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Fear Inc by Melinda Valentine (8)













Paxton opened his eyes, surprised to find the sun up. He didn’t remember falling asleep. He pushed himself up to a sitting position, stretching his arms both above his head and behind his back. He hadn’t had a decent workout in a few days. He was itching to stretch his muscles out.

He pulled on a pair of basketball shorts, retrieved a pair of socks from his dresser drawer, and headed downstairs.

Krysta was at the kitchen island tapping away at her laptop. Her earbuds were in her ears—a sure sign that she wasn’t yet speaking to him. He smiled big and bright when she looked up at him. She rolled her eyes before they lowered back to the computer screen. Before he left the kitchen, though, he noticed her smile slightly. She wouldn’t stay mad long. She never did.

He laced up his sneakers and grabbed his iPhone off the table. Outside, Paxton put the small buds in his ears. Rock music played loudly, effectively shutting the rest of the world out. He took a song to stretch his limbs out. Then he started a slow jog. He had a routine he used. He mapped out his paths months ago. This particular path would bring him back home after a two-mile run.

He lost himself in the music and movement of his body. He didn’t need to think of where he was going. His body knew. By the time he came to a stop in his driveway, Paxton felt revitalized, his mind and body both recharged. He needed a nice cold shower to cool himself down. Then he would head out to the last place Mr. Stanley Pickett had used his credit card.

Hopefully after today, Paxton would convince the man to go back to wherever he came from. Then Paxton could go on with his life without having to worry about Cori. Speaking of. As if thinking of her had somehow summoned her, Cori stepped onto her porch. Her tan legs looked fantastic in a pair of spandex shorts. God help him. The white tank top ended just below her breasts, leaving her taut belly on display for his viewing pleasure.

Nonchalantly, he strolled up to his porch steps. He watched Cori out of the corner of his eye as she entered her car. Not once did she look over at him.

Krysta’s voice boomed from the front door five feet away. “Damn, my big brother must be losing his touch with the ladies.”

“Damn it, Krysta. You’re lucky I didn’t have my piece on me,” he growled.

She was hunched over holding her belly, laughing. “I scared you. Admit it. And you would never shoot me, asshole.”

Paxton grabbed the door handle. “Get outta the way, brat,” he grumbled playfully.

Krysta moved aside while she continued to laugh and just like that, they were cool again.

Gutter Mouth came in from the kitchen with a bottle of water in one hand and a half-eaten sandwich in the other. He nodded in their direction. “What’s so funny?”

Krysta stopped laughing, put her hands on her hips, and gave him a once-over. “Your face,” she deadpanned.

Paxton roared with amusement at the look on Gutter Mouth’s face. Krysta had always been quick-witted. So had Gutter Mouth. It was hilarious to watch the two of them go at it.

Gutter Mouth closed his mouth and narrowed his eyes at her. “Very funny, kitten.”

“I have my moments.” She smiled, a look of pride on her pretty face.

Gutter Mouth turned to Paxton. “Dude, are we heading over to the motel or what?”

Confusion marred Krysta’s expression. “Motel?” She observed both men.

Paxton wrapped his arm around Krysta’s shoulder. “Just following up on a lead.”

She grinned. “I wanna go.”

He shook his head at his sister. “Nope. No way. You are not getting involved.”

“Why not? You are.” She pouted.

Gutter Mouth scoffed. “It’s our job.”

“Oh, I forgot that Cori hired you to snoop into her life.” Krysta gasped. She looked between the two men with an expression of exaggerated shock. “Wait. She did hire you, right?”

He stood there quietly next to Gutter Mouth. He focused his gaze on anything except his too observant little sister. Neither of them said anything to confirm or deny what she was implying. She folded her arms over her chest, no doubt waiting for one of them to answer.

“I didn’t think so.”

Gutter Mouth smiled. “Think of it as pro bono.”

Krysta rolled her eyes. “You’re so full of shit.”

A lightbulb turned on in Paxton’s head. “Look, you wanna help?”

“You know I do.”

“Stay here and watch her. Make sure no one is trespassing on her property. If you see anyone, call me and Foster.”

“Yes, sir,” she replied.

“Now that’s more like it.” He winked playfully at her.

“Find out who’s doing this, big brother. I like her.”

“You know I will.”

She looked at Gutter Mouth. “Hey, boy wonder.” Krysta waited for Gutter Mouth to look up at her. “Watch his six for me.”

“Never a doubt,” he answered seriously.

Paxton grabbed his keys off the table and headed out to his truck, Gutter Mouth on his heels. They both climbed in and Paxton threw the machine into reverse. They weren’t even out of Paxton’s neighborhood before Gutter Mouth looked over at him seriously. Finally, Paxton couldn’t take it anymore.

“What, dude? You’re like a chick over there staring at me.”

“She’s gotten into your head. First Max. Now you.”

“She has not,” Paxton scoffed.

Gutter Mouth raised an eyebrow. “Oh no?”

