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Forbidden Prescription 5: A Stepbrother Plastic Surgeon Romance (Forbidden Medicine) by Brother, Stephanie (5)

Chapter Five


I couldn’t believe what a mess the night had become. I just wanted to get laid at first, but seeing Tabitha changed all that. Now my head was spinning as I watched her sleep in the seat next to me. Things had become very complicated incredibly quickly. There was only one thing that I could do for the moment and that was get her back home safely. Everything else, the intense and confusing conversations that we need to have could wait until she was sober .

It was amusing to see her in such a state. In my office, her fiery and independent character had been refreshing. She was so stubborn, seeing her like this was warming to know that she was capable of being vulnerable. I drove down the highway for a few minutes before realizing I had no idea where I was going. I quickly plugged in the address that Selina had texted me at the club and gritted my teeth. Tabitha didn’t live in a good part of town as I had suspected .

As I drove, I did my best to forget about how seductive she’d been. It was probably the alcohol that made her so brazen. I followed the directions my navigation system gave me, but the further I went the more uncomfortable I felt. Soon enough I was parking in front of a seedy looking building. The front steps of the ancient brick structure were covered in trash that was dulled only by the boarded-up windows and graffiti covered walls. A faded black fence was meant to keep out intruders, but it wasn’t needed. I couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to break into the dilapidated building, much less live there .

Glancing at the sleeping woman in the seat next to me I knew that I couldn’t leave her there. It might have been a rash decision, but it was the only one to make as far as I was concerned. Without another thought about it, I made a U-turn and peeled away from the neighborhood. Even if it was just for one night, I was going to make sure that Tabitha was safe. It was the least I could do .

* * *

“G ood morning,” I said to her with a smile on my face .

Tabitha glared at me, the black silk robe barely falling below her buttocks. “What the hell happened last night? Why did I wake up naked ?”

I chuckled. “Whatever less than honorable thing you think I did to you, I assure you that you are wrong .”

“I remember you told Selina you were going to take me home. This is not my home. Do you have any idea how drunk I was? Don’t you think that you took advantage of me ?”

My cheeks flushed. “Easy now. I didn’t do a damn thing to you. I didn’t want your puke covered clothing in my bed though. So yeah, I stripped you, but I promise it’s nothing I haven’t seen before a dozen times .”

“You mean we didn’t…” Her voice trailed off .

“Of course not. I’m not that kind of guy. Plus, we are related, remember ?”

“Oh Jesus,” she groaned as she sat down. “I was hoping at least that part was made up .”

“Sorry, no such luck. It looks like we are going to be stuck with each other for some time now .”

“I’m sorry,” she muttered. “I didn’t mean for it to come out that way .”

“It’s okay.” I grinned. “I know you didn’t. How is your head feeling? You were, well very drunk last night .”

“I know,” whispered Tabitha. “I can remember most of what happened .”

“So, then you knew that I was your stepbrother, even in the car?” I asked her .

She bit her lip and nodded .

I almost leapt over the island that separated us to get to that seductive lip. I wanted to taste it for myself and see what was so enticing. Her tongue ran across the lip where her teeth had just been and instantly the desire inside of me was overpowering. The way she used her tongue made me wonder how fast it could dart in and out of my mouth in a teasing manner. It would be a pleasure to show her just how much I could do with my tongue. My eyes ran over her body, past the exposed cleavage of the robe and down her body to where I could see her thighs .

Thinking about the night before in the car I wondered if she would do the same move for me now. I knew that she wasn’t wearing panties this time. I’d painstakingly removed them the night before. It was easy then, she needed me as a professional and not a lover. Now that she was awake and so freaking hot, it was a different story all together. I knew that she felt the same passion, but there was so much standing in our way .

“I made you some coffee,” I croaked as my phone rang. “I will see if your clothes are clean then we can get you home .”

The look of disappointment was almost more than I could take. I had to turn away from her as I answered my phone. It was Mary .

“Hi Doctor, I just got your messages that you were going to be in late today and I wanted to make sure that everything was okay. You haven’t been late a single day since I started here .”

