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Fated for the Dragon (Lost Dragons Book 2) by Zoe Chant (15)





“... And as you can see from my next slide, we’ve had stunning success re-introducing the white speckled kingfisher to its former habitats along the southern European coast. Our captive breeding program has meant that we’ve been able to release birds across almost the full extent of their former range.”

Standing behind the lectern, Josie looked out over a sea of faces, all of them with expressions of rapt attention. She was here in Uppsala, Sweden, addressing some of the world’s foremost scientists in the fields of biology and conservation, as well as young students who had come specifically to hear her speak at this conference.

She had been offered a full professorship on the basis of her work with the white speckled kingfisher, and she now ran her own lab dedicated to studying them – and ensuring their continuing survival in the wild.

“Thanks to the small population of birds we found on the island of Calauria –”

That you found. You found them, Josie. No one else believed you.

Isaak’s voice in her head was clear as a bell, and Josie found herself struggling not to smile.

Not now, Isaak! I’m giving a presentation!

Okay, okay. I’m sorry! But it was your work, and you deserve the accolades.

“– we’ve now been able to ensure the white speckled kingfisher’s survival, so that future generations will know the beauty of this stunningly gorgeous bird. Thank you.”

Applause rang out through the hall as she stepped back from the lectern, letting out a long, slow breath.

She felt more comfortable addressing large crowds now than she had when she was younger, but it was still a nerve-racking experience. In some ways, she still felt like the awkward girl who had trouble making friends at school, and who preferred to sit in her mother’s garden watching the birds than spend time with the other girls her age, talking about boys or whatever the latest fashions were.

As she walked down from the stage, Josie managed to plaster a confident smile on her face as her colleagues came forward to congratulate her on her presentation.

“Fantastic work, Professor Torres.”

“Such a hopeful look at the future!”

“It’s great to see a good news story!”

“Wow, can I just say, Professor Torres – ”

Josie managed to shake their hands, replying to each of them in turn with a smile and a word of thanks. To tell the truth, though, she felt a little overwhelmed – there were a lot of people in the room, and this was her second presentation of the day. Besides which, she’d spent lunch talking with a group of distinguished professors all several years her senior, not to mention several representatives of companies who were looking to spruce up their public image by funding some worthy cause.

It was fun, and Josie couldn’t say how much she appreciated all the opportunities she had now.

But it was also exhausting.

Especially when it meant she’d barely had a chance all day to spend time with Isaak.

My mate.

I’m here.

Isaak’s warm, calming presence washed over her mind at once as she made her way through the crowd.

She saw him as soon as she managed to make her way out into the aisle. It wasn’t hard – amongst the bookish professors, scientists and grad students he stood out like a sore thumb.

Or, well, like six foot and change of solid muscle and sexiness, Josie thought as she smiled at him, and watched as an answering smile spread across his handsome face.

A year later, and she still couldn’t believe he was really all hers.

“You were great up there,” he said as she approached, leaning down to give her a brief kiss on the top of her head. “Really amazing.”

Josie laughed lightly. “Thanks. But I mean... you don’t think you might be just the tiniest bit biased?”

“Not at all,” Isaak said smoothly. “I think you’re exactly the right amount of brilliant. Which is extremely brilliant.”

“Oh my God,” Josie muttered, shaking her head. “Stop. My head will be too big to get out the conference hall if this keeps up.”

Isaak laughed softly, curling his arm around her waist. “Do you have anywhere else you need to be right now?”

Josie shook her head. “No – that was the last thing on my schedule for this afternoon. I should come back for the closing address and dinner later, but... well, we have a few hours to kill before then.”

She quirked an eyebrow at him, and watched the heat gather in his bright green eyes.

An answering heat immediately began to build in the pit of her stomach. It had been days since they’d last been able to touch each other – Josie had been collapsing into bed and falling asleep within minutes since the beginning of the conference, worn out by hours of presenting, debating and schmoozing.

But now, for the next few hours at least, she was free.

“C’mon,” she whispered, just loud enough that only Isaak could possibly hear her. “Let’s get out of here.”

Isaak’s smile held a world of promise as she began to tug him across the hall toward the door.

But she’d only taken a few steps when someone caught her eye.

She only saw him briefly in the crowd, but that was enough. He stood out almost as obviously as Isaak did, with his hulking shoulders and muscular build. But it wasn’t only that which had caught Josie’s attention: it was also the bright blue of his eyes.

She recognized him almost immediately.


Sucking in a quick breath, Josie drew closer to Isaak’s side, clutching his arm.

It’s all right. I see him too, Isaak sent to her, his jaw clenching. I won’t let him hurt you.

But... but why is he here? Josie wondered, licking her lips nervously as Magnus’s eyes, ranging through the crowd, finally settled on her face.

His expression didn’t change, but he immediately began moving through the crowd toward them.

She wasn’t about to back away from him – not when Isaak was here, anyway – and she boldly stared as he approached, refusing to drop her eyes.

