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Gatekeeper (Low Blow Book 5) by Charity Parkerson (8)


Since Sean’s graduation, he still spent way more time away from Mateo than he liked. Boston got his investment out of Sean. Still, Sean woke up beside Mateo, sometimes going to the gym with him, and he went to bed beside him each night. At some unnamed point, Sean ended up with more clothes at Mateo’s than at his apartment. When his lease had come up for renewal, Mateo had suggested it would make more sense financially if Sean let the apartment go. Even though Sean wasn’t sure exactly how it happened, he wasn’t a fool. Sean knew Mateo had maneuvered him into living together. In truth, though, it did make financial sense. Sean hadn’t slept a night in his apartment since Mateo kissed him under the mistletoe. Not to mention, they were getting married. There was no reason to pretend he wouldn’t eventually end up under Mateo’s roof anyhow.

Tonight had been one of those nights. Slip had been slammed with people and being in the kitchen meant Sean worked twice as hard as he had on the floor. The only difference was, he no longer had to be nice to people. He still was. It wasn’t in his nature to be mean. Either way, his whole body ached, and all Sean wanted was to crawl in bed next to Mateo. Unfortunately, he heard Renato’s hateful voice the instant he came through the door.

Renato was another thing Mateo had been right about. His father did show up every Tuesday morning to yell at Mateo. Mateo always turned up the music in the kitchen while Sean made breakfast and begged Sean not listen to the hate. He always came back smiling after escorting Renato out, but his eyes told a different story.

Today wasn’t Tuesday, and it wasn’t morning. Plus, Sean hadn’t seen any strange cars in the driveway. One cautious peek into the living room set him somewhat at ease. Renato wasn’t there. Mateo had him on speaker phone. Sean tried ducking out of sight, leaving Mateo in private for his call. Mateo glanced up, spotting him before he could get away. He waved Sean into the room. Sean tried not to listen to Renato’s tirade as he accepted Mateo’s kiss. Mateo pulled him into his lap, leaving Sean no choice but to stay.

“As I told you last time, son, we’ll not be wasting our hard-earned money on a Vegas trip to see you lose. Not even for a title match.”

Sean tried not to let the hatred grow in his heart, but it was hard.

“I offered to pay your way,” Mateo said, sounding tired, as if this was the third time he’d said the words.

“It’s also the cost of our wasted time,” Renato said, sounding the same as Mateo.

“I’m not asking you to be proud of me, or support me in any other way, but I’d like to have you there in my corner.”

“No.” Sean flinched at the cold answer. His eyes stung. Mateo’s rejection felt like his own. “I have to go.” Without waiting for Mateo’s response, the phone fell silent.

Sean held still, wondering if Mateo would fly into a rage, and unsure if he wanted him to or not. Sometimes he thought if Mateo would break some shit, he’d feel a lot better. The silence in the room went on for so long, Sean wondered if he’d cry. He’d never hurt so much for another person and Mateo just held tight to his pain—never letting anyone see it.

Mateo’s grip was almost painful. He cleared his throat. “It turns out I have two extra tickets to the title match, if you know anyone who’d like to go. I’d hate to waste them.”

“What about Remy and Aden?” Sean offered, hoping he could find a way to lift Mateo’s spirits.

“Aden’s my trainer. He has his own set of tickets.”

Sean nodded. That made sense. “I’d say Isaac and Daniel, but I noticed you haven’t been talking to Daniel.” Sean hoped his observation would give Mateo a chance to open up. It didn’t happen.

“Daniel has press passes.”

“Oh. I didn’t think of that,” Sean said, feeling defeated. “Don’t worry over it. I’ll make sure those seats aren’t empty. If nothing else, I’ll cheer so loud, they’ll threaten to boot me.”

“I love you.”

Sean fucking hated how sad Mateo sounded saying those words. “I love you too.”

“Did you have a good night at work?” Mateo asked, obviously hoping to change the subject.

Sean let it happen. “It was busy. I’m dead.”

Mateo nodded. His expressionless face was stabbing Sean repeatedly in the heart. “Me too. All the extra training is killing me. I left you something to eat in the microwave. Will you be upset if I go on to bed?”

