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Dreamweaver (Hell Yeah!) by Sable Hunter, The Hell Yeah! Series (9)




“Don’t look at me like that, I’m happy.” Pepper faced her four brothers across the kitchen bar. They looked like a quartet of sullen tomcats, wanting to snarl and show their claws to something, but lacking the proper prey to latch onto.

“I just don’t trust him, sweetie. He’s a musician.” Heath’s familiar complaint didn’t surprise Pepper.

“I know.” She covered his hand with hers. “He may be a musician, but he has a heart like you. Big. Protective.”

“What’s been going on with him these past few months?” Philip asked, having a clearer insight into what had been going on with Pepper than his brothers did.

She wouldn’t give away Judah’s secret, not until he was ready to do so. “He’s very protective of me.”

Philip didn’t look as if her explanation appeased him, but he left it alone.

“If he mistreats you in any way, the man is going to have to answer to me,” Jaxson stated emphatically.

“Same here,” Ten growled. “I don’t trust him. What’s with this fake marriage you were telling Heath about?”

“It was just for show, to keep them both safe from groupies and stalkers.” This was the cleanest, vaguest explanation she could think of without telling more than she was ready to. “You’ll probably see some speculation about it on television in the next week or so, just ignore it. Most of what you see in the media is gossip, anyway.”

“Well, I don’t like it,” Heath said flatly. “I don’t know him and I don’t trust him. Not with you.”

Pepper refused to be intimidated. “Well, let’s see what we can do to change your mind. You won’t be able to know him until you spend some time with him.” She surveyed her brothers, one by one. “I’ve invited him to supper. If his schedule allows, he’ll be here.”

“Gol-darned.” Heath squirmed in his chair. Only Cato’s appearance in the doorway pacified him. When she gave him a serene smile, he relented, “All right, shit. Invite the pretty boy to supper and we’ll make nice.”

“He might not be our only guest,” Ten informed them. “Gillian’s bunch stayed in Austin last night and I’ve invited them here.”

Pepper jumped up. “I’d better start cooking.”

“No, no. Just wait a minute.” Ten calmed her down. “Only Rowan and Clint can come. The rest have commitments and Clint has volunteered to bring ribs and sides from the Salt Lick. The only thing we need to provide is an appetite and dessert.”

Pepper let out a relieved breath. “All right. I can handle dessert.” She felt a tingle of anticipation at the evening to come. “Just think, not long ago, we didn’t even know Clint, Rowan, and their family existed.” She also had no idea she’d ever be with Judah again. “Life can take some amazing twists and turns, can’t it?”

Philip stepped up to hug his little sister. “Yes, it can certainly throw you for a loop. Just remember, you don’t have to face anything alone. You’re a McCoy.”

“I know.” She hugged her brother back, then went to the kitchen to see what she could whip up for the evening meal.

…Judah wiped the sweat from his brow with a hand towel that he promptly tossed into a hamper on the far side of his dressing room. The rehearsal had gone well. He grabbed a pad and pen from a nearby table and began jotting down a few notes for lyrics. His heart and mind was full of Pepper. Words and melodies were clamoring to find their way into a song. He wanted to write the greatest love ballad in the history of music.

“Hey, loser, don’t count your chickens before they hatch. You’re not out of the woods yet. You’re still crazy. She’ll catch on. Happiness is not for you.”

“Shut-up!” Judah hissed at the arrogant Keurig coffee maker that was glaring at him with its steely eye. “You don’t know what you’re talking about!”

“Talking to the appliances again, Screwball?”

Judah glared at Ivana. “What do you want?”

“Where’s Goldilocks? Are you two chummy again?”

Rising from his chair to make a cup of coffee, he mentally dared the Keurig to taunt him again. He wanted to tell Ivana that he and Pepper were in love, but he held his tongue. “That’s none of your business, Miss Paul.” For some stupid reason, he’d halfway expected his symptoms to have disappeared overnight. How could they exist in the same plane as his happiness with Pepper?

“It is my business. The world thinks we’re husband and wife! What if they find out the truth?”

