is done, and what burst forth from the fire was so much more.  Because we found each other, Jed and I finally expressed the feelings we had for one another, and the emotions we have towards Angie?  They’re absolutely real, one hundred percent sincere.  So although I still have some reservations, they’re of the past now.  I have a beautiful, willing teen on my hands who’s only affirmed again and again that she wants us both, that she’s ready to take us both.  And who am I to say no?  Who am I to judge?  I’m only one man, but with Jed and Angie by my side, I’ll be able to do anything that we set our minds to.