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Dragonmark by Sherrilyn Kenyon (24)


Unwilling to lie down and die without a fight, Edilyn ducked as Xyn flew toward her. She ran for the closest thing she had to use for a weapon—an old hoe someone had cast aside before they’d fled for shelter at Xyn’s earlier approach.

Aye, it was only slightly better than throwing her dung-encrusted shoe at the demon, but it was better than nothing. She broke the end of it off over her knee to use the handle as a fighting staff, and stood her ground, prepared to battle to the end. Granted, she’d most likely only be able to soil her opponent’s clothes with her own blood. But by the saints, she’d ruin Xyn’s wardrobe if nothing else!

Yet as Xyn flew in for her, something snatched Edilyn off her feet and cradled her against a solid leathery wall. Her attacker jerked the staff from her hands and cast it to the ground.

Edilyn started to fight until she realized it was Illarion in his dragon’s body, holding her. Stunned, she froze as he carefully landed a few feet away and set her down with a startling gentleness.

Transforming into his male personification, he turned to face his sister with a mask of fury that should have sent Xyn fleeing in terror.

What are you doing? he growled at Xyn.

“Protecting you.”

From what? She’s a harmless human.

Brazen and foolish, his sister laughed out loud. “Bullshit. So long as she lives, she’s a weakness … as I just proved. Now, man up, dumbass. Either let me kill her or you two make nice, and you take her back home and stop your infernal moping.”

I can’t do that.

Xyn snorted dismissively as she closed the distance between them. “Then you have a big-ass problem, don’t you? Yes, yes, you do. ’Cause you can’t leave her out here where your enemies can use her to lure you to her defense any time they want, can you? No, moron, you can’t.” She poked her finger into his chest to emphasize her angry words. “You’re so lucky I’m the one who stumbled upon her when I wasn’t even looking. Because I thought she was you. I mean, hey, I thought it weird you were out and about after I left you curled up and pouting in your cave yesterday, but hey … possible. You could have come to your senses or gotten hungry. Then, lo and behold, the scent I caught a whiff of wasn’t you. Damned if it wasn’t the little sweet-cheeks you were pining for, out on her own, who reeks of you and your unique powers. Voila!” She gestured at Edilyn. “And that has disaster written all over it.”

I hate you. His tone was every bit as sullen as his sister had said.

Xyn reached up and pinched his cheeks together like a mother might do her toddler child. “Hate me all you want, punkin’, just don’t make me have to spank you. I’m getting too old for this shit. And so are you.”

Tilting her head, she met Edilyn’s gaze over Illarion’s shoulder. “Sorry I had to scare you. It was the only way to get Sour Sally out of his hole and show him what an idiot he was being. I swear. Take my word on this. Wise up. Get a girlfriend. Men are so not worth the effort, most days.”

And still Illarion glared at both of them, refusing to reverse his opinion. I can’t trust her.

“Yet you still knew when she was under attack from another dragon and came rushing in to protect her…’cause what? You don’t care at all? Yeah, bud, your actions belie those words.” Xyn rolled her eyes and pressed the palms of her hands to her temples as if she had a massive headache from dealing with him. Honestly, Edilyn knew the feeling.

Though to be fair, it was her own brother who most often gave her that particular look of frustrated agony.

“And you can’t live without her … at least not happily. You’re so screwed, baby. Whatever are you going to do now?” She gestured at Edilyn. “Now turn around and apologize to her. Grovel if you have to. Tell her you’re an ass and take her home where she belongs.”

Edilyn was so confused about their peculiar exchange. And even more perplexed by her own conflicted emotions where Illarion was concerned. While she understood his feelings, she wasn’t too sure she wanted to go back with him.

Not after all this.

She, too, was still angry over what he’d done.

Xyn let out an exasperated breath. “Tell me the truth, Illy. Do you want to be like Max? He’s miserable. He’s celibate,” she said in an evil, demonic tone. “Cranky bastard. Really, is he better off?”

His dragonswan almost killed him.

“Aye, she did. However, your dragonswan is innocent in this, and you know it. She didn’t do anything. Her douche of a brother did it. We all have assholes for relatives.… I’m yours.”

He snorted.

Laughing, Xyn cuffed him on the arm. “You know it’s true. Falcyn’s even worse. One day, you’ll have to introduce them—shudder the horror of that nightmare. He might actually eat her whole.” She playfully wagged her hand between them. “You come into this with a lot more baggage than she does. She only has the one dickhead you’ve already met. You got a whole herd of us. I don’t have a clue how you’re going to explain our mother or Blaise to her. Never mind that thing you call a father. Good luck with that.”