Paxton returned his full attention to the road in front of him. Fuck yes, she’d gotten into his head. Like an insect, she’d burrowed inside like it was nothing. He didn’t know what to do to get her out. She was smart and sexy and he craved to own every inch of her sweet fucking body again and again until neither of them could think straight. He wanted to be the only man she wanted. How could he though? He’d already hurt her. More than once too.

Finally, he mumbled, “Maybe.”

They finished the rest of the drive in silence. Paxton pulled into an open space in front of the motel’s office. It was a dingy hole in the wall. There was more than one working girl watching for potential johns while standing out in front of their rented rooms. The one closest to them ran her hand up her body, squeezing her own breast. Paxton shook his head before turning to enter the office building.

The guy working the counter looked normal enough. Short dark hair, clean shaven, and a beer gut that looked well paid for. His name tag said Porter. Maybe they would get lucky after all. Gutter Mouth put both elbows on the counter.

“Hey, man. You the manager?”

The guy looked up from what Paxton could now see was some sort of adult magazine. “Who’s asking?”

Gutter Mouth stood up to his full height. “Obviously, we are. We’re here on business. We’re not here to jam you up over anything.”

Paxton pulled a printout of Stanley Pickett’s driver’s license from his back pocket. He unfolded it and slammed the paper on the counter with enough force to make the manager jump. “What room is this man in?”

“I’ve never seen him before,” the man stammered without looking at the photograph.

Paxton tried to keep his cool. He gritted his teeth. “Look again.”

This time the man studied the picture. His face eased up. “I’m telling you, that dude has never come in here.”

Gutter Mouth put a hand on Paxton’s shoulder, silencing him. “His credit card was used here two nights ago.”

“I only had two guys check in that night. He—” The clerk pointed at the photo still lying on the counter. “—was not one of them.”

Gutter Mouth sounded a lot calmer than Paxton felt. “Give us the room numbers.”

“No way, man. Fuck you.”

Paxton took a deep breath. “I’m not fucking asking. Give us the room numbers. Right. Fucking. Now,” he demanded through gritted teeth.

Gutter Mouth held up a hand and smiled mischievously. “Dude, I know what we’re asking could get you in hot water. I can understand your reluctance.” He took his wallet out and set a hundred-dollar bill on the counter. “So, how about I leave my friend Benjamin here for you. You can introduce him to some of those pretty ladies outside and while you do that, I can watch your sign-in book for you.”

The little weasel’s eyes sparkled. He licked his lips and glanced out the window. He slowly reached for the money. Once he had his prize, he pushed the book toward Gutter Mouth and quickly ran outside.

Gutter Mouth grinned like an idiot. “You catch more flies with honey, big man. Rooms 204 and 110.”

Paxton barreled out of the building. He didn’t wait for Gutter Mouth; he knew his friend would be right behind him. They found Room 110 first. Paxton banged on the door with the side of his fist. A man in his forties answered the door in nothing except a pair of boxer shorts, his hard-on visible through the fabric.

The man smiled invitingly at them. “You guys are late, but we’ll forgive you this time.”

He pushed the door open further. Paxton had a clear view of a naked man sitting on the bed with his head thrown back as another man knelt before him.

Paxton backed away from the door. “Sorry, wrong room.”

“Don’t be nervous. Come on in,” the man called from the doorway. “We were all first timers once.” Paxton and Gutter Mouth didn’t look back as they headed for Room 204.

Paxton glanced at Gutter Mouth. “Do not tell Krysta about that. She will never let us forget about it.” Paxton didn’t care what those guys were doing—he just didn’t want to be a part of it. Krysta would tease them both from now until eternity if she knew.

“You don’t need to tell me that,” he replied quickly.

They approached the second room. Gutter Mouth advanced first. “Dude, do you smell that?”

Paxton knew that smell. It smelled of death. This was not going as Paxton had planned.

“Tank, don’t do anything. I’ll go get keys. Wait for me. Got it?”

“Yeah,” he replied absentmindedly.

What the fuck was going on? Even if Stanley Pickett died in his sleep last night, there wouldn’t be a smell like this already.

He wanted to bust the door down. He hated waiting, and he wanted this shit wrapped up. With a fucking bow. A few moments later, Gutter Mouth jogged up to him, the motel manager walking briskly behind him.

“Open it,” Paxton barked.

This time the man made no objections. He quickly unlocked the motel room door. Both Paxton and Gutter Mouth pulled their guns from their holsters. The clerk actually squealed before cowering behind the nearest car.

The smell was stronger without the door as a barrier. Paxton had been to enough crime scenes to know this person hadn’t died during the night. They moved inside slowly. Paxton checked behind the door and under the beds as Gutter Mouth immediately moved toward the back of the room to check the bathroom and closet.

Once they cleared the room, Gutter Mouth called the station, asking for Foster directly. Paxton stood above the decaying body of Stanley Pickett, which had a blue hue and was slightly bloated. Foam surrounded the deceased’s mouth. Fuck. It wasn’t impossible that Pickett had been stalking Cori, but judging by the bloodied remains of his skull, someone had taken care of the problem for them days ago. But why? Who? And if that was the case…who had been peeking into Cori’s window yesterday?

