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Forbidden Earl by Pinder, Victoria (12)

Chapter 12

Cassidy, trapped in the stylist’s chair for hours, had watched the sun rise and now it was well above the window, as Michael and the palace staff worked her hair, sprayed her skin, and ensured she was beautiful.

Today she had to be. She had to prove to Remy that she’d fit into his world in every way if she intended to make him fall in love with her too.

Her phone beeped. Michael continued with strands of her hair, undeterred as she carefully picked it up and read Remy’s text. I can’t believe you left my bed so early.

Her pulse raced. Leaving his muscular body in bed without waking him had been harder than she’d ever imagined. She quickly texted back. Today is our wedding day. I have to look the part.

You’re beautiful without any junk on your face. The words on the screen empowered her. And with last night still fresh in her mind, where he’d been so tender and attentive to her every need, perhaps he could fall in love with her and just her. Wasn’t anything possible?

She giggled and texted back, Still, this was the plan, all along.

Michael pulled the last strand of loose hair into some loop or whatever magic he was creating with her hair. He pressed his hand to her shoulder and said, “Texting your fiancé on the wedding day. Isn’t that supposed to be bad luck?”

“He hasn’t seen me. We were just talking.” She guiltily put the phone back down. Soon enough she’d share vows with Remy and then all this pampering she’d indulged in would fade away. A small part of her hoped it didn’t, because she realized she liked her feminine side. She frowned at Michael.

Michael giggled and said, “I’m joking, darling.” He spun her chair around.

Right. She was in her head too much. She looked into the mirror and caught her breath.

Her frizz had been tamed into cascades of waves all swept up into perfect curls. Hundreds of tiny pearls gleamed from her dark brown hair. “This updo is beyond my expectations.”

Michael picked up the pins and added a few to the front. “We found pearls that match your gown exactly. I’ll figure out how to add the tiara without taking away this look when I see at the Church.”

As long as the fashion didn’t overtake everything else. She met Michael’s blue eyes and asked, “You don’t think the white pops are too much?”

Michael leaned down behind her ear so they were face to face in the mirror. “Not at all, darling. I thought we intended to wow your fiancé.”

Cassidy laughed at how he said that—as if he were a mind reader, too.

Chelsea walked into the hair salon from her makeup service and stared at both of them in the mirror. “Wow? Why would my sister want to wow Lord Sky? This is a business deal, nothing more.”

Michael stood and continued to pin little pearls in her hair. “Ignore her, darling. You’re going to be fabulous.”

Her phone beeped. Chelsea took the seat next to her and her hair stylist began to fashion her sister’s light blonde hair into an updo as well.

Cassidy picked her phone up and saw Remy’s name on her text. Her pulse carried an extra zip as she clicked and read, I’m leaving for the church now. Don’t be late.

I won’t. She recalled his dark hair against the white pillowcase, his well-sculpted body, and Cassidy trembled. Perhaps they could repeat last night, every night.

Remy texted, You will. I’ve never been to a wedding that started on time.

Expect the unexpected. She put her phone down after she typed that. Remy didn’t need to sound so smug about everything.

Michael walked over and offered his hands to help her out of the chair at last. She took his hands and hugged him. “Michael, you’ve already done so much for me. Thank you.”

“Don’t ruin all my work.” He motioned for her not to cry and smiled at her. “It’s been a pleasure. I saw you for years down the hall and wanted to fix that wild mess of gorgeous hair.”

Chelsea, classic even in a spa robe, crossed her ankles. “My sister must have needed a lot of your time—but you’ve done it. She reminds me of our mom years ago when she modeled back in California.”

Cold raced through her as she met her sister’s defiant stare. “I’m not like her.”

Chelsea motioned for her to turn around. “Check yourself in the mirror, sis. I have dad’s lighter tones, but you’re the spitting image of Mom in her heyday.”

Their mother had been a fashion model and in high demand when they were young, but she’d also wasted money like it was water. All her years of study and hard work was to prove to herself that she’d not turn out half as frivolous. Cassidy’s insides tightened. “Mom is sweet but she’s not always logical.”

“Which is why I was late this morning, sis. Mom couldn’t decide on her outfit and needed my help. I’ll meet you at the church, okay?”

