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Forbidden Royal (Princes of Avce Book 3) by Victoria Pinder (14)


Is Lucio Aussa set to marry his stalker?

As Amy went to change out of her wedding dress, she heard the television report in the background. She shuffled out of the dressing room and joined Renee, Kristin and Anna before the TV.

"While there is no official word coming from the Royal House of Avce, our reporters have uncovered these disturbing pictures of a woman currently staying in the castle after spending the night at Lucio Aussa's private castle in the Deskle Mountains."

Someone had leaked news about their one night at the North Castle? She'd literally seen two servants the entire time, though there were clearly a lot more around. She hugged her waist and stared at the dark-haired reporter.

"If the rumors are true, that this Amy Fields will be the newest princess of Avce, this reporter wonders if the royal family will be adding a possible criminal to its ranks."

Criminal? No one ever thought that about her. Amy felt cold and goosebumps rose along her nape. She turned toward the table and saw all three of the women looking at her. She lowered her gaze. Her sister had forced her to take awful sappy pictures of her and Lucio in high school. In rebellion, she’d snapped anguished self-portraits that she’d never developed, realizing she was being immature. In her defense, she’d been fourteen. "I cared about Lucio so much. Those were silly and reactionary, where I made faces at the camera. No one was supposed to see them."

Anna quickly wrapped Amy in a hug that soothed her pride. Amy eventually ended it and stepped back. Anna fixed her crown. "We'll have you and Lucio do a few interviews this afternoon. Get dressed and look bridal. Those pictures can be seen as teen angst, if you say what you just said to the cameras."

Blood returned to her face and she nodded. "How did they even get those photos?"

"Your sister," Renee said without flinching.

Evie had never liked sharing anything with her, ever. The one Christmas "Santa" forgot to put all her toys under the tree until her presents were all found at Grandma's house played in her mind. Her mother had told Evie to share and her sister's face went red with rage. So yes, she believed that her sister was at the top of the suspect list, but Renee couldn't know that. "You think?"

Renee shrugged. "Who else would even know the photos existed?"

True, except her parents, but they wouldn’t sabotage a potential royal wedding in the family. They’d wanted to be related to royals all her life, even if Evie was the favorite. Without guidance, no reporter would go through her parents’ spare room that was used for storage. Amy turned around and headed back toward the dressing area. Had her sister’s offer of help by the fountain been a ploy to lower her guard? "Good point. Let me get dressed. Help loosen me?"

"No problem." Renee followed her to the small room where she unsnapped and unlaced everything. Once the fabric was loose, Renee disappeared and Amy wiggled out.

She hung the dress on the hanger with care and redressed. Her feet into her flats, she went out and saw that Anna still waited for her, though Renee and Kristin were gone. Anna said, "I'll send a few clothing options into your bedroom for the interviews and hair and makeup. I want you to look like an angel for the cameras."

Seems like she’d get the full treatment. Anna Camilla was as kind now as she’d been in Amy's memory of those times she lingered on the lawn not wanting to knock on the door of the Aussa house and get her sister. "Thanks, Anna. I should go to my room and get the report ready for Lucio."

"I know you’ll be a good partner to him, dear." They both made their way out, but turned to go in different directions.

Amy waved and took off. With hair and makeup, she'd not have a lot of time for research. She rushed to her bedroom, and fired up the laptop. She’d finished three out of ten programs when the makeup and hair ladies appeared.

For the next hour, she hopped on the computer to run a few more in between whatever the beauty experts did next. With her hair in an updo and flawless skin that shone, she thanked them all. But once they were done, she printed her old report and put together seven out of the ten program findings into a new folder. She heard the light hum of the printer when the door opened. She jumped out of her seat, and stared into the warm gaze of the man she very much desired. "Lucio, I'm just printing the last of it."

"Last of what?" He kissed her cheek and proceeded into the room and pulled off his shoes.

Didn’t he remember? Maybe he hadn’t meant for her to actually help. She swallowed. "The reports. One is from the day we reconnected and the new one is my findings so far. I have more programs running."

He shrugged, took his shoes and headed to the closet. "Oh. I'll read it later. My mother insisted I change into a suit for our interviews."

She straightened her powder blue ruffled dress and followed him inside his closet. He sorted through his suits while she asked, "How was everything in the financial center?"

"Strange." Choosing three different options, he then turned to her. "By the time my brothers and I made it the scare was over and most of the perpetrators had fled. The ones we did apprehend were mostly teenagers who had no idea what they were being paid to do other than hold signs and protest."

He sorted through the pants as if looking for one in particular. "I'm sorry you didn't get more. Perhaps the bombs match one of the profiles I pulled for you to check?"

His head tilted and he stared at her, puzzled. "Profiles? Where is this report?"

She pointed out to the bedroom. "On the printer. But you can read them on my laptop."

