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Dragon VIP: Malachite (7 Virgin Brides for 7 Weredragon Billionaires Book 1) by Starla Night (15)

Chapter Sixteen

Cheryl was glad to get into the office.

The morning hadn’t been restful. A big, snorting dragon tried to dress her in a coat while she was making a peanut butter sandwich, asking every few seconds if she was ready to go. She’d abandoned her lunch.

Mal had flown her to the office building across the river in a hair-blasting fifteen minutes. It was like having the top down on a convertible airplane.

Going down the glass shaft from the roof was kind of cool. He was careful in the confined space. Then, he opened the window to his office and let her off on the carpet.

The carpet felt familiar and solid under her feet. The office door was open and the sounds of the early morning coffee makers filtered in.

She turned in his arms to thank him for the flight.

His distracted gaze was already looking past her at the mountains of papers on his desk. “Amber wants to speak to you.”

No, she would not be dismissed by him just yet. She put her hand on his forearm. “What’s your plan for me today?”

He tore his gaze away and focused on her. “Get you out of here so I can work.”

His bluntness would get him stabbed with his own letter-opener.

Then again, after the turbulence of the past two days, the ups and downs of finding their places after what they’d shared, sliding back into their familiar roles made sense. He was the growly, work-obsessed CEO, and she was his lowly intern. It was nice. Irresponsible. Comfy.

She still intended to force a real answer from him. “I meant are we meeting for lunch or

“I don’t have time for lunch.”

Of course not. She tightened her grip on his arm. “What time are you taking me home tonight?”

He blinked and focused on her. Good. She had his complete attention. “Late. We have to select a product today. I’ll stay until it’s done.”

“Do you want me to go to my mom’s or

“No.” He put his hand over hers. His wide palm covered her with possessive warmth. “Come to me when you want to leave. I’ll take you.”

Great. That was all she wanted. A plan.

She tugged her hand away to leave him as he requested.

He tugged her back. His eyes flared green, and he kissed her. His tongue stroked the inside of her mouth. She melted into his embrace. His hard arousal pressed like a promise against her waist and his hands sought her skin, wiggling under the hem of her hoodie and T-shirt.

Oh. No getting naked! The office door was open. She arrested his hands and pulled back.

He blinked and then growled. She could almost hear his demand to bare herself.

“Your work,” she said quickly. “And mine. I’ve got to finish my portfolio.”

He wavered and then released her abruptly. “Get out. Before I do more to you to waste our time.”

Well, gosh, she wouldn’t go so far as to call making out a waste. But she hurried to the door before he changed his mind. In the doorway, she glanced back.

Mal slumped in his seat and rubbed his face.

He was so passionate about his work. He loved crushing pressure and impossible deadlines. The stress lines around his eyes, which smoothed when they were together, now crimped the shadows around his eyes.

And then he straightened, putting on the weight of the company and everyone on his shoulders, and reached for the top folder.

She peeked out of his office door. The hall was empty, and the elevator closed. She snuck across the carpet, scurried behind her intern desk, and slouched in her office chair with a sigh.

Had it only been three days since she’d sat here? It felt like longer than a holiday weekend.

She logged into the computer and settled in. Time to steal the company internet to read job applications for after she graduated next week—assuming she passed her last class, of course. She navigated to online job boards.

In another tab, her computer auto-logged into Deviant Art and a chat window from DragonLord C popped up. He wanted to set a meeting.

Well, since today was an ordinary day at the office, she could

“Hello, Cheryl,” Jasper said.

She closed the chat window and greeted her boss.

“How was your final portfolio review?”

“Eh.” She rubbed her forehead. “My professor doesn’t like my art.”

“Oh,” said Jasper.

The silence stretched.

But despite the awkwardness, it was a little easier to talk to him. Apparently, she had a tolerance level for super-hot dragon shifters and immersion exposure to Mal increased her immunity to the others.

“How are you?” She remembered to ask for the first time since starting to work for him.

He didn’t react to the new development. “Busy. We’re trying to decide on the next product to launch. Nothing seems as comfortable as pajamas.”

“You could do hoodies.”

“We did those ages ago when we launched outerwear.”

Her face heated. Had she made a suggestion to her boss? For something they already made? Jeez.

“It was right after you got hired. It was popular.”

At least she hadn’t suggested something that bombed.

He lingered at the edge of her desk, staring at her like he was waiting for her to say something.

She had to set the place for a lunchtime meeting with DragonLord C, but she couldn’t pop up the chat window and slack with her boss standing right in front of her. “Uh, are you waiting for something?”


Another beat passed. He was definitely waiting. But for what? Her shyness started up a slow burn, and she toyed with her tablet stylus.

He spoke. “Did you want a tuxedo mocha?”


“Alex made one for you last week.”

Oh. Yes, he had.

But what was going on?

“I can make you a French vanilla latte, or a peppermint mocha, or a caramel macchiato?” His inflection lifted with the offer.

Although any of those would be delicious, his strange tension made her lose her appetite. She shook her head.

“Anything?” he asked.

She shook her head harder and folded her hands. Something was weird.

Alex approached the desk. “It’s ready.”

“Good,” Jasper said.

At first, she felt relief, because clearly, Alex’s arrival was why Jasper had been waiting. But then the impeccably dressed Alex turned his exotic lavender-and-turquoise eyes on her. “This way.”

She heated everywhere. Without understanding, she fumbled to her feet and followed.

Her boss walked after her, closing off her escape.

