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First Fire: The First Guardian Novella (The Guardian Series) by S Lawrence (10)

Their heads are filled with scenes of great battles. Large male dragons fighting until exhaustion, or even death, as a female looked on. Roars filled the air. Fire burning the land around them. When a victor emerged, he had the task of wooing her. It was a tricky task. She was temperamental, lashing out if she felt he got too close, too soon. The male would often fly in circles above her and then move away. He would bring her tokens. Things dragons covet - shiny things, exotic food or unusual gifts. After a while, he would move in closer and closer until she allowed him to land near her. Once this was achieved, he had to dominate her or she would never submit. The animal demanded a robust mate. After the first joining, then their magic would join and they would settle, allowing for a loving relationship.

I do not know if it would be the same with Ylva. There is no male to battle. No way to prove how strong we are.’

Asger looks sick as he turned to the others, “It is the beast we must battle. We must beat her and force her to submit.” Whirling he stalks away, needing some time alone. How was he to do this without hurting her or her hurting him? His footsteps pound down the stone hallway and he slams the door to his room so hard it reverberates throughout the house. He is livid at the situation.

His picks the closest thing to him and is about to chuck it across the room when Beathag grabs his forearm. “I would not do that. My mother loves that lightning glass. Odin sent a bolt into the sand as she stood weeping on the shore. When it hit the sand at her feet, this was formed. I think she loves him still, even though she loves my father now. Do you believe that it is possible to love two people at the same time?”

Staring at the twisted glass, he tries to reign in his anger before looking at her face. “I certainly hope so. Is not that what I am tasked with doing? Loving both Ylva and the Berserker?”

Her hand tightens on his arm as a deep sigh eases from her, “That is true I suppose. I’m sorry.”

Crossing, he sits down hard on his bed and grips his head in his hands, staring at the floor. “I dinnae know how to even begin to win over the Berserker.” Turning his head to the side, he peers up at her.

“You might not, but the dragon does.” She pats his back before she turns to leave, pausing in the doorway, “You should listen to him. He is well acquainted with calming a beast.”

Asger stares after her, mouth gaping slightly. ‘Well, any ideas?’ He waits as the dragon prowls the cave. ‘I do not know if this beast would want sparkly things, but Ylva might. I think our best bet is dominating her.’ Asger chuckles, “I supposed we can try.”

Opening the patio doors, he steps out and calls for Morrigan, hoping to enlist her help. They talk long into the night and are joined by Loki and Fenrir. As dawn breaks, they have their plan. Loki will keep Odin and Ragnhild focused on him. Fenrir will keep moving about the country and Morrigan will sift Asger from place to place.

And that’s how the days that follow go. Morrigan sifting Asger into the Berserker’s range. He shifts and flies, like a dragon of the old world, in circles around her, growing nearer and nearer provoking her anger, gaining her interest. Then he flies far away to the area that Fenrir was in, drawing her there. She would reach the location, they would be gone and Fenrir would continue to lead her on the chase.

* * *

Frustration claws at her continually. Until one day, high in the mountains, the great bronze dragon perches on a peak, waiting for her to draw near. Her growl of outrage rings through the mountain pass. She climbs and when she draws close, he rises on his hind legs and roars a challenge, letting his magic loose. The power that hits her makes her stumble to a stop. Tilting her head she studies it and it gives her pause. She has been chasing him for weeks and is exhausted. all of the sudden doubts she can beat him. Growls continuously rumble up her throat, her hands clench at her sides, nails biting until blood drips from her fists. This hesitation makes her even angrier.

‘He would beat you now, but it might be a good thing. To be beaten by him, to be held under him, to welcome his power over you.’ She listens as the girl speaks, hearing the heated tone in her voice, the girl likes this idea. As she thinks of it more, her sex begins to tingle, it swells as moisture spills from it, her breath catching as she plays out the scene in her head. Her growls turn to moans and she glares up at the dragon, who chuffs smoke at her before taking to the air. He circles and dives for her, causing her to fall back. Excitement fills her and she shivers, waiting for him to take her but instead her hair blows in her face as he flaps his wings and moves away. He grows smaller and smaller until she cannot see him anymore. She pounds her fist on the ground before curling into a ball. Closing her eyes, she conjures the images up again. She slips her hand between her legs and seeks relief. Tears leak from her eyes as she finds none. Fatigue overtakes her and soon she sleeps, tears still staining her cheeks.

