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Faron (My Single Alien - sci-fi romance adventure Book 7) by Arcadia Shield (16)

Chapter 16

Faron ran his hands across his bare chest. His skin felt hot as he waited for Kendra to arrive in his room.

He hadn’t planned to dance for her so soon, but after their time spent together, he wanted to delay no longer. He’d promised her a dance, and that was what he’d give her. He was excited to see her reaction when he moved for her.

He stopped pacing and examined himself in the mirror. He wore nothing but his ceremonial dance thong, the rest of his body exposed for Kendra to assess how strong and supple he was. His gaze went to his cybernetic arm. He could not hide this. It was a part of him, and Kendra had accepted it. It did not hinder his movements, so he hoped she wouldn’t find it offensive when he danced.

Faron moved to the table and checked again that he’d laid out the appropriate oils. They were for Kendra to use on him. As part of the dance, she had a right to touch him and examine his fitness. It was not meant to stimulate him, although he was sure having Kendra so close and touching him would be arousing. This part of the ritual was to ensure she could perform a thorough assessment of his body and check it met her standards. She could examine every part of him, and he would not refuse her.

He paced to the door and back again. It was not time yet. She wouldn’t be here for another ten minutes, but he was tired of waiting. He should have insisted she come immediately, as soon as he was ready, but he didn’t want to rush her. This was an important part of the courtship, and he needed everything to go well.

Faron’s port screen announced an incoming call. “Rhodan Tiket connecting.”

He grimaced and dismissed it. He needed no distractions from his family with Kendra arriving so soon. He had to focus on her pleasure and convince her he was right for her.

“Incoming call from Rhodan Tiket,” the port screen repeated.

Faron scowled at the screen. “Dismiss the call.”

He had no time to be berated by his father. This was not about his family. Faron had made his choice. Although he would show his gratitude for the work they’d done to find him a Tolong female, he would turn her down.

“Urgent call from Rhodan Tiket.”

Faron gritted his teeth. His father was a stubborn son of a bitch. He moved in front of the port screen. If he continued to ignore his father, there would be consequences. The orders of your family were to be obeyed above all others.

He hesitated. Now that he had Kendra in his life, it didn’t seem so important. Faron had had a taste of kindness and didn’t want to let it go. He wanted to experience more but wouldn’t be able to do that with his family interfering.

This could be his chance to tell them. His family would most likely declare him dead, rather than face the shame that he’d joined with a human. He didn’t want to bring additional shame or discredit to the family name. He would give them up. He would start afresh with Kendra.

“Accept the call,” Faron said.

His father’s angry face glared at him. “I hope you have an excellent reason for dismissing my earlier attempts at reaching you.”

“Now is not a good time,” Faron said.

“I am a busy individual, yet I make time for my disgraced son. You could at least show me the same courtesy.”

“I am, Father.” Faron held in a sigh. “How may I help?”

Bartlek’s face appeared. “You are not pleased to see us?”

“My family always gives me pleasure,” he replied coldly. “What do you want?”

Bartlek shook his head. “You are dressed to dance, again? Why will you not listen to me?”

“I hear you just fine. I choose not to follow what you have to say.”

His brother sneered at him. “Have you reviewed the information I sent about the Tolong female?”

Faron realized he hadn’t. He’d glanced at the information when his brother had sent it through but then dismissed it. He shouldn’t have done that, but he wasn’t interested in her.

“I have been busy,” he replied after a short pause.

“Too busy to assess your future mate’s compatibility?” Bartlek shook his head, a smirk on his face. “You should leap at the opportunity. This is the only chance you’ll get. Few Tolong females accept damaged goods.”

Faron bared his teeth. “I am not damaged goods.”

Bartlek’s laugh was sharp. “You are less than whole, and that makes you damaged. Your lack of humbleness is alarming. You’ll need to change your attitude if you are to secure this female.”

“Perhaps I don’t want to secure her.”

“What is the meaning of this?” His father’s face reappeared. “You must agree to this pairing. It is tantamount to your success and reintroduction into the family. This is the only way you can achieve that.”

“I understand that,” Faron said.

He watched as Bartlek patted his father on the shoulder. “Leave this to me. Faron is not thinking clearly. Perhaps that little human he has been associating with has addled his already impaired mind.”

“My thinking is clear.” Faron kept his tone level. “I have chosen another path.”

“The wrong path,” Bartlek said. “We offer you this sign of family commitment, and you throw it in our faces. I have worked hard to secure this female for you. You cannot turn her down.”

“I must go,” Faron said. “I will contact you to discuss the arrangements at a later date. There will be a way we can make this up to the female without any loss of face.”

