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Found: An Omegaverse Story: Breaking Free Book Four by Arthur, A.M. (15)


First thing the next morning, Isa drove Liam and Layne to the hospital so their lab could perform a DNA test. Ronin met them there in the off-chance Hank Mancini showed up, but a tech reported he’d issued his sample the previous evening, probably once he knew Liam had been served. But they weren’t taking chances. Isa wanted to keep his family away from Mancini for as long as possible.

To try and get Liam’s mind off things, they drove out to one of the old hiking trails Isa used to take his family to when they were younger. Liam strapped Layne into his fabric carrier, while Isa shouldered the diaper bag, and they walked. Isa chose an easy trail, with lots of trees and spots to stop and take in the view.

They didn’t talk much, and that was okay. All they needed right now was to spend time together as a family. Liam told him a bit about a vacation his family had taken once out in Buckman Province, which had the only zoo in the territory. Isa had never been, but he imagined it was amazing to see some animals he only read about in books, or saw on TV. Isa told him about one hike where Aven got too adventurous on a fallen log and ended up breaking his left arm.

Sharing their memories so easily now meant everything to him.

They wandered until lunchtime, so Isa treated them to burgers and fries at Lola’s. Layne woke up in the middle of the meal, and Liam fed him a bottle. No one would have minded if he’d nursed in public, but not all omegas liked doing that. A barbecue with friends was a far cry from a public restaurant surrounded by strangers.

“Our support group is meeting again tomorrow,” Liam said while Layne slurped at his bottle. “I volunteered our house this week, if that’s okay.”

“Of course, it’s okay. You don’t have to ask permission to have friends over. As you said, it’s our house.”

Liam’s eyebrows jumped, as if he hadn’t realized what he’d said. “Thanks. Jax and Karter are doing some interior work on theirs, and right now I just need the comfort of home.”

“I completely understand. To be honest, with this Mancini problem, I’ll feel better knowing you’re safe at home.”

“The problem will go away if the test proves Layne isn’t his.”

“Yes, it will.” Isa didn’t know the odds of that happening, but they were small. No one filed a suit like this unless they were reasonably sure the child and omega were his. “I just can’t figure out the angle. Or how he found you.”

Liam nodded in Layne’s direction. “Probably the photo of us that ran after Dent’s trial began. When I nursed him in the gallery and that picture of us ran all over. I’ll bet everything that’s where he saw us. But why he’s trying to claim us now? No idea.”

“It’s perplexing, and I have no doubt that if this goes to court, Ronin Cross will have some very direct questions for the man.”

“I’ve got questions of my own, starting with why him? Did Lawry just invite him in off the street? Did Mancini pay Lawry for the chance to knot an omega in heat? He had to know that would leave us mated, unless he has a mate we don’t know about. But no alpha can claim two at once.”

“All very good questions, and I’ve got people looking into the connection between Lawry and Mancini already. Lawry’s financials were pretty well scrutinized after his arrest, so if there’s something there, we’ll find it.” Isa didn’t want to talk about this until necessary; he wanted his omega cheered up. “How about I see if the boys can watch Layne for a few hours, so we can go see a movie?”

Liam perked up. “Yeah? I’d like that. I haven’t been to the cinema in ages.”

“Sounds like a plan, then.”

Isa called Demir, who was hanging out with Tarius, and the pair agreed to watch Layne for the afternoon. They dropped Layne off at the house, and then drove across town to the cinema center. The small argument about what to watch was incredibly endearing, and eventually Isa agreed to Liam’s choice. They ate popcorn and shared a soda, and it was the most incredible date Isa had had in years.

They also picked up dinner for everyone, and Layne seemed perfectly content to stay in Tarius’s lap for the meal. Eventually, they’d need a highchair for the baby—and that thought reminded Isa vividly of how uncertain Liam’s future was.

Liam shared his bed again that night, and Isa hated leaving for work the next morning, but duty called. And Liam’s friends would be over in a little while.

He was not happy to see Ronin Cross waiting outside his office door when he arrived at division. Ronin’s grave expression told him everything he needed to know, but Ronin waited to speak until Isa unlocked his office and they both went inside.

“The DNA test came back,” Isa said.

“It did.” Ronin pulled an envelope out of his jacket pocket. “Mancini is Layne’s sire.”


“I’ve already spoken to his attorney, and we’re meeting with an arbitrator at three o’clock. Liam should be there, and as his guardian, so should you.”