Ylva suffers her frustration for it is her own. She waits until the Berserker collapses and then springs forward, thoughts of Asger pushing her to hurry to the Isle.

Asger was aware of his mate's arousal, the dragon had scented it even before the beast had become aware of what she was feeling. He has been pacing around the room for hours, waiting to see if what they both hoped would happen did. It was dark when abruptly he sensed his dragon was watchful, alert, looking for something. Striding to the doors that lead out into the garden, he peers out into the night. Even with his dragon eyes, he did not see a threat. What he did see, far in the distance on the hilltop beside the lake, took his breath and made his heart pound. He would recognize her anywhere. It was Ylva. She is looking towards the house but was frozen in place. Her eyes crystal blue but not glowing in rage. He is out the door and halfway to her before his mind realizes he is moving. A look of relief dances through her eyes as he draws near. He stops a few feet from her; their eyes lock. They crash together in a tangle of arms. Desperate to taste her after all these months, he takes her lips in a demanding kiss. She immediately opens for his onslaught, his tongue thrusting inside, caressing hers. The kiss deepens until there is no him or her, only them. They only break apart for air, chests heaving, skin flushed with need. “I had to see you!” he hears the anguish in her voice.

Asger wants to explore every inch of her, but he is sure it will only be a matter time before the berserker wakens. He can barely breathe with wanting her. She does not move as he hooks his fingers on the straps that hold her top up, sliding them from her shoulders. Her breasts rise and fall as the material slides away, baring them to him. Soft. Enticing. Her rose colored nipples in stark contrast to her ivory skin. So tempting to him, he fills his palms, kneading them gently as he watches her eyes dilate. She flushes with color when he squeezes the taut peaks between his finger and thumb. She watches him with lust and anticipation. Moving her hands to his chest, gently scratching her nails down it, she smiles at his swift intake of breath as she glides lower. He kisses her cheek and the corner of her lips. She parts them in hunger, a hand coming up to grip the back of his head, drawing his mouth down to hers. He swallows her breath, pulling her deep into his lungs, then settles his lips firmly over hers. He savors the taste of her, building up the heat.

Ylva sighs. He was temptation. He has been since the moment she first saw him, but now she was unable to resist. She does not want to. His kiss is full of power and as he runs his tongue over hers, exploring all her dark recesses, she is instinctively certain that he is claiming her. His nails brush against her nipples, she is strangled by the lust coursing through her. Fire streaks from her breast to her clit and her womb clenches with need. She slides her tongue out along his lips, leaning into his hands, silently begging him for more. She locks her eyes on his amber ones, the dragon glowing in them. They hold everything in them; lust and love. For her. Only for her. Her breath catches at the hunger she sees there and she wonders if he sees the same thing reflected back at him.

He moves his hand up to the back of her head, threading his fingers through her black hair, gripping it tight, pulling slightly to move her head where he wants it. It is like silk and he imagines it sliding across his thighs when she takes him in her mouth. The thought brings a growl rumbling up his throat and his hand tightens more.

Bringing with it the bite of pain and a fresh rush of moisture to her core.

Kissing along her jaw to her neck, she shivers when his teeth bite down at the junction at her shoulder. Pulling her head to the side giving him more access, his teeth clamp tighter, sending a lash of heat spiraling through her. She is panting as his lips move down, his breath caressing across her nipples causing them to peak. His tongue curls out flicking one of the hardened buds and she cries out, her fingers clutching at his hair, pulling him closer, begging for more. She gasps as he draws it into the darkened velvet heat of his mouth. He rolls it while sucking, all the while using his hand on the other, kneading with the same rhythm. Electricity seems to travel from them to her center, blood roaring in her head. Drawing his head up, she gazes into his eyes and loves the look of hunger, the barely restrained lust. Pulling his mouth to hers she devours him. She is pushing him, not wanting restraint. She needs his beast, wants it.

He steps back, his breath coming in gasps. Eyes glowing bright, he shoves her clothes away. He unwraps his kilt and kick it to the side. They stand totally naked, each with desire stamped into their features. In an instant, they were together, so close that one bled into the other. Taking her mouth, Asger is drowning with need. He is being burnt again, but this time it is her heat. His heavy erection pushes against her taut belly as he swallows her moans. Their kisses are wild. Her nails dig into his shoulders and he shudders. His hands finds her breasts again, calloused fingers tugging and rolling the nipples. His powerful body moves against hers, pushing her back, laying her upon the grass. His body tenses above her as he drinks her in. He kisses his way down her belly, loving how she quivers under his lips. He realizes he should hurry but he will not deny himself a taste of her, the scent of her arousal is beating at him. Moving lower, he pushes her knees apart and pauses. He stares at her, glistening in the moonlight - beautiful, dripping with her want of him.

