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Fallen Angel 1: Ashes of Eden by J.L. Myers (29)

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Michael climbed the golden stairs from the Realm of Light up to heaven, each next step reacting to his angelic presence and appearing the moment before his bare foot could gain purchase. For the first time in so long now he felt a sense of ease. A burden he hadn’t even realized he’d been carrying had been lifted from his shoulders that now only had to bear the weight of his hefty wings. Gabriel was aware. She was no longer in the dark—at least on a few important details. She knew giving in to Lucifer would hurt him in the long run. It would challenge his angelic station and all that God had bestowed upon him as one of his archangels.

Showing her the result their interactions could create had been enough to sway her choice to lock Lucifer away.

Not that Michael had needed her permission.

God had set him the task of separating the two before they had any chance to tempt their fate. But Michael had slightly miss-stepped. Allowing Gabriel to believe she was making the choice would keep her feelings for him from being tainted. It would keep her warm to him…

Nearing the last few steps, the quiet yet powerful voice of God murmuring a command slowed his steps. With all the drowning deaths below, their maker had been overwhelmed with the action of passing new souls into Heaven. Glimpsing the towering, pearly throne nestled among a blank expanse of light, God’s illuminated presence that burned as bright as the sun was partially shielded by Azrael who convulsed. The crippling pain bent the archangel’s knees and hunched his back until light split from his body to coalesce into the form of a man; one of the drowned humans from Below. The man fell to his knees at the sight of the brilliant light that filled the throne and clasped his hands together. Words of begging ensued as God’s voice boomed, “Rise!” a black hole appeared at the foot of God’s throne. The man screamed as Azrael hauled him along and flung him down into the endless black beyond the opening.

In the silence that followed, Michael could not help but wonder where the black abyss led to. His knowledge so far only entrusted him with the existence of the hazy expanse behind the throne and the haven that existed beyond it. It was a place where pain did not exist, where everyone was free to live in their own version of perfection with all the passed people that they loved.

“Is there forgiveness in your soul for me?”

Azrael’s unexpected question piqued Michael’s interest and diverted his mind from where that disappearing black hole could lead. The other angel was still facing God, his head bowed and his wings drooping in subservience. Michael knew what Azrael was begging forgiveness for—the returning of Lucifer’s message to Gabriel that Michael had informed God of. He knew God was unaware of why the angel had helped Lucifer, and on reporting to God before Azrael was inundated by flood deaths, Michael had kept Lucifer’s accusations from passing his lips.

The brilliant light that filled the throne pulsed brighter for a few beats. The voice that spoke was all-powerful and, rather than being vocalized, it resonated in Michael’s mind with him being within the expansiveness of God’s presence. “It has already been granted, my child. From the moment your heart requested it back when your error in judgment took place. Though this time, my forgiveness cannot extend to your brother, Lucifer, who dares not seek my mercy. I fear his will may be his downfall, and down he shall fall if he refuses to learn from his imprisonment. If he proves he cannot be contained.” God’s light almost seemed to dim, to weaken as the strength of his voice turned wary. “My hand was forced to cleanse the Earth of what I created. I wish not to see the same fate for my pure angels.”

Michael had started retreating down the stairs even before God’s emotional words had ended. Too many thoughts were swimming through his mind, clogging up his brain with possibilities. Gabriel, Lucifer, himself… Michael knew his station. He knew what was allowed of him and what was not. He would never admit to the simmering feelings he had for Gabriel. They were not his to feel, certainly not for him to act upon. And he was at peace with that. So long as he could exist near her, he would accept that. But he could not accept this ongoing folly of witnessing Lucifer’s actions with Gabriel. Something needed to change. And now God, though forgiving in nature, was ready to set things right…under the right circumstances.

Clearing one step after another, each appearing with his reaching foot, Michael met the landing that sided the large cleared area around the looking glass. Remiel glanced up from his chained station, a question in his eyes at seeing his brother’s entrance. Michael did not wait or speak a word. Instead, he clicked his fingers to dematerialize and reform right in front of Lucifer’s vibrant cell.

The imprisoned angel stood statue still, the only movement at Michael’s arrival coming from his narrowed eyes that shot venom at the sight of him. “Come to gloat, brother?” Lucifer threw out his arms, his wings widening to fill the circular cell. “By all means…” He strode closer, holding his face an inch back from the bars. “Though I suggest you make the most of it. My stay here will not be eternal as I am certain you hope for. I will be free. And I will go to her. Gabriel will know you manipulated her into believing this was her choice. And then, dear brother, she will hate you as I now do.”

Michael stepped closer, coming within reach of Lucifer should he dare to strike out through the bars. He smiled. Michael knew Lucifer. He had watched him for so long now. He knew what Lucifer would do if given the chance, the freedom, to leave this cage. With the loathing that was clear across his face, he would not be able to stop himself. Lucifer would, as he had threatened, go to her.

And that is exactly what Michael now wanted him to do.

But he could not willingly allow Lucifer’s escape. So instead, he came closer, flashing a goading grin. “You will never be with her, Lucifer. Did you fail to behold Gabriel’s face? She knows you killed a mortal. You killed a man merely to send her a message. You think she does not know what you would be capable of if given the chance. You are a threat to us all.” Michael’s hand hovered over the hilt of the angel sword at his side. “A threat that must be dealt with…”

Lucifer snarled, not missing the deadly intent Michael was projecting. Reacting as expected, Lucifer’s hands speared through the bars. Catching Michael’s head, he drove him forward. The crack as his cheeks hit the unyielding bars was met with a horrible hissing as his skin melted back from his facial bones and Lucifer’s arms.

Reacting through the pain, the angel sword was freed, and then Michael speared it up. Knocking one of the glowing bars with a resounding clang, he drove the sword up into Lucifer’s chest. Lucifer’s hands released his head, his arms losing more skin in their retreat as silver dripped in a sizzling puddle on the ground. Michael yanked the sharp sword free and watched Lucifer stagger back.

A leaking hole marred Lucifer’s chest—on the opposite side to his heart.

Not a kill shot.

Lucifer looked bewildered, seeing the mistake before his expression turned to cocky rage. He wheezed. “You missed, Warrior of God.”

Michael shot a fleeting glance to the bar the angel sword had struck. There was a hairline crack that was visible where the glowing light dimmed. Looking back at Lucifer, he shrugged, smearing the silver blood from the blade before re-sheathing it at his waist. “Perhaps. Though with what I know, your time here will not be long-lived. Humans are paying the price for their sins. Who do you think will be next? Your days are numbered, Lucifer.” Stinging lines pulled at his face with his broad smile as he waited for a bright flare to grace the infinite light around them. “Your extermination is set.” He brushed the back of his hand across one of his cheeks, feeling the patchy, wet skin slowly regrowing to cover the exposed bone. “Now I must be away. I am sure Gabriel will be eager to hear of your most recent heinous actions against your own brother.”

“Stay away from her.” Lucifer’s voice was a low gasp, yet the murderous threat in his eyes was unmissable.

“While you are locked here for days on end with no one and nothing to pass the time…” Michael smiled, joining his thumb and forefinger as he faced Lucifer head on. With a click, his final words resonated with a chuckle as a single feather was plucked and dropped covertly from behind his back. “Make me.”