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Etienne: Romance with BITE (League of Guardians Book 2) by V.A. Dold (13)

Chapter Thirteen



Etienne had just escorted Willa back to their private section of the club when his phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and glanced at Willa. “Excuse me for a moment. I have to take this.”

“Okay. I’ll get us a round of drinks.”

“Perfect.” He walked a few feet away and answered the call. “You had better be at death’s door, Xander. You are interrupting my date.”

“I’m sorry about that, boss, but we have a problem you need to address.”

“Details?” Etienne growled.

“That group of unidentified vampires who went after Willa, are now attacking humans and your guests in the French Quarter. They killed Jonas Smith and had a human woman when we engaged them. Max and I dispatched all but one. He’s in holding cell B.”

“I see. Apprise Darius of the situation and have him contact Hans at the Vegas compound. I will be home shortly to have a chat with our new guest. Thank you, Xander.”

Etienne ended the call and returned to Willa. “After this round of drinks, we will have to call it a night. I have things I must attend to at the mansion.”

“Oh, all right. Tonight was magical, but I’m a little tired after all that dancing. An early night sounds great.”

Twenty minutes later, Etienne escorted Willa to his car and paused after helping her in. He narrowed his eyes, looking deep into the shadows at the edge of the small parking lot. “Lock your door,” he said softly as he closed her in.

Once she was relatively safe, he flashed to the edge of the shadows. The vampire who had been there seconds before was gone. Etienne inhaled, taking the watcher’s scent into his nose. The scent was the same as the one at Willa’s apartment. Why was it familiar? When and where had he met this vampire before?



Willa headed upstairs as Etienne made for the basement. She had wanted to go with him but thankfully didn’t throw a fit when he put his foot down. He cocked a brow at the crowd of men awaiting him. Nick and Derick leaned against the wall. Sean and Rafe had taken seats on the floor. And Xander, Trey, and Gray stood shoulder to shoulder in front of cell B’s door.

“I don’t believe it takes seven men to guard one prisoner.”

Nick pushed from the wall, his eyes glowing bright with his need for vengeance. “We have a vested interest in what he has to say. He killed one of our friends from Las Vegas and is a part of the group that is after our queen. Derick, Sean, Rafe, and I offered to beat the information out of him. But as you can see, these three took issue with that plan.”

He clapped Nick on the shoulder and gave him a squeeze. “Thank you for the offer. I also knew Jonas well and thirst for retribution. I’ll handle this and get the answers we seek. This cell has a two-way mirror. Around the corner, you will find the observation room.”

“Fine. I’ll stand down. If you need anything, I’ll be watching,” Nick groused as he headed around the corner.

Derick, Sean, and Rafe followed closely on Nick’s heels, grumbling as they went.

Etienne sighed and turned his attention to the three guarding the door. “Thank you for containing the situation. Stay on guard while I’m inside. Nick may lose his temper and make another try.”

“Yes, sir,” Xander said as he stepped aside for Etienne to enter.

The instant the cell door opened, Etienne bellowed in rage. There would be no interrogating the prisoner. The vampire stared up at him through lifeless eyes. He had lengthened his fingernails into twin six-inch blades, cut himself free, and stabbed himself in the temples. That was tantamount to cutting off his head. There was no coming back from that.

“God damn it! We finally had one lead to who is after my woman and we lost it. Clean this shit up!” Etienne barked and spun on his heel. “Fuck that.” He spun back around and shot a bolt of blue fire at the body, threw back his head and bellowed again. He was in a foul mood and frustrated as hell. He needed a stiff drink or two before he saw Willa.

Etienne knocked back three whiskeys on the rocks before he felt steady enough to head up to his bedroom. The last thing he wanted was to take his foul mood out on Willa. Now that his temper was cooled to a low simmer and he had a minor buzz, he felt capable of joining her and speaking rationally.

Quietly he opened the door to ease in. He’d left her alone for close to two hours. The odds were good she would be sleeping. His brows furrowed when, instead of darkness, the glow of candles cast a soft light throughout the room.

His gaze shot to the bed and he froze. Willa lay sprawled sexily on top of the sheets. NAKED. His body reacted fiercely. A brutal inferno heated his blood, and his breath caught in his lungs.