The pressure sitting on Sean’s chest increased. He shook his head. “Go on. I need a shower and you know I can’t sleep right away. Get some rest and I’ll join you in a few.”

A muscle jumped in Mateo’s jaw. Sean wondered if he’d snap. Instead, Mateo nodded. “I’ll see you in a little while.” Mateo kissed him. For a second, Sean got to pretend nothing was wrong, and then it was over. Mateo’s defeated expression returned. Sean slipped from the man’s lap before he lost his shit. The moment Mateo was gone, Sean released his pent-up breath. It sounded like a gunshot in the otherwise silent room. He’d never felt more useless. Sean cast a desperate look around the room, searching for any answer. His gaze landed on two tickets on the coffee table. They were the ones Mateo had been trying to give to his parents. Sean scooped them up and headed for the door before his courage fled. Maybe he couldn’t fix everything, but he could try.

By the time Sean reached Mateo’s parents’ house, he could feel his blood pressure rising. His heart raced and blood pounded in his ears. He was certain no matter what else happened, he’d definitely faint before it was over. Sean wasn’t a fighter like Mateo, but he would go to battle for his man. When it came to his parents, Mateo always kept his cool. Sean wondered if it wasn’t time someone flipped the fuck out.

Most the lights were out inside the house. Sean’s heart fell. He didn’t think he’d have the same righteous anger driving him if he waited until tomorrow. Sean almost turned around. The lit-up garage caught his gaze and stopped him. Sean made his way toward it. He spotted Renato a half second before the man spotted him. Mateo’s father faked a smile. Sean didn’t bother.

“Is Mateo with you?”

Sean shook his head. “I came alone.”

The fake smile remained. “That’s fine too. What brings you by?”

Sean held up the tickets. “I brought these for you. This fight is important to Mateo. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to miss it.”

Renato’s smile finally melted away. His true colors peeked through. “I’ve already told Mateo we wouldn’t make it.”

He wasn’t there to play games. Sean nodded. “I’m aware.”

“Then why are you here?” Renato asked, dropping the cordial tone.

“Because your son wants you to come to Vegas,” Sean said, refusing to back down. “Look,” Sean said, trying his damnedest not to yell. “I know you love your son. You wouldn’t show up every Tuesday without fail to scream at him if you didn’t. You would’ve walked away already. What will it hurt to go to Vegas? Do this one thing for him.”

Renato shook his head. “As I’ve already told Mateo, we can’t support his life choices.”

Mateo was the most amazing person on the planet. Out of everyone in the world, the man standing in front of him should know it. “Which life choice can’t you support? His boxing or me?”

Renato shrugged. “Take your pick. He’s breaking his mother’s heart by being with you.”

Ouch. That hurt, but Sean was a master of pretending he wasn’t broken. “Is that because you think I’m a thief or because I’m a man?”

“Take your pick,” Renato repeated.

Sean nodded, fighting the urge to say things he couldn’t take back. “I don’t know what it’s like to have kids, so I don’t know what’s right. But I do have amazing parents, and I guess they’ve spoiled me, because no matter what their personal opinion is on a matter, they’ve always put me first. If they hate the way I turned out, they’ve never said as much. That’s all Mateo wants from you, but I see you’re incapable of giving it.” Sean held the tickets out. “Nonetheless, I’ll leave these tickets here and hope you can find a way to put your child first.”

Renato didn’t take them. He shook his head. Even though he didn’t look angry, as Sean expected, neither did he bend. “Keep them and give them to someone who’ll go. I know you don’t understand, but we won’t support this.”

Sean nodded. His heart broke. He’d done all he could do. “I’m sorry for you then, because you’re losing an amazing man. If he wins this fight, and you have a change of heart later, he’ll always wonder if you only love him for that. That’s sad for too many reasons to name.” Sean walked away before he cried. He hated looking weak when in truth he was furious. Sean didn’t think he’d ever been more enraged in his life, and he’d been given lots of shit to rage about.

As he drove away, Sean didn’t head toward home. He couldn’t climb into bed with Mateo, knowing he’d failed him. An idea hit and stayed. If he couldn’t give Mateo the parents he wanted, he’d give Mateo the parents he deserved. He pulled over and called his mom. She answered on the first ring, sounding panicked and making him feel like shit.