What does he want?

“I only want to talk to you, I swear it.”

It wasn’t until Magnus spoke that Josie realized that she had never heard his voice before. He hadn’t spoken at all throughout their confrontations back in Chora or on Calauria.

She supposed that made sense, if he’d been under Bain’s control.

She shuddered as she remembered everything that had happened. It still struck her as unspeakably cruel – but that didn’t mean she wasn’t nervous at the sight of him.

“About what?” Isaak asked, his voice sounding as wary as Josie felt.

“About... what happened,” Magnus said, swallowing visibly. “And I want to apologize. I wasn’t... I wasn’t myself. At least, I don’t think I was. Everything from that time... it’s so hazy. It’s like I’m trying to remember it through a mist. I don’t feel like I can be sure of anything.”

Almost despite herself, Josie felt her heart go out to him.

He’d still been unconscious when Holly, Stefan and Darklis had gathered both him and Bain up. Stefan had said that he would take Bain back to his coven of dragon hunters to face whatever punishment they chose to give him for breaking their treaty with the Novak Clan.

In the following months, she had come to understand a lot more about the strange new world she had been thrust into as a dragon’s mate. Holly had taught her so many things about life with dragons – as a human herself, Holly hadn’t known that dragons existed until she had met Stefan, and discovered that she was his mate.

The Loric Coven of Dragon Hunters and the Novak Clan had signed a treaty with each other many years ago, long before Stefan and Holly had become the clan leaders. The Loric Coven had understood for decades now that the Novak Clan wasn’t interested in conflict with humans, and would never do anything to harm them. The Novak dragons had only ever wanted to live in harmony with others – and this wasn’t something that Stefan and Holly planned to change. They had taken up the treaty again, wanting to focus on rebuilding their shattered clan, no matter how much they personally might have disagreed with the Loric Coven’s ideas.

They could only fight so many enemies at once, Josie had come to realize. And with a weakened clan that had only just reclaimed its hoard and its territory, the Novak were in no position to fight both rival dragon clans and dragon hunters.

It was a strange new world she had walked into. One of magic and beauty, but also one characterized by blood and rivalries. Dragon clans were always fighting for more power, for bigger hoards and more territory.

She supposed that the myths about dragons were true, in that way. They really did have insatiable appetites for power and gold!

But that wasn’t the only thing about them.

She had also learned they were kind, loyal, and fiercely protective of their friends and family – and their clans.

A dragon without a clan was lost, just as Isaak had been, during all those years alone.

But now, he was back amongst his own kind, a member of a clan once more.

And I’m his mate. Together, there’s nothing we can’t face.

Josie had also learned a lot about dragon hunters themselves – how they drank a dragon’s blood in order to temporarily gain some of their powers, which explained how Bain had been able to read her mind, despite the fact he was a human like her. It also explained his interest in her ring – he had taken on a dragon’s insatiable desire for gold and jewels.

Josie shuddered. She didn’t want to think about that right now. It creeped her out.

And it meant that now, she found herself feeling very sorry for Magnus. What must it have been like, to be controlled like that?

“But mainly, I wanted to apologize,” Magnus said. “It’s taken me a while to find you. In the end, I did an internet search on your name, and found out you’d be speaking here. I thought meeting you in a crowd would be best, so you’d know I wasn’t trying to attack you – but then, I wasn’t sure whether you’d want to see me. I could understand it if you didn’t.”

Josie shook her head. Now that her nervousness was dissipating somewhat, she was glad to know that Magnus was all right.

“No – I understand. And I appreciate it.” She swallowed. “Is... is everything all right?”

He seemed to understand what she was hinting at. He shrugged. “Yes and no. I have good days and bad days. It’s hard, not being able to remember who you are.”

“You don’t remember your past?” Isaak asked, blinking.

Magnus shook his head, grimacing. “Not at all. I remember nothing from before the collar was put on my neck. And everything after... well, like I said, it’s hazy.”

Josie shook her head. “That’s... that’s awful. You mean you don’t even know who your family is?”

A look of deep sadness passed over Magnus’s face. “No – nothing at all. I don’t know how to even begin looking for them. Or who they are, and whether they’re people I even want to know.”

Josie nodded. She could understand that. There were many different dragon clans in the world, and not all of them were nice.

“If you ever need our help, I hope you’ll come to us,” said Isaak. “I know what it’s like not to know where you belong. And I’d never wish that on anyone.”

Josie nodded. “We really mean that,” she said sincerely, hoping that Magnus believed her. “If there’s ever anything either of us can do to help, or any other Novak dragon for that matter...”

Magnus dropped his eyes, but not before Josie saw them becoming misted over.

“Thank you,” he murmured, his voice quiet. “I’ll try to remember that.” When he looked up again, his eyes were clear. “But please, for now, it’s enough to know that you’ve forgiven me for what I’ve done. I still don’t know everything that happened, but I do know I owe you everything. Without you, I’d still be collared, and under Bain’s control.”

