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Four Nights Forever (Connelly Crime Family Book 1) by KB Winters (35)


Layla ~ One month later

I gestured for Eamon, sitting next to me on the couch, to give me a moment to wrap up the phone call with my dad. He curled his arm around my shoulder and kissed my temple by way of an answer. A month had passed since my kidnapping, but Dad still wasn’t convinced that I’d made the right decision by sticking with Eamon. Hell, I wasn’t convinced, but the way he held me, the way he looked into my eyes, I couldn’t fathom being without him.

“And you’re sure his family is going to protect you?”

“Yes, Dad. I told you, there are guys protecting me around the clock and Eamon’s house is pretty much a fortress. There are guys protecting you as well.”

He paused. “I was wondering about that. Ever since I started going to rehab, I’ve seen the same car drive up and down my street.”

“Well now you know.”

Eamon’s cell phone rang. He unwound himself from me, stood up from the couch and crossed to the other side of the room to answer it. I turned my attention back to my conversation.

“Look, Dad, I know this all started in a strange and ugly way, but please believe me when I say I’m happy. Eamon treats me like a princess and even though he’s rough around the edges, he really is a big ole teddy bear.”

Eamon gave me a wink when he heard that. I grinned back at him, hearing at the same time Dad’s deep sigh travel through the phone line.

“Okay, sweetheart,” he said. “Just, please be careful. You know what that man can do.”

“I will, Dad. I love you.”

“I love you too. Call me tomorrow.”

I smiled. “Sure thing, Dad. Bye.”

I slid the phone onto the coffee table. Eamon had finished his call and returned to the couch. He slid next to me and curled his arm around my waist and I cupped his cheek with my hand and pulled him close to me.

If last month was crazy as hell, this month had been heaven on earth. Eamon had been more than I could have ever hoped in a man. Sweet and attentive, still bossy and sexy as hell, and every day he told me how much he loved me.

Yeah, my life didn’t suck anymore.

“What’s that grin for?” he asked.

I was staring at me with an affectionate smile on his lips. “I was just thinking about my hot boyfriend who spoils me rotten.”

Eamon rolled his eyes, wrapping me in his arms and pulling me onto his lap.

“I want to spoil you woman, but you make it damn hard.”

It was true. He’d tried to buy me jewelry and clothes and even a car over the past week, but I didn’t want any of it.

“With the way you look at me, I have everything I need.”

“Believe me I get plenty out of looking at you.” He smacked a kiss on my neck and squeezed tight. “I’m going to spoil you the rest of your life. Just wait.”

Who would’ve ever thought the asshole mobster I found pounding my dad’s face in with his fists would end up the love of my life? Certainly not me, and certainly not my dad. It turned out Eamon wasn’t just a badass enforcer and heir apparent to the Connelly family criminal organization. He was also a romantic.

“You already do spoil me. Clearing my dad’s debt was more than enough.”

Eamon offered to pay for rehab for Dad, and at first, we didn’t think he was ready, but finally Dad accepted the help and was in outpatient groups every day. “I appreciate all that you want to do, Eamon, but you’re all that I need.”

“You know that only makes me love you more, right?”

I did know and it told me a lot about the man I’d fallen for and his trust issues.

“All part of my evil plan to get you to fall so in love with me you never fall out.”

“Not gonna be a problem, princess. You’re stuck with me. And the family.”

That part still took some getting used to, but his family was great, at least the three I’d met so far. Rourke was the quiet one, Shae was the charming one and Patrick was the father. The leader. The head of the Connelly family. They were all handsome men who carried themselves with the kind of confidence that came from knowing your place in the world. It was hard to remember they were ruthless gangsters when I watched them razz each other over video games or fight over the last piece of meat.

“No place I’d rather be.”

“Good because we have some unfinished business.” His smile turned sensual and his touch softened.

“Do we?”

His smile turned serious and his eyes softened. “We do. I love you Layla and I want to make sure you’re mine, that I can protect you, love you, for the rest of our lives.”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a deep blue box and flipped the lid open.

My hands flew to my face and I shrieked, “Oh my God!”

It was a gigantic sapphire in a princess cut setting with what seemed like thousands of diamonds circling it like icy ballerinas. I could barely breathe I was so surprised.

“It’s gorgeous, Eamon.”

“Not as gorgeous as you,” he grinned, but with nervous tremor in his voice.

“Layla Julene Michaels, will you marry me?”

Tears pooled in my eyes and I shook my head eagerly. He took the ring out of the box and slipped it on my finger. I wrapped my arms around him, trapping the ring box between us as I dotted his face with kisses.

“I can’t wait to marry you, Eamon.” I pulled back with a frown. “You don’t think it’s too soon?”

“Fuck no,” he said gruffly. “I’d marry you tonight if you’d go for it.”

I could see the hope written all over his face and I nearly agreed on the spot.

“Tonight is a little soon,” I said, my head spinning and my heart overflowing with love. “But I hear spring weddings are nice.”

Springtime in Rocket was gorgeous, and it would make for a memorable wedding day.

Eamon’s face darkened and I worried he had changed his mind.

“Spring is months away,” he grumbled. “It’s too long.”

“There is one way I might marry you sooner,” I told him playfully.

“What is it?” His gaze was serious. Dark.

“Let’s have a baby.”

He growled and nibbled my ear, using his weight to lay me back on the sofa. “I’m going to give you all the babies you want.”

Those were the words I wanted to hear. My legs circled his waist and crossed at the ankles. “Eamon? Can we start now?”

“Yes. Damn, I love to hear you moan my name,” he all but roared, sliding his denim covered cock back and forth between my thighs.

“I love when you make me moan your name.”

“I live for it,” he said in a tone that stole my breath away. I pulled him down for a forceful kiss that set my body on fire.

My shirt was on the floor and one hand was down his pants when his phone vibrated on the coffee table beside us. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“Nope.” Eamon reached for the phone but his gaze never left mine. His hips pushed forward, adding a torturous amount of pleasure to the wet spot between my legs.


As I watched Eamon, his smile quickly faded, and then turned serious. “Everything okay,” I mouthed but he nodded and brushed me off.

A short pause then just as he hung up the phone he said, “Those Milano motherfuckers.”

The Milano name filled me with no small amount of fear. The last time I heard that name, I was tied to a chair by a fat, stinking ginger. “What do they want? Revenge?”

Eamon let out a long sigh and rubbed his forehead. “Doubtful. They aren’t leaving Reno. I think this is less about revenge and more about a hostile fucking takeover. Those sorry motherfuckers want the family’s business, but the Connelly’s don’t bend over for anyone.”

I swallowed against the lump in my throat and leaned into Eamon. I knew I’d told my dad that we were protected, safe. And I truly believed we were. But I couldn’t shake the feeling that things were about to get a helluva lot worse.

I turned to Eamon and held his face in my hands. “Go after these fuckers, babe. Do what you have to do but please, come back to me.”

His expression melted and a smile crossed his beautiful face. “Always. Babe. Always.”

Wow! I hope you loved this story as much as I loved writing it! Turn the page for more yummy goodness!

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~ T H E ~ E N D ~