“Sean, what’s wrong?”

“No, Momma. I’m okay. Sorry to be calling so late. I had to work late.”

She blew out a relieved-sounding sigh. “Don’t apologize for calling when you can. I’m just not used to you calling past ten. Did you have a good night at work? How’s Mateo?”

He smiled. The wretchedness of Mateo’s parents made him realize how lucky he was to have such amazing parents. “It was okay, and Mateo is good. Actually, he’s the reason I’m calling. I know this is short notice, but Mateo is fighting for the Super Lightweight title this weekend in Vegas.”

“That’s amazing,” she cheered, interrupting. “Please let him know how proud we are. Win or lose, that’s an awesome accomplishment. He’s worked so hard.”

Sean’s throat burned. He wished he was recording this. Mateo needed to hear it from someone other than him. Sean cleared his throat. “Actually, we have two extra tickets and would love to pay the way for you and Dad to come watch the match. Mateo needs someone cheering for him.”

His mom didn’t answer right away. Sean’s heart fell. He’d gotten his stubborn pride honestly, and now he knew how Mateo felt every time the man tried doing anything for him. This was important. It would take all of Sean’s savings to get his parents to Vegas, but those seats wouldn’t be empty if it was the last thing he did.

“I don’t know, Sean. That’s a lot of money.”

“Please, Mom.” He was above begging or guilt. “Mateo’s parents are refusing to go.”

“Why would they do such a thing? That’s their son, and I know they have the money.” She said the words with such disdain, Sean knew he had her, but still. His voice broke as he made the confession.

“It’s my fault. They’re not coming, because he loves me.”

* * *

Mateo hadn’t slept at all. He was hurt and angry to the point he no longer knew which emotion would win. For years, Mateo thought one day he’d no longer care. It hadn’t happened yet. All he had was Sean. The man loved him enough for three people. Mateo swore it would be enough. Sean deserved better than the way he’d acted tonight, storming off to bed and leaving him alone as if Sean hadn’t just walked in the door and Mateo hadn’t missed him all day.

Aggravation boiled inside him. Mateo threw back the covers, determined to hunt Sean down. It had been three hours since he’d gone to bed. There was no reason for Sean not having joined him unless he was angry with Mateo for Mateo’s abrupt treatment. Fuck that. He might be a failure as a son, but he wouldn’t fail Sean. Goddamn. Someone needed to be on his side. Otherwise, what was the point?

Mateo stormed the living room, determined to make things right. His feet froze to the floor. Three sets of eyes swung in his direction. “Um,” he stuttered, cupping his hands in front of his dick. He was wearing underwear, but still. It wasn’t every day a man showed off his bulge to his future in-laws.

Sean smiled, not bothering to hide his humor over Mateo’s current circumstances. “Clothes, baby.”

“We’re not looking,” Robin promised. Sticking true to her word, Scott and she kept their eyes glued to whatever they had spread out on the coffee table.

Walking backward until out of sight, Mateo quickly retraced his steps and found a pair of workout shorts before returning to the living room. Curiosity ate him alive. Neither of Sean’s parents could see well enough to drive at night and Sean had claimed he was exhausted. He couldn’t think of a single reason they’d be up at one o’clock in the morning, working on something in Mateo’s living room.

“Did I miss something?” Mateo asked the moment he returned. He regretted his question as quickly. The last thing he wanted was to make Sean’s parents feel unwelcome. To his relief, all three faces were smiling.

Robin was the first to speak up. “We didn’t mean to bother you. Scott and I got to talking, and we realized we don’t have much time to get things done before your fight, so we came on over.”

At her claim, Mateo’s gaze moved to what they were doing. Poster boards lined the table. One for each person. They’d drawn huge bubble letters, spelling out different cheers for Mateo.

“They’re for your match,” Robin explained.

Mateo blinked. His vision blurred and his chest ached. He cleared his throat past the rapid swelling. “You’re making me signs?”

