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Forged (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 3) by Piper Stone (3)

Chapter 3

“What are you doing, idiot?” Garcia asked, out loud this time. He checked his watch. Time to get the hell out of the house. Why was he hesitating? He deserved to have a good time.

He wasn’t nervous about the date. Rachel was sweet, good looking and a great kisser. However, he wasn’t as enthused as he should be. The reason why was simple. He was breathless given his odd but amazing meeting with Debbie Cavanaugh. Beautiful yet unsure of the command she had over men, he knew she was hiding her identify. He’d been around the block long enough to know she hadn’t given him her real name. She was terrified, but of what?

He looked at his eyes as he leaned in, concentrating on the couple of wrinkles that had already started to form around his eyes. He was no spring chicken any longer. In fact, he was old enough to know better than to go after a married woman. Was she really married or had that been a part of her ruse?

Splashing on aftershave, he mumbled under his breath, cursing the fact the connection had been so amazing. Just touching her had driven his mind into the gutter, his cock pushing hard against his pants. He was still aching, in need of a heady round of sex. Well, he’d see how the date with Rachel went. He grinned and grabbed his belt, pulling the thick leather between his fingers. He never wanted to get too close, yet he craved control, the kind of domination few women could appreciate. He’d always been this way, since a boy in high school.

Garcia couldn’t help but laugh. The reason he wasn’t married and hadn’t experienced a real girlfriend since college had everything to do with his kinky desires. He was far too dominating. Besides, relationships were difficult for those in the profession. He’d seen far too many divorces in the smokejumper and firefighter ranks. Why would you want to share a man with a fire? The work was all consuming, let alone dangerous.

At this point, being single had its perks. Yeah, like being able to leave his dirty laundry everywhere. He stared at the television, watching the local news as he slipped the belt through the loops of his jeans. Closing his eyes, he allowed a vision of Debbie to enter his mind. With her long hair and delicate eyes, a mouth he’d describe as kissable, she would no doubt feel amazing writhing underneath him.

Sure, the Neanderthal attitude wasn’t going to win him any points. He wondered if someone like her could handle a relationship with a dominant man? He breathed out just thinking the word. Where was he going with this? Given her actions, curt words and the fact she gunned the engine when she left, there was no second guessing her lack of feelings. And she was married!

“This just in. We have two fire engine companies on the scene of a fire on the west side of town. Although we have limited details, we do know that at least two people are inside. Stay tuned. We’ll bring you more as it becomes available.”

Garcia grabbed the remote as the grainy pictures flashed onto the screen. Any fire was horrific. When there were victims inside, the concept of them losing their lives was too much for him to bear. He clicked off the set and grabbed his keys. Tonight, he could let go, enjoying something other than talking about work. Rachel couldn’t care less that to many in town, he and his team were considered heroes. Which was good given he considered himself a monster.

* * *

“You’re sure this is all right?” Garcia asked as he cornered Rachel in the hallway of her apartment.

Rachel stopped on the landing between floors and backed against the wall. Purring, she dragged the tip of her index finger around his mouth then slid her finger just inside, wiggling as she narrowed her eyes. “What do you think? Aren’t you hungry for a taste? A lick? A bite?” She tilted her head back and moaned, the sultry sound floating into the parking lot below.

He sucked on her finger, savoring the taste. His balls were swollen, aching like a son of a bitch. He licked down the length of her finger and back up, nipping the end.

“Ouch! Bad boy,” she said as she removed her finger, giggling.

Planting the palms of his hands on either side of her head, he leaned down, breathing across her neck. “I’m famished.” He pressed his groin against her stomach, moving back and forth so she could know just how much. She’d kept him turned on at dinner, driving him wild with her perfume and the way she crossed and re-crossed her long legs. The woman was a looker and knew exactly the effect she had on every red-blooded male.

“I might have something sweet for you to ravage.” Her eyes closed, she eased her hand down his chest, toying with his belt. “If you’re a very good boy.”

Allowing a single growl, he crowded closer as she released his belt buckle. He sucked on her earlobe before issuing a command, “No touching unless I give you permission.”

“What if I won’t obey?” Quivering, the words were strangled.

