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Fight (Fate Series Book 1) by Paige Hill (23)


My vision starts to fade as I watch, unable to move, to speak. A searing pain throbs in my side as warm blood pools on the floor around me. That primal part of me needs to save her, keep her safe. But as I begin to lose grip on reality, I see my girl stand up for herself. I witness her grasp the strength I knew she had. She turns to face me; blood and mascara paint her beautiful face and she smiles.

I’m going to die a happy man.


Four days.

Four days since I killed Mark.

Four days since Declan has opened his eyes.

“I’m going to the cafeteria to get you some food. You need to eat…”

“I’m fine,” I snap, cutting her off.

“I swear to all that is holy, if you argue with me one more time, I will strap your ass to that chair and force feed you tapioca pudding.” She stares, clearly challenging me.

In that exact moment, my stomach rumbles audibly.


“Fine, but you better come back with coffee.”

Celeste has been my rock. She’s tough and not afraid to tell me what I need to hear. Whether I want to hear it or not. Every night since then, she has held me while I cried. Rocked me to sleep when I didn’t think it was possible. She was my strength when I had none. For that, I will do anything for her.

Her absence forces me to realize I am where I am, once again. This place is cold and sterile but also a reminder of where my journey started. I hate hospitals, but right now, they would have to drag me away kicking and screaming. Taking Declan’s motionless hand in mine, I kiss it for the thousandth time.

“Come back to me,” I plead. Standing from my chair, I lean over to brush a hand through his hair, I whisper in his ear the words he may never hear.

“Please come back to me. I love you.”

Warm tears soak the material of his hospital gown. The surgeon told me everything went fine and while the bullet tore through him, he was able to repair the major damage. He says Declan will wake up when his body is ready.

I need him to be ready.

“He hears you, my dear.” Martha’s soft Irish accent sounds from the doorway.

Startled, my mind doesn’t understand what my eyes are seeing. My heart fills with warmth as this ache I’ve felt finally starts to fade.

“Wha—I—you’re here!” I exclaim, throwing myself into the open arms of both Manny and Martha. I hold them both tightly, already afraid to let go.

“Who called you?” I ask, both elated that they are here and confused as to how.

“I did.” Briggs’ hulking figure steps through the door.

I release Manny and Martha only to rush Briggs. He stiffens as I hug him, clearly uncomfortable. Celeste doesn’t see it yet, but he is a wonderful man. More heart than he will ever show.

“Thank you so much! How did you know?” I ask as his handsome smile widens.

“What a small world it is, my dear,” Martha interjects, her delicate smile exuding decades of wisdom.

“Why do you say that?” I ask.

“Have a seat, dear, and let me tell you about my daughter.”

Something in her tone has me riveted. Martha has mentioned her a couple of times but nothing detailed. I got the feeling she didn’t call Martha often and her face looked too painful to question. Doing as I’m told, I lower myself into the hard-wooden chair.

Taking my hand between her delicate palms, she begins.

“My daughter had the best smile, she would light up any room she entered. She had this light about her; this kindness that would draw you to her. That was her gift to the world. Well, that and she could turn anything into a delectable dessert.” Martha smiles faintly, her mind in a far-off place.

“Her light was taken the day she was murdered.” Her breath hitches. “She was the victim of circumstance, the last woman in a line of murders in the area. The cops didn’t realize there was a pattern until it was too late. Burying my only child was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.” Her eyes well with tears when she looks at Declan lying in the bed. His chest rises and falls slowly. The visual is the only thing that grounds me to this world.

“I wanted to fall apart. But I couldn’t because I had a brave young man to take after. My grandson had just lost his mother, his only parent, in this most tragic way. The poor boy saw it happen.” With her sight still on Declan, she wipes at her tears. “He lost his childhood that night.”

Silently, she hands me an old photograph. I take in the image between my fingers. Staring back at me is a younger Martha and a teenage boy.


“Now, don’t go giving away all my secrets.” A scratchy voice mumbles from the bed.

Martha lets out a small sigh, clearly relieved that Declan is awake. But that ever-present Irish attitude bubbles to the surface almost immediately.

“I’ve wiped your arse, boy. I’ll say whatever the hell I want to.” Her tone lacks all malice. She smiles at him with a pride I’ve never seen. They clearly love this grandmother/grandson banter.

“Old goat.” He smiles back at her affectionately.

I’m so overwhelmed with emotion; my vision blurs and I can no longer hear anything they say. Rushing to the bed, I run my hands over his face, needing to prove that he’s real.

He’s awake.

He’s alive.

He’s mine.

His hands envelop my face as he pulls me to him, his supple lips placing a gentle kiss upon mine. It’s closed-mouth, tender, and conveys everything I struggle to express.

My tears fall, raining down his cheeks before his intense emerald gaze meets mine.

“I love you.”

Three words.

Three words I’ve heard before, but this time it’s different. Because I’m different.

Holy shit.

Martha is Declan’s grandmother! The knowledge rocks my entire world off its axis. But in a good way. I can’t stop the cascade of emotion that’s taking over my body. My chest aches as if years of deep gashes were being stitched, one by one. The woman I love like family is responsible for making Declan the man he is today.