He spared the leather clad harpy a glance. She might be a pretty girl if she didn’t wear so much makeup. Ivana Paul was hard and cold. “If you’re going to market yourself to prepubescent girls, maybe you should clean up your act and quit putting yourself in impossible, risqué positions.”

“You listen to me, James! I’m going to tell my uncle what you’re up to. You either maintain our front or I’ll expose your insanity. Do you hear me?”

“Hell, anyone who could hear you screeching like a banshee would know you’re the crazy one.” He shuddered at the idea of spending a lifetime with her. An asylum would be preferable. “All I can say is that you should begin to make other arrangements. I can change record labels anytime I want. Your uncle Mickey isn’t the only game in town.”

She huffed out the door and Judah leaned a hand against the wall, staring blankly into space.


* * *

 “How’s Hawaii?” Pepper asked as she took two cherry pies from the oven.

“Beautiful. I love Samson and Gideon’s parents. They are so much fun. We’re having a luau tonight and I’m going parasailing tomorrow.”

“Sounds like paradise,” Pepper laughed. “We’re having Clint and Rowan for dinner tonight.”

“You are?” Ryder exclaimed. “I want to be here and I want to be there! I’m torn! I can’t believe we have more family. As soon as we get back, I’m going to plan a family dinner at Falconhead.”

“Judah and I will help you.”

“Oh, is it Judah and I now?” Ryder teased. “That’s what I was going to ask you next. What happened with the two of you?”

“Well, it’s a long story. One I’d rather tell you when you get back.” She sighed happily. “Bottom line. We’re together.”

“Yay!” Pepper grinned at her sister’s ebullient outburst. “I’m so happy for you!” In the next heartbeat, she asked, “What about that Paul woman?”

“Oh, it was some Hollywood type arrangement, just a cover-story. They aren’t really together. I walked in on her with another woman.”

“Honestly?” Ryder exclaimed. “I’m certainly not one to judge…”

“No, Mrs. Ménage-a-trois, I know you aren’t. She was using Judah to protect her image.”

“I can understand that, but why would Judah go along with it?”

Pepper folded a dishtowel and put it to one side. “To protect me, I think.” She knew her sister had questions, but she didn’t want to get into it over the phone. “I’ll explain everything over nachos and margaritas when you come home.”

“That’s a deal, I’ll hold you to it.”

After they ended the call, Pepper retired to her room, anxious to learn all she could about the disease holding Judah in its grasp.

…A rap on her bedroom door caused Pepper to jump. “Come in!” She rubbed her eyes, she’d been at this for hours. Her head was spinning, she’d made pages and pages of notes. What she’d learned didn’t scare her, but now she knew a little better what Judah was facing.

“Want some company?” Molly joined her with a baby in each arm. “These two are missing their Aunt Pepper.”

“Oh, they are?” She held out her hands and accepted Ella. “Hey, beautiful.” She kissed a velvety baby cheek, then leaned over to kiss Ava. “How’s our babies?”

Both little girls were all coos and bubbles. Molly sat down beside her and they each cuddled a baby, just enjoying the warmth and peace of being together. “Ten’s worried about you.”

“Oh, he shouldn’t be.” Pepper shook her head, her blonde hair bouncing. “I’m happier than ever. You know how I’ve longed for Judah.”

“I told him this was what you wanted, what you needed.” Molly glanced up at the computer and read the title of the article on the screen. “How Some People With Schizophrenia Thrive. Is that for school?”

Pepper hesitated, then bowed her head. She didn’t want to betray Judah, but she needed someone to talk to and she knew she could trust Molly with her life. “No. This is what Judah’s been going through.”

Molly didn’t flinch, jump up, or go off on a tirade. She placed her baby on her shoulder and began to rub its back. “He has accomplished many things. Your Judah must be very strong.”

With an exhale of relief, she let the balm of Molly’s words settle over her. “Exactly. Thank you for saying that. I just found out yesterday and he’s struggling with his career and with this…and with me, trying to juggle it all and make sense out of it.”

Molly laid Ava down on the bed next to her and took Ella from Pepper’s arms. “My mother lost her life to depression. She was never diagnosed with any type of disorder, but we were poor and just fighting to survive.”