“Then I’m going to spank your little ass so hard, you won’t be able to sit down for a week.” Garcia licked down the length of her neck to just underneath her chin. “Imagine being at work, your bottom so sore.” He bit down, taking her tender skin into his mouth.

“Oh!” Squealing, she rose onto her tiptoes and continued fiddling with his pants, unbuttoning his jeans.

“You like playing with fire.”

“I love danger. I adore strong men.”

He chuckled darkly and wrapped one hand around her neck as he peppered a series of wet kisses on her chin and mouth. “You need control. Discipline.” Capturing her mouth, his grip became tight as he slipped his tongue deep inside.

Rachel continued to shiver as she stroked his crotch, her fingers kneading his throbbing shaft. With every wiggle, every undulating move, she moaned until the sound echoed in the dense space.

His hunger off the charts, he cupped her breast, pinching her already hardened nipple between his fingers.

She managed to unzip his jeans and slip her hand inside, fingering his dick.

Breaking the kiss, he shook his head, finding it difficult to focus. “Damn, woman. You need to learn a lesson about obedience.” He didn’t care where they were or who might see their shameful actions. He only knew what he craved, what he needed at this moment. Grabbing her wrist, he pushed her against the thick metal railing and wrapped his fingers around her long strands. “You obey me.”

“I’m not good at following orders.” Leaning over, she kept her hands firmly gripped around the railing.

Garcia kicked her legs apart and yanked her short skirt up above her hips. “We can fix that.” His voice husky, he brushed the tip of his finger down the crack of her ass, following the skinny material of her crimson thong. “All women need a hard spanking every once in a while.”

Crack! Slap!

“Oh God!” Rachel’s exclaim was loud, breaking the quiet, night air.

Whap! Pop!

He repeated the move, grunting with each slap of his hand. Every part of his body was tingling, turned on in a way he wasn’t used to. Tonight, there was no room for romance or being a gentle lover. He would take what he wanted. Inhaling, the scent of her pussy wafted between them.

Smack! Crack! Pop!

“Oh, yes! Harder!”

Crack! Slap!


The sound of a door slamming just below them forced a giggle from her mouth. She tossed her head over her shoulder, her eyes glassy from desire. “My neighbors are boring.”

The spell slightly broken, he rubbed his hand through his hair.

Twisting, she gave him a look. “Oh, come on. You aren’t going to let a few nosy neighbors bother you, now are you?” Giving him a pouty look, she sidestepped him and raced up the flight of stairs.

“You are so gonna get it!” Laughing, he bounded after her.

Rachel continued squealing as she worked to unlock the door, making it just inside before he caught her. “You’re such a trouble maker.”

“Me?” Garcia asked as he kicked the door closed. “You’re the one, missy.” The only light the luminescent glow of the full moon, he marveled at her voluptuous breasts and full hips. He needed release soon and yes, he would take all he wanted.

She took a few steps back before removing her top, swinging the material before dropping it. Taking another step back, she cupped her breasts, squeezing and pinching her nipples as she swayed her hips back and forth.

“You are a wanton tease.” Garcia yanked off his boots and socks, then rolled his shirt up and over his chest and shoulders, waiting as she continued her sexy dance. He took a giant stride forward before dropping the shirt. Then he beckoned with a single finger.

Shaking her head, she gave him a heated look as she shoved both thumbs under the waistband of her skirt, pushing down, her hips undulating back and forth then kicking it away.

“Somethin’ else. Whew.”

Yawning, she placed one hand on her cocked hip, the other across her mouth then blew him a kiss. “Catch me if you can.” She bolted, racing out of the living room.

Garcia followed, tripping over shadowed items on the floor and laughing. When he tumbled into her kitchen, he stopped short, waiting for his eyes to adjust. She was nowhere in sight. “Come out, come out, or your punishment will be worse.” He took a step forward, craning his neck. His steps almost silent, he crouched low and eased around the kitchen island. “Gotcha.” He snapped his hand around her wrist, yanking her to a standing position.

She threw her arms around his neck and pressed her body against his. “Maybe I have you, cowboy.”