He stopped at the foot of the bed and drank her in like a dehydrated man faced with endless water. His hands pulled his shirt from his pants and went for his zipper, but his gaze never left her. Thunder roared in his ears, and his cock pounded with his need to possess her. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

She smiled at him and eyed the skin he was exposing. “I love that you see me that way.”

Etie’s growl pulled her attention to his face. His eyes were suddenly like windows to his soul. He had never let her past his protective shields before. Her breath caught in her lungs. For the first time, she was able to see beyond his outer shell to the true man within. There was a vulnerability and profound loneliness he never allowed anyone to see. Her heart ached for this incredible man who had stood alone for so long. She was going to make sure he was never alone again.

He went for the buttons of his shirt as she rose from the bed. His eyes flared impossibly brighter with each sway of her hips and breasts. She moved with deliberate slowness, letting him look his fill. By the time she reached him, he’d ripped his shirt from his body and kicked his trousers and boxers aside. Etie was heart-stoppingly beautiful as he stood naked and proud before her.

She went into his arms, needing to feel him skin-to-skin. He yanked her against his chest, rougher than usual, but she liked him all caveman. She raised her face to his for a kiss because kissing Etie was as necessary as breathing. His mouth slammed over hers, and his arms tightened around her. His hands moved over her, burning his possession with each caress. His fingers played over her skin, gripping and kneading. Her heart reacted, hammering hard against her ribs.

He pulled back just enough to speak, his warm breath gusts across her wet lips. “Baby, we should stop. I cannot be the gentle lover that you deserve tonight.”

“Gentle is overrated. One way or the other, gentle or rough, I’m going to have you, Etie. You’re mine, tonight and every night from now on.”

“Damn, woman, you are not helping here. If I take you now, you may never forgive me.”

“If you don’t, I can guarantee I won’t forgive you. Don’t you understand? You’re mine. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Every aspect of you is mine to love. If you deny me any part of you, what hope do we have?”

He hung his head, burying his face in the crook of her neck. “Do not say I did not warn you. I am in a foul mood, and the need to exert my dominance is very near the surface.”

“Then let me soothe you. Give me all of you, Etie, and I’ll do the same. I’m not as sweet as you think. I have an inner vixen you haven’t even glimpsed yet.”

He groaned and then nipped her earlobe hard, making his point with his teeth.

As angry as he was, he felt happy as well. It was an odd combination and swirled in his gut like oil and water. His emotions were so tangled up, he couldn’t put them into words. How could heart-swelling joy exist side by side with the savage, primitive way he felt tonight? He wanted to make sweet love to Willa, and yet he needed to pound into her until they became one body. He needed to take her so hard, they broke the bed and didn’t notice until morning.

He took her face in his hands and stared into her eyes. “I will give you what we both want and need, but there will be ground rules. If at any time you are afraid or want me to stop, I will do my best to comply. It won’t be easy, but for you, I will stop. Promise me you will do that.”

She looked him in the eye and said, “I promise. I can feel your turmoil and anger. You’re afraid you’ll do something you will regret. You’re wrong. I know that whatever has you tied up in knots is not because of me. No matter what we get up to tonight, there will be no regrets and no blame laid. I need you to know that you’re my choice. All of you, Etienne Delacour. You will always be my choice no matter what we have to face.”

His dark scowl softened into a grin. “I’m counting on that to save me from losing you when, as you so eloquently described, I go all caveman on you.”

She pulled his head down and kissed him hard, then bit his lip to the point of drawing blood. When she licked the drops away, his cock throbbed and jerked. He needed to feel her sheath surrounding him, immediately.

Willa eased her death grip from around his neck and opened her eyes. She took a deep breath and smiled at him. He swore she was an angel fallen from heaven who landed in his arms.

“I love the way you smell. All clean and spicy. Your scent makes my head spin in the most delicious way.”

His mouth twitched with amusement. How did this tiny woman take him from enraged to semi-in control so easily? “Since I have made you dizzy with my manliness, it would only be gentlemanly of me to carry you to the bed. I can’t have you falling at my feet, now, can I?”

Willa rolled her eyes playfully and started to turn away from him. Etienne was having none of that. The swat he delivered to her right butt cheek brought a gasp to her lips. Then he caught her by the nape of her neck, pulled her around, and crushed her against his chest. “I said I would carry you. That was not a request. If you are not prepared to listen and obey me, we will end this now. I am on the edge of my control and disobedience will push me over the precipice and into dangerous territory. I do not want to accidentally hurt you, Willa.”