“Thank Darklis for that,” Isaak said. “I don’t know how she did it – but then, she’s been studying dragon magic for some time, now. I don’t understand half of what she’s able to do.”

“I will,” Magnus said sincerely. “And I don’t want to intrude any further. That’s all I wanted to say. I’m sorry.”

“There’s no need,” Isaak said, almost at the same time as Josie said, “You don’t need to.”

She smiled. “You weren’t yourself, then. We can’t blame you for what you did while you were being controlled by Bain – and you shouldn’t blame yourself, either.”

Magnus nodded. “I’ll try to remember that.”

Josie watched as the smallest glimmer of a smile crossed his face, and then he turned away, moving back into the crowd. Josie watched his broad back until he disappeared into the ocean of people.

“Do you think he’ll be okay?” she asked, turning to look up at Isaak.

“I think so,” Isaak said, still looking after him. “It’s hard, not knowing where you come from. But I think he’ll be all right.”

Josie nodded. “I hope so.”

She meant it. It didn’t seem right that someone could have their entire past ripped away from them like that. She hoped Magnus would take them up on their offer of assistance.

If he does, then I’ll do everything I can to help him, Isaak sent to her, putting his hand on her shoulder.

I know you will, Josie sent back. I know.






Back at their hotel room, Josie found her mouth opening wide in a yawn as soon as the door was closed behind them.

“Are you tired?” Isaak asked, a smile quirking at the corner of his lips. “Do you need to sleep?”

“Later,” Josie said, pulling him toward her, her arms around his waist. “Much later.”

She could feel his smile against her lips as she lifted her face to his, kissing him firmly. Sure, she was tired – but not too tired for this.

She’d been aching for his touch for the past three days. She didn’t think she could hold out any longer, tired or not.

“It’s been too long,” Isaak growled as he kissed his way down Josie’s jaw, and then her throat.

Josie felt her knees grow weak, clasping her hands around his shoulders to keep herself upright. “Much too long,” she agreed with a gasp, as his hands slipped under her shirt, finding the soft skin of her waist.

When Isaak kissed her, Josie found it hard to do anything other than just be kissed – his mouth drove all rational thought from her mind. His lips and tongue drove her utterly wild, and had done every day since the first time they had made love back on his island of Calauria.

So when he pulled back, it took her a moment to register what had happened.

“What’s happening?” she asked, breathless, opening her eyes. “Why did you stop?”

She looked up to see Isaak looking out of the balcony door at the mountains that rose in the evening sky, just beyond the outskirts of the city.

“Josie... do you want to do something crazy?”

Josie blinked. “Such as...?”

Taking her hand, he tugged her over to the door, opening it out onto the balcony. The night was mild, but Josie still shivered a little at the touch of his hand.

“Let’s go up there,” he said, pointing.

Josie shook her head, not understanding. “Up where?”

“To the mountains.”

All at once, Josie understood what he was saying. Despite herself, she grinned.

“You’d be taking a pretty big risk, shifting in the middle of a city like that,” she said, raising an eyebrow mock-scoldingly.

Isaak snorted. “I don’t care. I’ve had enough of hotel rooms and conference halls and other stuffy places. I want to be with my mate under the stars, with nothing between us and the sky.”

Josie laughed as she pulled him back into the room.

“Wait, wait!” she said. “Let me get some things first.”

Walking quickly across the room, she knelt in front the small hotel safe and quickly entered the code. Opening it, she withdrew the items from the Novak hoard that had been designated as Isaak’s personal items, and which they carried with them whenever they were traveling.

Isaak’s eyes seemed to light up as she draped the golden necklaces about her throat. Sometimes, it felt strange to be doing this – she had never imagined that she would ever even see, much less touch and wear, items of such great rarity and value.

But a dragon’s hoard was second only to his mate in his heart. The hoard had been protected with Isaak’s ancestors’ blood – and she wanted to honor his clan’s traditions.

“Let me,” Isaak said softly, coming to kneel next to her on the floor by the safe.

In the next moment, he had taken up a pair of luminous golden bangles, sliding them reverently onto her wrists. He caught up her hair with emerald pins, sweeping it back off her face. Drop earrings came next, trailing diamonds and rubies almost all the way down to her shoulders.

And then came her tiara, the piece that Isaak had crowned her with in the formal ceremony that had declared her his mate. It wound around and around in intricate curlicues, with pink diamonds nestling in clusters in its design. It was the most beautiful thing that Josie had ever seen – besides Isaak himself, of course.

But that wasn’t the last piece that Isaak placed on her.

Last of all, of course, came the ring – her ring.

The sapphire ring she’d had for years, without ever realizing what it meant.

Isaak slid it reverently onto her finger, its deep blue depths reflecting the hotel light across his face. The small diamonds that surrounded the flawless blue stone twinkled.