When she bit down on his chin, he threw his arm across the top of the island. The sound of pans crashing on the floor, papers flying in the air and other items hitting with a solid thud did nothing but fuel his almost desperate desire. “That’s where you’re wrong.” He turned her around, pushing her over the edge.

Rachel clawed at the remainder of items on the island, her arms flailing.

“All mine.” Garcia bent over, sucking on her neck as he fumbled to release his cock.

“Yes! Oh!” She struggled, pushing up on the counter yet she wiggled her hips back and forth across his crotch. “Oh God!”

He smacked her ass twice more before wrapping one hand around her hair and gripping her hip with the other. Thrusting the entire length of his shaft inside her pussy, he threw his head back and roared. “Yes!”

“Oh! Oh! Oh!”

Pulling out, he drove in again. And again. The moment she squeezed her cunt muscles, he bellowed.

Laughing, she continued struggling, now tossing the last few items off onto the floor.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

“What the hell?” Jerking his head up, Garcia cringed. They were in a damn paper-thin apartment.


The way she said the words was as if she’d been prepared, even happy that they’d been interrupted. He eased back, jerking up his jeans.

Bam! Bam!

“Open up. Sheriff’s department.”

Groaning, Garcia rubbed his forehead and took several steps back. “Not good. Not good at all.”

“Don’t worry, sugar. I’ll get rid of them.” She popped a kiss on the side of his mouth and strode out into the living room. A few seconds later, a light was turned on.

Garcia cursed under his breath as he fastened and zipped his jeans. This wasn’t just a bad situation, this was ridiculous. Yes, he’d started the spanking bit in the hallway, but… This he didn’t need.

“No, I’m fine. My date and I were just having a little fun.” Rachel’s tone was almost teasing.

He walked toward the doorway.

“Are you certain, ma’am? Two of your neighbors called, concerned you were being assaulted.”

Garcia froze, recognizing the voice of the deputy. He’d be the laughing stock of the first responder world.

“No, trust me. Just a little hard play. Nothing more,” Rachel cooed.

Was she making fun of the situation? He clenched his fists.

“Let us just see your date, then you can go back to doing whatever it is you were doing,” the second deputy chimed in.

Yep, he recognized the other officer’s voice as well. He was doomed.

“Oh, baby cakes. I think the deputies want to see you,” Rachel called, her lilt sing-song and far too happy.

Garcia dropped his head, sweat popping along his forehead. He was going straight to Hell in a handbasket. Exhaling, he brushed both hands through his hair and took a quick look down before walking into the living room.

Both deputies tipped their head, wry smiles crossing their faces after just a few seconds.

“Why, this man looks like a criminal that’s on the loose. What do you say partner?” the first deputy asked as he took a step forward.

“I agree. We should take him in.” The second pulled out his handcuffs.

While the deputies were both fairly new, he’d worked with them before. This would make him legendary, and quite possibly in the worst way. “Funny. Rachel, Deputies Randy O’Brien and Carter Worth.”

“Nice to meet you, officers and he is one very bad man,” Rachel added, smiling.

“Deputies, ma’am,” Deputy Worth said as he grinned. “But we still carry big guns.”

It was at that moment Garcia noticed she was wearing his shirt and nothing else. “I’m doomed.”

“We might be able to work something out,” Carter teased. “How’ve you been, stranger?”

“Not bad. Busy with the smokejumpers. We’re short-handed with the budget cuts.”

“Yeah, horrific fire season and don’t think the budget cuts are only affecting your department. We’re not even getting new recruits. Think we were both damn lucky to get hired when we did. Besides, why would you place your life in danger in this day and age?” Randy snorted as he walked closer. “Heard all that you guys did the past couple of months. Your team should be proud.”

“Doing my job,” Garcia added, darting a quick glance at Rachel then lowering his voice. “Hey, have you heard any scuttlebutt about some recent fires occurring in town?” He noticed an immediate look between the two.

Carter shrugged. “Nothing criminal, if that’s what you mean. Carelessness with heaters. You know how it gets in the winter. Besides, shouldn’t you be asking the fire investigator?”

“Yeah, I will at some point.” He knew the deputies well enough that they would have normally had no issues telling him about recent cases, even without mentioning details. They were harboring information as if the issue was being swept under the rug. Fascinating. City Hall at work yet again.

