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Flawed by Kate Avelynn (39)


By the time I reach the main road at the base of the hill, I’m exhausted physically and mentally. It’s in the upper nineties already. My shirt clings to my sweaty skin. My jeans feel even thicker than normal. Desperate, I roll up my sleeves to the elbow. There. Something I haven’t done since Mrs. Baxter’s white dress.

A mile later, I stop and roll up the bottoms of my jeans. I look like I’m wearing a three-quarter t-shirt and capris—the first almost-summery outfit I’ve worn in public in God knows how long. The warm breeze tickling my arms and calves is exhilarating, second only to the first time Sam touched my skin. I wish I had flip-flops on to get the full effect. Maybe I’ll buy a new pair tomorrow.

I lose the wisp of conviction I’ve been clinging to when I get to Sam’s house and see Liz loading boxes of tall glass vases into the back of her car. Before I can run away, she looks up and shields her eyes. “Sarah?”

For such a small woman, Liz is incredibly loud. You’d think I’d be used to it by now. Maybe it’s weird to me because she’s a mother and mothers have always been silent in my world. Whatever the case, I can’t turn back now because Sam—and everyone else on the street—probably heard her.

She drops the box into her trunk, breaking at least one of the vases judging by the crash, and dashes across the lawn. Before either of us can say anything else, I throw my arms around her waist and bury my face in her neck.


“Oh, honey. What happened? Who did this?”

Sam didn’t tell her. The realization is just as relieving as it is painful.

I will not cry—I won’t—but the tidal wave of emotions I’m too exhausted to shut down breaks through my resistance anyway. How easy it would be to tell Liz everything. To let someone else shoulder some of the darkness I’m carrying around for a change. To give up fighting for things that’ll never happen and let everything go.

But I keep seeing the little pink and blue lines running through the granite headstone above my mother’s grave, tangling with the threads of white, drowning in all that gray stone. Me and James. James and our mother. James protecting us both from our father…

She deserved better. Even if I don’t, she did.

Save James.

Sniffling and wiping at my eyes, I try to come up with a convincing lie. If I tell her the truth, there’s no way I’ll be able to do what I came here to do. I can’t risk it. She’ll insist on comforting me and giving me everything I never got from my mother and it’ll be wrong, all of it. I won’t destroy James’s life more than I already have because I’m weak. I won’t let him hurt Sam.

“I fell,” I tell her. “Down the stairs at the library. That’s all.”

She releases her death grip of a hug and cups my cheek in her palm. “You don’t have to lie anymore. I’ll help you. Just tell me the truth.”

“I’m not lying,” I say a little too forcefully and back away. “I was carrying a bunch of books and didn’t see the first step. That’s all.”

She looks hurt. “Oh. Well, I have a wedding consultation in half an hour. You can come along if you’d like. Help me with the sample arrangements, maybe?”

“Um, actually, I can’t work at Enchanted Garden anymore.” Coming here was a mistake. The guilt and regret and wishful thinking are eating me alive. “Is Sam home?”

“I haven’t seen him since yesterday morning, but I’m pretty sure I heard the shower start up a few minutes ago.” The strange look on her face worries me, but I can’t hold eye contact long enough to figure out what she’s thinking. “He’s pretty serious about you, Sarah.”

My cheeks, already overheated from the sun and long walk, get even hotter. It’s as if she read my mind and plucked out the worst possible thing she could have said. All morning, I’d been clinging to the hope that Sam and I might be able to stay friends so I could beg him to take me back if James ever lets me go.

“I’m just going to go inside and wait,” I say to her and turn toward the door.

“Sarah, when I get home this evening, I hope you’ll consider talking to me. We can go to the police together, if it helps. I love you just as much as Sam does.”

Which is the last thing I want to hear, because all of a sudden, I’m not sure I’m making the right decision. No, I am. I have to be. My brother needs me more than Sam does.

I can’t get to the front door and out of the far-too-cheerful sunshine fast enough.

The water shuts off as I hurry down the hallway to his bedroom. I pause at the bathroom door and knock softly. “Sam? I’ll be waiting in your room, okay?”

“Hey, wait!”

He throws open the door, still trying to get his towel wrapped around his waist. I ignore the dark bruise around his eye and his scabbed over lip and let myself soak in the sight of his chest and stomach and the water droplets in his hair one last time. Knowing I’ll probably never see this again rams the jagged knife in my heart even deeper.