“Now, I’m ready,” Josie said. “Now, we can go.”

Isaak only grinned as he took her by the hand. Together, they ran out onto the balcony, before Isaak leaped off without hesitation, transforming mid-air into the most magnificent red-gold dragon Josie had ever seen. The delicate membrane of his wings unfurled into the night sky, holding his muscular body up seemingly without effort.

Josie laughed, clapping her hands over her mouth at Isaak’s daring.

If anybody sees us –

Then hurry up and climb aboard! came Isaak’s swift reply.

Well, Josie thought, I can’t argue with that.

Going to the edge of the balcony, she stepped up onto the railing before jumping lightly onto Isaak’s shoulder, catching hold of one of the defensive spikes that protruded from it. In the past, she never would have dared to do something so bold – but, after finding out that dragons existed, she felt she could do anything. Isaak would always be there to catch her if she fell.

She settled herself at the base of his neck, gripping his spines tightly.

Let’s go!

Isaak’s only response was to sweep his wings up, filling them with air, and lifting them high into the night sky.

Josie resisted the urge to laugh out loud as they raced through the air. A feeling of pure freedom surged in her veins, the wind rushing through her hair, the stars twinkling above.

Flying was something she had always dreamed of doing, ever since she had first decided that she wanted to study birds. She had loved watching them dive and swoop, arcing through the air like they weighed nothing at all, with gravity apparently meaning nothing to their flight.

She had never dreamed she would get to experience flight on anything other than an airplane.

But here I am, riding on the back of a dragon, she thought, her heart pounding with excitement, her skin flushed from the rush of the air. With nothing at all to hold us down.

Isaak stretched out his wings and soared, the light of the town beneath them, the light of the stars above. Josie would have been perfectly happy to stay here forever, if only she hadn’t known that what was to come was even better.

Folding his wings, Isaak brought them in to land at a small glade on the side of the mountain. The trees hid them from any prying eyes – not to mention the fact that this particular area would have been impossible to reach by anything other than flight. There was no chance they’d be surprised by curious hikers.

Isaak transformed again the moment Josie slid down from his back – and a moment later his lips were on hers, hot and hungry.

“We need to get you out of those clothes,” he murmured, as his hands fumbled with the buttons of the sensible shirt she’d been wearing all day – a far cry from the tank top and shorts she was comfortable in for fieldwork.

“Mmm, yes please,” she replied, her own hands scrabbling at the zip of her pencil skirt. These clothes were way too confining!

  Between the two of them, they made short work of her suit. It wasn’t long before it was tossed to the grass at their feet, utterly forgotten.

Josie moaned as Isaak lowered his head to her breasts, still cupped inside her bra. She raised a hand to run her fingers through his dark hair, urging him downward, until he was teasing at her nipples with his lips and tongue.

“Oh, God, Isaak...

He always knew just what to do to drive her wild. She could already feel his erection, hot and huge, pressing against her thighs, and she herself was growing wetter by the second. It never took long for her to reach a fever pitch of desire for him – but they still liked to take their time, all the same.

One of his hands slid up her back, releasing the clasp of her bra, while the other slid down, pushing down her panties.

The jewelry about her wrists and throat jangled as Josie shuddered, throwing her head back.

“Yes,” she breathed, as Isaak slowly lowered her to the forest floor. “God, yes. Please, Isaak – show me –”

“You’re mine,” Isaak growled as he planted kisses down her belly, and then her thighs. “All mine, asteri mou.”

Josie squealed, squirming up against him as his tongue brushed against her, finding her core immediately. He opened his mouth, spreading her thighs with his hands, clearly seeking more of her – more of her smell, her taste.

Josie could do nothing but gasp and writhe as he explored her with his tongue, licking her everywhere, one moment teasing her clit and the next plunging deep inside her.

“Oh, God, oh Isaak...!

Josie closed her eyes, her hands raised above her head in total abandonment as she felt herself racing closer and closer to the edge. Isaak’s expert tongue knew just what to do, how to find all the right places within her. Desperately, she twisted on the grass, her thighs either side of his head, as he brought her closer and closer to the heights of her pleasure.

She came with a cry, stars flashing before her eyes, every muscle in her body contracting and releasing as wet heat surged from her body.

When, panting, she could finally open her eyes and lift her head, she could see Isaak’s chin glistening with her own wetness – and he licked his lips, seeming to relish the taste of her.

“You’re amazing,” he said, his green eyes luminous in the dark. “The way you taste...”

Josie laughed, still a little breathless. “Come here,” she said, raising one limp arm to beckon him. While her orgasm had been stunning, there was more she wanted from him tonight.

He kissed her fervently, as if he could never get his fill. She wound her arms around his back, drawing him down to her, pulling his body against hers. Again, she felt his hard length against her, and she parted her thighs, wanting him inside her.

As always, he understood her perfectly. Josie threw back her head as the head of his cock pressed against her slick folds, finding her entrance and sliding inside.