“Well, we better get out of here. Real crimes to solve,” Randy said as he winked.

“Do you guys need me to leave a pair of handcuffs?” Carter teased.

“Get out or we will have a crime on our hands!” Garcia chortled as he pointed his finger.

Randy grinned and turned toward Rachel. “Do try and keep it down. We’ve had reports regarding your apartment on several occasions. Next time we may have to give you a summons.”

“Will do, officer. I mean deputy with a large gun.” Rachel gave him a seductive look as Garcia led them to the door.

For the first time in years, Garcia was uncomfortable as hell and not merely because of the situation with Rachel. A nagging settled into the back of his mind and he was determined to get to the bottom of why.

He followed them out and stood on the landing. Sirens could be heard in the distance. His gut was telling him there would be another casualty reported and he was chilled to the bone. When he walked back inside, he headed for the kitchen, grabbing his things.

“What are you doing?” Rachel asked, her smile fading.

“I gotta go.”

“Why? Because the police were here?”

Sheriff’s department. After thinking about the night, he gave her a look. “This isn’t going to work out.”

“What? We were having a damn good time.” Walking closer, she brushed the tip of her index finger down the length of his crotch. “Better than good.”

“We had fun.” Garcia pulled her hand away. He didn’t want sex. Hell, he was no longer certain what he did want, but being with Rachel wasn’t it.

Rachel shook her head and ripped off his shirt, popping several buttons. “You’re an asshole. That’s what you are. You got exactly what you wanted, a little fun then poof. You’re gone.”

“That’s not what’s happening here. I’m sorry if you feel that way.”


The sting of her hand was sharp, a ring smacking him in the eye. He slapped his hand over his face and smacked one foot down on the linoleum. “Goddamn, woman.”

“Just get out. I don’t need this kind of shit.” She tossed the shirt and crossed her arms.

“Sounds like you had enough shit before. You’re right.” Wincing, Garcia wanted to take back the curt words. He removed his hand and blinked. There was no doubt his eye was going to swell. Perfect.

Rachel’s expression remained venomous. “I said, get out or I might call the cops again, recant what I said earlier. I know your kind. Prick.”

He inched closer, his own anger fueled. Inhaling, he clenched his fist and grabbed the rest of his things. As he stood with the door open, he tilted his head. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry. Not trying to hurt you.”


* * *

Garcia glanced over at the clock and slapped his hand on the comforter. The morning light was moving just over the horizon. He hadn’t slept more than an hour since crawling into bed. Granted, the two glasses of whiskey didn’t do anything but further agitate him. He sat up and gazed out the window, studying the full moon in the sky. The bright orb had cast a glow around the trees and mountains, creating the effect of an oil painting. At least in his eyes.

He rubbed his fingers together, wondering what he’d do if he could no longer fight fires. Well, he could always fall back on his business degree. Wincing, he touched his eye. Her right hook had hit the mark. Maybe the kids would think he was wounded in the line of duty. What would the teacher think?

Bastard. The word remained playing in the back of his mind. He’d spent too many years running from relationships. Christ. He was almost thirty-one years old and his body, albeit in the best shape of his life from his daily two-hour grueling regime, also had the aches and pains to match. How many years would he be able to continue the grind? With no one to come home to and his only friends the smokejumping team, he realized for the first time how pathetic his life truly was.

Grabbing his phone, he dialed Stoker’s number. He’d bailed on his best friend for a night with a woman he could have never seen being in a relationship with. Stoker had asked very little during their friendship. He owed the man.

“This had better be good,” Stoker grumbled.

“Rise and shine, sunshine.” Garcia laughed. “You have training bright and early, remember.”

“And you don’t?” He yawned then mumbled, the sound muffled.

“Tell the lovely Miss Jessica good morning for me.”

“Asshole said get the hell out of bed,” Stoker huffed.

“You’re terrible!”

Stoker chuckled. “That’s what you get for waking me up. I was very much enjoying a peaceful sleep. What about your night?”