Now they were back at square one in finding out who was responsible. Paxton scrubbed his face with his hands. He was anxious to get home to check on Cori. Now he was grateful that he left instructions for Krysta to watch out for her. He had only suggested it to keep Krysta from pouting and trying to tag along, but at least he knew she would be safe since they couldn’t leave the scene before Foster and the other boys in blue arrived.

The first car to pull in was occupied by Foster and his partner, Brody. Brody was a real asshat and Sloane’s ex-boyfriend. It made times like these slightly awkward. He didn’t know how Foster worked with him every day since Foster was married to Sloane’s cousin, Bella. Gutter Mouth, on the other hand, had no problem getting some form of entertainment from the whole situation.

Gutter Mouth strolled over to Foster, shaking his hand. “Hey, man. How’s it going?”

Foster grinned like a fool. “Good. Bella is pregnant again.”

Paxton shook Foster’s hand. “Wow. That was fast. How old is Seth now?”

“He just turned six months old.”

Gutter Mouth fist bumped him. “You old dog, you.”

They both laughed at Foster’s smug expression. Brody walked over to them after checking with the other cops inside of the motel room.

“Hey guys.” He focused his attention on Foster. “I sent some guys door-to-door for a canvass. In this neighborhood, though, I doubt we get anything.”

They all nodded in agreement. No one would talk to the police here. They’d have to wait and see if the forensics tech and the coroner found anything. That could take days or even weeks to get any answers.

“So, Brody.” Gutter Mouth smiled. “How are things going with you?”

Brody crossed his arms and eyed Gutter Mouth suspiciously. “Going okay. You?”

“Great. Abso-fuckin-lutley fantastic. I was hanging out with Mia yesterday…” He grinned mischievously. “…you know who Mia is, don’t you?”


“Gutter Mouth,” Paxton warned.

Gutter Mouth always liked to stir the shit pot. One day—when Paxton wasn’t there to reel him in—someone was going to make him lick the spoon.

“Mia. Sloane and Max’s daughter.”

Brody looked like a little kid that’d been told “no.” His head hung slightly before he nodded his head in Foster’s direction.

“Yeah, Foster mentioned she had a baby a while ago.”

Brody walked away without another word. Foster smacked Gutter Mouth in the back of the head. “Dude. You and your big ass mouth.”

Gutter Mouth looked appalled. It was comical to see that particular expression on his best friend’s face. “What did I do?”

Paxton pointed his finger at him. “You. You opened your big fat mouth. He doesn’t need to know shit.”

“I was just…shit, you’re right.”

Paxton sighed. “Can we please hurry this up. I’d like to get back to Cori and let her know what’s going on.”

Foster clapped his shoulder. “Go on, man. I’ve got everything I need from you. I know where to find you if I have any other questions.”

“Thanks, brother. Gutter Mouth, let’s roll.”

On the drive back, Paxton kept going over all of the information he had. At this point he wasn’t certain of much. The perp was a white male; he knew that from the limited description Cori was able to give after he was seen peeping in her window. He knew it hadn’t been Stanley Pickett, but he had shit else to go on. He would have to wait a while to hear from friends he still had at the lab on whether there’d been fingerprints or DNA left behind.

Gutter Mouth was the first one to break the silence. “What do you think?”

Paxton rubbed the back of his neck. “We’re missing something. Or we overlooked something.”

“We don’t have enough to go on in order to miss something. Did you ask the Doc?”

“She said she didn’t know.”

“Did you believe her?” Gutter Mouth asked with a hint of disbelief in his voice.

“Not really.”

Gutter Mouth raised an eyebrow. “Not really?”

“No. I didn’t believe her,” Paxton growled.

“Then what the hell? Why aren’t we questioning her?”

“Questioning her? Like a criminal?”

His best friend held up his hand defensively. “Dude, I know you’re sweet on this girl and I totally approve. She’s hot and smart, I’d go for it. What I’m saying is, we have a job to do and we can’t do it without all of the information pertaining to it.”

“Krysta is right though; we weren’t hired for a job. Cori never actually asked for my help.”

Neither of them said anything else. After what happened yesterday, how could Paxton grill her for not telling him whatever she knew? In her eyes, he was no doubt a womanizing prick.

Which wasn’t entirely true. Wasn’t entirely false either. Fuck. Of course, this was her safety they were talking about. He knew he would do anything to keep her safe.

They pulled up to the house just as Krysta was backing out of the driveway. He could make out Cori in the passenger seat. Did something happen? After throwing the truck in park, he jumped out, charging for Krysta’s car.

“What happened?”

Krysta stopped before pulling out onto the street. She looked at him like he was crazy. “Nothing. Why?”

“Then why the hell are you leaving like something was chasing you? Where are you going?”

“To Sloane and Max’s. They’re having a cookout.”

Paxton wasn’t told of any cookout. He wondered if it had to do with his behavior the night before. Duh, asshole. Of course it did.