When you think about it, it’s pretty fucking poetic.

If it were possible, I fall a little more in love. With both of them.


Getting shot looks bad ass in the movies.

They lied.

It is really emasculating to need help getting off the couch. However, there was one upside—Teagan. We have spent the last several weeks helping each other heal. I’m healing from a gunshot to the stomach, she’s repairing years of emotional damage. She is truly the most resilient person I know. Now that I know the love she brings to my world, I never want to imagine life without her.

And I don’t plan on it.

The last couple of months have been a whirlwind. Watching Teagan come into her own has been the highlight of a lifetime. Like the majestic Falcon, she was never meant to be held captive. Once she was given the chance to spread her beautiful wings, she soared.

The State of Florida chose not to press charges against her, ruling Mark’s death as self-defense. Being that she was in fact, his wife, Teagan inherited everything. He may have been a terrible excuse for a human being, but Mark was a business man. Smart enough to separate his personal finances from that of his father’s. He lived on his father’s money and invested every cent he earned. The government seized all illegally gained money, leaving Teagan with a small fortune.

Using that fortune, she has managed to turn something so tainted into a source of hope. Hope for abused women seeking help. With the assistance of an anonymous partner, Teagan started Fighting for Freedom, a non-profit organization designed to help women find a safe place in the world—whether it be needing help leaving an abusive husband, security if they feel threatened, help getting clean, or simply help getting back on her feet. She is a much better business woman than she gives herself credit for.

She owned that business plan.

Since my team had eyes and ears on the factory standoff, and with Teagan’s testimony, Governor Langford is going to be persecuted for his crimes. No cushy white collar minimum security for him. Nope, federal pound me in the ass prison.

My case is officially closed, and tonight, the President of the United States is presenting the entire team with service medals. They very graciously looked over the fact that I harbored a fugitive because it turns out, we took down the leader of the largest drug cartel in the United States. He’s going down for more than drug smuggling. Our investigation opened a world of human trafficking, domestic terrorism, and treason. Personally, I think whatever happens inside that prison isn’t enough punishment for what those women endured.

I can’t stop smiling as I finish buttoning my uniform. Crisp and pressed, there has always been something gratifying about wearing it. I like knowing it represents something good. You can’t have the light without the dark, and I am proud as hell to be the man with the lantern.

Patting my breast pocket to make sure it is still there, a feeling of utter contentment washes over me.

“Sunshine, are you ready?” I call into the other room.

“As I’ll ever be.”

Her smile is radiant as she crosses the hotel carpet, closing the distance between us. She is stunning, and it takes my breath away.

I honestly lose all verbal abilities.

She has on a black, floor-length satin gown that hugs her every curve. Her ruby red lips tip up as she turns slowly for me to see the full effect. The dress is backless, but still classy and her hair is done in perfect soft waves down her back.

I can’t fight my smile. She reminds me of Jessica Rabbit.

A shiny black limo delivers us to the White House. Teagan nervously chatters with Grandma Martha beside me, most of it nonsense to keep her mind busy. I can’t help but notice how nervous I am not. Tonight is huge, life changing, but I’m more than ready.

The ball room, if one can call it that, is immaculately decorated in shades of cream and gold. A string quartet plays in the background, the sound reverberating from the impossibly tall ceiling. Finely clad people mingle around the room, reminding me of a charity gala crowded with rich people you would see on TV. Round tables litter the room. Each one holding ornate center pieces, dripping with elegance.

Each of us are called to the stage before the ceremony begins. Teagan and my grandmother are seated in shiny gold chairs at the front, each one beaming with pride. Grandma’s hand is clutched tightly in Teagan’s, the sight fills a hole that’s remained vacant since my mom died. I have everything I could possibly want.

Or, I will.

“Good evening and welcome to the White House. We are here to honor the men and women responsible for bringing the most notorious leader of domestic terrorism to justice. This group managed to cross two separate situations, creating the key that unlocked deceit unlike any before it. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to present each of them with The Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor.”

The room explodes into a series of applause.

Ramos, Briggs, myself, and the rest of the crew each step forward to receive our benediction.

They requested someone from the team give a speech and Ramos asked me to do the honors. It couldn’t have been more perfect.

Standing in front of the podium, hundreds of eyes watch my very move, expectantly.

Here goes nothing.

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here today. These men and women bravely followed me into a factory with no inside information. They risked not only their lives but also their freedom. All because I was in love.” The crowd laughs and awes before I continue.

“It is because of these people, I get to live my future.” Looking at Teagan, her hand rests on her chest as I continue.

“Teagan, Sunshine, will you come up here?” Her eyes go wide as saucers before giving me the cutest little ‘you’re going to get it’ glare as she elegantly makes her way onto the stage.

“You’d storm a building for her, too, wouldn’t you?” I ask the crowd, waving in her direction. The crowd erupts into laughter and I’m positive I hear at least one cat call. Turning back toward Teagan, I get down on one knee and pull my grandmother’s Claddagh ring from my pocket. Her hand comes to rest over her mouth as my intentions become evident.

“Sunshine, you’ve spent so much of your life giving love to those who didn’t deserve it. I want to spend the rest of my life trying to be worthy of your love. Will you marry me?