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End Game: A Gamer Romance by Lisa Swallow (35)


I stumble through the Sydney Airport arrivals area, glad I decided on carry-on luggage only. Finding my way to the exit is challenge enough without negotiating baggage claim too. Reaching the ripe age of twenty-one before taking my debut flight embarrasses me a little and freaks me out more. Aaron’s promised to meet me at the airport; I’m relieved, unable to face negotiating taxis or buses, or however the hell I travel to where he lives.

I scan the large hall as I head out into the main concourse, following the trail of people walking who have purpose—and know where they’re going. I borrowed Erin’s small, black travel case which fitted in all I need, considering my lack of wardrobe. I repacked five times, which is ridiculous since I’m only staying for a long weekend.

My laptop accompanies me too; not as great as my computer for gaming, but a good spare. Erin watched in shock as I packed the laptop, commenting how she doesn’t think gaming is Aaron’s plans for the weekend.

She’s probably right, because it sure as hell isn’t mine, but I can’t sever the game cord that easily.

Aaron’s easy to spot, head and shoulders above people around, arms deep in his heavy green jacket pockets as he watches the flow of people walk through the arrivals door. My throat and chest tighten as I see him, before he meets my eyes, because for the last five hours travelling all I’ve pictured is him, with me.

Resisting the impulse to take part in a movie-worthy moment, I walk rather than run in his direction. He catches sight of me and a huge smile appears. A movie moment suits my Thor-alike though, because he approaches in several strides and scoops me into his powerful arms, lifting me from the floor. I steady my hand on his chest and look down at him, unsure what to do. He makes the decision for me, lips meeting mine in a gentle kiss. My breath’s knocked out by his kiss and by his strength as he squeezes me.

“Hey, Evie.” He drops me to the floor, takes my hand and laces his fingers through. “How was the flight?”

“Yeah.” Every time I see him for the first time in weeks, my infatuation lowers my intellect by 20 points, and when he cups my face to kiss me again, he blocks the Power of Speech too.

“I’m glad you came,” he says.

“I had to—I have a quest.” We both grin and I sweep a gaze over him. “Well, I’m here. Where’s my hat?”

“Not with me. You haven’t earned that reward yet.”

Aaron picks my case up from where it dropped to the floor and holds it in his other hand. He lifts my fingers to kiss them. “Let’s go.”

* * *

Sydney traffic makes Perth rush hour look like a few cars on a country lane; the short drive to Aaron’s house drags as we hit the edge of rush hour. I gaze out of the window, ears blocked from the flight, stomach continuing to flip over and over. I’m in another city. With Aaron. The man with one hand on my knee, and a smile on his face despite the horrible commuter traffic.

Since the plane ticket and request I visit him in Sydney, a new hope rose but with it came confusion and overthinking everything. But this is a step; a sign. It’s better I’m here than if he visited Perth and what else lies there. Aaron hasn’t spoken about Jessica since that day, and I worry he’s compartmentalised his two lives again. Was his talk about accepting that he needs to move on in life sign of a permanent change, or is he not strong enough to manage without being dragged back?

His action in inviting me here suggests he is moving on. Right?

As we arrive and he takes my bag upstairs, Aaron’s opening the door not just to his apartment but to an Aaron I never thought he’d allow me to see.

The apartment is an older property, situated in a low-rise block. His lounge area opens up onto a narrow balcony and beyond the trees and houses below, I can glimpse the bay. I stand in the window, transfixed by the new view, and dizzied by the storming emotions flowing through: excitement sparking happiness.

An open-plan kitchen faces the back of the large room, and a door to the right leads to a bedroom. Aaron lives in easy commuting distance of his employer in the city centre and rents, which figures considering he still has a house in Perth and that Sydney is famed for expensive property. I can’t imagine anybody affording to buy here, not with money tied up elsewhere, unless extremely wealthy.

Listen to me, property aficionado.