“Do you really think that’s a good idea?”

“Gee…let’s think. Should I take her someplace secluded and safe, where there will be a bunch of ex-cops to watch over her, or sit in the house that she’s being terrorized in all by ourselves?”

“Fine. I’ll see you there soon,” he growled.


Krysta started backing up again.

“Krysta,” he yelled.

She finished straightening her car out. “Yeah?”

He scowled. “Slow the fuck down.”

She gave him a shit-eating grin before peeling out. He was going to kill her later. Gutter Mouth stood next to him and patted his shoulder.

“Your sister is a pain in the ass, dude.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.”






The Fear property was beautiful. The farm-style house stood proudly at the end of a gravel driveway, with a white, wraparound porch standing out against the brick-colored wood. Cori took in the surrounding area. Trees grew all along the back and sides, creating a peaceful and secluded sanctuary. Krysta drove around to the back of the house. There was a large parking area that was fairly full.

Krysta looked over at her, a big smile on her face. “Grab your stuff—they’re probably already down by the pond.”


“You’re gonna love it,” she called over the hood of the car. “Max did it after Sloane moved in with him. It’s amazing.”

Cori snatched her bag from the back seat and caught up with Krysta. They followed a worn dirt path away from the house. She could hear laughter coming from the trees ahead. They had only gone a few feet into the woods when a clearing opened in front of them. Cori could see Max in the water holding Mia on his shoulders. The little girl was in a white, one-piece bathing suit with a large white hat on. The huge brim flopped down slightly. Sloane was standing in front of them, laughing.

Cori looked around in awe. It was like an oasis in the middle of the woods. There were hanging lights all around, strung on trees, poles, and umbrellas. It looked like there were small spotlights sitting near the water’s edge too—she assumed for night swimming. The pond was fairly large in diameter. Cori couldn’t believe the work that must’ve went into creating this place.

“Hi guys,” Sloane hollered from the water.

Krysta waved. “Hey, hon.”

Sloane left the water and scurried over to them. She hugged them both. Cori grew up without many female friends. Certainly none of them had been close enough of a friend to hug her. It was a little weird, but at the same time comforting.

Sloane took her hand and began leading her to one of the three picnic tables that were spread around the clearing. There were a few people seated there. Cori felt anxious. She wasn’t shy, but she was more of a one-on-one kind of person.

“Guys, this is Cori. She’s Tank’s neighbor. Cori, this is Mother.”

“Mother?” Cori asked.

Mother sat there with a knowing smile on his face. His gray eyes sparkled behind the black-framed glasses he wore. His hair was dark and cut short. He reached across the table to shake her hand.

The smile never left his face. “Nickname. Most of us have one. Nice to meet you, Doc.”

She returned the smile and the handshake. “It’s nice to meet you too.”

“And this,” Sloane continued, “is my cousin, Bella. She’s married to Foster. He should be here soon. The little one in the playpen is Seth.”

“Foster? Detective Hyland?”

Bella smiled at her. “That’s him. It’s nice to put a face to the name. How are you doing?”

“I could be better,” Cori answered honestly.

Bella’s smile faltered slightly. “Well, you can relax while you’re here. This is one place where you’re completely safe.”

“Thank you.”

Sloane motioned to the two other women at the table. “This is Joy and Iris. They’re friends of Mother’s.”

They both nodded toward Cori, but they never said a word. They looked like they could be sisters. Both had platinum blonde hair and green eyes. They ignored everyone else and went back to fawning on Mother. Cori smiled and rolled her eyes at Sloane.

Krysta put her arm around Cori. “Let’s go get changed.” She pointed to the other side of the clearing. “There’s a changing room over there.”

There was a small building slightly bigger than the shed Cori had in her yard. Krysta went inside first. Cori watched everyone while she waited. Sloane was putting Mia into the playpen with Seth. Mother had joined Max in the water. They leaned against the bank, each with a beer in their hand. The future Stepford wives sat close by giggling.

Krysta exited the changing room after just a few moments. She was gorgeous in a baby blue bikini. The color brought her eyes to life while contrasting against the dark chestnut hue of her hair. She had a body of an athlete. Although muscular, she was still feminine.

“Wow, Krysta. You look amazing.”

Krysta beamed. “Thanks. Go on and get changed. A dip in the pond will help relax you.”

Cori let herself inside of the one-room building. She was surprised by the décor she found. It was gorgeous. The room was the color of sand. There was a blue chaise lounge that ran the length of one wall. Beautiful emerald green pillows in multiple sizes adorned it. She set her bag down. Cori ran her hand over the smooth fabric before sitting down to remove her shoes. On the other side of the room there was a sort of shelving unit.

Within it, multiple large canvas boxes were stored. They were in multiple colors. Curious, she peeked inside of one. There were a pair of shoes and what looked like a change of clothes inside. The one next to it contained the bag that Krysta had brought with her. Now that the mystery of the multicolored bins was solved, Cori finished removing her clothes and retrieved her suit from her bag.