“Long, ugly story. Hey, I just called because you wanted to ask me a question. I didn’t want to forget.” Garcia headed for the bathroom, flicking on the switch. “Shit.” He glared at the condition of his eye. He looked like he’d been three rounds with a prizefighter.

“The feisty woman do you in last night?”

“Something like that and don’t you dare ask.”

“What’s wrong?”

Garcia could only imagine what stories would be told at the morning law enforcement meeting. “Why do you keep asking me?”

“Because you’re acting weird, weirdo.”

“Just didn’t want to fuck up our friendship too.” Garcia heard Stoker’s deep sigh.

“You’re not fucking up anything. I’ll ask you later when I’m actually awake. Maybe we can get that beer tonight. Okay?”

“Sure. I gotta do something for the captain this morning, but see you later. Don’t kick too many asses while I’m gone.”

“Not unless you were right there, buddy.”

When he ended the call, he held the phone out, fighting not to toss the damn thing across the room. Why the hell was he so freaking anxious? After turning on the water to hot, he stripped off his clothes, eying the various scars. His body was as scarred as his mind. When he stepped in the shower, he planted his hands against the tile and lowered his head.

Then he began to shake.

* * *

After his shower, Garcia studied his reflection, fingering his eye. Tender to the touch, unfortunately, he was going to have a nasty bruise. Exhaling, he adjusted the collar on his shirt for the second time. “Fuck this.” Hell no. He looked like a damn pencil pusher. Hissing, he yanked the crisp linen over his head, tossing it onto the floor. That portion of the uniform was only used for funerals and state events, none of which he’d been forced to attend. The kids would respond to his normal gear: blue khakis, a matching blue tee-shirt with the kick ass Jackal emblem and his box of gear.

He sat down on the bed, pulling the oversized canvas bag from underneath. Since joining the team, he’d traveled to other states three times and to other parts of Montana almost a dozen. And each time, the bag was refreshed and packed with the appropriate gear. As he pulled out the contents one by one, he turned them over, remembering the utter excitement the first time he was handed a list of requirements. Thank God, Sawyer had taken him under his wing, helping him assemble all the necessary pieces.

Fingering the rope then the bag holding the special cocoon, a lifesaving blanket if the team was caught in a fire, gave him shivers today. Perhaps he wasn’t feeling worthy of carrying the bag or even wearing the emblem. He allowed an exaggerated breath to escape as he opened the first aid kit. They were always scraped, bruised and filthy. A package of tiny band-aids certainly wasn’t going to help. Even the aspirin packages had remained intact.

Still, he made certain everything was accounted for and operational before grabbing his boots. The kids deserved to know and experience what they did. Grinning, he thought of taking one of the team’s chainsaws. He could only imagine the teacher’s face when he pulled the starter string, allowing the tool to purr. The bag was enough.

He grabbed his keys, the bag and his leather jacket and headed out the door. Training kids. This should prove to be interesting.

* * *

The late January day dawned blustery, snow in the forecast for the end of the week. Laney stood over her counter, a hot cup of coffee in her hand. She usually refused to watch the news, but the fire engines had raced past her car, fueling her morbid curiosity. She was terrified of fires, loathed the concept to the point she couldn’t even stand the profession. Men and women wanting to get close to what she thought of as the devil. She knew the type, danger lovers who stared into the belly of the beast. Her thoughts drifted to the smokejumper. Did he crave danger like a drug? She imagined he was powerful, both in and out of bed.

“Ugh!” Shivering, she couldn’t believe she was thinking of a stranger in this manner. But he was adorable, sexy and she could envision kissing his full lips. The moment she moved, her nipples scraped against her bra. She was turned on by a mysterious good Samaritan. She allowed a giggle before topping off her coffee. Today was another regular day in her world.

She took a sip and winced seeing the horrific video of the damage done to the house and grounds. A single life had been lost while two others were in critical condition at the local hospital.

The Wild Orchid Bed and Breakfast had been a landmark, a beautiful location with a vineyard attached. She’d been to a wine tasting there her very first month in town. The owners must be devastated. The reporter stood somewhere close. Swirls of smoke remained, twisting in an ominous pattern given the wind. There was little left of the buildings but a scorched tall brick chimney and part of the house foundation.