“I don’t want Liam near that creature without me.” Isa glared at the paperwork on his desk and resisted the urge to shove it to the floor in anger. “What sort of case does he have?”

“I’m not sure. We’ll find out once we see the arbitrator. When it’s a family court matter like this, we often try to settle before a judge becomes involved.”

“Unless Mancini agrees to drop his suit and stay the hell away from my bondmate, a judge will definitely get involved.”

Ronin nodded. “I spent a lot of time yesterday digging around for some sort of precedent we can use in our argument, but I couldn’t find one. There’s never been a case of an alpha abandoning or losing their mate immediately after the mating, and then trying to claim them almost a year later. But I reached out to a former colleague in Buckman Province to try and see if they have anything in their records.”

“We can win this without a precedent, right?”

“I don’t see why not. A previous precedent helps, but I’m no stranger to landmark cases.”

Isa nodded. Ronin’s defense of the first omega murderer in Sansbury history had definitely been one for the books, and his defense had been brutal. It was why Isa trusted Ronin to keep his omega safe.

“I also checked with the clerk’s office,” Ronin continued. “There is no official mating paperwork on record for Mancini and Liam, which is good news for our side. In that whole month post-heat that Mancini didn’t claim Liam, he could have gotten the paperwork signed and notarized at any time, and he didn’t. It suggests he had no intention of actually claiming Liam, so I find his motivations now extremely suspect.”

“Same,” Isa replied. “I’m assuming Liam doesn’t know the test results yet.”

“No, I expected you would want to tell him yourself.”

“Thank you. Do we need to do any sort of preparation?”

“All Liam needs to do is tell the truth. We have his statement from just after his rescue, and if he’s remembered anything else about his heat, he can add that today.”

“He hasn’t remembered anything new that he’s told me.”

“That’s all right.”

“This is going to be hard for him.” Isa glanced at the clock on the wall. “If I head over now, I can tell him before his support meeting. Then he’ll have his friends to help him wrap his head around it.”

“That sounds good. You’re the first person I’ve told about this, and I need to head over to my office and get started on some paperwork.”

“Of course. I appreciate this, Cross.”

“It’s no problem. Kell’s fond of Liam, and I don’t want to see Liam go to an alpha who clearly has an angle here. I just can’t see it yet.”

They shook hands, and Ronin left. One of the benefits of being the boss was he didn’t have to ask anyone for a personal hour, so he headed back home. Liam was cutting up vegetables for a snack tray in the kitchen, and the instant he saw Isa home again, his face fell.

“I’m so sorry,” Isa said. “The DNA test came back a match.”

“Fuck.” Liam’s entire body wilted, and Isa bolted across the kitchen to grab him before he fell. He picked Liam right up and carried him into the living room. Sat with his omega curled up on his lap, head tucked under his throat. Liam shook a little, but he wasn’t crying.

“Ronin came to see me,” Isa said as he rubbed soothing circles on Liam’s back. “We have a meeting today at three with an arbitrator.”

“He’ll be there, won’t he?”

“Yes, he will, but so will I. You won’t have to face him alone.”

“Goddess, this isn’t fair.”

“No, it isn’t, but we will weather this storm, little one, I swear.”

Liam clutched at his shoulders. “I don’t want him to see Layne.”

“We’ll find someone to watch him for us. Ronin didn’t mention any requirement that the baby be present for this.”

“Good. I hate Mancini and I barely remember what he looks like.”

“I hate him simply for existing and trying to weasel his way back into your life.”

“Ugh.” Liam squirmed on his lap, as if trying to dig right inside of Isa’s body where it was safe.

And the pressure was doing things to his dick, which was highly inappropriate right now, so Isa tried to still him with a solid hand on his hip. Liam lifted his head and kissed him without warning. He slanted his head, tongue licking into Isa’s mouth, and Isa let him play. He relaxed into the exploratory kiss that left no corner of his mouth unexplored, and when Liam retreated, Isa stole forward, taking control.

Liam ground his butt against Isa’s thickening cock, and Isa moaned softly at the wonderful sensations. It had been so long…but why now?

Isa pulled back and nearly moaned again at the sight of Liam’s kiss-bruised lips and blown pupils. “We should stop, Liam.”

“Why? I want you. I’ve wanted you for so long, Isa, please.”

The desperation in Liam’s voice had Isa fully hard, and dear goddess, he’d love nothing more than to bend his omega over the arm of the couch and fuck him senseless. To taste Liam’s cock and spend. To know every inch of his bondmate’s body. But the timing

“I want you too,” Isa said. “But not like this.”