“Ye are so wet for me,” his voice is dark and dangerous, roughened by his desire. Sliding his fingers up the inside of her thighs, he forces her even more open and she sobs with need. Leaning down, he blows a warm breath over her and she cannot stop her hips from bucking. He runs a finger through her wet folds and brings it to his mouth. He licks the taste of her languorously off while watching her eyes. Savoring the exotic taste. She moans when he closes his eyes in ecstasy. His cock throbs with need, a drop of moisture beads at the top. Ylva is amazed at the desperation she sees on his face. He is dying for a taste of her, the thought undoes her. Hot cream spills from her body and he is frenzied with hunger. He falls on her like a ravenous wolf, nipping the inside of her thigh.

“Asger,” she cries it as he begins to lick her just like that hungry wolf. Long, slow licks, then quick, fluttering licks all pushing her to the edge. Her body is coiling tight. It feels like flames are licking at her skin. It is too much, higher and higher he drives her with his tongue until she is chanting his name, begging him for something but not wanting it to end. He cannot hear as blood pounds in his ears, her very essence driving him wild. He eats at her using tongue and teeth- stroking and lapping. Then she screams out as he flicks her clit before sucking it into his mouth and she explodes.

He barely lets her catch her breath and he is over her. She hears herself pleading, his face a harsh mask of desire and need. He pauses at her entrance and she has a moment of apprehension at his size. The broad head demands entry. She is tight but he has prepared her. He slides in and her juices coat him, easing the invasion. Inch by inch he claims her, as lightning flashes through their bodies.

Pushing his thick shaft through her tight folds is exquisite torture. He feels her muscles tense at the invasion and strives to hold himself still, allowing her to adjust. Ylva feels as if he is torturing her with his stillness. He is murmuring curses and she moves beneath him.

“Och, love. hauld still. I doona wanna hurt ye,” he says gently. He lays his forehead on hers and she feels him tremble. Her blood thunders in her ears and love burns in her heart. This stupid man is trying to ease her but he does not understand his stillness is her discomfort. She feels him tense to move forward and she thrusts upward, impaling herself, tearing a growl from his throat.

“Ylva, hauld still.” His fingers dig into her hips, trying to subdue them.

She smiles and grips his cock with her muscles, squeezing and milking him from the inside. “Please, Asger. I need this. I need you.” She did not feel pain, only hunger. When she sees his control slipping, her body coats him with more wetness. Her urgent need shatters his control.

Gripping her hips, he jerks her up, dragging her legs over his arms. One last look into her eyes clouded with lust and he rears back sliding almost completely out of her. Pausing, he looks down at where their bodies join and slams back into her, watching her breasts shake from the force of it. He sets a harsh rhythm. Hard. Fast. Deep. The hot length of him filling her, binding them together. The tension builds in her body, coiling tighter and tighter until she is mindlessly writhing beneath him. Her nails scores his back and she gasps wildly. She sobs out his name, begging, pleading, and demanding her release. He is consumed by her fire. And still, he pounds into her, curling over her, never slowing, the sounds of their bodies coming together echoing through the night. He shifts slightly, dragging the length of his cock over her swollen clit and she goes rigid. That instant, he locks his teeth on her neck and she is flying. Clamping down on him to the point of pain, wave after wave crashes over her. He thrusts over and over, keeping her climax going. She kisses his throat before biting down and she feels his cock jerk within her. He quickly loses his rhythm. Digging his fingers into her, he slams his hips hard, burying himself to the hilt. Holding her still, he forces her to accept his wildness and a harsh groan is torn from his lips as he explodes inside her. He fills her with his seed, pulsing over and over as she comes again, crying out. They lay panting, bodies still joined, neither wanting to break the connection.

“I was afraid to come to you but I had to. I am fighting,” she whispers. Stroking her hair, he sighs. “I know, my love. We will win this battle.”

Rolling her on top of his body, he draws her to him, kissing her deeply, slowly savoring her. She leaps away from him, startling him to his feet. She cries out and reaches for him. As her eyes blaze an icy blue, a roar fills the air. Shifting he leaps into the air just as she comes at him. Asger roars for Morrigan who appears and sifts him away, drawing the Berserker away from the Isle.