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GIFT FROM THE HITMAN: The Petrov Mafia by Zoey Parker (12)



I was whistling. Whistling. That wasn’t something I had done in a long time. I had thoroughly enjoyed fucking Kelly Greene, although I hadn’t intended for two of our four times in the first week to be in the same night. Maybe I should have left that provision out of the contract.


Or maybe she would be amendable to having sex more than just four times this week. She certainly had been responsive to all of my attention, and I did enjoy making her squirm, riling her up, getting her all heated and then toying with her. There could be something amazing about being brought to the brink and then giving in, to letting the buildup grow until it can’t be contained a second longer.


I had been so ready to explode into her mouth. She hadn’t been the best ever to blow me, but there was something about her willingness, her allowing me to guide her, that brought me so close to the edge I almost gave in earlier than I intended. We were trying to make a baby, though, so I shouldn’t waste my cum in her mouth. Not yet at least. Maybe she would be amendable to that once she became pregnant.


So far, our arrangement was working quite nicely. Quite nicely, indeed. And I had no reason to think things would start to fail in that department anytime soon, which was all the more satisfying.


But the other issue weighing on me was nearly crippling, and my whistling died on my lips. Mikhail Vasilev had already sent a man to spy on me. If he wants to get dirt on me, I better get more dirt on him first. Two can play at this game, and the loser will die. And I don’t plan on dying anytime soon.


Although it was early yet, I called Aleksey. I would not waste a second figuring out how to set up my revenge.


He answered on the third ring. “What do you need?” he asked.


“For you to come here,” I demanded, and I hung up.


My cook had just finished serving me breakfast when the doorbell rang. I calmly cut into my cinnamon apple pancake and started to enjoy my meal, leaving my butler to handle the door. I was a bundle of nerves, but I would not show fear. I would not even feel fear.


Not even a minute later, Aleksey entered the room. He eyed the food before staring at me. “What can I help you with?” he asked.


I made a show of deliberately setting down my fork and knife. “I need you to prove yourself,” I said, glaring at him. He might be one of my right hand men, but even Aleksey had to prove himself to me again since he had disobeyed me recently.


Aleksey swallowed audibly and nodded. “Anything. I swear I didn’t mean—”


“I want you to spy on Mikhail,” I declared. “Find out what his cover is, how long he’s been in town, what exactly he’s up to. Can you do this for me?” I leaned back in my seat, my hands clasped together, thumbs idly twiddling.


“You can trust me.” Aleksey nodded again, and the scar by his mouth pulled slightly as he smiled. “Believe me.”


“Good. Go.” I wanted to believe him. Now was not the time for distrust.


Aleksey nodded a third time and left.


As I resumed eating, I tried not to worry. I didn’t need discord in my own ranks, but I could have easily asked Dima to handle this for me. I had no possible issues with Dima, but Aleksey had disobeyed a direct order. Loyalty meant a great deal to me, and I needed to have faith in my men. Without faith and loyalty, what remained?




But if Aleksey could do this for me, if he could handle gaining intel on Vasilev, he would be back in my good graces. And I needed him by my side. I needed to trust him. Taking down Mikhail Vasilev would not be easy. Having my revenge would not be easy.


But it would happen, and it would happen soon.




A week passed, and finally, Aleksey messaged me to let me know he had info for me. I was at the gambling ring when I received the notification, and I called him in and told him to meet me at my house. There were too many ears at the ring and the bar, and while I was sure most everyone there was on my side, I didn’t want to risk it. My men were loyal, and I hadn’t seen any newcomers lately, not after the spy Mikhail Vasilev had sent there, but money could be a terrible temptress, and it was better to be overly cautious than not. I finished my beer, said my goodbyes to the men there, and left.


Aleksey beat me home and was waiting for me in the study. Kelly was upstairs. Normally I would go up and see her as soon as I returned home, but tonight my attention was needed elsewhere. I would see her later. Just the thought made me grow hard, but the look on Aleksey’s face had my cock going soft again.


I slammed a fist onto the table. “Well? What did you learn?” I demanded as I sat down.


“He has a new business in town.” Aleksey had been standing but now he sat too. “Owns it under a different name.”


“What is his business?” I shouldn’t have to ask.


“An auto shop.” Aleksey laughed, the sound loud and jarring, or maybe my headache was making me anxious. I had been having a lot more headaches lately. For the most part, Kelly was able to make them go away, but they were from stress, and my stress level was going to remain high until Vasilev was dead.