“Like what?”

“Not as an emotional reaction to bad news. I know we can’t mate until your heat, but when we make love, Liam, I want it to be right. I want to romance you into my bed and out of your clothes. I want to spend hours making your body sing, and you’ve got guests arriving shortly.”

Liam’s expression softened into something tender and sweet, but he also boldly groped Isa’s erection through his uniform pants. “Can I at least help you with this? I’ve never…I’d like to do that for you.”

Isa’s dick pulsed at the idea. “You don’t have to do that.”

“I want to. Please, Isa. I had no choice with my first heat, and I spent months held captive, with no choices about what would happen and when. Please.” He squeezed Isa’s dick again, the desperation to make this choice for himself gleaming in his eyes. “Let me suck you off, my alpha.”

That desperation broke the last of Isa’s restraint, and he nodded. He could allow his omega to have this, if it was truly what he needed.

Liam slipped from his lap and down to the floor. He fumbled with Isa’s belt buckle, his hands unpracticed at such a thing, and a tiny part of Isa thrilled knowing he would the first for so many things with Liam. It was also a bit terrifying to be someone’s first blow job again, just as he’d been for Herris. And Liam had already been through so much

Isa helped Liam with his trouser clasps, then pushed the fabric aside. “You can change your mind at any time, little one,” he said. “I mean it. I’ll never force or coerce you, I promise.”

Liam met his gaze, his dark eyes filled with equal parts love and trust. No hesitation. His lips quirked in an impish smile, and then Liam reached into Isa’s pants and pulled his erection out. He was thick, as most alphas were, but not exceptionally long. Still, he could practically see the wheels in Liam’s mind turning as he lightly stroked the foreskin back and forth. Wondering how that dick would fit into his small body.

During heat, an omega produced a natural slick, and their passage loosened to accept his alpha’s cock and eventual knot. But sex outside of heat required artificial slick and careful prep so the omega didn’t get hurt. Prepping Herris had been Isa’s favorite part about non-heat sex, because Herris was so sensitive there. He hoped Liam was, as well.

Liam leaned forward and licked around the crown of his cock, and Isa gasped. He grabbed the cushion with both hands so he didn’t reach out and accidentally startle Liam. This was Liam’s show, and Isa wouldn’t dare direct his actions. Liam seemed content enough to explore for a while, licking up and down his shaft, nosing around the root, rolling Isa’s sac. All delightful things, but nowhere near enough to get him off.

Liam shocked the hell out of him by going right down on him and trying to take his whole length. He choked and pulled back.

“Careful,” Isa said. “You don’t have to try all at once. That’s not an easy task for anyone.”

“I bet.” Liam licked the crown again, his attempts at being seductive incredibly endearing. “I like how you taste, and I want to please you.”

“You are, Liam. Believe me, you’re pleasing me all over the place. But make sure you want this for you, too.”

“I do.” Liam grinned, then returned to licking and nibbling at his cock. He sucked the head into his mouth and worked it with his tongue, and Isa cried out softly at how amazing that felt. Liam worked another inch or so into his mouth, but the moment Isa’s cock hit the back of his tongue, Liam gagged.

“Hair trigger,” Isa said with a fond smile. “You feel amazing Liam, suck on just the head again. Roll my sac. Yes.”

Liam followed his directions to blessed results, and Isa was quickly chasing his orgasm. The heady combination of Liam’s determined touch and the sight of him on his knees, sucking Isa, was too much.

“Gonna come. You don’t have to—ah!”

Instead of pulling back, Liam kept his lips around Isa’s pulsing shaft and swallowed his load. Isa collapsed against the back of the sofa, his entire body singing with delight over that particular orgasm. Liam rocked back on his heels and licked his lips, pleased with himself.

“That was amazing,” Isa said.

“Really? You tasted good.”

“Share with me?”

Liam’s lips parted in surprise, and then his eyebrows dipped as that impish grin returned. Isa loved seeing this side of his bondmate, and as Liam climbed back up his body to kiss him, Layne started to cry. Liam laughed, pressed a quick, closed-lip kiss to Isa’s mouth, then stood.

“At least he didn’t cock block us from the start,” Liam quipped.

Isa chuckled as he tucked himself away. “True. Want me to get him?”


Satisfied and eager to see how their physical relationship continued to develop, Isa strolled down the hall to collect their boy.