Pepper felt her heart race in her breast. “Your mother committed suicide. I don’t think Judah…”

“No.” Molly raised one hand, even as her other rested on both babies. “I’m not saying that, I just mean that there’s help to be had, times have changed.”

“He’s getting help, he’s taking medication. I just want to know all I can.” Pepper bowed her head. “I love him so much. I don’t want him to be hurt.”

“I know you don’t.” Molly rubbed Pepper’s back. “I don’t want you to be hurt either.”

Pepper wiped her eyes. “What would hurt me more than anything is to be out of his life.”

“If you need anything. Anytime. You come to me. Okay?” Molly rose and gathered her children. “Ten said that the Wilder brothers will be here within the hour. Cato and I are going on down to set the table and get ready.”

“Thank you.” Pepper brushed a finger on Ava’s round chunky arm. “They’re so soft, sweet, and happy. They don’t have a worry in the world, do they?”

“Nope. Their family is going to take care of them.” She kissed Pepper’s cheek. “Just like the family is here to take care of you.”

Once Molly was gone, Pepper shut her laptop and gathered her notes. She still had more work to do. By the time this was over, she’d know everything there was to know about what Judah had to contend with. Some people battled diabetes, some battled blindness, there were myriad kinds of mountains that people had to climb. She just had to make sure Judah realized he was not in this alone.

…After taking his meds, Judah felt confident enough to strike out to Highlands on his own. He’d talked to his therapist and Dr. Jergen seemed fairly satisfied with his progress. Opening up about Pepper was cathartic, he admitted that her presence soothed him. On the way out of the city, he’d seen a billboard advertising the new Beauty and the Beast film. He’d been struck by the notion that Pepper was Belle and he was the beast. She accepted him, she soothed him, she made his existence worthwhile.

As his Challenger ate up the miles northward, he considered what he was about to do. Was he being fair to her? If he’d never run into her, literally, at Jimmy’s New Year’s Eve party, he wouldn’t be heading for supper with her family. He wouldn’t have held her in his arms last night, he wouldn’t have this hope burning in his chest that he could live like any other man – with a home, a family…a wife. But once he touched her, once he held her in his arms again, this unrelenting dream wouldn’t let go.

He wanted forever…with Penelope Elizabeth McCoy.

…At Highlands, Pepper poured iced tea into tall amber glasses. She did a quick calculation in her head: Heath, Cato, Ten, Molly, Jaxson was out of pocket, Philip was absent too. Ryder and her guys were still in Hawaii, so it was four, plus Judah, and the Wilder boys. Seven. “Oh, and me makes eight.” She took down another glass to fill.

“Pepper! They’re here!” Ten called from the doorway.

“Okay.” She assumed he meant the cousins. “I’ll be right there.” Grabbing her phone, she shot off Judah a quick text.

I hope you’re on your way. Jaxson and Philip are out of town, but the hard sells are here, Heath and Tennessee. When you arrive, don’t be surprised to find that there are two more guests. Cousins. We’re just now getting acquainted with them. I’ll explain later. Be glad of their presence, it will take some of the focus off us.

After hitting send, she hurried to greet their guests.

“My this isn’t what I was expecting,” Rowan muttered as he greeted each of his Highland cousins. “This house looks like it came from the pages of Gone With The Wind.”

Ten took Clint and Rowan’s coats as they passed on the food they’d brought along to Molly and Cato. “I understand. We built this home to honor our mother. It’s a replica of her childhood home, Belle Chasse. We were all raised there. Belle Chasse was destroyed in Katrina, years ago.”

“I love it.” Rowan assured them.

“I think we were expecting the house to look more like Tebow.” Clint explained. “Don’t get me wrong, both homes are beautiful. Quite the step up from where we hail from.”

Pepper noticed that Rowan cut Clint a quick glance that clearly told him to change the subject. “Well, I’m just glad you’re both here.” She stood back with her hands folded. “Could I get anyone a cocktail? We’re just waiting for one more guest to arrive.”