“Yes Mary,” I said to her. I knew that she wasn’t really concerned. She and the rest of the office staff were all wondering who I’d gone home with the night before, but it was none of their business. “Everything is fine. Please just reschedule everything I had planned today. We can pick up again on Monday .”

“Sir? Are you saying you want to close down the office for the entire day?” she stammered .

“That’s what I said,” I replied quickly. I turned back around to Tabitha. She was watching me intently. “I have other plans for the day. It’s one of the perks of being boss. I can call off whenever I want. You and the rest of the staff can stay or go home. I’ll leave that up to you .”

“Are you feeling well?” she asked before adding, “If there is anything that you need I would be happy to bring it to you .”

“I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I just have something more important to take care of today. That will be all, Mary, I would appreciate a little bit of peace and quiet if you don’t mind .”

Without another word, I hung up the phone and turned my full attention back to Tabitha. She started to blush and looked down at her coffee cup .

“So why didn’t you bring me back to my place last night? That was the plan, wasn’t it ?”

I shrugged. There was no good way to answer that question without upsetting her. I couldn’t very well tell her that she lived in a terrible place. I had no idea what her situation was. It wasn’t my place to react the way I did .

“I don’t know, my place was closer,” I murmured .

“Really?” she said with a frown. “I could have sworn we went to my place at one point .”

“Alcohol messes with your mind like that,” I said .

She leaned forward on the counter. “Does this mean that you are going to give me the family discount on my breasts ?”

I sighed and rolled my eyes. “I don’t know why you want to change yourself. You are perfect the way that you are .”

She laughed. “That’s easy for you to say. You have everything !”

Tabitha looked around my penthouse in awe. I knew that it was a lot to take in. My lavish lifestyle often impressed the woman who came over here. For the first time I was a little ashamed of the intense level of wealth that I had laying around. I was proud of the money I’d earned, but it did seem a little bit overkill now that she was there .

“Listen,” I said carefully. “I will do it for a discounted price if you will do something for me first .”

Once again, she bit her lip and my mind started to wander. Her cheeks flushed a deep red as she leaned forward, showing off the perfect breasts that she wanted to change. I shook my head, trying to stay focused .

“I will do them for you, but only if you take a few days to think about it first. Let me help you to get back on your feet and do a few interviews without the new breasts first .”

The look she shot me became cold as she stood straight up and crossed her arms over her chest. Apparently, I had said the wrong thing, but I had no idea what it was .

“I don’t want your charity,” she said briskly .

Ah. I gritted my teeth and walked around the island to stand close to her. “I wasn’t offering you any charity. I was offering you the help that family should. You don’t seem too keen on talking to your mother. I was just trying to help out .”

She stuck out her chest, not backing down as she took a step closer to me. Our eyes were locked on each other. The stubbornness and anger matched only by the building desire between us .

“I don’t want your help or anyone else’s, got it? I do what I want, when I want .”

“Oh really?” I asked her, stepping closer and matching her challenge .

She grinned, closing the few inches between us until there was barely any space left. With a single, graceful move she reached down and tugged on the rope of her robe. It fell open, brushing past her nipples as she pressed her body against mine. My cock instantly bounced to life, pressing against the leg of my pants between us. I knew she could feel it on her soft thigh as she moaned .

“Really,” she whispered to me .

“I don’t want you to do anything that you don’t want, okay?” I whispered to her .

In the back of my mind I was begging for her to make another move, but I had to know that it was her decision to do it. I held my breath as she stepped forward and reached up between us. She ran her soft fingers over her shoulders and tugged down the robe. It fell into a pool of silk on the floor, leaving her naked in front of me. Now that she was awake and offering herself to me, I knew that I couldn’t refuse her desires .

“Earl,” she said softly as she stroked my cock. “I am a big girl. I can make my own decisions and right now the only thing I want is a good hard fuck. Now, are you going to give that to me or should I go somewhere else ?”

I picked her up and carried her over to the table as she wrapped her legs around my waist. “Woman,” I grunted. “You aren’t going anywhere for a while .”

“That’s what I wanted to hear,” she growled. “Now fuck me, damnit .”

I was happy to oblige .