Grinding his teeth, he met Edilyn’s gaze over his shoulder.

Her breath caught at the accusation in his steely gaze.

“I didn’t know Virag was going to do that, Illarion. I would have stopped him from it, had I known.”

At first, he didn’t seem to care. Not until his gaze went to her cheek. Then he moved to stand in front of her. With a feather-light caress, he brushed his fingers against her skin. His eyes darkened to a furious glower.

Who struck you? That calm, deadly tone was even more terrifying than his sister’s earlier attack.

So much so, that she hesitated to answer.

Edilyn? he demanded emphatically. Who dared to lay a hand on you?

Xyn answered for her. “One of the townsmen. He wanted to sample a piece of dragon ass, even if it was cast off.”

He made a sound the likes of which Edilyn had never heard, an instant before he stormed toward the village.

When she started after him, Xyn caught her arm and stopped her. “Let him go. This is a matter of honor.”

“I already took care of it.”

Xyn grinned. “I know. But Illarion is about to take better care of it and ensure that no one ever disrespects you again. Contrary to what you’re thinking, this isn’t about him and his male ego. It’s about your safety and making sure they understand you are never to be threatened or harmed. He’s doing this for you, Edilyn. It’s to ensure that they give you the respect you’re entitled to.”

She turned toward Edilyn and let out a long breath. “My word of advice to you? Think of him from this day forward as a vicious guardian who’s barely restrained. You have at your command your personal house dragon, Lady Edilyn. Not a man. Never lose sight of that. He isn’t human. Never fool yourself into thinking that. That is not his body you see. It was one forced on him by an ancient god and he resents everything about it. The fact that he wears human flesh around you is a miracle and should be cherished for the rarity that it is. I assure you, he doesn’t do it lightly.”

Suddenly, Edilyn heard screams and shouts from the village. Then the sound of large, flapping wings filled the air an instant before Illarion rose up into the sky to return to them.

Xyn let out an irritated laugh and shook her head. “Point made with a flourish.… My brothers are never subtle. But then, neither am I.” She clapped Edilyn on her arm. “By the way, your brother stole Illarion’s dragonstone. It’s what heals him whenever he’s wounded. We need that back. Get it and I won’t cut off your brother’s head. Fail to do so and I’ll send my older brother after him … you don’t want to know what Falcyn will do to retrieve it. He is indeed a bitter, nasty bastard.”

She didn’t have time to comment as Illarion swooped down to pick her up and cradle her in his talons. Edilyn closed her eyes and held her breath so that she couldn’t see how quickly the ground receded under her. Still, she felt it as her stomach sank and heaved. Along with the wind that rushed against her while Illarion climbed higher and higher into the sky.

Her breathing labored, she knew he wouldn’t drop her, but it didn’t stop the overwhelming panic that seared her, through and through. She was not acclimating to this flying business at all.

By the time he returned to his home, she was no happier about it. She was, however, relieved to be back on solid ground. Panting and weak, she stumbled against the wall while he lumbered away.

“Don’t!” she snapped in a sharper tone than she’d meant.

Still in his dragon form, he turned back toward her. Though it was hard to say for certain, she swore he cocked a disbelieving brow at her command. Pardon? There definitely was no mistaking the incredulity of that tone.

Steadying her breath, she straightened. “What did you do in my village? Did you kill him?”

Not sure you want me to answer that. Suffice it to say, they will treat you with the utmost respect should you ever venture there again.…

Or run screaming to the hills.

She let out a pain-filled groan. “Very well. I can’t go home.”

You are home.

No sooner had he spoken than her bow and quiver appeared at her feet, along with the small chest of her clothing that she’d kept in her room.

Her jaw fell open, not just that he’d known they were hers, but that he’d fetched them for her.

Your brother is not welcome here. Nor are you to leave.

“I’m a prisoner?”

I prefer the term protected guest.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!”

Indeed, I am not. Seems you are the nightmare fairy tale of the brave damsel carried off to the dragon’s lair—there to be kept among his treasure and never seen again.

She didn’t appreciate his dry recitation of her situation. Rather, it made her want to kick him. “Is that all I am to you?”

Aye. Another burden I’m charged with caring for and protecting.

Those words stung a painful blow to her heart. “Well then, can I at least have a bath?” She gestured at her filthy clothes.