“No problem.” Rowan followed her to the wet bar near the fire place. “I’ll take a shot of Scotch if you have it.”

“Coming right up.” She took out a shot glass and splashed in some amber liquid. “According to our cousin, Aron, this is the good stuff.”

“Looks like it.” He accepted the liquor.

“Clint?” she asked her other cousin, whose shoulders seemed too broad for the doorway.

“I’m good, thanks. I’m in training.”

She nodded, understanding. “Ryder and her family are in Hawaii on vacation. Philip has business in Austin and Jaxson had a previous commitment at the hospital where he does some work with a support group.”

“We’re just excited to spend time with any of you,” Rowan offered. “This is as new to us as it is to you. I think Mother knew about it for a month or so, but she kept it from us…until the last minute.”

“Yes, this was quite a surprise. You know, it wasn’t very many months ago, we were introduced to the Tebow McCoys. I’m sure we’ll all be one happy family soon.”

Clint said nothing, he just walked away. Ten saw him go and followed him. Heath came up to Rowan and invited him to look out the window. “I hear you raise horses, I thought after dinner we could go out in the stable and I’ll show you some of my beauties.”

“I’d love to see them. My set up is nothing like this, but I’m proud of it. I have a trainer who works with horses, her name is Sarah. She’s amazing. People bring in problem horses and she works a miracle.”

“We’d love to come visit. You name the day and we’ll be there,” Heath assured him.

Pepper felt a vibration in the pocket of her skirt. Taking out her phone, she discovered a text from Judah.

No problem on the extras, I’ll be glad not to be the total focus too. By the way, I’ll be there in five.

With a smile, she took off toward the front. On the way, she passed Clint and Ten, talking in front of the fireplace.

“We haven’t always had it easy, Clint. Losing our home and our mother was no picnic.”

“Maybe not, but at least you didn’t have a father like ours.”

Pepper didn’t stop, she could tell the discussion was fairly intense. She wondered about Clint’s comment. She knew, in time, they’d know more about their relatives. Right now, all she wanted to do was get to the front door and find Judah.

…He’d no more than parked, before the front door was opened and Pepper came running out. “Judah! You’re here.” She ran to him and launched herself at him, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him soundly. As she did, she ran her hands over his shoulders and neck. “I just had to make sure this is real. I had such a wonderful time last night and this morning, I was afraid it was a dream.”

Her sweet admission touched him. He knew how she felt, but his need for reassurance of reality ran much deeper. With a twinkle in his eye, he gave her a playful nip on the neck. When she squealed, he kissed it better. “See, real as can be.”

“How did rehearsal go?” She held his hand while they mounted the steps to the wide verandah.

“Good. We’ll probably start recording the next album in a few weeks. So, tell me about these cousins? They aren’t from Tebow?”

“No.” She stopped Judah on the last step. “My dad had a sister who was kidnapped at six months old. He found her and her six children and introduced them to us at Christmas.”

“Wow, that’s amazing,” Judah said, stunned. “What did Heath and the rest say about my visit tonight?”

Pepper winked at him. “I don’t think they’ll challenge you to a duel, but stick close to me – just in case.”

He chuckled. “Not like I need any incentive, but consider yourself paper and me glue.”

Once they were inside, Pepper could tell it was going to be an interesting evening. She’d just walked through the door when Cato started signing her from across the room.

We may need a referee. Ten and Clint don’t see eye to eye.

“All right.” She nodded, wiggling her finger to get her sister-in-law to come say hello to Judah.

“Hey, I’m glad you could come. I told Heath he had to be nice to you or else.”

Judah sized up Cato. She wasn’t big, but she had this certain light in her eye. “I appreciate it, I know I wouldn’t cross you.”

Hearing the raised voices, Pepper took Judah by the hand and led him to the den. “We’re going in, watch for incoming fire.”

She didn’t have to get any closer before she could make out what they were saying.

“Yes, this ranch once belonged to Grandpa Isaac, but the energy company, the resort, and the windfarm are recent acquisitions. And Tebow wasn’t McCoy property, it came from their mother’s side of the family.”

It surprised Pepper to find Tennessee trying to explain the family holdings.

