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Fit for an Omega: A M/M Non-Shifter Mpreg Romance (Omegas of Bright Beach Book 1) by Victoria Brice (10)


It was still dark outside the next morning when Gabe woke Logan up with a soft kiss on his cheek. His hair was adorably tousled with sleep, and he smiled shyly down at Logan. “Good morning.”

Logan smiled, relieved that the events of the night before hadn’t been a dream. “Well good morning, gorgeous,” he murmured. “What time is it?”

“Six,” Gabe answered. “I know it’s early, but would you mind dropping me off at my place? I have a class at 8:30.”

Logan groaned. “You are the most driven Omega I’ve ever seen. Can’t you take the day off?”

“No way,” the Omega answered cheerfully. “I love my job.” He poked Logan gently in the ribs, making the Alpha jump. “Come on.”

They didn’t talk much on the ride to Gabe’s, but the Omega rested a hand gently on Logan’s thigh. He could feel the heat of Gabe’s palm through his jeans.

When he pulled up in front of the little beachfront house Gabe was renting, the Omega leaned across the seat and brushed a soft kiss on his cheek. Logan caught his chin before he could pull away and kissed him on the lips, savoring the silky softness.

Too soon, Gabe gently pulled away. “You’re going to make me miss my class,” he said, teasingly.

“I had to try,” Logan answered, making the Omega laugh. Gabe climbed out.

“I’ll call you when the class is over,” he said, smiling. Logan waited until Gabe had gone inside the house before backing out of the driveway.

The car was still filled with Gabe’s sweet scent, and Logan savored it, lost in thoughts of the night before. But as he drove down the highway, some of his high faded.

Hell, what was he going to do now?

He could pretend it was just infatuation, but he knew better. Gabe was special, a once in a lifetime kind of person, as his grandpa would have said. Logan remembered a conversation they’d had a long time ago.

He’d been a twelve or thirteen, and noticing guys for the first time. Logan had asked his grandfather how he knew grandma was ‘the one,’ and the old man had gotten a twinkle in his eye.

“I knew she was it because suddenly all my future plans had her in them,” he had said, smiling at his grandson. “Even just the little things, like going to the grocery store or what I was going to do that weekend. Sometimes our hearts know they’re The One before our brains catch up.”

Logan drove to the one place that had always helped him think: Debby’s. The diner had stood just off the highway for as long as he could remember, and he’d had many meals there as a kid with his grandparents and Holt. Now, the slightly-greasy American breakfast and lunch standards were comfort food to him, and he could use some comfort right about now.

He pushed open the door, savoring the smell of bacon and coffee. The place was decorated with sixties-style smiley faces everywhere, a relic of times past. Donna, the current owner, flashed him a wide smile from behind the counter. “Logan Kelly! It’s been too long since I’ve seen that handsome face.” She was an older woman, with generous hips and a warm smile.

“Hey, Donna,” he said, grinning back as he claimed one of the little booths. “Can I get the breakfast platter?”

“Coming up, darlin’,” she purred. After she’d delivered the huge plate of bacon, eggs, and pancakes, she left him to his thoughts.

He’d just crunched into his first strip of bacon when a low laugh sounded behind him. “Well well, if it isn’t lover boy.”

Russell dropped into the seat across from him, not bothering to wait for an invite.

Logan’s heart sank, but he prayed that it didn’t show on his face. “Boss,” he said, with a little nod. “Having some breakfast?”

“Gotta get some carbs before the workout,” Russell said casually. There was something about his smile that Logan didn’t like. “So tell me, how’s it going? Jimmy tells me you and that little Omega have been spending a lot of time together.”

“Is Jimmy looking through my windows?” Logan asked, with a chuckle to show how silly he thought it was.

“Doesn’t have to. Your little bro Holt told him. Said the two of y’all are getting downright cozy.” Russell squinted at him slightly. “So it sounds like the plan is working, right?”

“Kind of,” Logan said, mentally cursing his little brother’s big mouth. “I think Gabe only likes me as a friend though.”

“Is that so?” Russell leaned forward, and Logan could see his nostrils flare slightly as the other Alpha sniffed the air. “Funny. You smell like Omega.”

“I gave him a ride to his place yesterday,” Logan said, faking boredom. “I’m trying, but he keeps those legs locked down tight.”

He’d hoped the casual crudeness would throw Russell off, but his boss just raised his chin slightly, looking at Logan through still-squinted eyes. “Well, that lease on the gym is up soon,” he drawled. “So it needs to happen soon.”

“I hear ya,” Logan said. He wanted nothing more than for Russell to go away and stop looking at him with that knowing expression.

Russell reached over and clapped Logan on the shoulder, hard enough to bruise. “Well, good luck, buddy. But keep me posted, huh? I’m tired of hearing things from my son that I should be hearing from you.” With one last humorless laugh, he left.

As soon as the door swung shut behind Russell, Logan slumped in his chair as the tension drained out of him. What in the hell had Holt been telling Jimmy? He’d been careful to hide his relationship with Gabe, or so he’d thought. Maybe he didn’t give his little brother enough credit.

Donna strolled over to refill Logan’s coffee, glancing at the closing door. “You and Russell talking about Holt and Jimmy? Now, I love your little brother, Logan, but I’m not sure about Russell’s boy. I’ve heard some stuff about him that would make you wonder.”

Logan frowned up at her. “What do you mean, Holt and Jimmy? They’re friends, aren’t they?”

Her eyebrows shot up, but she quickly nodded. “Yeah… friends.”

“Donna. Come on.”

She flushed, tugging at the pockets of her waitress apron. “I’ve just heard people talking that they’ve seen Jimmy and Holt hanging out together more, that’s all. I just assumed… you know. But if I’m wrong, I’m not sad about it,” she added, frowning slightly. “Like I said, I think that Jimmy boy is trouble.”