He jerked his spiny dragon’s chin toward the stairs. Bathroom’s above. Good luck with it.

And with that, he left her alone.

*   *   *

Illarion did his best to pretend he was still alone in his cave. That there wasn’t a bit of feminine fluff naked upstairs in his shower. But he could hear the water running.

Worse, he could imagine it sliding over her voluptuous body and dripping down her breasts. Pooling in the dark hairs at the juncture of her thighs …

Supple thighs that had cradled him. Succored his entire being.

In agony, he rolled to his side and cursed.

Surely, she was doing this to torture him. She had to know he could hear her. That he knew she was naked underneath her clothing and that it drove him mad with lust.

Yes, he was being unreasonable and his random stupidity made no logical sense whatsoever. The truth was, he was too horny to have enough blood left in his brain to think with. And it was all her fault.

Dammit! The scent of her was back and it was worse than before. It permeated his cave. Without the opening he’d made, there was no ventilation whatsoever.

No escape.

She was everywhere!

And before he even realized what he was doing, he’d transformed back into his man’s body and was standing outside the shower where she leaned with her head underneath the flowing water. She was even more beautiful than he’d remembered. Her delectable curves far more lush and inviting.

With a contented sigh, she lifted her head, opened her eyes, and screamed.


Illarion jumped back, but didn’t retreat as she glared at him in fury.

Turning the water off, she grabbed for a towel and covered herself. “What are you doing?”

He backed up as she came out of the water in a soggy huff. Staring.

Her eyes blazing, she tucked the towel in between her breasts. “Well at least you’re honest. Do I want to know why?”

If he’d thought his body was hard before, it was nothing compared with now. Now, he could practically taste her.

It was all he could do not to jerk that towel off and pin her to the wall behind her until he was sated. Only the knowledge that she’d never forgive him for it kept his feet planted and his manners in place.

His breathing ragged, he ran his gaze slowly over the length of her. I think you know the answer to that.

“After the way you insulted me, forget it. Lucifer will sit on icicles before I do that with you again.”

Even if I grovel?

She snorted at his offer. “Do you know how?”

No. He’d never begged for anything. But his sister had been right about how he felt toward his dragonswan. She was a bit different. I might be willing to learn.

Edilyn growled at Illarion’s playful tone. In spite of her anger, he was charming her, especially with that boyish expression. It was hard to remember why it was important to stand her ground. “I’m not the forgiving sort. I can hold grudges for a very long time.”

Good thing I’m immortal, then.

She frowned at something she hadn’t known. “Are you?”

Barring a grisly death. Aye.

“That makes no sense.”

He quirked a beguiling grin. There are a few beings and things that can kill me. But save for those handful of catastrophes, I’m immortal.

“Is that what you meant when you said that dragons wait for their deaths?”

He nodded.

Sad, but at the same time … “That is incredible that you can live for so long.”

Not really. Rather boring after a few thousand years.

“You sound like my brother.”

Is that why he stole my stone? Was he hoping I’d kill him and end his suffering?

“Nay, that’s mostly because he’s an idiot.”

Finally, we agree on something.

She laughed before she could stop herself. “So … are you really going to keep me as a prisoner?”

I don’t know yet. The risk has to be weighed. I have much here that I can’t afford to have stolen.

“Would it make you feel better if I told you there’s only one thing in this entire cavern that I have any interest in stealing?”

Depends on what it is.

She moved to stand in front of him, where she placed her hand against the center of his chest. Then, she looked up at him from beneath her lashes. “Your heart, my lord dragon. There’s nothing else here that holds any interest for me. Though at present, when you treat me with such disregard, I’d much rather carve it out and eat it. But in time, I’m sure my anger will subside and again I will find you the sweet dragon I thought you were. That is the one whose heart I crave to hold and keep safe.”

His breathing turned ragged. When you say such things, I want to believe you.

“You can. I promise. After all, you are a huge, giant beast of a dragon and I’m one unarmed woman. What could I ever do to harm you?”

He laughed bitterly. Your actions have already cut me deeper than any blade. Others left scars on my body. But when I thought you’d helped your brother against me … it scarred my soul. Cut me deeper than any battle wound or insult. After all, the deadliest wounds aren’t the wounds you see, Edilyn. They’re the ones that bleed internally. And yours was damn near fatal.