“All I’m saying is that I think my mom got cheated somewhere. Seems to me like our family is all well-off and she’s done without all her life.”

Heath stepped in about that time and surprised Pepper with his calm logic. “Clint, I can assure you that we will address any of your mother’s concerns. We’re anxious to mend the broken family ties. All right?”

Clint nodded his head. “I don’t want anything, personally, understand. I just signed a big contract. I’m set and I’ll take care of her. But if she’s been cheated out of anything that rightfully belongs to her, I think she should have it.”

“Her separation from the family was tragic,” Pepper spoke up, still holding Judah’s hand tightly. “She was taken from her home, but that home also split in half. A husband and a wife blamed one another so deeply and bitterly that they divorced and the two remaining children, the brothers, didn’t see one another again for over fifty years.”

Rowan moved near to his brother. “Hey, we’re here for food and fellowship. Let’s take these matters up another time, shall we?”

Clint nodded and Pepper took the opportunity to introduce Judah. “Clint, Rowan, this is my friend Judah James. Judah, these are my cousins, Clint and Rowan Wilder.”

Rowan held out his hand to Judah. “Hey, I know you. You’re the singer. Shiloh. Right?”

Judah gave Pepper a sidewise glance. “I am and Pepper’s shy, I’m her boyfriend.” He shook Clint’s hand and then Rowan’s. “It’s good to meet you.”

Clint narrowed his eyes. “I thought you were married to your backup singer. What’s her name? Ivanka...”

“Ivana,” Pepper corrected before Judah could say anything. “They’ve been…separated for a while.”

“This is your family, Pepper. We can tell them.” He placed an arm around her shoulders. “There never was a marriage, it was a Hollywood-style fabrication to discourage attention and innuendo.”

“Really?” Rowan asked. “How often does that happen?”

Heath stepped in, apparently tired of the subject. “Hey, I’m starved. Let’s eat.”

Pepper was a bit relieved too. When they arrived in the kitchen, Molly had everything ready. “Welcome.” She came to greet them. “I’m thrilled you could come. The food you brought looks incredible.”

Over the next hour, they all made polite conversation. There were some questions for Judah about his career, but no grilling as Pepper had feared. Most of the time was spent getting to know the Wilders. They learned that Gillian had been divorced from her husband, the father of her children for almost two decades. Clint, obviously, retained a great deal of anger about it. Rowan seemed more at peace with everything. He and Heath hit it off and after dessert, they made their way out to inspect the horses. Once Ten engaged Clint in a discussion about football, the rest of the evening was smooth sailing.

To Pepper’s delight, Judah joined her, Molly, and Cato in the kitchen to do dishes. The girls enjoyed teasing him, begging for stories about other celebrities and places he’d been. Seeing him laugh and talk, just did her heart good. She’d have to remember to thank Molly and Cato, they made him feel completely at ease.

When they finished, she eased up to him. “Hey, it’s too cold to go for a moonlight ride. How about we go parking?”

“Parking? Like necking?” He was immediately intrigued and immediately aroused.

“Yea, let’s slip out while everyone is otherwise occupied. I know the perfect place.” As they were finding their coats, she spotted Cato and sent her a message, signing with her hands.

We’re going for a drive. If anyone asks, tell them I’ll be back soon.

Cato gave her an okay sign.

Finding the air to be nippy, they raced to the car. Once they arrived, Judah went to open the door for Pepper and found a man already sitting in the seat. A rough-looking character who looked to be in his mid-twenties, complete with a torn T-shirt and a prison tattoo. “Hey, who are you?”

“I’m your worst nightmare, James,” the man sneered at Judah.

“Get out of my car, jerk!” He reached to grab the intruder and his hand closed over…nothing.

Mortified. Humiliated, Judah backed up, shutting the door without seating Pepper. “Maybe, you should just go back in.”

Pepper didn’t have to be told what happened, he’d seen someone. Someone who wasn’t there. “No, it’s fine.” She touched his arm. “I understand. I want to be with you. Please.”

He jerked the door open and waited while she climbed in, then he walked around the back of the car and slammed his fist on the trunk.