Her smile never wavered, but Scott answered. “Of course. You can’t have a real cheer section without signs. Back when Sean played tennis, I can’t tell you how many matches we got thrown out of,” Scott said with a laugh.

Sean groaned. “It was horrifying.”

Robin tsked. “I was in labor with you for thirty-seven hours. If I want to show my ass at a sporting event, I will, because I earned it.”

Sean shook his head. “I’m not complaining. Just pointing out the obvious. It was horrifying.”

“I know you’re not complaining. You’re a good son.” She looked up at Mateo still hovering over them. “Sean’s never been one to complain. He’s a stoic survivor.”

That he was. He was also amazing. Mateo didn’t know what to say. No one had ever made a big deal of his matches. Mateo cleared his throat again. He couldn’t understand why his voice didn’t want to work properly. “It’s pretty hard to get tossed from a boxing match.”

Scott and Robin nodded. Both kept their gazes locked on their task, but Scott was the one to respond. “Don’t worry. We’ll give it the ol’ college try.”

Mateo shook his head, still unsure of how to react. “Would you like something to drink?”

Robin flashed him a smile. “We’ve got it covered.” She held up a bottle of wine he hadn’t noticed earlier. “We hit the liquor store before they closed. Sean has already gotten us set up for the night in one of the upstairs bedrooms. You two should go on to bed while we finish up. Sean has to work tomorrow and I know you have to be working your ass off this close to your match. We can entertain ourselves.”

Sean stood before Mateo could respond. “Okay. If you want, you can go to bed too. We have time to do this in the morning before I go to work.”

“We’ll see how we feel after this bottle,” Robin said with laughter lacing her words. Sean bent and kissed her cheek before circling the table to hug his dad. They were acting as if this was a normal night—like their project was nothing special when it meant the world to Mateo.

Sean took his hand. “Goodnight, guys,” he called as he tugged Mateo toward the door.

“Goodnight,” Robin called after them. “Love you boys.”

“Yep, love you boys,” Scott said, following his wife’s words.

“We love you too,” Sean said for them both.

Mateo stared at Sean’s back as he led him back to bed. Sometimes there were no words strong enough for how much he loved this man. This was one of those moments. They’d been engaged almost two months and hadn’t yet talked about when they’d get married. Now, Mateo knew. “Since your parents are going to Vegas with us, I’d like to get married before the fight on Saturday.”

Sean turned and walked backward to the bed while holding Mateo’s hands. “I love that plan.”

Now that Sean had agreed, Mateo wondered if he was screwing Sean out of the big wedding he deserved. Sean should be publicly celebrated. “Unless you want a big wedding,” Mateo said, rushing to fix things.

Sean climbed in bed, urging Mateo to join him. “No. As long as you’re there and my parents are there, that’s all I need. I don’t like being the center of attention. Oh, we should do something crazy—like that roller coaster wedding place or the mobster wedding.”

Mateo couldn’t stop smiling. Minutes earlier, Mateo’s mood couldn’t have been darker. That was what loving Sean was like. He made everything better.

“I could see myself getting married on a roller coaster. In fact,” Mateo said, climbing on top of Sean and settling between the man’s thighs. “If I’d known that was a thing, I would’ve insisted on it from the beginning.” Sean looked completely at peace and happy beneath him. “Am I making you feel rushed?”

Sean’s expression never changed. “Nope. Not at all. I would’ve married you the night you asked if you’d been willing.”

They felt like partners. That was the biggest addiction for Mateo. No one made him feel anything but alone before Sean. “I’m willing. Let’s go right now.”

A sexy-sounding chuckle escaped Sean. “There’s a waiting period here. By the time we made it through that, we’d already be in Vegas.”

“What are your parents doing tomorrow? Let’s leave tomorrow, get married, and enjoy a few days before my fight.”

Sean eyed Mateo, making Mateo feel as if he saw too much. “What about your last-minute training?”

“I’m ready for my match. This is what I need the most.”

Sean nodded. “In that case, I’m certain my parents would be fine with leaving tomorrow, and Boston is a sucker for love, so I’m sure we could pull it off. Is there a reason for this sudden rush to the altar?”