She lowered her lashes demurely. “I will be a good girl,” her repentant tone sounded like she was trying to emulate a submissive. She didn’t pull it off. Being submissive was as natural for Willa as flying was for pigs.

“Stop that. You are giving me the heebie-jeebies. I do not want a Stepford Wife, but if I tell you to do something, I need you to do it.”

She giggled and nodded. Then she said in her normal voice, “All right. I can do that.”

The fury he had tamped down was edging close to the surface again. He either needed to leave the room or kiss her. For some reason, his muierimei in his arms, her lips on his, calmed the fury inherited from his father. A rage he had spent a lifetime suppressing.

His mouth claimed her lips. The kiss was a bit too aggressive with his desperation riding him hard. He sighed into her mouth as peace descended over him like a gauzy veil. Willa relaxed into him, kissing him just as fiercely.

Etienne closed his teeth on Willa’s lower lip and bit down gently, just enough for her to feel the tiny nip but not cause pain. Then he brushed his tongue across it, soothing the tiny sting and caressing before he dipped inside to taste her. She tangled her tongue with his, sliding and sucking him deep.

When she broke away to grab a breath, he kissed his way across her jaw and down the side of her neck. He closed his teeth with enough pressure to hold her in place yet not break the skin.

Willa gasped and writhed against him.

He did everything he could to show her how he felt and apologize for being more dominant than usual. Not that he could prevent his behavior until he had time to find his center again. He poured his love, passion, and the respect he had for her into every kiss and touch.

Etienne swallowed her moan. Tangling his fingers in her glorious rainbow-colored hair, he angled her head for better access. He dipped his tongue, retreated, then did it again, building her response until she growled in frustration. Chuckling, he plunged his tongue deep, giving her what she wanted.

Never taking his lips from hers, he slid one arm around the center of her back and tucked the other behind her knees to lift her into his arms. Willa wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed her way to his throat as he cradled her to his chest.

Holding her with one arm, he stripped the comforter to the foot of the bed. He lowered her to the cool silk sheets and paused to gaze at the beautiful picture she made. Her hair glistened in the candlelight. The long waves spread across the pillow like a halo around her. Her soft breasts rose and fell with each breath. She was the Venus de Milo come to life in his bed.

“You are so beautiful, I don’t have the words to do you justice,” he whispered as he drank her in.

Willa licked her lips. Etie was a magnificent sight to behold. And she was beholding. Her eyes widened when his cock swelled impossibly larger. “Umm, Etie? I think you are bigger than before. I’m not sure that weapon of yours is going to fit.”

He wrapped his fist around the girth and stroked, a mesmerizing glide that held her attention, and laughed softly. “I will fit.”

She eyed him skeptically, and he chuckled louder. Then he moved to the end of the bed, pulled her legs apart and knelt between them. Now, this she could handle.

Mercy, he was stunning. Etie looked like an avenging angel ready to swoop down on her. His hips were narrow with that mouth-watering V she wanted to trace with her tongue. His chest was delectably broad and heavy with muscles that rippled with each breath.

Don’t even get her started on his six-pack. No, wait. He had eight! Why hadn’t she noticed that before? Because he was sending you to heaven and you were enjoying the ride. Duh.

Her gaze rose to his face again, and her breath caught. He was watching her with a shit-eating grin on his face.

He rumbled a sound deep in his throat, a hungry, sexy growl that made her body sizzle. Every nerve ending was on fire for him, and if he didn’t touch her soon, she was going to go up in flames.

Then he breathed her name so erotically, her sex clenched. Willa squirmed, mewling sounds of desperation spilling from her lips.

“Relax, sweetheart. I will give you what you want in a minute. First, I need to taste you.” He laid flat out on his belly, and his head dipped between her thighs.

She gasped, then lifted her head to make sure only the two of them were in the bed. She swore at least three men were pleasuring her. Etie was a man possessed. It was as if his mouth was everywhere at once. Licking, sucking, nipping, and all the while, his fingers surged in and out, tickling her G-spot in the best way.

Just when she was about to go over the edge into bliss, he slowed to lap and flick her sensitized nub. Willa panted, chasing the release that seemed just out of reach. Her hips bucked in time with his wicked mouth and still, he didn’t let her come.