I think he mistakes my staring for longing—it is, but not the kind he’s thinking—because he gives me the crooked smile I remember from that night on the log. “I was just on my way over to check on you. Is my mom outside?”

I nod. “She’s leaving.”

Towel still in place, he drags me toward his bedroom. I’m in his arms and the door is locked behind us before I can blink. “I missed you,” he murmurs into my hair. “And I’m so sorry about yesterday. When I saw what your dad did to you, I lost it. I’ve never been so pissed off and freaked out in my life. And James…I should have told you he was fighting weeks ago.”

I close my eyes and silently savor his pinecone-and-spice scent and how smooth his skin feels against my cheek. If I talk, I’ll start crying, so I don’t dare open my mouth other than to kiss his chest. Why I ever thought I’d be able to do this is beyond me.

“Move in with me,” he says. “Today. Please say yes.”

Oh, God, how I want to. I want what he’s offering more than anything. Squeezing my eyes shut, I try desperately to gather what little strength I have left. There’s not enough. There will never be enough.

And yet, I manage to force out a feeble, “We need to talk.”

His hands slide from my shoulders to my hands. Judging by the smile on his face, he has no idea what’s coming. “Yeah?”

“Maybe you should get dressed,” I say. “You’re distracting when you’re naked.”

God, is he ever. Instead of breaking up with him, all I can think about is ripping his towel off, pressing my body against his sweet, clean skin, and losing myself. He must know the effect he’s having on me because he grins even wider and plops down on the edge of his bed. “Maybe you should get undressed,” he says. “I bet if we were both naked, I wouldn’t be near as distracting.” He reaches for my waist, narrowly avoiding my burned hip. When his fingers slip under my shirt and try to draw me closer, I almost let him.


“I want to break up,” I blurt out.

His smile falters. “What?”

“It’s for the best, trust me.”

He stares at me, dozens of emotions I can’t name playing across his face until, finally, the hope drains from his eyes. This is the Sam I’ve never seen, the one I only got a hint of when he told me about his dad the first time. The one that reminds me so very much of James. “No,” he says quietly. “It’s not for the best and I say no.”

“Things with James are already bad enough right now without this to complicate things. He needs me more than you do. I have to do this.”

Sam gapes at me like I’ve slapped him. “This is about your brother? Again?

“You don’t know how it is,” I say. My knees are shaking so badly, I might fall. To be safe, I pull the stool out from under his desk and sit down. “I had another nightmare about my dad last night and it was bad—really, really bad. When I woke up, James was drunk and on something and dragged me out of the house yelling about how he knows I’ve had sex with you in our room.”

I hesitate, expecting Sam to say something, but he doesn’t.

“He’s not the same person he was a few weeks ago,” I say. “I don’t know if it’s the fighting, or if he’s messed up about losing our mom, but he’s not the same. Something’s wrong with him.”

“There’s been something wrong with your brother for years,” Sam snaps. “Did you tell him about you and me?”

I shake my head. “He already knows. You know he does. He kept telling me he wanted me to say your name. He wanted to hear me say it.”

Sam runs a hand through his damp hair and stares hard at the blueprint of his future house. “So then what? He dragged you outside and then what happened?”

“He drove me into the woods.” I stare at the tattoo on his shoulder, wishing for things I’m not allowed to wish for anymore.

Sam curses and stands up. “And?”

“We talked.”

“You mean, you decided to screw me over because of some warped sense of duty to your brother.” He scowls at me and grabs a pair of underwear and shorts from his drawer. “Just dump me and get it over with, Sarah. I’ve got shit to do.”

He thinks I don’t love him. That can’t be farther from the truth. Or can it? I’m choosing my brother over him.

Watching him yank on his shorts is the last straw. When he throws his towel across the room and it lands hanging limp from the basketball hoop behind his door, I stagger to my feet. “Do you think I want to do this? I want to be with you more than anything! Even if I’m not ready for this—” I wave at his room. “—I would still do it because of you if I could, but I can’t. You don’t know what he’s done for me. I owe him everything. I’m alive because of him!

Part of me wishes he’d hold me and tell me everything will be okay. The other half wants to throw myself off a cliff for what I’m doing to us both. He stares down at me, his arms folded across his bare chest. “James is an adult. He needs to figure things out for himself.”

I shake my head and start to protest, but he stops me.

“Yes,” he says. “That’s your whole problem—you and James don’t know where he ends and you begin. You’re too dependent on each other. Neither of you can make your own decisions because neither of you knows who you are.”