Those words brought tears to her eyes as she fisted her hand in his tunic. “Then you should know that I could never be such a duplicitous creature. I don’t work in secret. That’s not my nature. When I’m angry, you will have no doubt of it. For like you, I rain down my wrath for all to see. And I can hide it from none.” She leaned toward him and impishly wrinkled her nose. “Just ask my brother. He still limps from it.”

Illarion let out a silent laugh as her words finally set his pain to rest. I’ve missed you.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head against his chest as she hugged him. “Missed you, too.”

Closing his eyes, he rested his cheek against the top of her head and inhaled the precious scent of her hair. His rose was ever the sweetest thing he’d ever known. Honestly, he never wanted to let go of her. This was all he ever needed. To be with her and feel like this.

If the price for it was his dragonstone, then he could live with it. He would have made the bargain with her brother. He just wished the kikimora bastard had asked and not taken. It was the theft that set so ill with him.

There was nothing in life he wanted so badly that he’d let it make a thief of him to possess it. Such treachery was beyond his comprehension.

Sadly for his kind, the rest of the world didn’t feel that way. It was why the gods had been forced to use his brethren as guardians throughout the centuries to protect and oversee their sacred objects and ensure their safety. But he didn’t want to think about that right now.

He only wanted to lose himself inside his dragonswan.…

More than that, he wanted to bind himself to her.

Edilyn gasped as Illarion pulled the towel from her body, exposing her to his gaze. There was a light in his eyes that was so ferocious it actually scared her. This was definitely the feral dragon part of him. He literally stalked her and pinned her back against the wall. The kiss he gave her this time was unlike all his previous ones. It was intense and demanding, and it left her breathless—gasping for breath.

More than that, it made the blood rush through her body. He dipped his head to gently tease her breasts, then he was inside her so fast that it stunned her.

He lifted his head to capture her lips as he made love to her furiously. It was raw and consuming. And when he pulled back to meet her gaze she saw the true depth of his emotions.

She lost herself to the vulnerable pain she saw there. Hissing as he thrust against her, she smiled up at him. “Did you really mope in my absence?”

He ground his teeth before he drove himself deep inside her. I grieved every second I was forced to endure without you.

Those words brought tears to her eyes. “You will grieve no more.”

Illarion tightened his grip around her as he buried his face in the crook of her neck and inhaled the scent of her skin. He let it fill his head until he was drunk with it. Her nails dug into the flesh of his back and sent chills over him. She was his sustenance.

Damn, he owed his sister a debt that could never be repaid. Xyn had saved him from his own stupidity. She’d been right. He couldn’t live without his human. Edilyn was his Achilles’ heel.

She, alone, left him vulnerable.

And when Edilyn came a moment later, calling his name, he found a special level of paradise he’d never known existed. Smiling, he kissed her as he found his own release.

Breathless and weak, he picked her up and carried her back to the shower so that they could rinse off.

Edilyn paused as she caught the peculiar expression on Illarion’s face. “What’s on your mind?”


“You look worried?”

Not worried … I was considering something.

She waited for him to elaborate while he gently bathed her. When it didn’t appear he was going to, she prompted him. “And that was…?”

Foolish. Suicidal. All kinds of stupid. Would you be interested?

She laughed, until she realized he was quite serious. “What are you proposing?”

Something forbidden. Something I know I shouldn’t do. It’s an act in the face of the gods that will defy them and piss them off to no uncertain end. And yet I don’t give a shit. It would ensure that I never lose you. That we are forever bound together. It would make you forever my dragonswan.

“I thought you said only the gods could bind us.”

There is another who can do it. If he can be persuaded, and he does owe me a favor. But I won’t ask it unless you’re in full accord. Because once this is done, there’s no way to undo it. We would be forever linked. My life force to yours. A single strand of life.

“I’d be able to have your children?”

He nodded.

“No one could divide us?”

Not even death. But my enemies could use that bond to track you down and use you against me, as you would become the deepest part of me. Indistinguishable from my soul.

She reached up to cup his cheek. “Don’t look so fretful, my dragonswain. The irony is that I may not have been dreaming of this, but you are everything I wanted for my future. You will bring me into your world and I will show you mine. Humans aren’t as bad as you think us.”

You’re sure?


Then I will go to Savitar alone and ask.

Edilyn frowned at that as trepidation filled her. “Alone? Why? Should I not be with you?”

Definitely not. He set fire to the last beast who asked this of him. In the event he has another similar hissy fit, I’d rather be the only one he comes after. I’m harder to set ablaze than you are.