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Gemini Keeps Capricorn (Signs of Love Book 3) by Anyta Sunday (17)

Chapter Seventeen

The next day Lloyd drowned himself in data while Wesley picked the Internet apart for information on zodiacs.

Capricorn, specifically.

Restlessness thrummed in his veins. With a frustrated grunt, he shoved his chair away from the desk. Raking a hand through his hair, he sent a leering Elvis a pinched look.

It wasn’t fair that every time he gazed at his fantasy-crush, he was reminded of Lloyd and their shared birthdays.

Wasn’t fair that Lloyd had stubbornly taken root in all his sexy fantasies. If Lloyd only knew how many times Wesley had been on the cusp of suggesting—again—they be friends that fuck. Wesley would even cover his face if necessary.

“I’m lying to myself,” he muttered. “It’s not my face that’s putting him off. It’s our friendship. He’s afraid to lose it.”

Elvis continued to leer.

“A lot of help you are.”

He sent Caleb a message asking when he’d be back from rehearsals. No response came.

Wesley moped his way down the hall, jumping over a Nerf soccer ball two residents were shooting at each other.

Lloyd’s door was open. He seemed to be packing some of his crap in a messenger bag. A delighted butterfly danced in his gut as he snuck in and flopped into Lloyd’s vacated desk chair.

Lloyd acknowledged him with a keen smile and whisked to his dresser.

“Do you want to do nothing? With me?” Wesley asked, sitting upright when Lloyd peeled off his T-shirt. “Or something. We could also do something.”

“I’m about to meet someone,” Lloyd said, changing into a fresh shirt. “We can watch something on Netflix later if you want.”

Wesley stilled, searching the room for a clock. “You’re meeting someone at five in the evening?”

“I know. Such an inconsiderate time.” Lloyd sat on the bed and opened the laces on his polished leather shoes.

Wesley folded his arms. “Who are you meeting?”

“How about you choose a movie. Nothing longer than three hours.” A sharp look, belied by a twitch in his cheek. “I have stuff to do tomorrow.”

Lloyd’s evasion made Wesley’s gut cramp.

He was meeting someone.

It shouldn’t have been so shocking, considering Lloyd had been flittering off “meeting someone” since before Thanksgiving. He’d convinced himself it was Jamie related, but maybe it wasn’t. Maybe Lloyd had met a guy?

Maybe they were dating?

Maybe Lloyd hadn’t told him anything about it because Wesley had the tendency to pick apart Lloyd’s boyfriends?

Anyone would have picked them apart though. None were good enough for Lloyd. Half of them cheated, and the other half blatantly said they were only in it for the sex.

Lloyd had never hidden a boyfriend though. He’d always listened to Wesley’s bulleted points why boyfriend-of-the-month wouldn’t last. The previous two times, Lloyd had prepared a rebuttal.

Alarm bells rang in Wesley’s head.

Maybe Lloyd really liked this mystery guy? Maybe he was afraid of Wesley ruining it for him?

Which would be tempting, considering the annoyingly impractical, possessive feelings Wesley had been having.

But if Lloyd really liked the guy, and the guy really liked Lloyd, he wouldn’t pick him apart.

Lloyd was his best friend. Wesley wanted him happy.

“Do these secret meetings spark joy in you?” Wesley asked, trying not to let his throat tighten.

Lloyd slipped his wallet and keys into his pocket and nodded. “A lot of things spark joy in me. Data analysis. Surprise parties.”

“Your surprise party comes after data analysis?”

Lloyd rolled his eyes. “Descending order.”

“You saved that one. Got more joy sparkage?”

Lloyd sat on his bed and clasped his hands together. “It would spark a crazy amount of joy if

Wesley leaned his elbows on his knees, mirroring Lloyd. “If what?”

Lloyd stared into his eyes and swallowed. “If this amazing guy I’m dating would let me call him my boyfriend.”

Fuck Wesley dead. It was true. Mystery meeting guy was someone special.

All his self-talk about being a good friend and accepting the boyfriend flew out the window. He jerked back against the chair. “You don’t think it’s too soon? It’s been, what? A month and a half?”

Everything in the room seemed to still. The gentle smile on Lloyd’s face disappeared. His expression smoothed, becoming impossible to read. “We’ve known each other longer than that. In some ways, it feels like we’ve been boyfriends from day one.”

Wesley swallowed hard and snapped his wristband hard. “Sounds like you found Mr. Perfect.”

“Mr. More Than Perfect. You think calling each other boyfriend is too soon?”

“Maybe the whole secrecy thing should change first?”

Lloyd sighed. “You’re right. It hasn’t been ideal.” Lloyd stood, patting his pockets. “I guess it will have to wait.”

Wesley felt a strange mix of guilt and relief.

He was a terrible person. Fuck.

“Stop,” he called out as Lloyd walked out of his bedroom. Lloyd paused but didn’t turn around. “I’m wrong.” It took all of Wesley’s resolve to bite out, “Whoever this guy is, he would be lucky to have you call him your boyfriend.”

Lloyd whirled around.