James makes plenty of decisions. All of them, in fact.

“Listen to me. You know that side of James, but I know the other. This has been coming for years. Half the reason we’re still friends is because I feel like I need to keep an eye on him.” He paces the length of the room twice, then stops in front of me again. “Your brother is seriously messed up, Sarah. I don’t want you alone in that house with him. Hell, if it wouldn’t get me arrested, I’d put you in my car right now and drive so far away he’d never find you again.”

I blink up at him. He means it. “You’d give up everything for me?”

“When are you going to get that you are everything?”

“But…we’ve only been together for a couple of weeks. How can you say that after only a couple of weeks?”

He stabs his fingers through his drying hair and resumes his pacing. “You think I don’t know this went really fast? I didn’t plan for this to happen. Hell, I didn’t even know if you’d let me talk to you, much less be with you. But then you did and we did and…” He stops in the center of the room and stares at me, his shoulders sagging. “I figured out pretty quick that this is a forever thing for me. I think it has been from the very beginning.”


He closes the distance between us in two steps and cups my face in his hands. “Yes.

I breathe the warmth of his words into my chest hoping they’ll chase away the hopelessness that keeps icing over my heart.

“Besides,” he adds. “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be thinking about UCLA again.”

The tiny flicker of hope I’d just started to feel again dies. “See? That’s why I have to do this. You have to go to UCLA. You have to get your degree and build your house. You can’t do any of that if you have to take care of me.” I sink back onto the stool, my legs turning to jelly again. “I refuse to be the reason you get stuck in Granite Falls with some crap job.”

“And that’s where you’re wrong.” He squats in front of me. My eyes follow his waist and the way his skin moves across his abs. A tap on the chin brings my eyes back to his. “If we get married—”


He presses his finger to my lips. “If we get married, I’ll actually get more financial aid. You will, too. I’m not saying it will be easy, but we can make it work.” His hand drifts back to my cheek and he smiles. “You have to trust me.”

“I don’t know…”

“I do.” He smiles and draws my knees apart so he can kneel between them. “We can stay here until next month and stick to the original plan. When we move, I can work and go to school at the same time. We’ll find you a job, too. Maybe even at the same place. You won’t have to worry about applying to UCLA until you’re ready. Say yes.”

This isn’t going well. I was counting on his anger, not controlled logic. I’m not going to be able to keep saying no if he keeps making sense. I shake my head even though he’s winning.

Yes. Let me show you what it’s like to have a real family,” he insists. “Let me love you like my dad loved my mom. I’ll never let anything bad happen to you again.”

He presses a kiss to my stomach and everything inside of me breaks. I slump over, bury my face and hands in his hair, and let the tears come. The desperation in his voice, the way he clings to me almost as tightly as I cling to him, how he picks me up and pulls my legs around his waist—I feel my resolve crumbling. When he whispers, “Marry me, Sarah Jane O’Brien,” and tries to kiss me, it crumbles completely.

“No!” I gasp and wrench myself from his arms. I want to be with him more than he knows and more than I can ever explain, but I can’t. There’s a gun in my closet with Sam’s name on it if I do the selfish thing and stay here.

“I need to help James get past what happened to our mother,” I sob from where I’ve fallen to the floor. My gaze drifts to the bed so he won’t see the lie. “Detective Lilly thinks he did it and I need to make sure he doesn’t do something stupid like bomb the jail when they finally realize it was our father. I need to get him used to the idea of me being safe now that our father’s gone. Maybe after—”

“After he forces himself on you?” He glares at me, the intensity in his eyes an ugly thunderstorm black. “I know you’ve been lying about the kisses. How do you know that’s not next?”

“He would never force me!”

Even as the words spill from my lips, I have my doubts. Last night was the first time he’d forced me to do anything against my will and it was a fluke. Too much alcohol, too many drugs. That’s all.

I’m lying to myself.

I feel it taking over, the panic that’s been clawing at the edges of my mind for years. It wraps sticky black tendrils around me that tighten, tighten, tighten until I can’t breathe from the pressure. I claw at my shirt and back toward the door.

“He’ll never let you go.”

I know he won’t. “I have to try.”

“I love you.” He reaches for me. “Please don’t do this.”

Strong boys like Sam Donavon should never have to beg. Should never have to reach for the scarred hands of a girl who isn’t worth his love and beg her to love him back.

“I’m so, so sorry,” I whisper, and run from his room.




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