Her hand clamped to the back of his neck as he slid home, inch by inch, slowly filling her.

God, Josie, the way you feel...

Isaak’s voice in her mind was like an extra layer to the pleasure she felt. It was almost as if she could feel his pleasure too, and together they heightened each other’s bliss. Every movement he made seemed to wash over her and back into him – and when she squeezed her inner walls around him, the groan he let out seemed to resonate in her very soul.

This is what it means to be mates, she thought, as Isaak began to move his hips. This is what it means to find the other half of your soul.

“You are mine,” Isaak groaned, his hips snapping forward and making her cry out in pleasure. “And I’m yours. All yours, Josie. My sweet, beautiful mate...”

Every movement he made drove her higher and higher along a spiral of ecstasy. She could feel her muscles tightening as she reached for her release, her body coiled tighter than a spring.

My love. My mate.

In the end, it was the touch of Isaak’s mind against hers that sent her tumbling over the edge, crying out her bliss to the stars above.

Her back arched beneath him, her muscles pulsing and straining, and she heard his own cry as he too fell with her into infinite pleasure. Her body tightened around him, and he kissed her breathlessly, their lips finding each other in the dark.

Josie’s body twitched helplessly in the aftermath of her climax, Isaak still wringing bright splinters of pleasure from deep within her.

For a long time, all they could do was hold each other, arms wound around each other’s backs, until finally, finally, Isaak could apparently bring himself to move. With a groan, he lifted himself and then lay by her side, his chest glistening with sweat, pulse fluttering in his throat.

It was a longer time still before either of them could speak.

“Do you really have to go back?” Isaak asked as he curled his body around hers, taking her in his arms.

Josie blinked drowsily, her hand curling over his waist. Above her, the stars were like a luminous blanket. “I probably should, but...” She laughed. “Forget it. If anyone thinks I’m moving from here, they’re wrong.”

She felt the hot puff of Isaak’s breath against her cheek as he laughed. “You’re the boss, boss. Pretty sure after everything you’ve done these past few days, you could just click your fingers and have them all come running.”

 “Damn straight.”

Josie could feel fatigue pulling at her limbs, her eyes, her brain. All she wanted to do was sleep, wrapped up in the arms of her mate.

Isaak was right. She’d done enough for one weekend. This time was just for them. They could worry about everything else in the morning.

Sleep, my mate.

“I will,” she murmured, turning her head to kiss Isaak’s forehead.

She had her mate.

They had his clan.

And everything was perfect.



A note from Zoe Chant

Thank you for buying my book! I hope you enjoyed it. If you’d like to be emailed when I release my next book, please to be added to my mailing list. You can also visit, or follow me on or.

Please consider reviewing Fated for the Dragon, even if you only write a line or two. I appreciate all reviews, whether positive or negative.

Page down to read a special sneak preview of A Mate for the Dragon, the first in the Lost Dragons series.

The cover of Fated for the Dragon was designed by Isabelle Arden.


 A curvy woman with a broken heart + a hot dragon shifter with a haunted past + a deadly clan of evil dragons = one sizzling and suspenseful romance!

(Cedar Hill Lions #1) A sexy lion shifter sheriff + an independent BBW who runs a diner + trouble with a local gang = one red-hot romance that will leave you breathless!

(Cedar Hill Lions #2) A curvy, confident accountant + a sexy lion shifter bodyguard sworn to protect her + a terrifying kidnap attempt = one roaring romance!

(Cedar Hill Lions #3) An independent BBW on the run + a sexy protective lion shifter + a pack of deadly enemies = one action-packed romance that will leave you breathless!

(Cedar Hill Lions #4) A curvy independent woman + a protective alpha lion + old memories and new beginnings = one heartwarming story of second chance romance!

(Cedar Hill Lions #5) A curvy single mother in need of a protector + a hotheaded lion shifter who needs to make up for past mistakes + the little boy who brings them together = one heartwarming romance!

. (Protection, Inc. # 1). A BBW witness to a murder + the sexy bear shifter bodyguard sworn to protect her with his life + firefights and fiery passion = one hot thrill ride!

. (Protection, Inc. # 2). A curvy backpacker who loses a shoe at a ball + a lonely dragon prince facing an arranged marriage to a princess he doesn’t love + magnificent castles and deadly assassins = one thrilling romance!

. (Protection, Inc. # 3). A curvy paramedic who doesn’t know the meaning of fear + a mysterious panther shifter bodyguard with the power to inflict terror + sinister experiments and desperate passion = one heart-pounding romance!

. (Protection, Inc. # 4). A runaway dragon princess who wants to experience life outside of castle walls + an ex-gangster werewolf bodyguard with a chip on his shoulder the size of Texas + uptown parties, downtown nightclubs, and deadly assassins = one explosive good girl/bad boy romance!

(Protection, Inc. # 5). A tough lion shifter bodyguard hiding a lonely heart + the determined stage manager he'll protect with his life + deadly danger behind the scenes = one sizzling thrill ride of a romance!

