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Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by J. K. Rowling (16)



Aurors surround the entrance to the subway. Pointing their wands at the pavement and into the sky, they draw an invisible energy field around the entrance.

We hear more Aurors arrive, among them Graves—scanning, calculating, and immediately taking charge.


Bar the area. I don’t want anyone else down there!

As the magical field is almost complete, a figure rolls underneath it and dashes unseen into the subway—Tina.



Newt has reached the Obscurus in the shadows of a tunnel. Now much calmer, it gently swirls in the air above the train tracks.

Newt hides behind a pillar as he talks.


Credence . . . It’s Credence, isn’t it? I’m here to help you, Credence. I’m not here to hurt you.

In the distance we hear footsteps, the pacing controlled, deliberate.

Newt moves out from behind the pillar and steps onto the train tracks. Within the mass of the Obscurus we can see a shadow of Credence, curled up, scared.


I’ve met someone just like you, Credence. A girl—a young girl who’d been imprisoned, she had been locked away and she’d been punished for her magic.

Credence is listening—he never dreamed there was another. Slowly the Obscurus melts away, leaving only Credence, huddled on the train tracks—a frightened child.

Newt crouches on the floor. Credence looks to him, the tiniest trace of hope dawning in his expression: Might there be a way back?


Credence, can I come over to you? Can I come over?

Newt slowly moves forward, but as he does so a sharp burst of light blazes out from the darkness and a spell strikes, throwing him backward.

Graves marches down the tunnel with intense purpose.

Credence begins to run as Graves fires further spells at Newt, who rolls out of the way toward the tunnel’s central pillars. From here, Newt tries to fire back, but his efforts are easily deflected.

Credence continues to lumber down the tracks but stops—a rabbit caught in the headlights—as a train approaches, its lights glaring from the darkness.

It is up to Graves to save Credence—magically casting him out of the train’s path.



Madam Picquery surveys the situation from under the magical force field.

ANGLE FROM THE CROWD AND POLICE’S POV—People begin to swarm around the subway, their cries and chatter becoming louder as they stare at the magical bubble surrounding the subway. Reporters have appeared, photographing the scene with an increased frenzy.

Shaw Sr. and Barker push their way through the crowds.


That thing killed my son—I want justice!

CLOSE ON MADAM PICQUERY as she looks out to the crowds.


I’ll expose you for who you are and what you’ve done.



Graves stands on the platform, continuing to duel with Newt, who stands on the train tracks. Credence cowers behind him.

Finally, almost bored by Newt’s efforts, Graves casts a spell that ripples along the train tracks and down the tunnel, finally blasting into Newt, throwing him high into the air.

Newt lands on his back and Graves immediately sets upon him, casting spells in a whip-like motion with increasing vigor. Graves’s immense power is evident, as Newt writhes on the ground, unable to stop him.



WIDE SHOT—we see the luminous wall of vibrating energy now flashing with the power of the magic it contains.

Langdon, drunk, stares, enthralled and amazed with the spectacle.


(to the photographers around him)

Look! Take photos!



Graves continues to whip Newt, a manic, crazed look in his eyes.

CLOSE ON CREDENCE, farther down the tunnel, sobbing. He begins to shake, his face slowly turning black as he tries to stop the kinetic mass from rising up within him.

As Newt cries out in pain, Credence succumbs to the blackness—his body enveloped and overcome—the Obscurus rising up and blasting down the tunnel toward Graves.

Graves is mesmerized—he falls to his knees beneath the vast black mass—pleading in wonder.



The Obscurus lets out an unearthly scream and dives toward Graves, who Disapparates just in time. The Obscurus continues to blast around the tunnel.

Graves and Newt Disapparate and Apparate around the subway, trying to avoid the Obscurus’s path. This causes the station to disintegrate even faster. Suddenly the force accelerates, becoming a giant wave that consumes the entire space before flying out through the roof.