Liam stared after Isa, all his old fear and anxiety crashing down over him now that the moment had passed. Blowing Isa had been as much about getting his mind off the DNA results as it had been about deepening his connection to Isa. It had been messy and unpracticed, but watching his big, strong alpha fall apart was everything.

He tried to tell himself it hadn’t been a manipulation at all—it wasn’t just so he’d walk into that meeting room smelling strongly of Isa’s scent. That had been part of it, yes, but Liam loved his alpha, and he wanted to start expressing it. Maybe asking to jump straight to intercourse had been a bit hasty, and thankfully Isa had more sense than him, but Liam did want to make love with his alpha one day soon, outside of heat.

Before or after his next heat struck remained to be seen.

Liam was still half-hard from the encounter, so he pinched the inside of his wrist until the problem went away. His friends would start showing up soon, and he didn’t want Isa feeling obligated to reciprocate. Liam truly had wanted to do that for his alpha, and he’d gladly do it again.

He wanted his alpha to be happy.

Isa returned with a gurgling baby in his arms. “Diaper changed,” he reported. “We are all fresh and clean now.”

“Thank you.”

“Happy to.” He passed Layne over to Liam. “I really should head back to work, but I don’t want to leave you alone.”

“We’ll be fine. The others will be here in fifteen minutes or so. Maybe sooner, because Braun likes to show up early and gossip. Go to work.”

“I’ll swing by around two-thirty to pick you up for the meeting.”

Liam suppressed a shudder. “I’ll ask Kell or Brogan if they can watch Layne.”

“All right.” Isa kissed his mouth, a long, slow press of lips. “I love you.”

“Love you, too.”

Liam walked him to the door and watched Isa drive away. He didn’t have a moment to close it before a car pulled into the driveway. Braun, Kell and Jax all exited with their respective babies, all three grinning ear to ear. Liam welcomed them into the house, curious about their excitement when his entire day had gone to shit.

Blow job excluded, of course.

“What’s going on?” Liam asked.

“My baby kicked this morning,” Braun said. “First time. He kicked!”

“That’s fantastic.” He hugged Braun as best he could around his big belly and Layne’s squirming body. “I remember the first time Layne kicked. It was the night of our rescue, and Isa was there to share it with me.”

Jax signaled out what Liam was pretty sure was, “So you and Isa really are mates?”

“Bondmates, yes. There’s really no reason to hide it anymore, and we couldn’t have after this weekend.”

“Why not?”

Liam glanced at Kell and Braun, who both wore similar expressions of worry. So they hadn’t told Jax? Huh. “I’ll tell you all when everyone is here. That way I don’t have to keep repeating myself.”


Kell handed Branson off to Braun, and then followed Liam into the kitchen. He held Layne so Liam could finish the snack tray. “Ronin told me the news,” he whispered. “I’m so sorry you’re going through this.”

Liam shrugged as he arranged the sliced cucumbers next to the carrot sticks. “He’ll lose. We’ll win. I can’t think of any other scenario right now.”

“A positive attitude is definitely important. I lost hope so many times during my trial. Even though I trusted Ronin would do everything he could to save me, I still expected to go to prison. Stay more positive than I was, okay?”

“I’ll do my best. Thanks.”

“That’s what friends are for.”

Liam carried the food into the living room and put the tray on the coffee table. It wasn’t long before all their omegas and new beta member were there. Knox looked incredibly uncomfortable, but everyone made him feel welcome, even Jaysan and Reid.

“I know my situation is pretty new to you, Knox,” Liam said, “but like many of the other omegas here, I was forcibly impregnated during my first heat by an alpha I didn’t know, and to whom I honestly do not remember consenting to. And now I’ve been served with papers declaring that alpha wants his mate and son back.”

The only men in the room who didn’t squawk with anger and outrage were the two who already knew the awful news. Brogan looked especially horrified, and he held little Peyton closer.

Liam shushed them to deliver the final blow. “This morning, a DNA test proves that Layne was sired by this alpha. We’re meeting with an arbitrator this afternoon.”

“Goddess, no,” Jaysan said. “They’re making you actually talk to the asshole who raped you? Fuck that noise.”

“I don’t have a choice. Technically, this alpha was my first mate, but Kell’s mate Ronin has taken my case, and my guardian, Isa Higgs, is also my bondmate. They’re both fighting for us to stay here.”

“You found your bondmate?” Brogan asked. “That’s wonderful news, but…he’s so old.”

