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Fighting Irish (Crime Kings Book 2) by May Gordon (4)

Chapter 4


I wake up and feel the loss of her a second later. My eyes shoot open, and see her side is empty which causes me to a panic.

“Molly?” I call out but hear nothing.

I glance at the clock and see it's already eight. Fuck. I never sleep late. But I've never felt this comfortable either. I was complete with her curled up beside. I remember back to when she took off her dress and I almost swallowed my tongue. She is impossibly beautiful. Pale creamy skin and freckles all over my body. I wanted to lick and touch every single one. I practically lost my mind holding her in the middle of the night, feeling her curves molded against me. All I wanted to do is flip her over and find out if she’s soft everywhere else.

I throw on a pair of jeans and my boots and race downstairs. I fucking hate the feeling of waking up alone. The funny thing is that I always have. She told me last night she’s never slept in the same bed as a man, well I never have with a woman. And now I’ll never sleep without Molly from this day forward.

I hit the bottom step and freeze when I hear her laugh. God it sounds incredible. Loud, full of life, and somehow you can hear the Irish in it. I smile and relax, glad she didn’t just disappear. She must be talking to Betty, my house manager. I walk to the kitchen and stop when I hear Novak's voice.

“You’re joking, right?” He laughs.

I let out a growl, not liking how familiar Novak seems with her. He’s one of my best friends, but women fall all over him, even if he never takes them up on it. He has a very open and friendly personality, but it’s all a cover. Only his closest friends know the pain he hides from the world.

Regardless, I'm still jealous as hell that he’s laughing and being friendly with my Molly. I storm in and see her, Novak, Jack, and Ryan all sitting at the table.

“What the fuck is this?” I revert to my grumpy asshole boss mode and stare at Novak “You weren't supposed to be here until next week,” I snap at him. He gives me a wide smile, knowing full well he’s pissing me off. I look at Jack and Ryan, at least they know well enough to wipe the grins off their faces. “And you two. Shouldn’t you be working?” I growl out.

I feel Molly’s hand on my arm, which stops my tirade and I look down at her. “Good morning to you too husband. Can I get you some coffee or would you prefer to keep being an arsehole?” She asks with a sweet smile.

Fuck, she must see me as some beast, coming down here and bitching at everyone, I didn’t even say anything to her. I face her, bracing my hands on her shoulders, then lean in and kiss her freckle dusted cheek. “Good morning, Molly,” I whisper in her ear before pulling back.

“Good morning, Quinn.” She smirks, amused by my behaviour. “Coffee? Food?” She asks.

“Yes, please.” I run my hands down her arms, loving the feeling of her skin under mine.

“Sit and act human while I get you some breakfast.” She pulls out her chair for me and I glance around the table, catching amused looks from the three of them.

“What?” I snap.

“Relax Quinn. We’re just amazed that’s all,” Novak says with a smirk.

“At fucking what?” I spit out.

“Quinn,” Molly’s sharp voice cuts through the air. “Human.”

There are quiet snickers from them. “That,” Novak says quietly. “Your wife has tamed the beastly Irish monk,” he adds with a chuckle.

He’s right though. I’d kill anyone who dared talk to me that way, but when Molly does it makes me feel like we've been married for years, and I know it’s something she’ll continue to do.

“You’re here early,” I point out, deciding to bypass the previous conversation.

“I was already on my way, but then Jack called last night and told me all about Molly.”

I glare at Jack. “Sorry boss, she was just too impressive not to talk about.” He grins.

Suddenly a plate and coffee are set in front of me, and Molly sits beside me. The dish is filled with bacon, eggs, and fruit.

“Molly, this is amazing.” She shrugs and smiles at me.

“Eat up,” she encourages.

She doesn’t have to tell me twice. “So why are you early? Something happened?” I ask Novak.

“Yeah.” He takes a sip of coffee and looks pissed now. “My fight club was poisoned.” Well shit.

“You got a thrower?” Molly asks. I turn to her and raise an eyebrow.

“What’s that?” Novak asks before I can.

“A person who makes a living throwing fights. They're like a sickness, and once they’re in, it’s hard to get them out,” she explains.

“That’s exactly what I have,” Novak confirms. “And his boss lives here.”

“Who is it?” I ask.

“Ian Mallon.”

Jack and Ryan groan at the same time.

“So, you do know him?” Novak inquires.

“Go pick up him or any of his men. Take them to the warehouse,” I order Jack and Ryan.

“Thanks for breakfast, Molly,” Ryan smiles

“You’re the best,” Jack says, making me growl. They bug out quickly.

“So, who is he?” Novak asks again.

“He does the same thing to a few of mine. He also tries to circulate his own loan sharks, and filled my club with fake bills,” I tell him as I finish eating.

“Sounds like a bloody prick,” Molly comments, making me and Novak chuckle.

“I need him gone. You do too from the sounds of it, so why keep him alive?” Novak asks.

“He probably runs it from afar,” Molly supplies. Damn she’s smart. But I'm not surprised, she's been in the mob family her whole life.

“She’s right, I’ve never gotten my hands on Mallon himself, and every time I take out one of his men, they’re just replaced.”

“Well, your cancer is now spreading to my neck of the woods,” Novak huffs out.

“I’ll find a way to get rid of him quickly. In the meantime, the inventory from Dunne is at the warehouse,” I tell him

“I heard great things about your Grandfather,” he tells Molly.

“He’s an impressive man and taught me a lot.” She smiles fondly.

“I heard your uncle is also here?” I realize that I haven't seen Shane this morning.

“Where is Shane?” I ask her.

“He had some things to take care of,” she says like it’s no big deal, but I wonder about him. I haven't been able to get a read on him. “I have some suggestions about your thrower,” she says, turning the topic back to Ian.

“What did you have in mind?” Novak sounds interested.

Novak and I spend the next few minutes listening to Molly as she easily outlines a few plans to get Ian out of hiding. Fuck, she impresses the hell out of me. She’s a perfect Queen in every way. Novak looks at me once she’s done.

“Well, damn. I don’t think I could be more impressed,” he comments, making me grin. “So, what are you doing slumming it with this unruly beast?” He jabs his thumb towards me, and now I’m glaring at him.

“He doesn’t know it yet, but I’m going to make his life a living hell,” she tells Novak with a smirk before winking at me.

Novak and I burst out laughing, something I’ve only done a lot of in the short time Molly has come into my life.