She smiled as Topper jumped up, placing his paws on the kitchen counter. “Hungry, boy? I know. Mommy threw your schedule off last night. I’m sorry, baby.” The evening had been delicious on one hand and disturbing on the other. Troy was absolutely fabulous in so many ways. He was a wonderful conversationalist, sexy as hell, had dreamy eyes and even under his expensive suit and starched shirt, she could tell he had an amazing body.

Chuckling, she eased her cup onto the counter, her eyes catching the bedraggled looking roses. You bet, she’d claimed them out of the trash as soon as she returned home, but her tantrum of tossing them against the wall had taken a toll. Still, they had an amazing scent.

Woof! Woof!

Topper placed his paw on her hand, then dug his nails into her skin.

“Ouch! You little booger. Okay! You win.” She grabbed his bowl and walked to the pantry, scooping out dogfood. She turned her attention back to the news report realizing she wasn’t thrilled about having firemen come to the school, even if the kids would love the visit. The new mandate by the school principal had been out of the blue, with little explanation.

Sure, she’d had a few professionals come in, even mothers and fathers, going over their careers as if exciting the kids was just a regular portion of their day. To her, this was too close of a reminder to everything she hated. There were reasons why, ones she preferred locking away in her past. Perhaps this was her inner psyche giving her a head’s up of how she would succumb to death.

Jesus Christ, aren’t you morbid this morning and after the delicious dream you had. She pressed her hand against her mouth, holding in an evil chuckle. Last night’s dreams had been wet and hot. Sadly, not about Troy. What was she doing, reverting to a teenager with a crush? She couldn’t help but ease her hand down the bodice of her dress. A ten-minute search and destroy in her closet had led to the emerald green piece, a color everyone complimented her on, yet she hardly ever wore. Today, she felt sexy, even a bit provocative. There was no harm in looking good while she was teaching.

Laney closed her eyes, envisioning Troy and his charming smile. Panting, she was thrown when an immediate flash of the smokejumper’s face shoved Troy’s out of the way. What was his name? Garcia something. Mmm... Who knows? Maybe she could find a way to run into him again. Then what would she say? Sorry I lied about being married. I don’t have a brooding husband ready to kick your ass? That would go over well. Lying almost solidified any concept of friendship.

As Topper gobbled down breakfast, she searched the internet for a suitable place to take her car. The sexy smokejumper had been right. The spare tire wouldn’t last long.

The appointment made, she tidied up the kitchen, every few seconds gazing over at the flowers. She’d learned more regarding the man, including his hobbies and favorite television shows, during one glass of wine than she had about anyone else in town. While he’d spoken about his work, she’d been able to tell he was dedicated and enjoyed plodding through the long hours. Maybe chemistry between them would grow in time. Then again, he hadn’t asked her out again. Hmm

When Topper was finished, she poured out the rest of her now cold coffee and grabbed her purse and briefcase. Getting to the school early was a necessity given she’d never gotten around to grading the papers. Bad girl. The thought giving her a chuckle, she kissed Topper’s head and headed for her car.

In the early morning light, she was able to see her scuffed rim and the mud that was all over her front bumper. The flat had been a doozy. Her poor little Honda had been with her since she’d arrived in town, being almost the very first purchase. The price had been within her budget, close to nothing. So, her little Honda would remain a workhorse for now.

While she was only an hour or so early, there were very few cars in the parking lot and none she recognized. Her heels clipping against the linoleum echoed as she walked down the hallway. Every room remained dark. Even the custodian was missing in action. She unlocked her classroom door and looked up one side and down the other. A good night’s sleep and the mystery solved hadn’t soothed her nerves.

Once inside, she pulled out the group of papers, determined to get finished with her chore before the children arrived. Within a few minutes she was absorbed in the activity, laughing every so often at some of the answers. The children were so young, so untainted as to the way of the world.


The metal sound was slight but enough she heard. Glancing up, she studied the open door, ready to see the custodian cruising by with his bucket and mop. She checked her watch. Someone had to be here by now. Oh, well. She used a purple felt tip marker to post a huge ‘A’ on the paper and patted the top. Jamie deserved the grade.

