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Dragon Ensnared: A Viking Dragon Fairy Tale (Lords of the Dragon Islands Book 7) by Isadora Montrose (25)



“You don’t mind that Myst will live with us?” Iliana asked anxiously as she and Jareth prepared for bed.

He held the sides of her thin cherry-colored nightgown away from her body and leered at her.“ Where else would she live?” he asked. “This gown is even better than I thought it would be.”


“I like you in this nightgown even more than I thought I would. Your breasts and hips look totally luscious.”

Good to know. “And you don’t mind about Myst?”

“Consider your sister both betrothal gift and wedding present in one, sweetheart. Besides, I don’t think Myst will live with us for long.” He kissed Iliana and she forgot about her newly-found sister.

But when he raised his head to strip off his shirt and pants, she remembered her worry about Myst. “What do you mean she won’t live long? Is she dying?”

“Myst will live a long time, I hope. At least as long as you and I. I only meant that she will probably want to marry and live with her husband.”

“I don’t think she wants a husband. She doesn’t want to be bound to anyone. Particularly after what happened on Bradur.” Iliana turned out the ceiling light and slipped under the bedcovers.

“Brand will be along to claim his bride,” Jareth said calmly.

“What? I thought he was dying! Besides Myst says he only wanted her to be his bed slave.”

“She’s in love with him, isn’t she?” He removed his socks and joined her in the bed.

“She says not.” But in her heart, Iliana doubted her sister’s words. “Jareth, have you had another vision?”

“I think so. In Darius and Freya’s kitchen. Brand will not die. And he will come seeking Myst.”

“Oh. Shouldn’t we tell my sister?”

“Whatever for? We’ll let them find their destiny while we enjoy ours. Now come here and let’s try to make a baby before we go to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow – the Eldest wishes to meet you.”

It was hard not to be anxious about that magic celfone of Jareth’s. He had explained it to her, more than once, but it still seemed like pure sorcery to carry a seeing-stone in your pocket. And although Jareth loved him, his uncle sounded stern and fierce. “I only hope your uncle likes me.”

“He will. Particularly if you are pregnant.”

“You’re teasing me!”

“A little. Uncle Thor will love you. He mainly wishes to thank you for saving my life from the countess – and helping me to gain the use of my talent. I would never have guessed that he has always expected me to be a seer – as he is.”

“Is he?”

“It was not chance that brought me to Severn Island, Iliana, but the Eldest’s command. I believe he sent me to find you. Or my talent. Which comes to the same thing.”


“Really. Also he believed I was in particular peril after I was waylaid by sharks while attempting a night swim for the Navy.”

“Sharks!” Her heart almost stopped. “Why weren’t you eaten?”

“I don’t really know. But I survived. Although I doubt the countess expected me to.”

“She wished to kill you and prevent your talent from maturing. I think that is why she stunted your growth.”

“The Eldest agrees with you,” he said. “So when he had a vision, he dispatched me to Severn Island.”

“To me,” she said happily.

“To you. Not that I think Uncle Thorvald foresaw everything that has happened to us. Certainly not our trip to Hel. But that is the trouble with visions. They do not speak plainly.” He kissed her soundly. “You have no idea what a relief it is to me to know that I am not going insane.”

“Of course you’re not.” She stroked his arm gently. “Whatever gave you such an idea?”

“A lifetime of hallucinations,” he returned dryly.

“Not hallucinations, Jareth, visions corrupted by the evil countess. There is no madness in you, my love.” She was very certain. Had her soul not soared with his? If it had been tainted with insanity, she would have sensed it.

“I’m glad you think so. However, tonight I am mad with lust.”

“Be serious,” she scolded.

“Come kiss me and see if you can make me serious.”

She caught his mood and laughed too. “What if I prefer you full of jokes?”

“Do you?”

“Before you would smile, but underneath you were always sad. Now you are always merry, even when you are most serious. No, that isn’t quite right. That makes you sound foolish. Yet I don’t know how to put it better.”

He pulled her into his arms. “I know what you mean, dear heart. I have always feared every moment that something terrible would happen. And now that weight is lifted from my heart, and I have the incomparable joy of loving you. For the first time since my parents died, I am truly happy and confident my happiness will last.”

“I’m glad.”

“Are you happy?” he asked.

“I have my soul and my sister back. I belong to you, and you to me. You are going to give me a baby and a warm house. I have my heart’s desire,” she assured him. It was true. She had everything she had wished for and more. Because before she had not known that such a feeling as all-encompassing love existed.

“But do you love me?”

“Of course. Did I not tell you so this morning?”

“In the throes of climax.”

“I do not know what this climax is, but I threw nothing,” she assured him solemnly. “But I know that I told you that I loved you, and I will never lie to you.”

But she was talking to a happy fool, for her fated mate was laughing so hard he could scarcely have heard her words. She felt his merriment vibrating through her whole body when he claimed her mouth with his kiss.

Their love enveloped them both in a lasting warmth. She had found her home at last, and tonight they would make a child. A family. “I love you,” she whispered.

“Me too.”

And then she was too busy to think about anything but pleasure.