“You will discuss them now,” his brother snarled.

“There is nothing to discuss.” Faron hovered his finger over the port screen. This might be the only chance he had to say goodbye. What should he say to a family as cold and brutal as his? He’d tried to obey them and follow their rules, but he’d failed.

“There is everything to discuss.”

“I take my leave of you.” Those were poor words, but all he could offer them.

“That won’t be possible,” Bartlek said. “In fact, you must prepare for us. We arrived on Prodigy ten minutes ago.”

Faron took a step back, his hand going to his chest. “You are here?”

“I can see how happy you are by that news.”

This was Faron’s worst nightmare, his family on Prodigy. He was not prepared. He could not see them like this, dressed in his ceremonial dance thong. Frustration heated his blood. He had everything planned. He was about to dance for Kendra and make his commitment to her. How could he do that now his family was on the space station?

“We decided you needed prodding into action,” his brother said. “Your lukewarm reception to the Tolong female alarmed us. We are concerned you have lost your way and need re-education.”

Faron grimaced. He’d had plenty of re-education at the hard hand of his father. He would not go through that again. They were wrong. He knew what he was doing was out of character, but things had changed since he’d met Kendra. He couldn’t go back to his old life. After pining for something he thought he could never have, his family had offered it to him, but he no longer desired it. He desired something else. He desired someone else.

“You will meet us in our quarters,” his father said.

Faron gritted his teeth, fighting the rage inside him. Indecision tore through him. He should obey his family over all others. He’d been taught that his whole life. But what they wanted for him and what he wanted were different things, and he couldn’t see how to reconcile them.

“I’ll send you the details of our location when we are settled,” Bartlek said. “Do not let our parents down.”

Faron cut the comm link and stared at the blank screen. He couldn’t ignore the fact his family was here. He should feel privileged, but all he felt was angry and conflicted.

He stomped to the door and turned away. There must be a solution. He had to make them see that joining with Kendra wasn’t a bad thing.

He turned and paced again, stopping as his door alert signaled somebody was outside. Kendra! Of course, she was expecting him to dance for her. He couldn’t complete the dance now, not with the turmoil in his mind.

Faron stared at the door. He shouldn’t answer it. He shook his head and strode over. He would not do that to Kendra. She needed to know what was going on.

The door slid open. Kendra’s eyes widened as she took in his appearance, and she licked her bottom lip. “Oh, boy. I’m in for an interesting afternoon.”

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his room. “Not today.” He stared down at her, indecision raging inside him. “There has been a... complication.”

She quirked an eyebrow. “Let me guess. You’ve pulled a muscle and can’t dance for me.” Her smile faded. “Or maybe it’s something more serious.”

He released his hold on her wrist. “It’s my family.”

“Have they been in touch?” Kendra asked. “Don’t tell me you spoke to your parents dressed like that.”

He looked at his bare skin and shrugged. “We are not afraid of our bodies. We display our assets when appropriate.”

Kendra smiled. “If I looked like that, I guess I’d do the same thing.”

“You do not understand.” Faron wanted to grab Kendra, kiss her, and tell her everything would be okay, but he couldn’t. He wasn’t sure things would be okay. Life was about to be very different.

Kendra reached up and brushed her fingers across his cheek. “What’s going on? What’s the big deal with your family?”

He sucked in a breath. “They have made arrangements for me. They are here on Prodigy.”

“Oh, wow! You didn’t know they were coming?”

“This is out of character for them. It leads me to believe they have become worried about me.”

“What are they worrying about?”

“This. Us. They are aware of our potential coupling.”

“Back up a few dozen steps. This is new. They have nothing to concern themselves with.” Her brows lowered. “We don’t even know what we’re doing with each other. Until we figure that out, your parents have nothing to worry about.”

“They do. They worry about their good name.”

“Then tell them to cool their heels. As you’ve said, this is a potential coupling. We’re getting to know each other. You haven’t put a ring on it yet.”

“A ring? Some kind of shackle to keep you close to me?”

Kendra laughed. “Nothing like that, although some smug marrieds wear their wedding bands as if they’re a status symbol. You know, I’m living the dream with my platinum bands and diamonds. I’m getting off track. I simply mean we’re a long way from being a formal couple.”

“I like what I know about you.” Faron rubbed his chin. “At least most of it.”

Kendra shook her head. “Be still my beating heart. Let your family know it’s early days, and things will happen differently between us. I know you’re keen to go through your formal courtship moves, and I’m super keen to see this dance, but you have to remember that it’s not the same for me.”

“I make my decision in seven days,” Faron said. “I would like that to remain the same.”