I tuck my hands beneath my arms as I gaze out, heart continuing to thump. Am I really here? Am I doing the right thing?

Aaron’s enthusiastic greeting at the airport becomes a familiar hesitancy once we’re inside his home, and when he doesn’t say anything or touch me, I sit on his brown sofa.

“Nice apartment,” I say, at a loss what else to.

“Thanks. I don’t think I’ll stay much longer.”


“Want my own place. Move on. I’m selling the Perth house.”

“Oh. Good. I mean, good that you’re leaving Perth. I mean, uh. Crap. You know what I mean.”

I do.”

I nod and play with the edge of my hoodie. Aaron sits next to me, and the sexual tension that followed us since our first kiss at the airport joins him. Is that why the awkward small talk? We need to reconnect physically first? “I’m glad you came, quest or no quest.”

“I’m happy you invited me,” I say in a low voice. “You surprised me.”

He runs fingers across his lips, his expression unfathomable. “What’s wrong?” I ask.

“You. Here. It’s strange.” The intense look continues.

“Oh.” Shit. Doubts?

“Not like that.” He places a hand on my knee. “People don’t come here; this home is my sanctuary, I guess. To be honest, I rarely sit in this room, apart from the occasional staring out the window when the game’s in maintenance and unplayable.”

“You’re not serious?”

He laughs softly. “Not a hundred percent.”

I look around the room. Basic, flatpack furniture and a solitary sofa. No pictures on the beige wall. The place feels as unlived-in as the house in Perth. Even his kitchen counter is clear.

“Where’s your computer?”

“You want me to show you my rig?” His eyes glint and I shake my head at him. “I game in my bedroom, same as you.”

I want to comment how strange that is considering he has all this space, but understand the need to cocoon that he shares with me.

On the plane, I promised myself I’d talk to Aaron first. Share a drink. Talk about the game or inane things, but as I sit here with my hands in my lap, I’m aware that won’t happen.

All I’m aware of is my body’s memory of Aaron’s hands, mouth, tongue... everything and, to be brutally honest, I really need to get the aching lust sorted. I can’t hold a rational conversation which doesn’t include picturing him naked and ignoring the building ache through my body, and heat growing between my legs. If he touches me, I won’t be responsible for what happens next.

How does this man do these things to me with just his presence?

Um. Look at him, Evie?

“Sure, I’d love to see where you hide out.”

Aaron pushes his hands on his knees and stands before gesturing to the door. “My bedroom’s a little tidier than yours.”

“I’ll soon sort that out.” As soon as the words are out, I bite down on my mouth as his mouth curves into a smile.

“With your clothes everywhere, I hope.”

Oh hell, he’s having exactly the same plans I have.

I swallow, ignoring the ache at the juncture of my thighs, and focus on not being a sex-mad strumpet.

Aaron’s right, his room ranks higher on the tidiness scale than mine ever could. But, being the geek I am, I notice other things first. Such as the size of his computer screen, the expensive branding on his tower. I’m drawn to touch the awesomeness, and knock the mouse in my hurry. The screen flashes into sharp colours, a definition and clarity that blows my computer’s graphics out of the water.

“Whoa,” I whisper and lean closer. “This is amazing.”

“I hope that’s not the most impressive thing you find in this room,” he says.

I ignore his pointed comment and sit on his desk chair, leaning back as the ergonomic seat enfolds me.

“Trust you to have the best of everything.”

Aaron pulls me to his feet. “Almost everything, until today.”

For a moment, we face off, gauging what to do next, and there’s no doubt in either of our minds because what happens next is inevitable. I’m unsure how long it takes for our clothes to hit the floor, or to find our way to his bed. I wouldn’t notice, only aware of his touch exploding fireworks beneath my skin. The naked Aaron I thought of as I drifted to sleep on the plane lies over me, and I’ve never felt more turned on in my life.

More even than the first time, which was joined with trepidation and alcohol. This time, things are more familiar, the guard between us lower.