. (Bodyguard Shifters # 1). A tough bear shifter bodyguard undercover in a coffee shop + a curvy barista with an adorable 5-year-old + a deadly shifter assassin = a scorching thrill ride of a romance!

(Bodyguard Shifters # 2). What's hotter than a sexy man holding an adorable kitten? A sexy, protective panther shifter cop holding five adorable kittens!

. (Bears of Pinerock County # 1). A small-town sheriff + a wrongly accused BBW on the run + deadly enemies and dangerous passions = a sizzling forbidden love!

. (Bears of Pinerock County # 2). Biker bear on the open road + a BBW runaway-bride hitchhiker + evil motorcycle gang = an unforgettable red-hot road trip!

. (Bears of Pinerock County # 3). A take-charge alpha with commitment issues + a midwife who's not about to give up control of her well-ordered life + a roadside winter disaster = an explosive romance that's about to blow up everything they both thought they wanted!

(Bears of Pinerock County # 4). A mountain man with a tragic past + a curvy amnesiac + two deadly secrets = one explosive romance!

. (Bears of Pinerock County # 5). A curvy farmer deep in debt + a lonely rancher hoping to open his heart + a family farm hiding a hidden treasure = a red-hot rural romance!

. (Bears of Pinerock County # 6). Revisit the ranch at Pinerock County in this heartwarming holiday romance.

(Christmas Valley Shifters #1). A lonely bookkeeper in search of Christmas + a mysterious dragon shifter with a past full of pain + a beautiful snow castle hiding a ruthless enemy = one glittering Christmas romance!

. (Christmas Valley Shifters #2). A curvy hotel manager longing for a real home + a broken fire dragon shifter who hates Christmas + a lost dragon hoard = a magical Christmas romance!

Jasper has five days to win his mate’s heart. Luckily, it’s Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year. Unluckily… his mate hates the holidays.

. (Enforcer Bears # 1). A BBW baker with a troubled past + a protective bear shifter cop with a secret of his own + an accident that leaves them stranded in the wilderness = one untamed romance!

. (Enforcer Bears # 2). A BBW artist who fears she's lost her muse + a scarred, reclusive bear shifter hunting danger + a mysterious treasure map = one adventurous romance!

. (Enforcer Bears #3). A curvy librarian in desperate need of a date + a bear shifter in search of a home + the past that's pursuing him = one sweet and steamy small-town romance!

. (Enforcer Bears #4). A curvy veterinary technician longing for a family + a lonely bear shifter with a wounded heart + a family farm in jeopardy = one exciting rural romance!

(Enforcer Bears #5) A lonely secretary who doesn't know she's a shifter + a protective bear shifter guard + a mob attack = a small town romance that'll make you purr!

. He's a dragon prince promised in an arranged marriage to a princess who's just disappeared. She's a lonely virgin on vacation who just happens to look exactly like the missing princess. Has he got an offer for her...

. A curvy artist down on her luck + a dragon shifter running out of time + a powerful enemy with an ancient grudge = a romance as hot as dragon fire!

(Shifting Sands Resort # 1). A unique shifter in search of her past + a tiger shifter spy on an undercover mission + a shifters-only resort with secrets to hide = a dangerous and thrilling romantic adventure!

(Shifting Sands Resort # 2). A curvy math teacher on vacation + a wolf shifter who spent years in captivity + an accident that leaves them stranded together in a jungle paradise = one thrilling romance!

(Shifting Sands Resort #3). A curvy black woman in disguise + a hot bartender bear shifter + a male beauty pageant at a shifters-only resort = a romantic adventure that bares it all!

 A curvy woman with a broken heart + a hot dragon shifter with a haunted past + a deadly clan of evil dragons = one sizzling and suspenseful romance!

. A curvy woman determined to take things slow + an alpha stallion shifter who knows what he wants + a boisterous horse shifter family cheering him on = one heart-warming and hilarious romance!

. A lonely reporter in deadly danger + a protective griffin shifter who thinks he’s a monster + a cozy cabin in the snowy woods = on exciting and heartwarming romance!

. A curvy businesswoman who’s new in town + a lonely griffin shifter searching for someone to share his nest + a small town with a big secret = a hot and heartwarming story of love and family.

A curvy artist struggling with self-doubt + a panther shifter who's out of touch with his panther + a kidnapper with deadly plans = one dangerous romantic adventure!

(Glacier Leopards #1) A curvy waitress longing for a better life + a lonely lumberjack snow leopard shifter + a wild night that will change their lives = one sweet and steamy romance!

. (Glacier Leopards #2) A curvy single mom + a snow leopard shifter in need of a family + the blizzard that brings them together = a sweet and steamy romance!

(Glacier Leopards #6). Christmas is coming, and everything is going wrong…

A curvy, independent radio DJ + a protective bear shifter detective + a scary stalker = one thrilling romance!