“That’s fine, Chelsea. I can get dressed on my own.”

Michael brushed her arm and said in a soothing tone, “Don’t let anything get to you Cassidy. Today is your day.” He sniffed toward Chelsea, who ignored him.

Good point. She took one last glance in the mirror. Her hair and makeup made her look beautiful, but the white button down shirt and gray sweat shorts she’d borrowed from Remy’s closet were hardly bridal. “I have to get back and change. The tailor is waiting to see if I need last minute adjustments and I don’t want to be too late.”

Michael stopped her and tucked a piece of her hair just so. “Relax. Let me fix this loose pearl.”

The second he was done, she said, “I have to go.”

He walked her to the door while her sister stayed in her stylist’s chair getting her hair finished. “You look perfect. Congratulations and don’t let anyone steal your happiness, darling. You deserve everything. Don’t let the tailor touch anything near your face and ruin my hard work.”

She raised her right hand and swore like she was a Girl Scout. “I won’t. I’ll still see you at the church for touch ups?”

He air kissed her cheeks. “Absolutely.”

She laughed and called out, “Thanks Michael. See you at the church too, Chelsea.”

“Bye, sis.” Chelsea didn’t bother turning around.

The limo waited out front of the palace and she slipped in the backseat. She drank some water as they pulled away from the castle, then opened her phone and texted Remy. I can’t wait for later, Remy.

The signal that he typed back was on her screen, then the familiar beep. She laughed and read, I’m already at the church. I told you that you’d be late.

See you soon, Mr. Know-it-all. Is Gigi there yet? Even if she was a few minutes late, they’d never start without her—Gigi was coming with two of her doctors to make sure she had the best care.

No. Remy answered fast.

Good. A smirk grew on her face as they took a back road that led right to the Bei Garden Manor. So I’m still running on time.

Remy typed and a thrill raced through her spine and body. He then said, I need to see you. Get here so I can see your smile.

She held the phone to her heart and closed her eyes.

Today was just going to be awesome.

Then a huge bang jolted her from the backseat and she landed on the floor of the limo as the vehicle jerked to a stop. What other car was even on this road? Cassidy patted her arms and legs down, then gently went over her loops of hair, and last her forehead. She felt okay and hoped she hadn’t ruined Michael’s hours of work. Where was her phone? Smoke filled the backseat.

She crawled up and opened the partition and saw the driver slumped over the wheel. A white SUV with a plow on the front had lodged itself in the limo’s engine. “Hey!” Cassidy shook the man’s arm and noticed blood on his forehead. “What’s going on? Are you okay?”

Her rear door opened and Cassidy turned toward the afternoon sun. “We have to get help.” The driver had looked bad.

She slipped out of the car, giving one last look in the smoke-filled backseat for her phone before turning toward a familiar beautiful tall blonde who said, “Cassidy Bright.”

“Lucinda.” Cassidy’s mind cleared. Remy’s ex shouldn’t be here. Had she been driving the SUV? She ignored the alarm ratcheting in her body and pointed to the front seat. “My driver’s unconscious. I lost my phone in the wreck.” She waved away the smoke curling from the limo. “Please call for an ambulance.”

“I can’t do that,” Lucinda said as she slipped her hands out of the front pockets of her designer blue jeans.

“Why not?” Everybody had a phone—maybe the driver had one in a pocket—she needed to pull him from the smoky limo anyway.

Lucinda came from behind and wrapped her forearm around Cassidy’s neck. “Because you’re supposed to be unconscious too.”

Her heart raced. Icicles formed in her veins as she realized the danger she was in. Was this a kidnapping? She never should have turned her back on the woman. Cassidy tugged on the supermodel’s arm. “What are you doing?” The hold tightened.

Lucinda dragged her back a few steps, but then stopped suddenly. Her voice was cold and hard. “You’re not getting married today. I won’t lose my chance at Remington Burke’s fortune because he chose a mouse like you.”

“Let me go…” Cassidy said but then she felt a pinch in her neck. A needle?

Numbness took over her limbs as Lucinda dragged her toward the white SUV. “You won’t remember a thing.”

Remy. I need you. She couldn’t speak. Everything grew dark and black. This wasn’t supposed to be the end. She’d lost.