She wore a bright red one-piece. The suit was designed with the sides cut away, giving it an hourglass appearance. She looked at herself in the full-length mirror that hung on the back of the door. Everything was where it was supposed to be, and she thought she looked pretty good. She tucked her bag into one of the empty bins and joined Krysta.

Krysta’s eyes widened as she looked her over. “Holy hell. My brother is gonna shit when he sees you.”

Krysta had a maniacal laugh that you couldn’t resist joining in on when you heard it. They sat on the edge of the pond, their feet dangling into the cool, clear water. Cori removed a hair tie from her wrist and pulled her hair up into a loose bun. The breeze felt like heaven on her overheated neck.

Krysta eyed her suspiciously. “How do you do that?”

“Do what?” Cori answered, slightly confused.

“How do you do that messy bun look? When I try, it always looks like a bird attacked my head before building its nest in my hair.”

They both laughed as they sat there together. Being with Krysta reminded her of times she spent growing up with her own sister. She missed her. Once this whole mess was behind her, she should have her for a visit. Even better, maybe she should leave town and visit her instead. Closing her eyes, she lay back on the soft grass. She could feel the sun soaking into her skin and the water continuously lapping around her calves. It had a wonderful calming effect on her.

She wasn’t sure how long she lay there before the warm kiss of the sun’s rays disappeared from her face. She didn’t bother opening her eyes to see the person eclipsing her sun.

“If you don’t mind. You’re blocking the sun.”

“No, I don’t mind.”

The deep, throaty voice that responded sent shivers up her spine. It was something only Paxton could do to her. Opening her eyes, she looked up at the beast towering above her. The way the sun hit his back illuminated the outline of his body while disguising his features. He looked mysterious and dangerous.

Cori pushed up onto her elbow and used her other hand to shield her eyes from the sun. At this angle, she could make out the rough stubble that adorned Paxton’s face. He had on a baseball hat with Fear Incorporated’s logo on it. Damn, she loved a man in a hat. Once again the man had no shirt on. Since they were at a pond for swimming, she couldn’t mentally sigh at his lack of clothing. But it did remind her of another time she had to look up at him with no shirt on.

She felt her cheeks heat up as she pushed herself up off the ground. She still had to look up to him, but not in such a familiar way as when she was propped up on her elbow. He gave her a little smirk. Obviously, he remembered too. She was about to tell him to wipe it off his face when Kasper bounded over to them.

“Hey, Doc. Lookin’ good.” He waggled his eyebrows.

Cori knew she was blushing. She could feel the heat blossom on her cheeks again. She shook her head, hoping to brush him off. His gaze swung over to Krysta.

He winked at her. “Hey, kitten.”

In a soft, sweet voice, Krysta replied, “Lick my ass, Kasper.”

“Krysta,” Paxton scolded. “What the hell. Don’t say shit like that.”

She laughed. “Like what?”

“You know what. Aren’t you supposed to be a lady?”

“Please,” she scoffed. “Growing up around you two? That would’ve been a miracle.”

Kasper smiled. “She has a point.”

“Both of you shut up.”

Krysta glanced over at Cori. A mischievous smile painted her lips. “While you guys decide what a lady should or shouldn’t say, Cori and I are going to get wet.”

Paxton groaned while Cori laughed loudly. Kasper shook his head in amusement. Krysta looped her arm through Cori’s and together they entered the water. They stopped advancing toward the center of the pond as the water reached their waists.

Krysta nodded toward the guys. “Look at them.”


“So smug all the time. Sometimes it’s fun to rattle their cages.”

Cori watched the two blonde woman sashay over to them. Kasper immediately wrapped an arm around the one girl’s waist. The other girl linked her arms through Paxton’s. She pressed up against him.

“They don’t look rattled. They look busy.”

Krysta scooped water up in her hands. “Don’t let that scene fool you. You want my big brother’s undivided attention?”

Cori opened her mouth to answer. Before she could utter a word, Krysta flung her water-filled hands at her. Cold water splashed Cori’s front. She squealed in surprise. Krysta was laughing so hard, she actually snorted. That prompted Cori to join in. They continued to splash each other. Cori was having such a great time, she forgot the guys were even there.

A masculine voice bellowed, “Cannonball!” just moments before the water seemed to explode next to Cori. Max’s body erupted from the water. He shook his head wildly like a dog. Droplets flew from his hair, spraying the girls.

He laughed with them. “You guys having a good time?”

Cori nodded. “Yes, thank you for having me.”

“Anytime, Doc.” Max winked lightheartedly before swimming back to the water’s edge. Sloane handed him baby Mia before she entered the pond. Cori admired the little family. Someday she hoped to have one of her own.

Across the clearing a man walked in their direction. He was carrying a stack of something, but he was too far away for Cori to make out who he was.

The man yelled, “Food’s here.”

As he made his way to the picnic table closest to the pond, she finally recognized the man. Detective Hyland. He set down what looked like a dozen pizza boxes and kissed his wife. Everyone congregated around the table, waiting their turn at the boxes filled with gooey cheesiness. Cori was a pizza junky. She couldn’t wait to eat.