(Rowland Lions #1) A curvy woman who longs for adventure + a daring lion shifter on a dangerous mission + evil experiments in a secret lab = one action-packed romance!

(Rowland Lions #2) A curvy cheetah shifter with a traumatic past + a billionaire lion shifter on a mission + a corporation with a dangerous agenda = one thrilling romance!

(Fire & Rescue Shifters # 1). A curvy archaeologist with the find of a lifetime + a firefighter dragon shifter battling his instincts + a priceless artifact coveted by a ruthless rival = one blazing hot romance!

. (Fire & Rescue Shifters # 2). A curvy pilot wary of flighty men + a firefighter pegasus shifter determined to win her heart + a high speed air race with even higher stakes = one explosive romance!

. (Fire & Rescue Shifters # 3). A curvy single mom burned by love + a unique half-eagle, half-lion shifter firefighter with a wounded soul + the little boy who brings them together = one heart-warming romance!

(Fire & Rescue Shifters # 4). A lonely woman who feels like a fish out of water + a firefighter sea dragon baffled by human ways + a forbidden love that will shake the whole sea = one magical romance!

(Fire & Rescue Shifters # 5). He's the most feared shifter in the sea. She's a middle-aged grandma from Arizona. He may have finally met his match...

. (Fire & Rescue Shifters # 6). His touch can heal anything — except her. Her touch can kill anyone — except him. He’s her salvation. She’s his doom.

A curvy American shocked to learn that she's a lost princess + a warrior lion shifter sworn to protect her + a hidden shifter kingdom in desperate need of a leader = a sizzling romance fit for a queen!

. (Gray’s Hollow Dragon Shifters # 1) A BBW in search of adventure + a dragon shifter in search of a mate + a mishap on a mountainside = one sparkling and sexy story!

(Gray’s Hollow Dragon Shifters # 2) A BBW who's new in town + a dragon shifter who's new to being human + a very confused dog named Mouse = one sexy fairy tale romance!

(Gray’s Hollow Dragon Shifters #3) A curvy newlywed wife + a dragon shifter mayor + a small town Christmas celebration = one snowy, sexy holiday romance!

. (Gray’s Hollow Dragon Shifters # 4) A BBW in a small town + twin dragon shifters in need of a mate to share + the most hotly contested mayoral election Gray's Hollow has ever seen = one sexy story that's a win/win/win!

(Gray’s Hollow Dragon Shifters # 5) A curvy social worker in need of a break + a carefree dragon shifter + a baby dragon who needs her father = one hot and heartwarming romance!

(Gray’s Hollow Dragon Shifters #6) One curvy cop who's devoted her life to fighting evil dragons + one dragon who's sure he's a monster + a challenge he can't refuse = a fiery romance that starts with a bang!

A BBW shop owner in a bind + a sexy jaguar shifter returned to town + the threat of a ruthless loan shark = a love story that will be sure to make a wave!

A curvy reporter looking for a story + a billionaire jaguar shifter looking for his mate = a romance that’ll make headlines!

A BBW bunny shifter with a pony farm + a lonely bear shifter hunting a dangerous werewolf + a criminal werewolf pack causing trouble = one steamy springtime romance!

A brave woman in deadly danger + a bear shifter police detective who will protect her with his life + a frightening foe = one thrilling romance!

A lonely BBW who can't shift, on vacation with her shifter family + a billionaire tiger shifter looking for a family + a kidnapping plot that threatens to rip them apart = one sexy and dangerous weekend getaway!

A lonely bear shifter + a workaholic conservationist + a sudden storm = one wet and wild mountain adventure!


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by Zoe Chant

Special Sneak Preview

The bear showed no signs of backing off. It dropped down onto its forepaws again, splashing water over its thick fur. Then it slowly began to advance.

Holly bit her lip, trying to slow her breathing. Don’t panic, don’t panic, don’t panic, she repeated to herself as she slowly backed away. The bear can probably just smell your food. He’s just curious. He doesn’t want to hurt you.

Maybe it’d met other campers and hikers who’d fed it, or else had easily raidable backpacks or food stores. Maybe it thought Holly was an easy meal ticket.

Maybe I should rephrase that, she thought to herself.

Whatever it smelled in her backpack was an easy meal ticket. Not Holly herself.

The bear is not going to eat me, she told herself. That would be silly. And more trouble than it’s worth.

On the other hand, Holly thought wryly, there would certainly be some good eating on her – she’d hardly make for a light snack!

The bear grunted again – only now, it was more of a growl, revealing its teeth again as it lowered its head. Apparently it had decided that Holly needed a little more convincing to give up whatever delicious treats it smelled.

It was getting impatient. It wanted its food now.

Oh my God, Holly thought, finally feeling her panic break loose as the bear began to run, splashing across the stream toward her. She felt the can of bear spray in her hand and she whipped it out of her pocket, uncapping it clumsily.