The Obscurus crashes up through the pavement, watched by wizards and No-Majs alike. It storms up a half-built skyscraper, windows shattering at every level, electric wiring exploding, until it reaches the skeletal framework of scaffolding above, which buckles perilously.

Below it, the crowd outside the magical cordon runs for cover, terrified.

The Obscurus forms a wide disc shape before plunging back down into the subway.



The Obscurus screams and dives, bursting through the subway roof—for a split second, both Newt and Graves seem on the point of death—as they lie on the tracks, cowering beneath this Dark force.



Tina runs onto the tracks.

Inches from Graves’s face, the Obscurus freezes. Slowly, very slowly, it rises back up, swirling more gently, staring at Tina, who looks straight back into its weird eyes.


Don’t do this—please.


Keep talking, Tina. Keep talking to him—he’ll listen to you. He’s listening.

Inside the Obscurus, Credence reaches out to Tina, the only person who has ever done him an uncomplicated kindness. He looks at Tina, desperate and afraid. He has dreamed of her ever since she saved him from a beating.


I know what that woman did to you . . . I know that you’ve suffered . . . You need to stop this now . . . Newt and I will protect you . . .

Graves is on his feet.


(pointing to Graves)

This man—he is using you.


Don’t listen to her, Credence. I want you to be free. It’s all right.


(to Credence, calming him)

That’s it . . .

The Obscurus is beginning to shrink. Its dreadful face is becoming more human, more like Credence’s own.

Suddenly Aurors begin pouring down the steps of the subway and into the tunnel. More Aurors advance from behind Tina, their wands raised aggressively.


Shhh! Don’t, you’ll frighten him.

The Obscurus lets out a terrible moan and begins to swell again. The station is crumbling. Newt and Tina wheel around, arms akimbo, both trying to protect Credence.

Graves spins to face the Aurors, wand at the ready.


Wands down! Anyone harms him—they’ll answer to me—

(turning back to Credence)



Credence . . .

The Aurors begin pelting the Obscurus with spells.



We see Credence from within the black mass, his face contorted, screaming. The barrage of spells continues and Credence howls in pain.



The magical force field surrounding the subway breaks down as people continue to flee the scene. Only Shaw Sr. and Langdon stand steadfast, captivated.



Aurors continue to aim spells at the Obscurus, their efforts unrelenting and brutal.

Under this pressure, the Obscurus finally seems to implode—a white ball of magical light taking over from the black mass.

The force of the change sends Tina, Newt, and the Aurors stumbling backward.

All power subsides. Only small tatters of black matter are left—floating through the air like feathers.

Newt gets to his feet, his face racked with deep-felt grief. Tina remains on the floor, crying.

Graves, however, climbs up, back onto the platform, as close as possible to the remnants of the black mass.

The Aurors advance toward Graves.


You fools. Do you realize what you’ve done?

Graves seethes as the others watch him with interest. Madam Picquery emerges from behind the Aurors, her tone steely, questioning.


The Obscurial was killed on my orders, Mr. Graves.


Yes. And history will surely note that, Madam President.

Graves moves toward her along the platform, his tone threatening.


What was done here tonight was not right!


He was responsible for the death of a No-Maj. He risked the exposure of our community. He has broken one of our most sacred laws—


(laughing bitterly)

A law that has us scuttling like rats in the gutter! A law that demands that we conceal our true nature! A law that directs those under its dominion to cower in fear lest we risk discovery! I ask you, Madam President—

(eyes flashing to all present)

—I ask all of you—who does this law protect? Us?

(gesturing vaguely to the No-Majs above)

Or them?

(smiling bitterly)

I refuse to bow down any longer.

Graves walks away from the Aurors.


(to the Aurors flanking her)

Aurors, I’d like you to relieve Mr. Graves of his wand and escort him back to—

As Graves moves down the platform, a wall of white light suddenly appears in front of him, blocking his path.

Graves thinks for a moment—a sneer of derision and irritation crossing his face. He turns.

