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Envy: A Dark Billionaire Romance (Empire Sin) by Isabella Starling (12)

11 Beau

“Where are we going?” Lucy asked me for the umpteenth time as I dragged her down the deserted street. “Please, Beau, my feet are getting sore.”

“Be patient, babydoll,” I told her. “We’re almost there.”

With Bryant’s help, I’d gotten the location of a gambling rig’s meeting in the seediest part of the city. He got me the password to go in, but he also told me the meeting wasn’t just for men who wanted to play cards. It was for their toys as well, and the rescue mission I was going to take care of myself suddenly turned into a two-person job. I’d need to take Lucy with me and we had to blend in.

She wore a corset that pushed her tits up so high they were nearly in her face. The corset was black, made from a material that looked and felt wet to the touch. Her small black skirt barely covered her tight little ass adorned with a crystal thong. She wore fishnet stockings with lace at the top, and heels with a red sole that looked uncomfortable as fuck, and had cost me a fortune. She looked delectable, and she also looked scared as fuck as I dragged her down the street.

For the first time since she’d been with me, I’d placed a collar on her perfect long neck. It was a simple one, just black leather with an O-ring I was intending to use in just a little while. Her hair fell in soft waves down her back, and her face had been left makeup free apart from the red lipstick on her mouth. She looked too young to be doing this, and I felt like a dirty fucking pervert parading her down the street like that. But we had business to take care of, and without her, I’d never be let into the gambling lair.

As Bryant had explained, the gambling scene was populated by men who could afford to lose. But what set the Georgians apart was that they always brought women with them. Submissive, drugged, fucked up women, who, for the most part, didn’t have a choice in whether they wanted to be there or not. Lucy had a choice. I’d asked her if she wanted to go, and she’d nodded fiercely. As we walked down the windy street, I wondered if she’d changed her mind yet. She must have been terrified – it was so obvious to see from the way her voice shook, from the way her body trembled. But she tried damn hard to hide it, and I had to give her props for that.

We didn’t stop walking until we reached a wreck of a building. It looked like there used to be a factory there, but now there was nothing but charred ruins and a small wooden building in the back. Someone had burned it down.

I made Lucy follow me towards the smaller building, and once we were almost there, I turned to face her.

“I have to add something to your outfit,” I told her gently, and her eyes widened as I took a chain out of my pocket.

“What’s that?” she asked in a shaky voice. She was terrified, I could tell.

“It’s a leash,” I explained. “It goes right here.”

I clipped it on her collar and her eyes went so wide they bulged. I took a step back to look at her, barely able to hide my erection from her beautiful eyes. She looked fucking perfect like that, the chain firmly linked to her collar and leading right into my hand. There was no way she could get away now, even if she desperately wanted to. But I’d take good care of her. She wouldn’t need to get away.

“One last thing, baby,” I told her, and her eyes snapped back up to mine. She’d been touching the chain, her fingers working every link, waiting, scared.

“What is it?” she asked. Her voice was so fucking small.

“You have to crawl.”

Her eyes. They were like saucers as I placed my hands on her shoulders and forced her down to her knees.

“It’s going to hurt a little,” I told her gently. “But inside will be better. I won’t make you do anything else, don’t worry, babydoll.”

“Okay,” she whispered, and she looked up at me with such divine submission I wanted to fuck her silly right there on the ground. Instead, I just smoothed her pretty blonde hair down and gently led her towards the wooden building. She looked so vulnerable, and every time she winced when her poor knees made contact with the gravel, I hurt for her.

I knocked on the door with my girl at my feet, and a moment later, a stocky, broad-shouldered and heavily tattooed man opened it.

“Who are you?” he barked at me, and I pointed to Lucy at my feet.

“Here for the game,” I said coolly. “My assistant said he told you I’d be coming.”

The big man gave me a suspicious look, barking some directions at the guy next to him, a smaller version of himself. The man checked something off a list, and his boss glared at me before finally nodding once and stepping aside to let me walk in. Thank fucking God for Bryant.

I walked in as confidently as I possibly could, and Lucy crawled in behind me, her eyes wide, her body trembling. She was fucking scared as hell, and I’d never felt guiltier than in that moment, getting her into a dangerous situation. I hated her being in the midst of all that danger, and I hated myself for bringing her there.