Seeing his distress, Pepper was afraid he wouldn’t talk to her. She gave him a few minutes, before she started to get out and go to him. She’d just opened the door, when he relented and came to sit behind the wheel. “I’m sorry,” he told her.

“Don’t be, this is part of your life and I want to be a part of it too.” She laid her head on his shoulder and felt him stiffen. “Stop it. I did a lot of reading today.”

Judah groaned, “God, I don’t want to be a subject of study, I want to be the man you’re attracted to, the man you want to be with.”

“You are,” Pepper insisted. “I just want to understand.”

Judah cranked the car. “Where are we going?”

“A bluff overlooking Lake Buchanan.” She gave him directions. “It’s not far and still on Highland property.”

They rode in silence. Judah didn’t know why he felt embarrassed, it wasn’t like she didn’t know about his problem. Somehow, he just thought it wouldn’t happen around her. He wanted to keep everything compartmentalized – Pepper apart from his lunacy. “I’m sorry,” he finally said. Telling her what he’d been thinking, he confessed, “I didn’t think it would happen with you.”

Pepper felt like she might cry. She searched for the right words to say. “Don’t you dare apologize. I love you. I love everything about you. I don’t know why this is a part of you, but it is. And because it is, I embrace this. I want to share it with you. You don’t have to deny it, or hide it, or ignore it. As long as we’re together, Judah, we can deal with anything.”

Judah found the spot she’d chosen. It was a beautiful view. The moon and a thousand stars were reflected in the still, placid waters. The distant landscape was a study in light and shadow where the hills rolled and the trees grew on the sides of steep embankments. The limestone shone white in the moonlight and the river looked like a ribbon of cobalt blue.

Once he put the car in park and turned the engine off, he hit the power button so he could place the car in the accessory mode to play the radio on low and keep the interior lights burning. “I want to be able to see you,” he explained as he took Pepper’s hand and brought it to his lips. “I’m so torn, pulled between wanting you more than my next breath and needing to protect you from this ugliness.”

“It’s not ugliness. I read a gazillion articles today and I found out how many different conditions are labeled schizophrenia. You have a few of the positive symptoms, but none of the negative ones like depression or paranoia. I know what you see and hear unsettles you, but who’s to know where it comes from? I think it’s just part of you. I have thoughts and worries and demons, if you will, that plague me about what I should or shouldn’t do, about mistakes I’ve made or the wrong direction I might be headed. With you, I think similar type thoughts and concerns manifest themselves outside of your mind, almost like an illustration.”

Judah groaned, “Please don’t try to whitewash my affliction.”

“No, listen.” She unfastened her seatbelt and went to her knees so she could lean closer to him. Placing a hand on the side of his face, she urged him to look at her. “Who’s to say what’s possible? Who’s to say what’s normal? How do we know what’s truly better, how you are, or how I am?”

Hearing her argue his case before a jury of one, he relented and pushed his seat all the way back in one swift move. Then he pulled her to him, enfolding her in a crushing embrace as she straddled his lap, her knees on either side of his hips. “If I wasn’t already crazy, you’d drive me insane. You make me want too much. Hell, to hear you talk, what I am is preferable to what other men are that you’ve known.”

Pepper pressed her face into the crease of his neck and melted against him. “I firmly believe that to be so, with all my heart.” She lay against him as he stroked her arms and back. “I know it’s not the same thing at all, but I’ve never felt as capable and worthwhile as my brothers and sister. They all have goals and talents. I’m a throwback, I should’ve lived in the fifties when women were expected to keep house and raise children. If you’ve ever seen the Nostalgia channel, you know I’m more Donna Reed than Wonder Woman.”

“Stop it,” Judah whispered. “You’re brilliant, beautiful, and kind. You’re my ideal.”

Pepper clung to him, absorbing his strength and offering him hers. “You’ll never know how safe you make me feel. I know nothing can ever hurt me when you’re around.”

“I would protect you with my life. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Pepper. The very best.”

