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Flipped (Better With Prosecco Book 1) by Lisa-Marie Cabrelli (29)


Hazel had counted down the seconds to 11:00 a.m. when she could phone Liz. She had told Dean to come at noon the next day. She'd given him the excuse that she needed time to organize so she’d be ready to bring him up to speed on the project, but really she'd just been dying to call her best friend. Stefano had fixed her phone two days ago, but Liz hadn't answered that first day and she'd been with Dean all day yesterday. She needed to tell her about the new developments in Borgotaro, stuff she hadn’t felt right putting in email. She wasn't quite sure of the protocol for gossip.

“It's amazing to hear your voice, Hay, but I hope you have a good reason for calling me at 5:00 a.m.,” Liz grumbled when she answered the phone. “So you got your phone fixed, huh?”

“Yeah, Stefano fixed it. And I’m calling you at five because you can’t fool me. You’ve already been up and on your elliptical for half an hour.”

Liz laughed. “Who’s Stefano?”

“Oh, just some boy who’s living here. Indigo invited him. Do you need further explanation?”

“No, I guess not.” There was the whistle of a teakettle. Liz was a traditionalist when it came to her morning tea: tea kettle, teapot, tea cozy, the whole works. “So how’s the land of perfect men? Did you find yourself a sexy Italian yet?”

“Liz, do you know who Dean McLean is?”

Liz's laughter bubbled through the phone and Hazel heard her slam down the tea kettle. “Do I know Dean McLean? I swear, Hay, sometimes I worry about you. No one else on the entire planet but you would ask that question. Of course I know who Dean McLean is! Me and half the population of the planet have fantasized about his dreamy eyes… not to mention every other yummy bit of him. Oh, my God!” Liz gasped. “I read on Facebook that he was in Italy. You didn’t catch a glimpse of him, did you? Was he someplace nearby?”

“Yeah, he was nearby,” Hazel was laughing now. “Like, in my kitchen yesterday!”

There was silence. “No! Oh my God, no! Hazel you lucky so and so!  What on earth was he doing in your kitchen!? Are you on a home renovation show or something?”

“He was picking me up for our date.”

“Your date!! What are you talking about, Hay? Tell me you're lying or I'll lay down and die right now. Dean McLean! A date!”

Liz smiled at her friend's reaction. Suddenly she felt justified in her obsession and her tummy fluttered in excitement. Plus, even though she and Liz had been friends for years, she'd never dated anyone, so they'd never gossiped like this. “Yep! And Liz, I’m not kidding, I've been awake all night. I didn’t sleep a wink. Why did you never tell me that men totally rock and I’ve been an idiot to avoid them all this time? I can’t stop thinking about him.”

“You can’t stop thinking about Dean McLean? You and the rest of the female population of the universe! How did this happen? What’s he doing there? Spill it!”

Hazel had a sudden ache for Liz's company. She wanted her here, next to her, drinking tea. “He’s just taking a break from filming and visiting friends. What do you know about him, Liz? I don’t read all that Hollywood stuff. Indigo has waxed lyrically, of course, but half of what she says is total crap. Is he a stuck-up slime bucket? Does he have a reputation? He seems like such a good guy.”

“Oh, he has a reputation all right, as one of the good guys, and that's according to about everyone who has ever interviewed him or worked with him. He's Hollywood's most eligible bachelor. Supposedly he had a rough upbringing, foster homes and such, and is super humble and thankful for his career. He still lives like he’s middle class, even though he has ultra-millions. I read somewhere he has a charity that buys cars for every foster kid aging out of the system in his hometown. It’s totally funded by him. He gives tons of money away to other causes too. Holy cow, Hay, Dean McLean… Damn! Did he kiss you??”

“Oh boy, did he kiss me?! I think he likes me. But I can’t figure out why, if he’s some major, movie star dude.”

“My god, look in the mirror, lady!  Not only are you my most beautiful friend by far, you are also the smartest person I know and the most down-to-earth. I bet he’s never met anyone like you in fake LA. You’re about as real as it gets, Hay." Hazel laughed. Liz was her biggest cheerleader. "But wait - isn't he dating some Isabella woman? Did I read that?”

"He says it's over, and I believe him. I can't stop thinking about him, Liz, and that's so dangerous, but he seems like such a genuine guy. Am I making a mistake?"

Liz spluttered around a giggle. "Crap! I just spat tea all over myself. What mistake? You’re dating a movie star, girl!  Holy cow, am I allowed to tell anyone?”

“No! Like who, anyway? Slimy Samuel? How’s he doing on my job?”

Liz slurped her tea. “You don’t want to hear it.”

“Why?” She felt a knot of anxiety form in her stomach. “What’s going on?”

“He’s killing it, Hazel. The client loves him, the Board loves him. This is the worst part, Chris has already mentioned the equity partnership twice.”

Hazel felt a flash of anger at herself. What was she doing here falling all over a movie star while this jerk was stealing her career? “What? But that partnership is mine, Liz! You told me it was! So, Samuel does one job, and he’s freaking Superman? After everything I have done for the company?”

“I know, I know. I told you you wouldn’t want to hear it. But what am I supposed to do? I can only bring up your name so many times without sounding like an idiot. I guess it’s out of sight out of mind.”

“But he stole my ideas! You know he stole them!”

“Hon, I know he stole your ideas, you know he stole your ideas, but we can’t prove it, can we? If we had proof, I’d be yelling and screaming. Listen, I’m sorry, I have to go, but what are you worried about? You’re dating an honest-to-goodness movie star!!  Enjoy your time there and we'll figure it out when you get back. Bring that hunk with you! Love you!” The line went silent.

Hazel stared at the dead phone in her hand. All the joy of the conversation had drained away. Samuel was stealing her job right out from under her nose. Samuel was working his butt off and stealing her job while she was traipsing around some forgotten village after a movie star. Had she lost her mind? Was she willing to gamble everything she had worked for on a summer fling? She had to get back to Jax. She had to get back to Jax and save her job. Don’t worry, Dad, she promised mentally. Don’t worry, I’m not throwing it all away for a man. I will make you proud, you’ll see. I'll figure out a way to expose Samuel and get my job back. But first I need the money from this sale.

“I’m sorry to be listening.” Stefano was standing in the doorway of the kitchen staring at her white face.

She smiled at him, “No problem, Stefano. Just work problems.”

“Someone did something to you at work? Stole something?”

Hazel sighed, “Yes. A guy stole my designs.”