“I didn’t want to have to do this, bear,” she said, raising her shaking hand.

But before she could press down on the button, her feet tangled in a tree root, and she came down heavily on her backside.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, Holly’s brain was screaming as she scrambled to recover herself, hearing the bear clear the water and come crashing through the undergrowth on the other side.

Holly closed her eyes as a dark shadow suddenly fell across her. She waited, wondering if this was it, and the next thing she’d feel was the bear’s nose against her skin – or its teeth.

When neither of those things happened, she slowly opened her eyes, frightened of what she might see when she looked up.

But there was no bear looming over her.

There was no bear at all, in fact.

Instead, standing a short distance away from her was a man.

Holy… holy hell.

Holly blinked, scarcely able to believe her eyes.

A man didn’t really even begin to cover it.

It was a broad-shouldered, deep-chested, tall, tall man, his fist clenched by his side, eyes blazing. From this angle, Holly could see him only in profile – but that was more than enough for her to see the squareness of his jaw, the perfect angle of his Roman nose, the tousle of dark hair that fell over his forehead, and the brilliant green of his eyes.  

And then there was the fact that he was facing down a charging bear.

Swallowing heavily, Holly forced herself to look away from her mystery savior. The bear, which had been merrily charging its way toward her just a few moments ago, had now stopped dead in its tracks. One paw was raised in almost comic indecision, as if it had stopped mid-step. Its facial expression – if bears could have facial expressions – was uncertain.

The man, despite his size, was still smaller than the bear. And the bear was, well, a bear, Holly thought, her breath catching in her throat.

But there was something about this man – whoever he was – that exuded strength – strength, and power. Power that could stop even a bear in its tracks.

The bear grunted a little, sniffing, taking a step back.

Suddenly, its easy meal no longer seemed so easy. It was clearly weighing things up: but Holly could see it wasn’t interested in pursuing this anymore. Whoever this man was, he had made the bear think twice. And on second thoughts, it had decided this probably wasn’t worth it.

Giving one last grunt, the bear backed away, its teeth still showing, but its heart clearly not in it. Once it had crossed back over the river, Holly watched as it turned, its massive hairy backside disappearing into the thick ferns it had emerged from.

Her chest burning, Holly let go of the breath she’d been holding.

“Oh my goodness,” she said, shaking her head. Her heart was thumping in her chest. She looked up again at the man who had saved her, only to find him looking down at her with his beautiful, bright green eyes. Oh, my.

“Are you all right?” he asked, and Holly felt a shiver pass along the whole length of her spine. His voice was deep and rich, like dark treacle. She licked her lips.

“I’m fine,” she said, shaking her head. “He just gave me a scare, that’s all. I’m sure he didn’t want to hurt me.”

The man nodded. “Well, maybe not. But it’s best to play it safe with bears.”

Holly laughed a little shakily, feeling foolish. She must look like an idiot, she thought – wandering around here where she didn’t belong, tripping over and being frightened out of her wits by bears. She looked wistfully at the rippling cords of muscle in the man’s forearms. He didn’t look like he’d need to be frightened of anything.

“I should thank you,” she said, the words tumbling out of her mouth before she could stop them. “I don’t know – I mean, like I said, I’m sure the bear didn’t mean me any harm – but still, I – ”

“It’s okay.”

That voice again. It seemed to send warmth straight to the pit of Holly’s stomach. She didn’t recall ever having responded to any man like this before in her entire life.

Then again, the men she mostly mixed with in her day-to-day life were office-bound city-dwellers – not that there was anything wrong with that. After all, she was an office-bound city-dweller. Most of them were perfectly nice men.

But now, confronted with the rugged beauty of the man before her, they all seemed to pale by comparison. This man was the definition of an outdoorsman – six foot and change of muscle and scruff, his handsome face tanned by the sun, his body tempered by hard work. His hair was jet black and his eyes an unusual shade of green – bright, almost like a cat’s.

He was – there were no other words for it – smoking hot.

And here Holly was, sitting on her ass in the middle of the woods, her hair sweaty and unkempt, unflattering hiking shorts rucked up over her thighs, needing rescuing from a bear.

Of course, she thought, feeling her face burning with embarrassment. Of course I couldn’t appear to the most handsome man I’ve ever seen all made up in an evening gown, drifting down a set of stairs like a siren of the silver screen. That would actually be impressive.

“I’m okay,” she said again, trying to salvage what dignity was left to her. She went to stand up – only to feel pain shoot up her leg from her ankle. “Ouch,” she gasped, stumbling, all thoughts of dignity temporarily evaporating.

The arm that suddenly wound around her shoulders prevented her from ending up straight back on her ass in the bracken. Warm and strong, it kept her in place without any apparent effort at all.

Sucking in a sudden breath, Holly blinked, eyes going wide as she stared up into the man’s eyes. Her skin tingled where it touched his, little sparks of electricity racing over her body.

Oh. My. God.


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