Tap! Ping!

This time hairs stood up on the back of her neck. She held her breath but there was still no additional sound. Swallowing, she got up slowly and crept around the edge of her desk. Then she heard a man whistling, the tone melodic, but not the same as the usual gruff man who cleaned the facility. Even his young helper didn’t sound like this. However, the whistling was getting closer.

There was absolutely no reason for her to be nervous, but she was. She tiptoed on the front of her shoes toward the door and slid against the wall just beside it. Yes, the whistling was definitely closer. What was the dragging sound? A chain? She clenched her eyes shut, willing the sounds to go away. Closer. They were closer. Go away. Just leave me alone.

And they did.

Her heart racing, she waited for any other noise for a solid five seconds before darting her head just outside. There was nothing, including the fact there were no other open doors. The person had to have gone somewhere. What the hell? She panted and hovered next to the wall. Sounds echoed in the building, especially when no one was around.

Laney exhaled and looked up at the ceiling. She refused to live this way. There was no boogeyman for God’s sake. Huffing and angry with herself, she walked with purpose out of the door.



The man with the voice, the husky and ultra-sexy voice from the day before was towering over her. Her mouth dropped open as a single whimper escaped past her lips. Perhaps he was more like her personal savior.

“I’m sorry I scared you!” He gripped her arms and smiled then his eyes flashed recognition. “Debbie Cavanaugh. Right? Mrs. Debbie Cavanaugh.”

“Um, well…” Words remained garbled in her brain as she tried to put a coherent sentence together. The touch, his warm hands, his masculine scent was far too intoxicating.

“Are you okay? You do remember me, right? Garcia Puevos.”

“Uh…” Shaking off the attraction was next to impossible. Her mind shifted to the words written in her diary and for a few seconds, all she could think about was the belt he was wearing, wondering what the strap would feel like as it struck her naked ass. “Yes, of course. I’m sorry.”

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost. I do apologize but figuring out how to get into this building took a little while. Then I walked around like an idiot.”

His grin was infectious, the dimples and the way his forehead creased. I want him to spank me. I want… This was so out of character. She noticed the swollen eye and bit back a smile. The man was indeed dangerous. Dark. Dangerous. Delicious. The three words seemed to fit him perfectly. “You’re early but I like that in my students.”

“This is your classroom?” He looked at the door, studying the number. “You’re a teacher?” A flush crept up his face as he seemed to realize he was still holding onto her.

“Yes. Hard to believe?”

Garcia cleared his throat and inched back, a flustered look crossing his face. “No. Yes. I mean…” He laughed nervously and shifted a large bag from one hand to the other. “What do you mean one of your students?”

“Well, given you’re still fighting like a teenager, I think I need to teach you a thing or two, just like I do my seven-year-olds.” Laughing, she ushered him inside.

“Seven-year-olds? I’m teaching babies?”

“I assure you, they’re sophisticated little people. Not what you expected?”

“Great. Even better. Let’s just say I’m not very good with kids.” The words somewhat strangled, he appeared embarrassed.

The look, his demeanor and even his sullen look was endearing. Her nipples scraped against her bra, creating goose bumps popping along her arms. She sensed his dominating manner, hiding behind his kind smile and dashing eyes. Everyone had two distinct sides. She pressed her hand over her mouth and looked down, fighting the heat rising from the base of her neck. The silence was awkward, especially given the fact they were attracted to each other. As if some stunning revelation, she gripped the edge of her desk. “You need some ice.”

“I’m sorry?”

“For your eye? That must hurt.” Laney had difficulty swallowing. She reached out, touching his face. The moment was intimate, and time seemed to cease moving, creating a vacuum around them. She rubbed her thumb back and forth across his upper cheek as he inched closer, placing his hand over hers. She held her breath, her heart racing as she fought issuing a strangled whimper.

Garcia exhaled, allowing his hot breath to cascade across her face and neck as he squeezed her hand.

No words were said. There were none needed, but she knew at that very moment they would become lovers.

“Laney. I know I’m early, but Jamie was so excited that…”

The amazing moment broken, she turned her head, watching Troy’s smile fade, his excited expression turning into something else entirely.