He chose a navy blue suit, hung the other two and went toward her laptop. He flipped through the new report with the profile pictures and then grinned at her like she was an angel. "Amy, this is great. I wasn't expecting anything so detailed. I'll send these profiles to Babik, our general, to see if any of these men entered the country."

Relieved, she nodded, just glad to see that he realized she knew what she was talking about. She picked up a tie that was dark blue with powder blue lines. "The blue tie looks great and matches my dress."

He reached out and hugged her waist, looking into her eyes. "You look glamorous. I should have told you that when I walked in the room."

Now her face felt hot. If she kissed him, she'd leave a trail of lipstick and they had to be on air in a few minutes. Instead she stepped back and held onto his wrist. "Thanks. I haven't done my makeup professionally since I was in a friend Deidre's wedding a few years ago."

Lucio fixed the tie around his neck. "Did you invite her to our wedding?"

She straightened her simple gold chain in the mirror. "Come to think of it, I've not invited any of my friends."

He offered her his arm to lead her out the door. She accepted. "Well, make out the invitations before dinner. Anyone you invite is welcome. I'll even send the jet."

Once again Lucio was kind beyond her imagination. Most of her friends did well but last minute tickets were rather pricy. They walked down the hall together, but her mind flashed to her best friend that she hadn’t yet seen. "Speaking of friends, I’d like to find Suzie after the interviews."

He held her close. "As you requested, she has a full agenda, but she'll be at dinner."

"Perfect." Lucio must have set up a tour or something for her family and friend. She'd not seen her parents in a while either. "Thanks for looking out for her and my parents."

"I just want you to be happy." They walked toward a side room near a balcony on the first floor. "Are you ready for this interview?"

He reached for the door knob but she tugged back. "No. I should have worn my pearls. I touch them when I get flustered."

"I’ve noticed. Hold my hand instead." He opened the door for them to go into a room that had six video cameras all focused on the two chairs in the middle, across from an attractive dark-haired, olive-skinned female reporter. The center of the room was so bright, Amy wondered if her skin might melt. Lucio's hand kept her steady as they proceeded into the area. The reporter stood, curtsied toward Lucio and then offered her hand to shake Amy’s. "Your Highness. Ms. Fields. Welcome."

Lucio placed his hand on her back as he guided her to sit beside him. "Miss Amy Fields has agreed to be my wife."

The reporter’s eyes widened, but she sat in her chair and smiled for the camera. "So, the rumors are true. Congratulations. Can you tell us about the pictures the world saw of you today?"

Amy's knees locked, but she leaned forward. The queen told her to explain in the same way she’d shared with them. She took a deep breath, tried to smile for the camera, and said, "I took them myself." She glanced at Lucio and gathered her courage. "It's true that as a teenager, I was jealous of my sister's then boyfriend." She returned her attention to the reporter and prayed everyone believed her. "Photography is a hobby of mine, so Evie had me take photos of her and Lucio. The pictures on the news were my reactions to the romantic shots, dramatic as only a fourteen-year-old girl can be. I was too embarrassed to ever develop them."

The reporter nodded with empathy. "The photos do show jealousy."

Lucio's hand went to her knee. "I was a foolish teenager myself. Amy was right under my nose and I almost missed out on the woman who makes me happy because I wasn't thinking with my heart or my head. I'm happy Amy has forgiven me."

The reporter pivoted for a camera. "How could she not?" She then leaned forward like they were friends. "Miss Fields, how did the photos get released if you took them yourself? It seems strange that every news station around the world received the same email."

Now that was new information. Amy shifted, keeping her expression open. "I'd love to see the email address. My photo collection is mostly stored in my apartment in London...but these would have been at my parents’ home." If it was Evie’s email she’d get the proof. "I have my suspicions on who sent them."

The reporter turned for the camera. "Care to share who?"

Amy closed her mouth, unsure of what to say.

Lucio squeezed her knee. "We have the palace forensic team discovering who sent this email and there will be repercussions."

"So when is the big day?" The reporter’s pivots didn’t look at all phony, suggesting she must be good at her job.

Lucio curled the corner of his lips into a sly smile that Amy saw on countless photos of him. "Soon. My mother is discussing the details with the local priest of our family's church. We will make an announcement soon."

Lucio patted her leg and she understood they were standing. He placed his hand on her lower back to lead her out.

The reporter stood as well. "We'll all be looking forward to the big day, Your Highness."

He nodded and motioned for her to do the same. She followed directions and he led her out the same double doors they’d entered. The second the doors closed, a huge weight lifted off her shoulders. "That wasn't too bad."

Lucio kept the pace fast, but he met her gaze with approval. "You were good. Now let's get back upstairs so I can go through the suspect list."

Right. The list. He could read what she found so far while she finished that list for him. She'd show him that she was good for him in all ways, even professionally.