Mateo’s insides shook when he looked too closely at things. “I can’t let you get away. You’re too amazing for me.” He’d never been more scared of losing anyone or anything in his life. If his parents couldn’t love him, how could someone like Sean? He had to marry the man before Sean figured out Mateo was worthless and ran for the hills.

Sean’s fingertips skimmed the back of Mateo’s neck, soothing him. “You can’t lose me. I’m unloseable. You’re stuck. Sorry. You will be telling our grandkids one day about us getting married on a roller coaster.”


Sean shrugged. “Or not. Whatever. As long as I have you, I’m good. The rest we can figure out as we go. No matter what, we’re in this together, Teo. I want to be your husband. More than that, I’m proud of being with you. You’re the best part of me.”

Mateo caressed Sean’s ass. “So? Tomorrow, then?”

The sound of Sean’s breath catching as Mateo dragged his shorts down one hip had Mateo hard enough to bend steel. “Yes. Tomorrow,” Sean said, sounding breathless.

“What can I do for you tonight?”

The way Sean bit his lip had Mateo ready for anything. Sean was always sexy. When he was shy, he was irresistible. “I’d love for you to make love to me,” Sean said, sounding heartbreakingly sweet. Just like everything about Sean.

Mateo shifted positions and slowly undressed him. He intended to give Sean his wish to the letter. Their nude bodies molded perfectly as their lips clung. Mateo’s heart was always full when he held Sean. He touched every place he could reach as he tasted Sean’s tongue. Sean’s teeth tugged at Mateo’s bottom lip, making his dick twitch. Their cocks rubbing together between them created the most delicious friction. Mateo couldn’t stop rocking himself against Sean.

“You were meant for me,” Mateo whispered against Sean’s lips between kisses. “Feel how perfect we are together,” he demanded as he pivoted his hips. “Do you remember that time I made you come in your jeans? I consider that our first time together,” he admitted. “It doesn’t matter I wasn’t inside you. We were connected. Just like we are right now.” Mateo had to take a breath. Sean felt too good against him. Like every time they were together, Mateo’s tongue wouldn’t stop moving. “You have no idea how hot it makes me, knowing you’ll have my last name by this time tomorrow.” Mateo kissed Sean deep because he needed the connection. He never got enough of Sean. When it came to the man beneath him, there was a hint of insanity in the back of Mateo’s mind, urging him to take over every aspect of Sean’s life. That madness scratched at his skin now, wanting to be set free. Reaching between them, Mateo palmed both their cocks and stroked.

“Tell me what you need right now. Is the sensation of my palm and my dick against your erection enough? Or do you need my cock stretching your asshole and riding you deep?”

Sean’s hips lifted, meeting Mateo’s stroke. “Don’t stop.”

Sweat had their bodies slipping against each other. Mateo tightened his hold, pulling a gasp from Sean. “I’m not stopping. If I don’t feel your hot cum coating my stomach soon, I think my lungs will fail. You’re my oxygen. I can live without everything except you.”

“Teo, you’re killing me,” Sean gasped, sounding crazed. The way he writhed beneath Mateo said a lot about how close he was to the edge. Mateo needed Sean to get there. Otherwise, he’d be coming first, and that wasn’t happening on his watch.

“Come on, baby. Give me a show. Make my mouth jealous. You know how I love to feel your dick jumping against my tongue. Make my mouth water and see what it’s missing. Come for me.”

Sean moved against Mateo’s palm, straining to get there. Mateo couldn’t stop staring at him, enjoying every nuance as the pressure built. He increased the pace. His brain couldn’t take the teasing. He needed release. Mateo bit his lip, straining toward the ecstasy he only experienced with Sean. There was no other person alive, toy, or solo act that compared to having Sean in the same room. Even if they sat feet apart and masturbated together, it was powerful. His orgasm hit. Mateo gasped as the burst of relief rolled down his spine. His cock jerked in his hand. His focus narrowed to his own pleasure. It wasn’t until the last spasm passed that he realized Sean was right there with him. He didn’t know if they’d come at the exact same time, but he wasn’t surprised. He hadn’t been talking shit in the heat of the moment. They were perfect together—like he could see a greater plan in the works. No matter what life threw his way, Sean would be there.




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