Etienne wrapped one arm across her middle to hold her down and added another finger, driving through silken folds. “I have to make sure you’re ready. I don’t want to hurt you.”

Ready? Was he serious? She was so ready, she was going to explode. “Damn it, Etie,” she managed between gasps.

Once more his mouth was on her. He feasted like a starving man presented with a banquet. Willa tried to rock her core against his mouth, tried to take his fingers deeper, but he tightened his hold. Seconds became minutes. Every time she got close, he eased off. Finally, he closed his teeth on her nub and bit gently. She screamed as pleasure shot through her like a rocket. Willa swore she saw stars. Her body convulsed, and her legs clamped around his head so tightly she was afraid she’d hurt him.

Chuckling, Etie licked his fingers clean.

He prowled up her body, looking every inch a deadly vampire. His cock skimmed along her thigh, teasing her with what she wanted until he nestled between her legs, heavy and full against her core.

He kissed her long and deep, playing with her hair. He loved the multitude of colors, thick and wavy, framing her face and curling around her vulnerable neck. He would miss all that riotous color after the third exchange.

Willa was magic. All those years of loneliness, of unnecessary guilt, ended with this incredible woman. She had saved him from the bleak, endless existence where all he had were his people and his honor. Now he had someone to share life’s joys with, and no one knew how to live life to the fullest like his muierimei.

Her hands flexed on his shoulders, fingernails pricking his skin like tiny kitten claws. Flares of need shot down his spine straight to his balls. A grin twitched at the corner of his mouth. That was precisely what she was. His little wildcat.

There wasn’t a shy bone in Willa’s body. She knew exactly what she wanted and went after it, no holding back, no regrets. Her hands caressed down his back, stroking, kneading, urging him to get on with making love to her.

“Patience, my love,” he whispered against her throat. He kissed his way back to her lips, her nose, her eyes. He loved the way her exotic sapphire eyes had gone midnight blue with passion. He wanted to see that desire for him shining in her gaze every night. He needed to wake up with her in his arms every morning.

Willa’s gaze drifted over his face, her fingers massaged his scalp and combed through his hair. Good heavens, that felt amazing. Just her hands on him were enough to bring him peace.

With one hand cupping his face and the other behind his neck, she pulled his head down and took his mouth again. Dang, the woman could kiss. The moment her lips touched his, his hand bunched in her hair.

She took control of the kiss, deepening it. He followed her lead, tasting her sweet, feminine flavor, savoring it, letting her devour him. He could drown in her kisses.

Then his mouth was roving again. He took his time, stretching out the lovemaking for as long as possible. He kissed her throat, the curves of her breasts, heightening her need with every caress of his lips and tongue.

When he sucked one nipple into his mouth and suckled vigorously, she nearly came off the bed. He rasped his tongue over the nipple, then scraped the hard peak with his teeth. Willa’s hands tightened on his head, the tiny bite of pain only served to spur him on and do the same to the other nipple.

He rose over her again and waited for her to open her eyes.

“Etie...” Her demand clear in her voice.

Holding her gaze, he surged forward, burying himself in her body.

Her voice broke off with a gasp.

He retreated and surged again, pushing through the tight, greedy folds that tried to hold him in place. A groan rose in his chest; she felt so good surrounding him. Tight, Hot. Pulsing. Fire streaked up his cock, spread through his groin, pulled his balls up tight, and sizzled all the way to his toes.

He caught up her legs and pulled them around his hips. She locked her heels behind his back, rocking her hips to take every inch of him. Willa made a sexy moaning sigh that sent another zing through his balls.

He took a moment to regain his control. When she narrowed her eyes at him, he grinned, pulled almost all the way out and slammed home. Then he set a hard, pounding rhythm, designed to take her over the edge fast.

Her heat surrounded his shaft as she gripped him like a silken fist. His gaze locked with hers, reveling in the beauty of her passionate nature.

She rocked her hips in time with him, taking him hard and deep. Her fingernails scored his back. Fucking hell, he loved when she used her nails. He pistoned into her, burying his body again and again.

Her sheath rippled and pulsed. With each stroke, she gripped him tighter.