“Thirty-nine isn’t that old.”

“Dude, he’s old enough to be your sire,” Reid said.

“Yes, and he’s got two kids older than me, blah, blah, blah.” Liam wasn’t interested in defending his relationship with Isa. “We love each other. That’s all that matters.”

Reid snorted. “Unless the court decides you belong to that other guy.”

“I’m not property, I don’t fucking belong to anyone. And I’d rather flee the province than accept that other alpha as my mate. I don’t care what the court says.”

“We should all have the freedom to choose our mates,” Brogan said. “Lawry forced those alphas on us, and if Peyton’s sire ever tries to get near us, I’ll slit his throat with no hesitation.”

Liam silently agreed with him. If Mancini got anywhere near Layne, he’d murder the man. And he meant what he’d said about fleeing the province. Months ago, Braun and Kell had hinted at a safe place outside provincial law lines, where omegas and betas lived as equals—a possibility Liam tucked into the back of his mind for now.

“Hopefully, that never happens,” Kell said. “Ronin is a talented lawyer, and this other alpha wouldn’t be doing this if he didn’t think he had a strong claim. The big question is what does he have, because he certainly didn’t have Liam’s consent.”

“He can’t possibly have legal documentation,” Braun added. “Every omega Lawry illegally sold was officially mated to someone, and all of those records have been proven false.”

“I don’t know what he has,” Liam said. “I’ll find out this afternoon what sort of case he thinks he has. It was enough for a lawyer to take him on, at any rate.”

“Oh.” Kell dropped a piece of cucumber into his lap, his eyes going wide. “What if Senior Iverson is behind this somehow. I mean, you’ve been free for months, but one month after he’s let out on bail, this alpha shows up trying to claim you.”

“Why would he go after me, though? I’ve never met the man.”

“Intimidation, maybe? He went after my family during my trial out of hatred and spite. Maybe he’s trying to get at you omegas from the ring, but Jaysan let his son go, and maybe he couldn’t find Peyton’s sire. Or maybe he’s targeting you because Constable Higgs is leading the investigation against him.”

It seemed both far-fetched and entirely possible.

“Iverson is being monitored,” Braun said warily. “How could he be involved?”

Kell huffed. “You know as well as I do that Iverson has a long reach. He could be paying off lawyers, court officers, constables, you name it. Udall and Dent had a constable on their payroll.”

“I’ll have Isa look into it,” Liam said. “But I don’t see how it’s possible he’s involved.”

“Trust me, Liam, don’t put anything past that monster. I won’t, ever again.”

“Okay. And while we’re sort of on the subject, I need someone to watch Layne while I’m at the courthouse.”

Several hands went up, but Kell blew a raspberry at them all and kissed Layne’s cheek. “I’ve got this gorgeous little boy, so back off.”

Liam laughed. He certainly didn’t mind handing Layne off to Kell’s capable hands. He knew Kell had missed the earliest weeks of Branson’s life, so he couldn’t begrudge his fellow omegin some infant time. It was hard to believe Layne was already eight weeks old.

They chatted about less serious things for a while, until Brogan asked Knox if he had anything he wanted to say.

“Thanks, I guess,” Knox said, hunching his shoulders a bit now that their collective attention was on him. “For letting me come and be here. I know I’m not omega, but I’ve been through shit.”

“We know,” Braun replied. “That’s why you’re welcome here, and anything you tell us stays with us.”

“I just can’t talk to my parents about what happened to me. I pretend I’m okay for their sake, and it’s harder because they’re a beta couple, and they feel like they failed me somehow, but it wasn’t their fault I was kidnapped. So I don’t talk about it.”

“You can talk about anything here.”

Knox looked up with red, watery eyes. First at Braun, and then over to Jax. “Your mates are who found us. They were the first faces I saw when we were rescued, and I’ve never forgotten them. Their faces or their names.”

Jax moved to kneel in front of Knox, and then drew the smaller man into a hug. Braun went next, and Liam watched through a film of his own tears as the three embraced. Liam would never understand Knox’s pain, but it made him doubly grateful for constables like Tarek and Karter who worked so hard to save the lives of others.

And it showed Liam just how interconnected they all were, woven into each other’s lives in various and intricate ways. How it was possible that if one person hadn’t met the other at one particular point in time, maybe none of them would be here today. Alive. Safe. Surrounded by friends willing to do battle for each other.

Because that’s what brothers did. Brothers of blood and brothers by choice, bound together forever.





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