Krysta put an arm around her shoulder. “Let’s grab some grub before those animals eat it all.”

“I’m in.”






Cori was as distracting as ever. The blonde hanging on his arm couldn’t hold a candle to her. What the hell was she thinking when she put on that bathing suit? It wasn’t skimpy or overly revealing like his damn sister’s was, but holy hell it was sexy on her. He stood on the side of the picnic table that was facing the pond. He had a perfect view of her as she exited the water with Krysta. Droplets of water on her skin sparkled like diamonds in the sunlight as they slid down her exposed skin. He wanted to lick them away.

Her dark hair was piled up on her head, exposing the curve of her neck. He couldn’t decide if he liked it better up or down. The women were smiling and laughing as they approached the picnic table covered in pizza boxes.

Gutter Mouth elbowed him in the ribs. “Dude, knock that shit off. You’re embarrassing.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“You’re practically drooling.”

“Whatever.” Paxton dismissed him. Returning his attention to the girls, he called out to his sister. “Can’t you wear something with a little more fabric?”

“I could.” She grinned. “Although that doesn’t seem to matter in Cori’s case.”

What the hell? Did everyone know he had been checking Cori out? He glanced around at his friends. Sloane was trying to hide her smile. Max was not. Asshole. He didn’t think Foster and Bella were paying any attention to anyone except themselves until Foster winked at him. Cori’s face was pink from the blush creeping across her cheeks.

He liked that. He liked that he was the one who made her blush even more. She looked away quickly, avoiding eye contact with him. No matter—he would be better off if he could get her out of his mind. She was already taking up entirely too much space in there.

He pilfered a few slices of pepperoni from the nearest box and took it over to the table that Mother was sitting at.

Mother nodded his head in the girls’ direction. “Your sister is looking good, man.”

Paxton stopped in his tracks, the piece of pizza only an inch from his lips. His eyes raised to meet his friend’s. “Dude, don’t even think about it,” he replied through gritted teeth.

“You need to chill out, Tank. I’m not gonna chase after Krysta. I was simply viewing her as one would a painting. Strictly looking.”

“Well, stop looking,” he grumbled as he took a bite of his pizza. His sister was off limits. He focused on eating his pizza before he said anything else and made an ass out of himself.

Mother chuckled from his spot across from him. Paxton didn’t see what was so funny. He didn’t want his sister with one of his buddies. He knew how these guys were. Krysta put on a tough façade, but she was a good girl with a big heart.

Paxton glanced over at the table she was sitting at with Cori. Gutter Mouth was saying something that awarded him the middle finger from Krysta. Cori was laughing as Krysta put her arm around her shoulder. Those two had become close friends quickly.

Paxton liked that they got along so well. Krysta needed more female friends. He continued to sneak peeks in their direction. Cori’s smile captivated him every time. There was just something about her that called out to him. It was nice to see her enjoying herself.

Gutter Mouth plopped down next to him. “Well, the Doc is all yours. She obviously has no taste in real men,” he joked.

Paxton grinned. “I’ll show you a real man.”

Gutter Mouth pointed toward Cori. “It’s not me you need to prove it to.”

She was walking toward the changing room. Was she leaving? Paxton jumped up from his seat fast enough that he just knew he’d hear about it later. He didn’t care. He needed to talk to her. He needed…hell, he didn’t know what he needed. He charged after her. She opened the door to the changing room and stepped inside. Paxton grabbed ahold of the door before she could close it all the way.

She gave a small squeal as he pulled the door back open. “What the—”

“It’s just me. We need to talk.”

She turned away from him. “I don’t think we do.” She walked farther into the small room.

Since she didn’t tell him to get out, he entered and closed the door behind him. He wasn’t sure what to say, but he knew he had to say something.

“I’m sorry, Doc.”

“What are you sorry for? For bringing home another woman hours after we were together? Or are you sorry that we walked in on you?”


She put her hands on her perfect hips. “No, lie to me.” She rolled her eyes. “Of course I want you to be honest.”

He shrugged his shoulders. “Both. I shouldn’t have brought that girl home. I really didn’t even want to, but I did. I never meant for you to know. Believe it or not, I never wanted to hurt you.”

She let out a sad sigh. “I actually believe you. I knew the situation going in. Seeing it firsthand so soon was a little more than I expected, that’s all. Apology accepted.”

Cori wrapped her arms around herself. The air was cooler in here and he could see the gooseflesh on her skin. He went over to the wall of bins and pulled a clean fluffy towel from one. Opening it up, he walked toward Cori. He put the towel around her, bringing their bodies incredibly close.

“You can go now,” she squeaked out in a barely heard whisper.

He could smell the suntan lotion on her skin. Her eyes stayed focused straight ahead. Either she found his chest fascinating or she was purposely avoiding eye contact. Still fisting the ends of the towel, he pulled her flush up against his body. Her hands went to his chest and she looked up at him wide eyed.

Fuck it.

