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Evlon (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) by Maia Starr (106)




I moved back and forth in the locked cell. The two days that I had been locked up were enough to make me boil over in anger. I was ready to make my plan happen as soon as Lieutenant Rix returned with the information that I needed. He should be returning any hour now, although he was a patient weredragon and it was that patience that allowed him to take it slow when doing a scouting mission. This prevented him from getting caught and allowed him to get the facts.


"Captain Mordikye…" I heard his voice. I went to the window where he was once again hanging upside down.


"Are we set? What information do you have to report?" I whispered to him.


"The Beti is fueled and unguarded. Best of all, Sentinel Vuna is on a Mooreah. It is the perfect time for our escape. Are you ready? We must go now," he whispered to me.


"All great news, but what of Adriana? Have you pinpointed where she is on the base right at this moment? Where are her living quarters?" I asked.


"Her living quarters are in the west wing of the base on the second level, third window from the end. But captain, she is not on Sala. She was summoned by the king and is on Mooreah with Sentinel Vuna," he said.




"We must go now without her. Are you ready? Grab the bars from that side and we will grab from out here," my lieutenant said.


"No! I am not leaving without her. Return to me when she has returned to Sala. Only then will we proceed with the escape. Go now, before you are seen," I said to him.


"Captain, we can find you another human female wife. This is the perfect opportunity for an escape because the Sentinel is not here. It will give us a lot of time to get a head start before anyone notices we are gone. We will be light years away," Lieutenant Rix said.


"No, I want that one. I am not leaving without Adriana. I will wait until she returns, no matter if it is today or in a week. Report to me as soon as she arrives, but not before then. You must make yourself scarce, as I'm sure they are looking for you."


Lieutenant Rix flew away, and I was left to wait.


I was angrier than I was before he visited. Now that I knew that Adriana was with Terik. What was he doing with her? Was he going to try to claim her for his own? He would do something like that, the bastard! We had been at odds since we were ten years of age. Until then we were the best of friends, but something happened that tore us apart and could never be mended. There was a mutiny in the castle, brother against brother, and it made the Drackon warriors fight against each other for the first time in millennia. This war was friend against friend, brother against brother, families against families as everyone took a side, either for King Jarith Rykor or for his mutinous brother, Prince Traydon.


I tried to persuade Terik to join me as a young scout working under Traydon. He argued with me, saying that King Jarith Rykor was the rightful king. We argued for hours about it until Terik was so angry he shifted and attacked me. It was at that moment that nothing would ever be the same between us. We separated. He went on to fight for King Jarith Rykor, and I for Prince Traydon.


When Prince Traydon lost and King Jarith Rykor took the throne, the youngling weredragons were spared. I was one of them. But the friendship between Terik and I never mended and we became quiet enemies. Now, after all these years, it had finally boiled over. It was inevitable for it to happen.


So now, finding out that he had my bride to be with him made me mad as hell. I had already planned to kill him, but now I was going to torture him. If he laid a finger on her I would know about it. There was no way in hell that he was going to take her from me. I would not let him win. I would not let him have her. She was mine. She was rightfully mine. He was probably pleading to King Jarith and Queen Marissa right now to grant him claim over her, since he had imprisoned me. I could see it all now. It was even more of a reason why I was not leaving without her.