“People in this town sure like to talk,” Logan muttered.

Donna patted his shoulder. “If anyone knows the truth, it’s you, Logan. You’re his brother. Let the gossips talk.”

He smiled up at her. “You’re right. It’s probably nothing. Thanks for breakfast.” He slid a few bills under his plate, enough for a generous tip.

She waved as he headed for the door. “Anytime, sweetheart. Don’t be a stranger.”

* * *

Logan headed home, hoping to find Holt there. He decided he needed to hear for himself what the situation with Jimmy was. The Alpha also figured he should come clean about his own relationship with Gabe. It was only fair, after all.

But if he did that, would Holt tell Jimmy? And then would Jimmy tell his father Russell that Logan had fallen for the Omega he was supposed to be running out of town?

What if he told Gabe the truth? Even as he thought it, he knew it was a terrible idea. The Omega would never forgive him, especially not after what they’d done last night. He would probably think Logan had done it all just to sleep with him.

Logan sighed. God, he’d screwed this up so bad. Just like the rest of his life.

Well, at the very least he could talk to Holt. Once he got that figured out, he could decide how to proceed with Gabe.

He pulled into the driveway, wondering if his brother was home. As he walked up the porch steps, the Alpha could hear music playing from inside. Logan pushed the door open and froze.

Holt was on the couch, but he wasn’t alone. In fact, he was wrapped around Jimmy, but he practically launched himself across the room when he looked up and saw Logan in the doorway. The fact that both of them were shirtless and the bright red hickey Holt was sporting made it pretty clear what Logan had interrupted.

Holt looked mortified, but Jimmy leaned back on the couch and flashed him that insolent smile. “Hey, Logan. Didn’t expect you back so soon,” he drawled.

The Alpha looked at his little brother, who dropped his gaze, refusing to look at him. “Time for you to go, Jimmy,” Logan said.

“Yeah sure,” he said agreeably, retrieving his shirt from the floor and shrugging it on. He didn’t act guilty or bothered: in fact, he had the same smug smile as his father Russell usually wore. “Catch you later, Holt.”

Holt’s already-red face turned a deeper shade of crimson, and he still didn’t look up as Jimmy ambled to the door.

Logan opened it, and Jimmy gave him a little nod before jumping lightly off the porch and strolling toward the highway without a backward glance.

Logan resisted the urge to slam the door shut. His protective Alpha instincts were on overdrive, but he forced himself to take a few deep breaths. Holt wasn’t a kid anymore, after all. This would have happened sooner or later. Logan just wished it had been with anyone else.

He bent down and retrieved Holt’s shirt from the floor. “Here,” he said, tossing it across the room.

His little brother yanked it on, still refusing to look at him. Logan sighed. “I’m not mad, Holt,” he said. “But we need to talk about this.” He started to head to the couch, thought better of it, and took a seat at the little kitchen table. “Come on.”

Holt looked up cautiously, his cheeks still nearly glowing pink. “I didn’t think you’d be back so soon,” he mumbled, pulling out the other chair.

“Well that was obvious,” Logan said, chuckling despite himself. “So are you guys a thing?”

Holt shook his head, his eyes darting to one side. “We’re just friends.”

Logan stared at him in disbelief. “Holt, I hate to break it to you, but friends don’t play ‘Is that your tongue or mine,’ ok?”

“That was the first time it happened,” Holt said, defensively. “So I don’t know what we are.”

“Donna said folks have seen you two spending a lot of time together,” Logan said. “But that was the first time?”

Holt nodded. “I’ve liked him for awhile, but I didn’t think he liked me back, so I never did anything. But today, we got to talking about our past and I told him about what happened with mom and dad, why they weren’t around. I got sad but tried to hide it, but he said he could make me feel better. And then he just… kissed me.” Holt blushed a bright red again.

Logan had a nagging feeling that something wasn’t right here, but he kept it to himself. It was probably just his Alpha protective instincts going into overdrive. Although he wanted to, Logan knew it was impossible to protect his little brother from everything, including potential heartbreak. It was part of growing up, after all.

“I know I don’t need to tell you to be careful,” Logan said. “You’re still young, and having a kid at this stage-“

“Dammit, Logan, I know all that,” Holt snapped, still looking mortified. “It was just one kiss, and I’m not an idiot.”

“I know you’re not an idiot. I just have to tell you this stuff, since Mom and Dad aren’t around to do it.” Logan sighed and folded his arms on the table. “Anyway, since we’re being honest with each other, I have to tell you something too.”

Holt looked up, frowning. “What?”

“You know that Omega I’ve been working for? Gabe Thomas? Well… I think I’m falling for him.”

His little brother grinned. “I was wondering about that. Jimmy said something about his dad setting the two of you up?”

Logan did not like the sound of that. What was Russell up to? “Something like that,” he said carefully. “But listen, Holt. Gabe and I are still figuring things out, so I don’t want anyone else in town to know besides you and me. Not Jimmy, not anyone. Is that clear?”

Holt looked suspicious. “Why not? Is it some big secret?”

“I’m just trying not to scare him off with too much too soon,” Logan said. “You know how folks in this town talk. Hell, they’re talking about you and Jimmy already.”

Holt blushed. “Yeah, ok. I won’t say anything.”

Logan leaned over and messed up his hair like he used to do when they were kids, making Holt squawk in protest. “All right. Now that that’s all taken care of, I’m in the mood to kick your ass at that new fighting game.”

His little brother’s face lit up. “You’re on, old man,” he shot back, making Logan laugh. As Holt went to turn in the Xbox, Logan couldn’t shake the feeling that Russell and Jimmy were up to something.

He just wished he could figure out what it was.