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Farseek Shavin's Mate: SFR Alien Mates Romance (Farseek Mercenary Series Book 3) by T.J. Quinn, Clarisssa Lake (25)






Nora was right. I did need her personal attention after the terror I felt at the prospect of losing her. We barely got the door to our cabin closed before we were pulling off each other’s clothes. I lifted her to wrap her legs around me and put my cock inside her as soon as we were naked and carried her to our bed that way.

My calm soon returned as I lay on top of her kissing and caressing her as I thrust in and out of her intermittently. We had plenty of time to climb to that summit of ecstasy that we almost always reached together. It was so much more than mere sexual pleasure that brought us together, although I have always found that in her arms.

As meomee, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Nora is the other half of my soul that I had been missing all my life until I found her. That is the best way I can explain it.

It is the reason I feel I must see this mission through to the end with the Farseek Mercenary Brigade. Without their generosity in rescuing aliens like Nora and me along with their own people, she would have ended up as some alien’s sex toy, and I would have died in the mines on Breskaa.

As we journeyed to the next rendezvous in the Nikdoke system, we learned that Command would terminate our mission after we filled the Kurellis. After we finished collecting Uatu people and whoever else wanted to be freed with them, we would all return to Farseek. After the ambush by the Sargans at the rendezvous with the Kurellis, Command believed they had figured out what we were doing.

It wasn’t that hard to figure out, going by the worlds we had already hit. They just had to check their records for the most significant pockets of Uatu people enslaved then set traps for us. Our AI team had found a new entry in the Sargus AI Network that they believe was planted since the mercenaries had begun their raids. The file listed a thousand Uatu on a backwater colony deep into the heart of the Empire.

They had covered their tracks pretty well to make it look older than it was, but our AI found inconsistencies with the previous entries. They tried to conceal the fact that there was a military base on that planet with a fleet of battlecruisers and battle carriers. It wasn’t just a guess. Two dreads went there on a recon mission and saw them orbiting the planet en masse. They couldn’t even try shuttling a team to the planet to see if there really were a thousand Uatu there. It was way too dangerous.

One heavily armed Dreadnaught could take a more massive Sargan battlecruiser with a good captain at the helm, but it was risky. In the time it took for us to evacuate everyone from the Rauner, the four dreads destroyed two of the battlecruisers and disabled one. With more time, I felt confident they could have taken them all, but they blinked out right after we did.

We learned all this at our first briefing back on Dread One three weeks later. They also informed us that we were all wanted fugitives by the Sargus Empire which was no great surprise. We could face execution or life on Julconi, the prison planet.

So, instead of the next closest planet where Uatu people had been enslaved, we set our sights on the world farthest from Julconi to break the pattern.

Lastly, the holographic story exalting the benefits of a free society without slavery had been widely distributed throughout the Sargus Empire. They couldn’t stop it from spreading. Our AI system built by the best developers in the Consortium was able to piggyback the story on a virus that spread to every system linked to the primary central AI at the heart of the Empire. As soon as they purged it, the virus would reinject it into the main AI.

It was a powerful message. I hoped it did cause the oppressed to rebel and bring down the Sargus Empire from within.

Considering some faction in the Consortium was responsible for the destruction of Farseek and the enslavement of its people, Command decided to flood their market with the story as well. As far as they were concerned, they no longer owed anything to the Consortium.

Farseek had already declared its independence from the Consortium the day they discovered their world in ruin. The Consortium tabled the vote on whether to accept Farseek’s withdrawal pending the results of their investigation of the Sargan invasion.  As long as the Consortium was financing the rebuilding the Farseek Brigade wouldn’t contest it.

Nora and I had simple dreams. We looked forward to the day we all could go to Farseek to make our home and make our family. Until then we were home to each other.