He leaned his head down, capturing her soft lips. Paxton swallowed her gasp of surprise. He briefly wondered if he had made a mistake. Thankfully, Cori wrapped her arms around his neck and returned his kiss feverishly. His hands roamed her body freely. He slid both hands into the holes at her sides. Gliding them over the round globes of her ass, he kneaded the soft skin with his fingertips.

Her soft moans cheered him on. He reached one hand up, grasping the knot of hair on the top of her head. He used it as leverage to move her head to the side. Paxton trailed openmouthed kisses down the side of her neck. He nipped gently at her shoulder. His other hand pressed her tighter against his erection. Cori’s body melted into him. She was like putty in his hands. He removed his other hand from the back of her bathing suit and began slowly sliding the straps off both of her shoulders.

Paxton let go of her hair, which was now falling from its bun. He released her from their kiss too. Her lips were red and swollen. This time she looked him right in the eye. Passion raged inside of her gaze. He continued to pull the red fabric down her body. Her nipples instantly hardened in the air-conditioned room. Paxton took one into his mouth while pulling on the other.

He switched to the other nipple, giving it the attention he knew it needed. He looked up at Cori. Her eyes stayed fixed on him. Pleasure painted her face. He grasped both breasts, squeezing them as he trailed kisses in the valley between them. He kissed down to her belly button before removing the bathing suit completely. Her fingertips hesitantly touched his cheek.

Paxton’s gaze slowly met hers. She worried her bottom lip between her teeth. Her fingers curved under his chin. She exerted only a small amount of pressure, but he understood what she wanted. He rose back up to his full height. Cori placed her hands on his chest again. Her soft lips touched on the swirl of one of his tattoos. Her tongue traced the pattern, sending chills down his spine with the simplicity and tenderness in her touch.

Her hands went for the drawstring on his trunks. The anticipation was driving him insane. He needed to get a condom from the bin with all of his things, but he wouldn’t stop this woman from removing his shorts for anything in the world. The material fell from his hips, pooling around his bare feet. Her hand wrapped around him, squeezing slightly.

“Mmmm.” He moaned aloud as his head fell back.

Cori stopped stroking him. “Shit,” she whispered.

Paxton opened his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t have anything.”

He smiled before retrieving his wallet from the bin that held his belongings. He removed a gold foil circle and tossed his wallet haphazardly to the floor. She plucked the condom from his hand and tore the packaging open. After gliding the latex over him, she pushed him back onto the small couch. Paxton sat there slightly surprised at her need to be in control. He enjoyed it immensely. He sat there with his back pressed against the cool wall, waiting for her to make her move.

Cori kneeled on the couch and straddled him. She took his cock in her hand and guided him inside of her. Fuck. She felt absolutely amazing. She worked his cock slowly, like she had all the time in the world. Like they weren’t in a changing room with a dozen people just outside of the door. Her nails dug into his shoulders as she held onto him. She rose and fell in a perfect rhythm to keep him teetering right on the end. Her soft moans did nothing to help him keep his shit together.

Paxton was buried as deep as he could be inside of her and yet it still didn’t seem like it was enough. He was on the edge of something. Yes, he was close to coming, but that wasn’t it. She repositioned her legs so that her knees stayed where they were, but her feet rested on the inside of his thighs. Her pussy squeezed him even tighter. His eyes closed and his head thumped against the wall. Now he couldn’t think at all. He could only feel.

Her hands slid from his shoulders to his neck. Her touch felt like a cool fire. Burning, yet soothing at the same time. She cupped his chin, her hands working in unison. The pads of her thumbs caressed his cheeks.

“Paxton,” she whispered like a fucking prayer.

He opened his eyes. She looked like an angel—a beautiful fucking angel sent just for him. His eyes locked with hers and boom. It was like when he’d taken a bullet to the knee. That sudden burst of what the fuck before the actual pain set in. Only it wasn’t pain he was feeling now. Cori pulled his head forward. She crushed her lips to his. His beautiful angel was about to lose it. It was evident in the feverish way she kissed him. He cupped the back of her head, returning her punishing kisses with his own.

His other hand went to the small of her back. He held her to him hard. He thrust up into her as she ground her hips down onto him. Working together to get where they both desperately needed to. Suddenly Cori’s muffled cries came a moment before she did. He could feel each aftershock of her orgasm around his cock. He couldn’t wait any longer. He had already shown herculean strength by holding it this long. Paxton let himself go. His orgasm ripped out of his body.

“Fuck,” he cried out.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his head in her breasts. Still he kept coming. Cori rubbed her hands across his head and back.

She whispered against the shell of his ear, “That’s it, baby. Give it all to me.”

He squeezed her tighter to him. He had just finished the longest fucking orgasm of his life and he couldn’t chance her getting up right away. He needed to hold her. He needed what she was giving him. He leaned back, stealing a look at her face. She looked well sated. Paxton snatched the towel from the end of the couch and wrapped it around them. Cori laid her head on his shoulder as he snaked his arms around her.