“Hello,” I said lamely, and just as the words left my mouth, I experienced the inside of the building fully.

It was a madhouse. A madhouse of men with women at their feet, some of them sucking, some of them being fucked right there, like they were part of the fucking furniture. Girls bent over desks, girls on their knees, girls on the floor. And men using them… Men fucking their mouths, ramming themselves inside their cunts, ruining their asses while the girls held back their tears. And behind me, my sweet Lucy who had never even been fucked before the previous night, amidst all the fucking madness. I hated myself like never before.

“Ahh, fresh meat,” one of the men said with a blinding smile – literally blinding, because his teeth had so many gold fillings I could barely make out any white among them. “Come in, come in. Don’t forget your toy.”

He wasn’t too tall, but his body was ripped with muscles that couldn’t have been natural. He stared at me with eyes that were supposed to appear friendly but looked anything but. He motioned me over to an empty seat next to him, and it was only when Lucy and I rounded the table that I noticed two women on their knees in front of him, both working his cock as hard as they could.

They looked at me with dazed, drugged up eyes, and I fought back a curse that was ready on my lips, smiled wide, and sat down next to the man in the empty seat. Lucy crawled between my legs timidly, hiding between my knees. I found myself clenching my legs to keep her safe and make sure no one took her away from me. Her cheek rested on my thigh. I’d never wanted to keep someone safe this much. I would’ve done any-fucking-thing to make sure my girl was alright.

“And who are you?” the man asked, half-glaring, half-smiling at me. It was so obviously a warning. If you’re not one of us, get the fuck out of our playground.

“My name is Beau Wolfe,” I said, and several men laughed out loud.

“Fancy name,” the man next to me grinned. “You got some money to show for it?”

Without saying a word, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a wad of cash, waving it in his face and smacking it down on the table.

“I want to play,” I said, and the man clapped his hands together, laughing out loud.

“He wants to play,” he repeated, looking at the men around him as if it were the best joke he’d heard all day. “He comes in here, with a name like that – not even Georgian! And he says he wants to play. What do you think? Should we let him play with us?”

Boos and hisses followed, and hateful eyes locked on me. One of the women stopped sucking dick, giving me a curious look. But before I could say a word, the man next to me slapped her with all his might, sending her sprawling across the floor. Lucy turned towards me, hiding her face in my crotch, and I bit back a furious insult.

This wasn’t like the way I played with Lucy. This was pure, brutal violence, and I had no doubts that these men hurt their women in much worse ways than anything I’d ever imagined doing to Lucy. She was so sweet compared to these girls. So fucking innocent, and pure. I hated having her there.

And now we were in fucking trouble, too.

“I’ll pay,” I said out loud. “Whatever it fucking takes.”

The man leaned towards me, both girls back to sucking his cock. It was hard not to stare.

“You think you can pay your way into anything, uts’kho? You think your money will help you get out of anything?” he hissed at me.

I had no fucking clue what to say, so I just stared at him, returning his hateful gaze. My hand was at my side, touching the gun I’d brought through the fabric of my pants. My just-in-case weapon might come in handy a lot sooner than I thought it would, and I was fucking nervous. I hadn’t fired a gun in years.

“Well…” the man snarled. And then suddenly he laughed out loud, stretching his arms out. “You’re fucking right, uts’kho. You pay, you play.”

I laughed back because I didn’t know what the fuck else to do, but my hand stayed on the gun.

“I am Sandro, and tonight we play together,” the man said. “We play for money. Or would you rather play for bitches, uts’kho?”

He eyed Lucy with his hungry eyes, drinking in the beauty that was only supposed to be mine. She crawled deeper between my legs and he laughed out loud.

“I like it when they’re scared,” he whispered to me, his eyes on my girl. I’d never wanted to hurt anyone as much as I wanted to hurt him. But we had to do this. We had to fucking play, if we wanted an in with these men. If we wanted any kind of help finding Charli.

“Maybe later,” I said dismissively, feeling Lucy’s body stiffen against mine. I wished I could’ve told her I was bluffing, but there was no way of doing it with all those men around. “Let’s fucking play for cash first.”

Sandro laughed out loud, hitting the table in front of him so loudly Lucy jumped between my legs. “Then let’s fucking play,” he said.