He showered a gentle rain of kisses over her face – her cheeks, her forehead, her eyelids. When his mouth came near to hers, she claimed it, joining their lips and kissing him with all the love in her heart. He was aroused, she could feel how big and hard he was beneath her. “Could I…?”

“Could you what?”

She moved from his lap back to her seat and went to her knees, leaning over the console. Placing her hand over his lap, she rested it on the swollen ridge of his cock. “This. May I?”

“God, yes.” He closed his eyes and tipped his seat farther back.

Pepper could scarcely believe what she was about to do. She’d never done it before, but he needed her and she wanted to show him how wonderful she thought he was. Hopefully those Sable Hunter books of Avery’s and the few videos she’d seen on the internet would give her enough insight to not make a fool of herself.

Her heart hammered in her chest as she looked at him. God, he was perfect. Lying there like every woman’s dream, his beautiful face, sexy hair, and that mind-blowing body. Glancing into his lap, she could see his erection swelling against his jeans. With unsure hands, she unbuttoned them, noticing how his breathing sharpened and his body tensed. This pleased Pepper, she enjoyed knowing she could excite him this way. Once she lowered the zipper, the hard, pink flesh rose to meet her hand. “No underwear?”

A chuckle fell from Judah’s lips. “I like the freedom.”

“I like it too, it’s sexy as hell.”

Judah felt his cock grow harder and he groaned as she pried it free of his jeans. With wonder, he studied her face as she studied him. Even though they’d made love twice, this was the first time she’d inspected him up close and personal. “Do you like what you see?”

His unabashed query made Pepper hot and wet. “Very much.” She caressed him, rubbing her thumb over the velvety soft head. Truly, this was the most erotic and sensual thing she could ever imagine doing. She held him in her palm, slowly sliding it up and down. The veins stood out under the silky skin and he was long and thick. “How do we manage to get all this inside of me?”

“Very carefully,” he teased as she petted him, his breath coming faster with every pass of her small hand. “I’m going to come in your hand, baby,” he warned her.

“Well, I guess I’d better get on with this.” Lowering her head, she covered the tip of his cock with her mouth. Judah’s whole body jerked and he groaned. Pepper smiled around his girth, liking that he was finding pleasure at her touch. As she swirled her tongue around the head, she analyzed his flavor. Salt. Spice. Musk. Her imagination hadn’t been sufficient to prepare her for what having him in her mouth would be like.

She decided she liked it.

Sliding him deeper, she relished the sense of power it gave her. As she moved her mouth up and down, Judah pushed his hips up and his moan of ecstasy filled the car. When she pushed down or raised up, his hips followed, unwilling to lose even an iota of contact. His hand wound in her hair and hers were busy stroking the length of his cock that she couldn’t fit in her mouth. Pepper found herself so turned on by the act, each stroke of her tongue and lips over his shaft brought her closer to coming.

“Faster, baby. Suck harder.” He tugged on her hair, urging her on, his hips pumping upward, propelling his thick cock deeper down her throat in an erotic rhythm with every dip and pull of her mouth.

Judah closed his eyes in bliss. “God, I’m going to come,” he groaned in a voice so sexy, Pepper had to reach between her own legs to rub her demanding clit. Wanting to give him everything he needed, she moved her mouth faster and faster, taking him deeper every time.

“Oh, God. Fuck, yea,” he growled, his hand moving down to hold the nape of her neck. With one hard thrust of his hips, he came hard, his cum shooting across her tongue. As she swallowed, she looked up and found him watching her with a blazing intensity.

“Pepper,” he whispered, “You are so…”

Before he could finish his sentence, the car rocked and a low, bellowing rumble sounded outside the window.

“What the hell?” Judah yelled.

Rising to sit on her heels, Pepper lowered her window and a curious cow poked her head in and let out a plaintive moo.

“God, please tell me you can see that cow.”

Pepper couldn’t help it, she laughed. “Yes, Judah, I can see the cow. We’ve been discovered.” She pushed on the big bovine’s head. “No, I don’t have any nuggets. Go on, we’re busy.”

Judah let out a sigh of pure happiness. Pepper probably didn’t even realize that her sweet acceptance of him and his weaknesses could very well be his salvation.





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