The beating of her heart gave him a sense of calmness. A peacefulness he hadn’t felt in as long as he could remember. As he rubbed his hands up and down her towel-covered back, he suddenly had this crazy impulse to tell her he loved her.

What the fuck! He was torn between pushing her off him and holding her tighter. He couldn’t figure out what was wrong with him. Cori lifted her head off his shoulder and gazed up at him. She placed her hand gently on his cheek.

She kissed his lips tenderly. “Thank you. That was wonderful, but I’ve really got to be going.”

“Going?” he asked as Cori got up from his lap and retrieved her clothes from her own bin.

“Yeah. Why do you think I was coming in here? I was leaving. Mother made some calls earlier and I have someone coming over to put in an alarm system. I hope I’m not too late now.” She grabbed her cell phone and checked the time before tossing it into her purse.

“Why the fuck didn’t anyone tell me?” Paxton could feel his blood start to boil.

She shrugged her shoulders at him before tugging her t-shirt over her head. “I don’t know, Paxton. I guess I never thought to tell you.”

He watched her slide her shorts up her silky legs. Damn. She was sexy as hell even when she was putting clothes on…something he missed last time because he hauled ass out of her house.

He needed to ignore the way she made him feel. He was mad at her, damn it. He was gonna have words with Mother too.

Cori stopped with her hand on the door. She looked back at him. “Goodbye, Paxton.”

Then she walked out, leaving him sitting there naked. Worse than naked, the condom was still hanging on his dick. He removed it and tossed it in the trash. After cleaning himself up, he slipped his shorts back on. Plopping himself back on the couch, he sat there dazed. What the fuck had just happened? He felt…well, he almost felt used. Then he was hit with a realization that he didn’t want to admit. Was that how Cori had felt after he left her still lying on her kitchen table? Fuck. This was a disaster.

He usually liked it when women left first. He could avoid the messy aftermath of asking them to leave or making up an excuse of some place he had to go. Paxton jumped to his feet and went looking for Cori. He spotted Mother talking to Gutter Mouth. He charged over to them.

He was getting angrier with each step he took. “Dude, what the hell?”

Mother looked perplexed. “What’s wrong?”

“Why didn’t you tell me about the security system you’re having installed in Cori’s place today?”

His friend held a hand up in a stopping motion. “Hold up. I have people install security systems all the time and never run them by you.”

Paxton fisted his hands by his sides, and he clenched his teeth together with such force that they actually hurt. “That’s different.”

Mother smirked. “How so?”

He knew what he was implying and he wasn’t taking the bait. “It just is.”

“I thought you, of all people, would be happy about this. She’ll have the added protection she needs and you can stop babysitting. I had to pull a lot of strings to have someone come out right away.”

Paxton scrubbed his hand across his face. “I am. I wanted to be there to oversee things and to have time to vet the installer.”

“Fuck you too.”

Paxton immediately felt bad after hearing the wounded tone in Mother’s voice. “I didn’t mean it that way. Look, I’m sorry.”

Gutter Mouth laughed, finally joining the conversation. “She’s got you all twisted up. The great Tank has finally met his equalizer.”

“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about,” Paxton growled. He surveyed the clearing, expecting Cori to be talking with Krysta or Sloane. He didn’t see her anywhere. “Where the hell is she, anyway?”

Mother watched the ground at his feet while Gutter Mouth focused his attention up at the clouds. What the fuck. Paxton scanned the clearing again. Krysta was back in the water with Sloane and Bella. Where was Cori? Realization hit him like a freight train.

“You let her leave? Alone?”

Gutter Mouth put his hand on Paxton’s shoulder. “She’s a grown ass woman, Tank. She said she didn’t want a ride. I guess just before she changed she called a cab because there was one waiting as soon as she came out of that room.”

Mother nodded in agreement. “Besides, where the hell were you?”

Paxton stomped away. He could hear his so-called friends laughing behind him. He stood at the edge of the water and took a deep breath. “Krysta,” he hollered.

She waded over to stand in front of him. “Did you fuck up again?”


“I saw you go in after her. Then I saw her leave. Alone.”

He sneered at his sister. “You don’t know anything that went on between us. My question is, why did you let her leave?”

Krysta’s smile slipped from her lips. A look of concern washed over her face and it turned his stomach. “Leave? Like in, she left the property?”


She scurried out of the water. “Paxton, I swear I told her not to go anywhere alone. I thought she might have gone to the main house to put some distance between the two of you.”


“Where could she go? Who took her?”

He sighed. “According to Mother, she called a cab and went home to have an alarm system put in.”

“Let me grab my stuff, I’ll go be with her.”

No way was he staying here. “I’m coming with you. Gutter Mouth can bring my truck later.”

“Do you think that’s smart?” she asked.

He glared at her. “Do you think I care?”

“Good point.”

He watched her rush to the changing room. While she changed, he tossed Gutter Mouth his keys and told him his plan. Krysta was back out before he made it to where the trail back to the main house was located. She still had on her bathing suit, only she’d added shorts to go with it. She jogged up to him with her bag over her shoulder.

“Let’s go.”




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