Maybe Wesley had put too much hatred in his tone? He searched inside for an apology, but it was not forthcoming. Jealousy turned him into a bitch, apparently.

Lloyd stared at him, muttering under his breath. He palmed his head as though he’d forgotten he had no hair to rake. “Boy, oh boy. Wesley, I don’t even know where to start.” He let out a huff and slammed his eyes shut. “I’ll be back later.”

Wesley pouted as he scurried from the room, turning his back to Lloyd. “Fine.”

A tight, disbelieving laugh. “Don’t bother with cafeteria food. I’ll bring takeout to go with the movie.”

“I want meat.”

* * *

Wesley spent the next few hours glowering at everyone. Suzy. Randy. Elvis.

“Whoa,” Caleb said, prancing into his dorm room. “Whatever did the King do to you?”

Wesley jerked his desk chair around. “You’re at fault here. You shouldn’t have run away from home.”

“Dude,” Caleb said, setting his flute on the dresser, “what put you in a funk?”

“I’m not in a fuck.”

“Watch out, Freud.”

Wesley hooked a finger under his band and teased it. “I’m a bad best friend.”

Caleb flung himself onto the bed and propped his head. “I’m listening.”

Wesley opened his mouth to unload, but Caleb stopped him, sniffing the air. “Did you make those cookies again? The ones with the cinnamon?”

Yes, he had. That’s what he’d been doing while scaring off residents with scathing stares.

From his desk drawer, he pulled out a container full of cookies that he had set aside for Lloyd. Lloyd who was meeting his, well, probably boyfriend by now. His throat tightened. “Go nuts.”

“Thanks!” Caleb bit into one with a happy sigh. “Continue.”

“I’ve been stupid.”

Caleb spoke around a mouthful of cookie, “Ah, Mr. Stupid. Struggles a bit with social cues? Never knows when to piss off? He and I are well acquainted.”

Wesley stared at the ceiling. “Maybe if I had some actual principles. If I never eavesdropped. If I drove diligently.”

“Then you wouldn’t be you.” Caleb plunked his booted feet onto Wesley’s thighs, drawing his attention. Wesley expected his brother to smirk. Instead, Caleb met his gaze. “And I like you.”

“You’re my brother, you have to like me.”

“No, I don’t. That’s what I think I’ve learned from you and Mom.”

“What do you mean?”

Caleb sighed. “Just because we’re family doesn’t mean we have to like each other. Respect and tolerate for the most part, okay. We don’t otherwise have to give a flying fuck about each other. But I do. I want to.” Caleb blinked hard. “I would choose you to be my brother.”

A sob bubbled up Wesley’s throat. He swallowed it back down, but a tear slipped and landed on Caleb’s boots. Wesley clutched the leather, squeezing Caleb’s ankle as he laughed. “Why do you so badly want me home?”

“I’ve been selfish about that. You and mom should figure things out without any pressure from me. Or not figure things out. Up to you.”

“You’re freaking me out.”


“You sound mature. Might be the first time I’ve seen this look on you.”

Caleb grinned. “It suits me, doesn’t it? Come on, say it. I look good.”

That was Wesley’s cue to dump Caleb’s feet back onto the bed. “Give me those cookies back.”

They wrestled for the cookies until crumbs carpeted the bed. They both had stitches from laughing so hard.

Wesley turned his head and flicked his brother in the nose. “I’d choose you, too.”

* * *

Thanks to Caleb, Wesley was in good spirits when Lloyd returned.

Or at least he better disguised his inner bitch.

Lloyd gave him a funny look when they bumped into each other outside Lloyd’s room. Possibly because Wesley was lurking around his door.

The nice shirt peeked through Lloyd’s open coat. His shoes shined like the knife that was cutting into Wesley’s chest. Totally date clothes. “You look good,” he said, trying to keep his tone flirty not envious.

Lloyd shifted the Thai takeout while he fished out his dorm key, crowding Wesley.

Wesley’s back hit the door and he glued his hands to the paneling to keep from crushing Lloyd against him. Wonderful aromas wafted from the bag. “Grab it,” he said.

Wesley’s hands shot out and cradled the bag. “So hot,” he murmured, staring at Lloyd. Then he cleared his throat. “The food.”

With a small smile and shake of his head, Lloyd swiped the key card and turned the handle. He pushed slowly to prevent Wesley tumbling backwards.

Wesley caught his breath once Lloyd took the bag from him and moved to the desk.

“Did you choose a movie?” Lloyd asked.

“Uh, no.” That might have been a better use of time than pacing in front of his door like a crazy stalker.

Lloyd pulled containers out of a paper bag. “Chicken cashew stir-fry for you, tofu and veggies for me.”

He eyed Lloyd cracking open his salad. Wesley gasped. “You’re not vegetarian, are you?”

“How can this be shocking news to you?”

“But. But.” Wesley eyed Lloyd’s tight, muscular physique. “You look like you eat meat. A lot of it.” He scooped a piece of chicken onto his fork. “I thought you only did the veggie at home.”