Graves strides confidently back along the platform, firing spells at both groups of Aurors facing him. Spells fly back at him from all angles, but Graves parries them all. Several Aurors are sent flying—Graves appears to be winning . . .

In a split second, Newt pulls the cocoon from his pocket and releases it at Graves. The Swooping Evil soars around him, shielding Newt and the Aurors from Graves’s spells, and giving Newt time to raise his wand.

With a sense that he’s been holding this one back, he slashes it through the air: Out flies a crackling rope of supernatural light that wraps itself around Graves like a whip. Graves tries to hold it off as it tightens, but staggers, struggles, and falls to his knees, dropping his wand.



Graves’s wand flies into Tina’s hand. Graves looks around at them, a deep hatred in his eyes.

Newt and Tina slowly advance, Newt raising his wand.



Graves transforms. He is no longer dark, but blond and blue-eyed. He is the man on the posters. A murmur spreads through the crowd: GRINDELWALD.

Madam Picquery moves toward him.


(with contempt)

Do you think you can hold me?


We’ll do our best, Mr. Grindelwald.

Grindelwald stares intently at Madam Picquery, his expression of disgust turning into a small, derisory smile. He is forced to his feet by two Aurors, who move him toward the entrance.

As Grindelwald reaches Newt, he pauses—both smiling and sneering.


Will we die, just a little?

He is led away, up and out of the subway. Newt watches, bemused.


Queenie and Jacob push their way through to the front of the Aurors. Jacob holds Newt’s case.

Queenie hugs Tina. Newt stares at Jacob.


Hey . . . I figured somebody oughta keep an eye on this thing.

He hands Newt his case.


(humble, completely grateful)

Thank you.

Madam Picquery addresses the group as she stares through the broken roof of the subway station, into the world outside.


We owe you an apology, Mr. Scamander. But the magical community is exposed! We cannot Obliviate an entire city.

A beat as this sinks in.

As Newt follows Madam Picquery’s gaze, he sees a tendril of black matter, a small part of the Obscurus, floating down through the roof. Unnoticed by anyone else, it eventually floats up and away, trying to reconnect with its host.

A pause. Newt’s attention snaps back to the problem at hand.


Actually, I think we can.


Newt has placed his case wide-open underneath the huge hole in the subway roof.


Suddenly the Thunderbird bursts forth in a flurry of feathers and gushes of wind—the crowd of Aurors backs away. The creature is beautiful, mesmerizing but scary, as he flaps his powerful wings and hovers above them.

Newt moves forward—he examines Frank, a look of real tenderness and pride on his face.


I was intending to wait until we got to Arizona, but it seems like now you are our only hope, Frank.

A look between them—an understanding. Newt reaches out his arm, and Frank presses his beak lovingly into the embrace—they nuzzle each other affectionately.

The assembled group watches in awe.


I’ll miss you too.

Newt steps back, taking the flask of Swooping Evil venom from his pocket.


(to the Thunderbird)

You know what you’ve got to do.

Newt throws the vial high up into the air—Frank lets out a sharp cry, catching it in his beak and immediately soaring out of the subway.



No-Majs and Aurors alike shriek and recoil as the magnificent Thunderbird bursts forth from the subway, gliding into the dawn-lit sky.

We follow the Thunderbird as he rises higher and higher into the air. As his wings flap harder, faster, storm clouds congregate. Lightning flashes. We spiral upward as the Thunderbird twists and turns, leaving New York lying far below.

CLOSE ON FRANK’S BEAK, the vial clutched tightly and finally crushed. The powerful venom spreads through the thick rain, enchanting it, thickening it. The darkening sky flashes a brilliant blue and rain begins to fall.



HIGH ANGLE pushing down toward the crowd as they look up to the sky. As the rain falls and hits them, people move on, docile—their bad memories washed away. Each person goes about their daily business as though nothing unusual has happened.