I would’ve laughed if things weren’t so dangerous. “Is he embezzling money?” I figured that to be the case. An auto shop wouldn’t be a way to make a lot of money, and money equaled power, and Vasilev was all about seizing power. His killing my family was testimony to that fact.


“Most likely.” Aleksey tilted his head to the side. “Not that I can prove it without going in deep. Way deep.”


“A cover, too?” I asked.


After my parents died, I went through every bit of their personal belongings. Every file and paper about Mikhail Vasilev I had read and reread, so I knew he had a propensity toward buying and selling drugs. Lucrative if you were smart enough to not get too greedy or to get caught.


“You know him. Wouldn’t be surprised.” Aleksey shrugged. “That’s all I have. Know it’s not much, but I’d have to infiltrate his circle or find an in somewhere to learn more.”


I had figured that would be the case. To go undercover with my main foe… Despite his disobeying me with Kelly, Aleksey had always been there for me, and there was no one else I trusted more to pull off this con. “Go there,” I said, not demanding it, willing to give him an out if he wanted it. “Check it out. Take your car to the shop to have it fixed and look around for anything suspicious. I want solid intel this time.” This information was good, but not good enough. Nothing to help me bring Vasilev down.


“You can count on me.” Aleksey’s smile disappeared. His face was solemn. He was serious.


“I do.”


He started to stand.


“Thank you,” I added.


“Anything for you.”


My men were loyal, but without a doubt, so would Vasilev’s. If this came to war, the victor might turn out to be the one whose men were the most loyal. My men had, at one time, been my father’s, but now they were mine. When I first set out to reclaim my birthright as the leader of the Petrov mob, a number of men came forward without question. The rest I slowly earned their respect despite my age. Respect was where true power came from, not money, not fear. If the war did require loyalty, I had no doubt I would emerge the victor.




It was another week before Aleksey came back, which didn’t surprise me. At least I had Kelly to occupy my mind so I didn’t obsess with my revenge every day. This time, the info Aleksey had was more than promising. I met with him in the study and sank into my chair with a groan and a half smile. I had just come deep inside of Kelly, and I was still riding the high from it. Every time we slept together, I discovered new things about her body, and she loved to explore mine, as well. We made a fine match beneath the sheets, and it would only be a matter of time before she became pregnant. This arrangement was working out better than I ever anticipated. While I was confident I would not fail, that I would not be the one to die, I desired an heir.


I desired an heir with Kelly.


I desired Kelly.


My cock was coming back to life, but I forced thoughts of the curvy woman away so I could better focus on the task at hand. I readjusted myself and leaned forward, my elbows on the table. “Good news, please.”


“Very good news.” Aleksey looked like he had just been given that assault rifle he had been pinning for. “I met a girl there, at his shop.”


“A girl?” I rubbed my forehead wearily. He was thinking with his cock instead of his brain. Aleksey was a lady magnet. Maybe I should’ve sent Dima after all. “I thought you already had a girlfriend.”


“I dumped her. Thought I told you. Doesn’t matter. This girl isn’t just any girl.” He grinned as much as his scar would allow. The women found him dark and mysterious. The scar wasn’t a turn-off at all.


“I hope you have a reason for bringing her up,” I said dryly.


“I do.” He somewhat reclined in his seat. “Because of her father.”


“Ah.” It clicked into place, and my grin matched his. “She’s Vasilev’s daughter.”


“Yep.” Aleksey rubbed his hands together.


“Good. You’ve done well so far.” I appraised him. He was the perfect one for this job — if he didn’t get distracted. “Are you ready for the next step?” I asked.


“Of course. What do you need?” His expression told me he already knew what I was going to ask of him, and that he accepted already.


“I want you to seduce her for intel. Can you handle that?” I stared him down. This wasn’t for fun. He couldn’t just think with his cock. He had to be smart about things because if he got caught, he would be tortured and killed. But I didn’t have to explain that. Aleksey knew what exactly I was asking of him.


“Of course. I’ll fuck her and learn everything she knows.” He rubbed the side of his face. “Wonder if she prefers beards.”


Aleksey stood and left the room. I remained in my seat. Good. Very good. Everything was starting to fall into place. Kelly would get pregnant soon. Mikhail Vasilev would be brought down. Death would be too simple for him. He had killed my family, and so now I was going to go after his.