Alex led her into the executive suite next to Mal’s. It was the largest, with a more palatial desk, twice as many windows overlooking the scenic parking lot, and a conference table with a giant holograph of their home planet, Draconis, spinning in the middle.

She had a vague notion this office was reserved for the true owner of the corporation: Mal’s mother. The gigantic, golden, aristocratic dragon lady seemed to give them all the shivers; they spoke of her in hushed tones. Even Amber.

In Mal’s mother’s absence, they used the executive office for guests and interviews. Cheryl had had her interview in here. They’d all stared at her without asking a single question. Then they’d brought in Jeanine, who looked at her and said, “What? She’s a college student. Why’d you bring me in here?” And they’d hired her on the spot.

So, now she was kind of, sort of applying to marry Mal, were they going to interview her again?

Oh god. She twisted her fingers in the hem of her hoodie. Please no.

Alex stood beside the grandiose desk. “What do you think?”

It was hard to think anything besides oh crap, oh crap, oh crap.

“I hope you like it. You can change anything to suit your tastes. Color, furnishings. You name it. We can complete the work today. Right, Jasper?”

“Anything but structural changes.” Her boss frowned. “Those require the weekend.”

Wait. What were they saying?

“Only one weekend,” Alex repeated, as though trying to make the best of the delay. “I apologize for our disorganization. Mal’s determination is legendary. However, we did not believe he would succeed in his goal to find a wife so quickly.”

“Yes.” Jasper stood beside the other end of the gigantic desk, forming an elite bookend. “In future, we will have the structural equipment ready and be more responsive.”

Hold the phone.

“Are you saying…” She rubbed her forehead. Her stomach churned. It would be unspeakably embarrassing if she got this wrong. “This office is, um, for… uh…”

“For you?” Alex made the sweeping gesture and smiled with his full charm. “Yes. This is your office now.”

She wavered on her feet. “What?”

“Unless you would like one of ours,” Jasper said.

No. This was crazy. She collapsed on the generous couch, her feet unable to hold her up any longer.

The two dragons stepped forward.

“Are you all right?” Jasper asked with concern.

“Yes. No. I don’t understand.” She stared at the holograph. The red planet rotated like a super-sized Mars. “This office is mine? I’m an intern. Why?”

“You married Mal.”

Okay. Error number one. “But, so, why?”

“You’re now the highest ranked female, so you’re the most important officer in the company.”

“I thought your mom was the matriarch.”

“We’re building her a new office on the next floor. That’s why any structural changes to your office must wait until the weekend.”

“So if she’s still the owner, why am I getting this office?”

“You married Mal.”

Her brain spun so fast she was getting dizzy. “We’re not actually married yet.”

The two dragons looked at each other.

“Aren’t you?” Jasper frowned. “You signed an application.”

“Right. An application. Dragons aren’t married until after the birth of their first kid.”

The two men relaxed.

“You’re married by local laws.” Alex smiled winningly. “That will satisfy our mother until the dragonlet ceremony.”

“Except we’re still not married.” Since Mal had never given her a ring, she barely felt engaged. “We filled out the marriage application. Did anyone turn it in? We still have to speak our vows in front of an officiant.”

“I’ll check on that.” Alex strode from the office so swiftly his impeccable gray coat tails flew behind him.

Jasper remained solemn next to her, giving her the space she needed to process in peace.

So, if she married Mal, then she would shoot above the CEO? She’d be in charge of this corporation and everything in it? The ground lurched beneath her tennis shoes and she rested her head on the plush couch. What a nightmare!

There had to be some mistake. She was just an intern. When she graduated next week, she wouldn’t even have this job anymore, which was why she had to find another one. Preferably in a non-Hallmark, non-greeting card company that paid benefits.

Not that she had anything against Hallmark. She loved Hallmark. They touched people’s hearts and made the world a kinder, happier place. But it was way too competitive for her to land a full-time job with them. Everyone knew that. They might buy one of her designs. Maybe. There was no point in hoping for anything more.

But to go from failing to get a job at Hallmark (which, to her mind, she had already done without ever applying) to running a billionaire-level corporation on an alien planet… oh god. Her stomach lurched again.

She was going to throw up.

Alex returned to the executive office. “I have scheduled an appointment with a Justice of the Peace for twelve o’clock today.”


She straightened, swallowed the acid burning the back of her tongue, and croaked out a protest. “I have plans for lunch.”

He turned. “I will reschedule.”

Thank god. She actually did have plans. So her protest was even true.

Amber, the fire-breathing female dragon, met Alex in the doorway. “Where are you going?”

“I must reschedule Cheryl’s marriage ceremony.”

Her brows darkened.

The males tensed.

“I thought they were already married,” Amber said.

“There is a ritual portion that must be witnessed by a high-ranking member of human society in order for it to be official.”

Her eyes narrowed. Jasper, standing closest to Cheryl, held his breath.

If Cheryl married Mal, then she would rank above all of them, including Amber. How must they feel about losing their places to her? Amber was quiet but clearly the most dangerous. The other males flinched whenever she drew near. She breathed actual fire, and Cheryl had seen her large, frightening dragon form. It was all golden-orange claws and scales and deadly incineration.

How must Amber feel at the prospect of some “rando” intern shoving her out of her proper spot?

Amber started speaking. “See that

Cheryl surged to her feet. “Stop.”

“—it is done,” Amber finished.

Alex sucked in a breath to squeeze past his older sister.

“Wait. Please.” Cheryl held up her hands, arresting him. “Don’t reschedule. Just cancel the appointment. I don’t want to marry Mal.”