Kendra held up a hand, and concern filled her eyes. “I can’t get to know somebody in a week. I can’t decide in seven days how the rest of my life will pan out.”

“I can, and I will. I have initiated a formal courtship.” Faron tipped his head back and sighed. Now he’d done that, he couldn’t turn back, but his family was here and offering him something else. This was a confusing mess. Why had he let his emotions take over? He should never have let this human near him. He’d be meeting his future Tolong mate and re-joining with his family after months of being ostracized if Kendra had never been at that speed dating event.

“Please, Faron, don’t shut me out. We have to overcome these differences if it’s going to work. But you need to tell me what’s happening.”

The quiet calm in Kendra’s voice drew his gaze to hers. “My family has found me a Tolong female. They plan for her to be my mate.”

Kendra’s mouth fell open, and she took several steps back, hurt flashing in her eyes. “Your mate? I had no idea you were involved with somebody.”

“I am not. I have never met this female. But I have seen some of her records, and she is genetically compatible. We will produce healthy offspring.”

“Will you now.” Kendra’s eyes tightened. “Of course, you’re back to that. The genetic compatibility bullshit, so you can have all the healthy kids you want.”

Faron’s forehead wrinkled. “I was surprised when I got the news.”

“I bet you were. So surprised you kept the information to yourself.”

“No, you misunderstand. I did not realize my family was coming here.”

“But you’re going to meet this female? If your family thinks she’s suitable, you will join with her?”

“I am not sure. It’s the right thing to do.” He reached for Kendra, but she shook her head and took another step back.

“No, I don’t think so.” Bright spots of color appeared on her cheeks. “You can do what you like. It’s not like we have anything special. We don’t care for each other.”

“Your actions suggest you care,” Faron said. “It’s understandable if you’re jealous.”

“Jealous! There’s no reason for me to be jealous. We don’t have anything. We’ve been on a couple of dates, and it was all for the cameras. This was about business. You see other people if you want to.”

“I need to see my family and discuss this with them.”

“I wouldn’t waste your time.” Kendra crossed her arms over her chest. “Besides, I’m going on a date with somebody else. You can do the same.”

Faron’s heart felt like it froze in his chest. “You are seeing other people?”

“Which is no concern of yours since you’re doing the exact same thing.”

His gaze went to the floor. Of course, Kendra would consider him not good enough. It came back to the same thing, his obvious weakness. Maybe she’d come here to tell him that the dance could never happen, and she’d met someone who was complete and would offer her everything he couldn’t.

Kendra huffed out a breath. “You see, we aren’t exclusive. We should stop messing each other around and get on with our lives. The lives we’re supposed to live.”

He swallowed slowly, a strange tightness in his throat he’d never felt before. “As you wish. I did not mean to make you uncomfortable by suggesting the courtship protocols. At the time, it felt right.”

“It doesn’t matter now. Let’s forget about this. You said yourself many times that we’re not right for each other. This goes to show you were right. We aren’t supposed to be together.”

“My family is trying to do the right thing.”

“I get it. Your family means a lot to you,” Kendra said. “I’m sure you’ll be extremely happy with this female they have chosen.”

The force of her rejection hit him as he led her to the door. “And I’m sure you will have a successful coupling with an appropriate male.”

“Sure. I plan to be blissfully happy.” Her gaze was on the floor.

Faron opened the door and waited for Kendra to leave. He didn’t think he could stand being in the same room with her anymore. How had he gotten things so wrong? A short time ago, he was excited about being with Kendra and declaring himself to her, showing her how right they were together. That felt like a tainted idea now. He should have known she was not serious about him and would have been looking for a more suitable mate. Now, she had found one, and so had he.

Kendra touched his arm. “I didn’t mean to snap. I was just surprised. It’s great news for you. You can sort things out with your family and have all those kids you’re supposed to have. I do like you. Maybe, if you’re still around after you match with this female, we can be friends.”

He shook her hand off his arm and stepped back into his room. He did not want her friendship. He wanted her body and soul, but she didn’t want that from him. “It is not important. You are not important. We can get on with the rest of our lives, knowing we almost made a huge mistake.”

He heard her suck in a breath. “A mistake. Of course, I think we’ve both made a lot of those.” She turned and walked away.

He knew he shouldn’t, but Faron watched her go. Kendra was out of his life. The joy, surprise, frustration, and amazement he felt every time they were together faded. He would never experience that again. She was lost to him. It was time to give up these nonsense ideas of love and passion with a human, re-join his family, and serve them in the most appropriate way he knew how.

His heart closed in on itself as he slid the door shut on his future.