Aurors move through the streets, performing Repairing Charms to rebuild the city: Buildings and cars are reconstructed and streets are returned to normal.

ANGLE ON LANGDON, standing in the rain, his expression softening, growing blank as the water runs over his face.

ANGLE ON POLICE looking at their guns, confused—why do they have them drawn? They slowly gather themselves, putting their weapons away.

Inside a small family home, a young mother looks on fondly at her family. As she takes a sip of water, her expression becomes blank.

Groups of Aurors continue to repair the streets, swiftly reassembling broken tram tracks, all traces of destruction finally disappearing. One Auror, passing a newsstand, enchants the papers, removing Newt’s and Tina’s mug shots and replacing them with banal headlines about the weather.

Mr. Bingley, the bank manager, stands in his bathroom taking a shower. As the water trickles over him, he too is Obliviated. We see Bingley’s wife, brushing her teeth, her expression vacant, carefree.

The Thunderbird continues to soar through the streets of New York, churning up more and more rain as he goes, his feathers shimmering a brilliant gold. Finally he glides into the breaking New York dawn, a magnificent sight.



As Madam Picquery looks on, the roof of the subway is swiftly repaired.

Newt addresses the group:


They won’t remember anything. That venom has incredibly powerful Obliviative properties.



We owe you a great debt, Mr. Scamander. Now—get that case out of New York.


Yes, Madam President.

Madam Picquery begins to walk away, her pack of Aurors moving with her. Suddenly she turns back. Queenie, having read her mind, stands protectively in front of Jacob, trying to hide him.


Is that No-Maj still here?

(on seeing Jacob)

Obliviate him. There can be no exceptions.

Madam Picquery reads the anguish in their faces.


I’m sorry—but even one witness . . . you know the law.

A pause. She is uncomfortable at their distress.


I’ll let you say good-bye.

She leaves.



Jacob leads the others up the steps of the subway, Queenie following close behind him.

Rain is still falling heavily, the streets now almost empty but for a few hardworking Aurors.

Jacob has reached the top of the steps and stands gazing into the rain. Queenie reaches out and grabs his coat, willing him not to move out into the street. Jacob turns to her.


Hey. Hey, this is for the best.

(off their looks)

Yeah—I was—I was never even supposed to be here.

Jacob fights back tears. Queenie gazes up at him, her beautiful face full of distress. Tina and Newt, too, look incredibly sad.


I was never supposed to know any of this. Everybody knows Newt only kept me around because—hey—Newt, why did you keep me around?

Newt has to be explicit. It doesn’t come easily.


Because I like you. Because you’re my friend and I’ll never forget how you helped me, Jacob.

A beat.

Jacob is overcome with emotion at Newt’s answer.



Queenie moves forward up the stairs toward Jacob—they stand close.


(trying to cheer him up)

I’ll come with you. We’ll go somewhere—we’ll go anywhere—see, I ain’t never gonna find anyone like—



There’s loads like me.


No . . . No . . . There’s only one like you.

The pain is almost unbearable.


(a beat)

I gotta go.

Jacob turns to face the rain, and wipes his eyes.


(starting after him)



(trying to smile)

It’s okay . . . It’s okay . . . It’s okay. It’s just like waking up, right?

The group smiles back at him, encouraging, trying to soothe the situation.

Looking at their faces as he moves, Jacob walks backward into the rain. Turning his face to the sky, arms out, he allows the water to wash over him completely.

Queenie creates a magical umbrella with her wand and steps out toward Jacob. She moves in close, tenderly stroking Jacob’s face before closing her eyes and bending in to gently kiss him.

Finally she pulls slowly away, her gaze not leaving Jacob’s face even for a second. Then, suddenly, she’s gone, leaving Jacob standing, arms out, longingly embracing no one.

CLOSE ON JACOB’S FACE as he fully “wakes up,” blank faced and confused by his location and the torrential downpour he’s standing in. He finally moves off through the streets—a lonely figure.




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