Thunder pounded in his ears. His breath rushed in and out of his lungs. Her body clamped down on his shaft, squeezing and milking. Right before he pushed her over the edge, she bit his neck hard. Her lips latched on as she took long hard pulls on his vein.

“Willa!” he cried as she took him over the edge with her.

He collapsed on top of her, sucking air into his lungs. When she licked the wound closed, he raised his head to look her in the eye. He was almost afraid to ask, but he had to know. “Did you mean to bite me or was it in the heat of passion?”

She smiled up at him, licking her lips. “That was my evil plan all along.” She turned her head to the side, exposing her neck. “Come on, big guy. It’s your turn.”

Etienne kissed her neck, nuzzled her, then sank his fangs deep.

Willa cried out as erotic pleasure threw her into orgasm again. Her hands cradled his head as he completed the third exchange.

Moments later, he licked the wound closed and eased his body down beside her to pull her against his chest. “You never cease to amaze me.”

“Remember that when I’m driving you nuts over the next couple of centuries.”

Willa was a limp noodle, her head on his chest. She kept waiting for something fantastic and magical to happen. You would think with the third exchange trumpets would sound or something. When she heaved a sigh, his chest rumbled under her ear.

“Were you expecting more?”

“Hell, yes,” she groused.

“Open your eyes and look around you.”

She lifted her head and gasped. Even though the windows were closed, the candle flames flickered in a soft breeze. Tiny sparks of light danced in the air all over the room. And magic swirled in multi-colored hues around them. “Wow!”

“You pack quite a magical punch, sweetheart.”


“That’s all you, Willa.”

“No way,” she breathed out.

Willa watched the dancing lights for a minute before turning to study Etienne.

“What?” he asked.

“Why were you in such a bad mood when you came to bed?”

He sighed heavily. “I was going to explain myself. I just thought I would let you enjoy the moment a little longer.” Etienne pushed himself to a sitting position and scooted to the head of the bed to press his back to the headboard. “Sit on my lap, I need to hold you in my arms for this.”

He waited for her to get settled before he started his tale. “My father was the first vampire, but the gift of near immortality came with a steep price. Because he was the original vampire, the magic that converted him came directly from a goddess. That level of magic triggered a deep burning rage in him. We are not sure why it happened, but it became something that was difficult to manage.

“My father dealt with it by going into the wilderness when he felt the anger building. He wouldn’t return until it subsided. He didn’t want to hurt my mother or his children, so he put distance between us when it was too much for him to control.

“My brother Ivan and I had just reached puberty when it became apparent that we had inherited our father’s rage. Ivan went to Asia to learn the art of war with the most savage warlords he could find. His answer to the problem was to feed it.

“I chose another path. I knew I would have to lead the vampire race when my father left the throne. He was the best man I have ever known. A just and fair ruler in all things, and I wanted to live up to his legacy.”

He paused to breathe away the tears that after a century and a half still threatened to spill each time he spoke of his father.

Willa snuggled against his chest, and wrapped her arms around him. Comfort and love surrounded him as he prepared to continue.

“I spent two decades with the Dalai Lama learning to control the rage through meditation. I spend time in meditation every day without fail to center my mind, body, and spirit. Only, I have been busy wooing and protecting you these past few days and failed to keep my routine. I live by two rules. Meditate every day and never lose my temper. I failed to follow my own rules and paid the price.

“When I went to question a vampire attacking my people and the humans of the city, I found him dead in the holding cell. He had committed suicide rather than talk. The anger and frustration of losing my only link to the vampires stalking you pushed me over the edge.

“The rage threatened to surface. I spent time in the library calming myself as best I could before joining you, but I was still on the edge and will be until I can center myself again.”

“Oh, Etie, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed you tonight. If I had known, I wouldn’t have demanded that you make love to me when all you wanted was to be alone.”

“But there you’re wrong. I wanted to be with you. Badly. I just had to be in control of the situation or the rage would have slipped free of the tenuous hold I have on it.” He took her bottom lip between his teeth and tugged gently. “I think you behaved perfectly. And the vision you made all naked and ready in my bed—sweet mercy, woman.”

“Thank you. But I can’t take all the credit. You made behaving so very easy and enjoyable. But are you sorry I forced the third exchange?”

“Are you kidding? I think it’s great you took the initiative.”

Willa exhaled the breath she was holding. “Thank God.”




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