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For Real (Rules of Love, Book One) by Cameron, Chelsea M. (17)







Now that Javier is in on our secret, I feel a little bit less pressure. I also don’t mind him being around when I’m with Jett. I’ve spent some time with him now and, it’s apparent that what I thought was just for show, is actually his personality. And now that he’s more comfortable with me, he seems even MORE open. If that’s possible.

“So Javier didn’t buy the fight?” Jett and I are sitting on the couch, sharing leftover salad from last night. The tortellini is already gone.

“Yeah, but he didn’t tell me until I got back after . . . After I used the safe word. But yeah, he knew it was fake. So, um, I told him everything.”

“You told him?!” I mean, he had no choice, but still. Not thrilled.

“Look, I didn’t have a choice. What was I supposed to tell him?”

“I’m not mad at him telling Javier. Just mad that we weren’t more convincing.”

“It’s not your fault. We probably shouldn’t have fought in front of him. He knows me too well. He said it wasn’t even close. How did it go with Hazel?”

“Good, I guess. She seemed to buy it hook, line and sinker. The girls took me out for a spa day to help me recover.” I hold out my newly polished nails to show him. They’re black with yellow spots. I hope he sees the homage to Batman.

“While we were out they finally managed to get on my last nerve. So I screamed at them and came here.”

“Nice.” He takes both of my hands in his. Just that one little touch instantly makes me feel better. It’s like inhaling cool, fresh air and it instantly calms me.

Jett doesn’t let go of my hands and my heart flutters. Ah, being with him feels so good. Like it’s meant to be. I squeeze his hands and he squeezes them back.

“I missed you,” I say, looking down at our joined hands.

“I missed you. I know it’s only been a few hours, but it felt awful. So, can we just erase that word that I said and pretend I didn’t say it?”

“And how do you plan on erasing those hours?” I say, and as soon as the words are out, I realize what he must be thinking. I didn’t mean it the way it comes out. His eyes go wide for a second.

“That’s not what I meant . . .” I trail off. “You should know by now I can’t seem to stop saying dumb things.”

He shakes his head as if to clear it.

“I wouldn’t go that far. But I think we need to hug it out.” He lets go of my hands and opens his arms wide. I dive at him and we both collapse against the arm of the couch. He hugs me tight and I hug him back.

I raise my head and he’s smiling.

“Missed you,” I say.

“Missed you.” We totally just said this, but it bears repeating. He smacks a kiss on my forehead and then I get off him. We only have one more week, and we have to get through it.

“So what now?” I say.

“Come here, princess, you’re having a rough day.” He sweeps into his arms and carries me to his room and deposits me on his bed.

“Let’s just stay here for the rest of the night, okay?”

“Sure,” I say, leaning back against the pillow.

“Stay right there,” he says, and dashes out to the living room and then comes back with his artist’s pad.

I turn my head, but he makes a noise and motions for me to move it back.

“Are you going to draw me?”

“Yes, I am. Now stay still.” He leans against his dresser and tries to get the best angle before coming forward and moving some of my hair, and then my arm and then one leg. I feel like a piece of clay. When he’s happy with me, he turns on all of the lights, and moves a lamp around.

“My God, are you done yet?”

“One more thing.” He takes one of his cranes and puts it on my shoulder, as if it landed there.

“Now don’t move.”

“What happens if I sneeze? Or have to pee?”

“Too bad. Fight the urge.”

“Yes, Mr. Bossypants.” I glare at him and he points a warning finger at me.

“Stop that.” I stick my tongue out, but go back to the way I was. Jett sighs once and then he gets to work.

“You know, this is just like that scene in Titanic. But without the nudity. And the ship sinking and all.”

He glances up at me and back to the paper.

“Actually, the ship sinking happened after the nude drawing. So those two things aren’t really related.”

“You’ve seen Titanic?” I don’t know a whole lot of guys that would sit through that.

“Listen, I wasn’t allowed to watch anything growing up, so when I got free, I watched EVERYTHING. That includes Titanic.” I snort again. I wonder what else he’s seen. I’m about to ask, but he shushes me. Things are extra funny now and it’s hard to keep the giggling to a minimum. Stupid whiskey.

“Will you stay still?” Jett finally says, but he’s laughing at me. It’s more fun to make him mad than stay still. But then I relax into it and watch him work. I could do that all day.

Things are quiet and calm, but then the door bangs open.

“Your fucking phone is blowing up because of her damn friends. Whoa. I hope I’m not interrupting something,” he says when he sees what we’re doing. Well, we’re not even doing anything. It could have been a lot worse.

“We were just about to ravage each other,” I say as he starts to back out of the room. “Want to watch?” Whiskey makes words fall out of my mouth.

Javi puts his hands up.

“Noooo thank you.” Jett takes the phone and Javi closes the door.

“Holy shit. I don’t know how your friends got my number, but they’ve ALL called and texted me, asking if I knew where you were.” He shows me the phone and I roll my eyes.

“I left my phone at home when I stormed out.”

“Well, what do you want to do about it?”

I don’t really care.

“Just message them back that I’m fine, but don’t tell them you’re with me because then they’ll come here.” I don’t want to see them yet. I don’t want to deal with them yet, either.

“Okay. If that’s what you want.” He clearly thinks I should confront this, but they’re not his friends. Or former friends. Unless something changes drastically, I’m done with them.

“That’s what I want. Now go back to drawing me,” I say, resuming my pose as he sends the messages on his phone.

He gives me a look, but turns the phone off and then sets it down.

“Whatever you say, Mona Lisa.”



I fall asleep while Jett is drawing, and he wakes me up as he’s putting the blankets over me. I mumble something, but he shushes me and tucks me in.

Hours later I wake up with my head aching a bit. I’m alone in Jett’s bed. Where the crap is he? I get up and grope for some of my other clothes so I can change out of my jeans. I slip on a large t-shirt and a pair of holey shorts and stumble out into the living room. Jett’s on the couch in his shirt and boxers.

“Come to bed,” I say, poking him. He opens his eyes and blinks at me.

“We don’t have to do that now that Javi knows.”

“I don’t want to sleep alone and I don’t want to argue, so just come to bed, asshole.” I grab his hand and tug and he gets up and follows me back to his room. I shove him toward the bed and he gets in and I climb in after him.

Much better.

Within moments I’m asleep again.