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Every Heartache: The Hopeless Love Series Book 2 by Arthurs, Nia (18)

Chapter Eighteen


“Wow,” Diandra stops in her tracks when she sees me, “you’re so—I mean… that is a belly.”

“Thanks a lot.” I plunk into the whicker-back chair settled around the café’s patio and frown. “I live for your kind words of comfort.”

“Sorry.” Diandra ducks her head. “I didn’t mean to be insulting. It’s just the last time we saw each other, you didn’t look like that.”

“Like what? A beach whale?”

Amaya touches my hand. “Stop it, Zora. You look beautiful.”

“Yeah, you can say that.” I eye her pretty pink, spaghetti strap dress. Amaya’s got a flat stomach and a job that allows her to sleep like a normal human being so there are no dark circles under her eyes. She looks young, fresh and beautiful.

Yes, I’m bitter.

“How far along are you?” Diandra asks, her dark skin glowing with excitement.

“Thirteen weeks.” I let out a deep sigh. “I’m officially out of my first trimester. So hopefully, I can make it through three consecutive days without puking. If Little Bean is so inclined.”

“Little Bean?”

“It’s what Wilson and I call the kid. The first ultrasound, the baby was as small as a bean.”

“You and Wilson, huh?” Amaya nudges me. “Kent says you two are getting along like a dream.”

“Kent’s wrong,” I snap.

“What?” Diandra leans forward, eager to hear my relationship woes. “What’s he doing?”

“First of all, he’s smothering me.”

“Smothering?” Amaya sucks in a breath. “Like with a pillow?”

“Oh, honey. I wish. He’s on my back all the time. Making me breakfast. Calling to make sure I’ve eaten lunch. And guess what?”

“What?” Diandra says in a bored voice.

I frown because they don’t seem to be sharing my outrage. “He got the entire nursing staff in on it too. Now Gretchen’s all up in my face, reminding me to eat between shifts and the male nurses are doing all the heavy lifting like I’m some invalid.”

“Uh-huh.” Amaya stares at her napkin. “How tragic.”

I ignore her sarcasm and continue to complain. “I’m pregnant, not disabled. You’d think I’m frailer than a grandma the way he’s got everyone catering to me. And don’t get me started on his rules.”

“Rules?” Diandra perks up.

“Yeah, like I’m not allowed to walk home anymore. He takes me to and from the hospital everyday. And if I want to exercise, he has to escort me. It’s a miracle I even got him to let me out of the house so I could see you today.”

“You’re making it sound like Wilson’s abusive,” Amaya says. “But Kent told me he’s just concerned about Keanu.”

“I haven’t heard from Keanu in two weeks. He’s probably given up by now.”

Amaya shoots me a look. “We both know that man doesn’t give up so easy.”

“People change.” I shrug.

“But Keanu?” Amaya shakes her head. “I don’t buy it.”

“I don’t care about Keanu. I just want some space.”

“So why don’t you talk to Wilson about it?” Diandra suggests.

I narrow my eyes at her. “Are you kidding? That’ll hurt his feelings.”

Amaya smirks. “So you care about not hurting Wilson’s feelings now? That’s new.”

“I know he’s only doing all that because he cares.” I hunker down in my chair and mumble, “Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

“It’s important to communicate in a relationship,” Amaya says. “Just be calm and rational when you ask him to let up a bit. Wilson cares about you so he’ll do what he can to find a compromise.”

Diandra nods. “Listen to the married woman. She’s dropping gems.”

“I’ll think about it.”

Amaya pats my hand. “Meanwhile, I’ll pray you find some relief from the awful boyfriend of yours who lives for your comfort and security. Lord knows you’ve put up with so much.”

“Thank you.” I huff.

Diandra snickers.

“Don’t think you’re out of the blue!” Amaya narrows her eyes. “I’m coming for you next!”

Diandra stops laughing. “Me?”

Amaya tilts her head so her curls brush her pretty brown cheeks. “I heard you’ve been dating someone.”

“Zora!” Diandra glares my way.

I throw my hands up. “Wasn’t me. I didn’t tell anyone about our conversation at the engagement party.”

“Who is he?” Amaya grins wide. “And why didn’t you tell me about him?”

“Because it’s not important.”

“Not important? It’s been ages since you’ve dated someone. I want to know everything. What’s his name? What does he look like? What does he do?”

Diandra’s eyes flit around. “He’s just some guy. I’ll introduce you when things are more serious. I promise.”

“Fine.” Amaya flounces back in her chair. “I’ll back off for now.”

We chat about our lives, enjoying each other’s company. I almost bust a spleen when Amaya shares her various methods of getting Kent to remember something he’s forgotten.

She’s not allowing his condition to define them or limit them in any way, and I really admire that.

Whoa. Never thought I’d be a fan of Amaya, but here I am.

A casual glance over my shoulder a few hours later reveals Wilson’s car parked beside the café. I roll my eyes. “Looks like the warden’s here.”

Stop it.” Amaya gives me a look that reminds me of my mother after I’d said something stupid. “Talk to him.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Diandra glances at her watch. “Guys, I have to get going. I’ve got an appointment.”


“Uh… family thing.”

“Can I come? I love your family. Your brothers are awesome.” Amaya grins.

“Maybe next time.” Diandra slings her purse over her shoulder. “Bye, guys.”

Amaya and I exchange looks.

She chucks her chin in the direction that Diandra is fleeing. “Isn’t she acting far too suspicious?”

“I know right.”

One corner of Amaya’s lips curl up. “Come on!” She slaps money on the table and drags me across the street to Wilson’s car.

As soon as he sees us coming, Wilson climbs out and waits for us to near him. He’s wearing a short-sleeved shirt that shows off his muscular arms. The sunshades perched on his strong nose give him a roguish vibe that is insanely attractive.