“I do the veggie here, too.”

“Now I feel bad for trying to trade you to that hotdog vendor.”

“Oh, now you feel bad?” Lloyd dug into his veggies.

“I’m learning a lot about you today. You have a mystery boyfriend. You’re a vegetarian. Next you’ll tell me you’ve been searching for the guy that knocked up your mom twenty-four years ago.”

Lloyd swallowed his mouthful. “Not a mystery I’m interested in. Although, on the topic of fathers, I have wanted to ask about yours.”

Wesley speared a piece of chicken. “The great Judge Hidaka was the reason I wanted to be a lawyer. Dad was fair and kind, and I wish I’d come out before he died of heart failure.” A wistful smile pulled at his lips. “He would have accepted me. Might have convinced mom, too.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I’m not going to break down or anything. I did enough of that junior and senior year at Sandalwood. Caleb buried himself in his studies and flute, Mom turned toward the church, and I was a mess. I came out, refused to listen to anyone who told me what to do, and let anyone who showed interest fuck me. It wasn’t all this prettiness you see before you today.” Wesley winked.

Lloyd didn’t laugh. He set his tofu and veggies down and curled a finger under Wesley’s chin until Wesley held Lloyd’s sympathetic gaze. “That must have been tough.”

“Now I focus on the fond memories.”

Lloyd’s finger skimmed the side of his jaw before retreating. “I’d like to hear one, if you feel like sharing.”

Wesley did. He felt like sharing everything with Lloyd. “Dad introduced me to Elvis Presley and rock ’nroll.”

Delight sparked in Lloyd’s eye, mirroring Wesley’s own. “When I was twelve, Caleb got sick and had a stuck-in-bed movie marathon. Rock Around the Clock. Jailhouse Rock. Grease. I told him I wanted to dance like that, and Dad made it happen. Once a week for the next four years he dropped me at lessons and dance-offs.” A lump tightened his throat. “Told me I could be whatever I wanted to be.”

Lloyd rolled his chair closer and offered him a napkin. Wesley dabbed a traitorous tear.

“You would’ve made him proud,” Lloyd said, rubbing his back. “You’re the most you person I’ve ever met.”

Wesley laugh came out strained. “Wow, I’m teary tonight. We’d better watch something light.”

Grease, perhaps?”

“Good suggestion. Here’s another one: Jailhouse Rock.”

“And have you mooning all over Elvis?” Lloyd lightly squeezed Wesley’s neck and rolled back to his dinner. “Veto.”

They settled on Rock Around The Clock, the laptop nestled between their feet. Wesley snuck glances at Lloyd during all his favorite parts, happy to see Lloyd absorbed in the film but jealous that he couldn’t stop wondering whether the mystery guy was officially Lloyd’s boyfriend.

When the movie ended, Wesley procrastinated cleaning the dinner mess by pretending he wanted seconds.

He slouched in Lloyd’s chair and prodded at his food.

He gave up, dropping his plastic fork. “How was your date?”

Lloyd looked as though he might detect the green-eyed beast sulking in Wesley’s eyes.

Wesley asked again, this time forcing a sweeter smile.

Lloyd pressed his lips in deliberation. “I loved it, and I think he had a good time too, only . . .”

“Only, what?” Wesley bit out.

“I’ve realized something that is both humorous and painful.”

Humorous and painful? Curiosity trumped jealousy any day. “What’s that?”

“I don’t think he gets that we’re dating.”

“Oh God. You think you’re practically boyfriends but he’s mistaking your moves for friendship?”

Lloyd crossed his arms and sighed. “It seems like it.”

Wesley tried to bite back a grin but failed. “It’s hard being gay sometimes. Too many clueless men.”

“Some more than others.”

Wesley fidgeted with the band at his wrist. “Are you going to tell him?”

“Not tonight. I need to think about the last few months and laugh, possibly cry. Tomorrow, though.”

“Or hear me out,” Wesley suggested. “You could take it as a sign not to finagle into his pants.”

Lloyd’s lip curled and his cheek pitted. “Oh, I am definitely finagling into his pants.”

The twist in Wesley’s gut hurt. “Have fun with that. Use condoms.”

Lloyd leaned over Wesley to clean away the last food container. Eyes trained on Wesley, his voice dripped with frustration. “Part of me wishes I could jump him, but he lives in this building and I don’t want to lose my job. But when the timing’s right? I’m going to fly through a whole stash of condoms.”

Wesley pulled his wristband so hard it snapped and broke. “Fuck.” He shoved Lloyd away as he jumped to his feet, unable to make eye contact.

“Pass it here, maybe I can fix it.”

“You can’t. It’s fine. It is what it is.” Wesley didn’t look at him, fearing his face would give him away. He forced a flirty tone on his way out. “I hope he’s good enough for you.”

Lloyd snagged his elbow, but Wesley shook him off. He ran to his room but wasn’t fast enough to avoid hearing Lloyd’s: “I hope I’m good enough for him.”

Wesley shut his door. Elvis was staring at him like he knew too much. “Oh, shut up.”