“Hey, Zo. Amaya. Did you girls have—?”

“Get in the car and drive, Wilson,” Amaya says. She thrusts me toward the passenger side and scrambles into the back. When neither of us moves, she pokes her head out the window. “Come on!”

Wilson gazes at me.

I shrug and laugh. “Just go with it.”

We climb into the car. Amaya thrusts her face between the headrests. “That’s Diandra’s truck. Don’t lose sight of it.”

“You want me to tail Diandra? Why?”

“Don’t ask questions, Wilson. Go!”

I have to admit, as crazy as Amaya’s plan is, I enjoy tearing through the city like a Bond woman in an action sequence. Wilson seems to enjoy it too. He slows down and speeds up to keep Diandra in our sights while avoiding detection.

We turn a familiar curve and the fun slips away from me, leaving confusion in its wake. “Wait… this is Thomas’s neighborhood.”

“I was just thinking the same thing,” Amaya says.

Wilson slows the car and pulls over in a free lot. “She stopped.”

“That’s Thomas’s building,” Amaya breathes.

I pull my cell phone out while Diandra trots inside.

“What are you doing?” Amaya hisses.

“Calling my brother.” I dial Thomas’s number and wait for it to ring.

He picks up. “Sis?”

“Hey, Thomas. Are you busy right now?”

Wilson turns and meets my eyes.

“Yeah, sort of. Is something wrong? Is it the baby? Or Keanu?”

“No, nothing’s wrong. I just… missed you.”

“You miss me?” Thomas chuckles. “Pregnancy’s made you soft.”

“Excuse me?”

Wilson muffles his laughter with a hand.

“Or maybe it’s Wilson,” Thomas says. “I think I was wrong about that guy. He’s okay. I mean, you could still do better but… ”

Now it’s my turn to laugh. “Thanks, Thomas. By the way, would you mind if I came over in a few minutes? I have something I want to ask you.”

“A few minutes?” His voice climbs several octaves. “Uh…”

“Unless you’re busy with a guest—”

“No, no guest.”

“Okay, great. See you then.” I hang up.

A few minutes later, Diandra bursts out of the apartment doors and sprints pell-mell toward her car. She desperately grabs for the handle, shoves herself in and tears out of the parking lot.

“Well… that was entertaining.”

I slap Wilson’s shoulder. “I knew he was dating someone.”

“Why didn’t Diandra tell me?” Amaya asks, crest-fallen.

“Maybe she thought it would be too awkward. He’s your ex and he was head-over heels for you just a few months ago.”

“That doesn’t mean he’ll always be in love with Amaya,” Wilson says. “He can fall in love with someone else.”

I catch his eye. “Oh, really?”

He holds my stare. “Yeah.”

“Ehem.” Amaya clears her throat. “I think I’ve seen enough for one day. Can we go?”

Wilson starts the car and drops Amaya off at her bungalow. On our way back home, he takes my hand. “Are you okay?”

“My brother’s secretly dating his ex’s best friend so…”

“So you’re great.”

I slant him a look.

He chuckles. “I love it when you glare at me.”

“That explains why you keep saying dumb things.”

He opens my door and escorts me up the stairs, following me into my apartment. “Are you going to ask Thomas about it?”

“Nah. I’ll wait until he brings it up. It’s not really any of my business.”

Wilson cocks his head to the side. “But…?”

“But,” I grin because I realize that he knows me a little too well, “his happiness means the world to me and if I know Thomas, he’s not the one who wants to keep it a secret. I’ll talk to Diandra.”

“That sounds more like you.” Wilson approaches me and gives me a hug, but my protruding stomach keeps him from pulling me close.

He’s been going slow on the physical front, which is okay with me given I don’t feel particularly glamorous right now. Still, as annoyed as I am about his overprotectiveness, I’m starting to crave his touches.

I moan. “I’m so fat.”

“You’re not fat.”

“You can’t even hug me.”

“There’s a solution for almost every problem.” He steps back. Appraises me with a hand to his chin. Then he steps around me and gives me a back hug.

His strong arms pull me into his chest and wrap me up tight. I wiggle backward, pressing even closer to him. He smells so good. My eyes fall shut.

“You’re so soft,” Wilson murmurs against my hair. He kisses my ear. “Smell so sweet.” His beard brushes the side of my face down to my jaw. “So perfect.”

I turn in his arms. He blinks at me, his gaze hazy with attraction. Tingles explode in my stomach. Whether that’s me or my crazy pregnancy hormones, I don’t care.

Just like I did that night months ago, I kiss him. Because I want to. Because he’s so darn fine and my mind can think of nothing more than running my hand along the contours of his arms and branding him with my lips so every woman knows who this fine specimen belongs to.

But Little Bean is just too big of an obstacle and, unfortunately, my neck can only take so much craning before I have to back off.

“Ow.” I rub my neck. “Why are you so tall?”

“Sorry.” Wilson leads me to the couch, sits down and pulls me into his lap. “That better?” I nod and lean in to pick up where we left off when he mumbles, “I have to leave for work.”

I freeze. “You’re… leaving?”

“Tomorrow.” He rubs the side of my face with his thumb. “I don’t want to but there’s a problem at the office and—”

“No, of course. You should go.” I climb off him and run to the kitchen. “Are you hungry? I’ll make you something.”

“Zo, come back.”

I pretend I haven’t heard and bang a few pots together. Inside my heart is shattering.

Here in Belize with no Violet around, Wilson’s feelings for me can bloom, but when he’s back home, with his true love, I’ll be plucked up like a weed.

For a moment there, I forgot that this isn’t my story. I’m not Cinderella. Violet is.

All I am is the ugly, pregnant stepsister.