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Gina's Fantasy by Cooper McKenzie (4)

Chapter Five


Though he tried not to show it, Flynn was sweating bullets as he drove away from Gina’s house with her in the truck beside him. It had been a hell of a lot of years since he had spent any real kind of time with anyone except his coworkers or his roommate. He wondered if he would be able to keep his focus on the romance of her fantasy instead of the sex.

He glanced out of the corner of his eye several times to see Gina’s reaction as he drove from her neighborhood across town to his. She remained silent, and though she looked around, her expression was unreadable.

At the next light, he had to shift in his seat as her soft, earthy feminine scent filled the truck’s cab. Just being this close to her had his cock half-hard and twitching though she had not said a word in the last five minutes.

Not knowing what to say to fill the silence that was not as comfortable as he would have preferred, Flynn remained silent until he pulled into the driveway of the house he had moved into nearly two years before. His address was at the top of a long list of things he had never shared with her though he now had trouble remembering why.

He pulled around to the garage and parked before turning to look at her. “Come on, I’ll show you around.”

Reaching for the visor, he pressed the garage door opener before climbing out. Gina followed silently, her expression still unreadable, but her eyes alight with curiosity. Carrying her bag, she trailed behind him into the triple garage where he ran his woodworking shop.

He looked around and wondered how she would see his shop. To him, it was functional despite the fact that he had needed to clean it up more than a month ago. Linking his hand with hers, he took her around the garage on a quick tour.

The shelves along the far sidewall held supplies, and two large worktables in the center of the space provided more than enough room for almost any size project he was putting together. If need be, they could be pushed together, or separated like they were now for smaller ones.

Several finished pieces that were ready for delivery filled one corner of the garage. Maybe he would take her out this afternoon to deliver those so she could see the entire scope of his business. His desk with three computer screens sat in one back corner with a bulletin board of new orders and messages waiting for his attention hanging on the wall over it. It was not neat or organized, but he knew where everything was, and that was the important thing.

The three wooden rocking chairs he was currently working on covered one of the worktables. His plan had been to put them together today so he could stain and varnish them tonight or maybe tomorrow morning, depending on how things went with Gina.

“This is it,” he said when Gina still did not say anything. “I need to finish putting these together this morning, so make yourself at home.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

“You can sit there and talk to me, or you can break out that computer and do your own work, but whatever you do, you cannot come to this side of the room,” he said with a grin as he drew a line down the middle of the room. “You have to stay on your side and I have to stay on mine. Otherwise neither of us will get anything done.”

She smiled and moved to sit on one of the stools that floated around the room wherever he needed them. “Sounds like a plan. Want to bet on who breaks first?”

“Depends on which scene you’re writing in your book,” Flynn said with a chuckle.

“Working up to the climatic last sex scene,” she replied. With a wink and grin, she unbuttoned the top button of her shirt and spread the neckline open a little further until he could see the curve of her breasts and the lace of her bra.

Swallowing hard, he asked, “Is that one of those front-close bras you’re wearing?”

Gina’s grin widened even further. “Does it matter? You’re supposed to stay on that side of the room and work.”

He chuckled. “You’re going to play dirty, aren’t you?”

She blinked and tried to look innocent. The only problem was her sexy grin gave away her naughty intentions. “Me? I’m just going to sit over here and work on getting my characters back together and into bed. Now go to work,” she said, making a shooing motion with one hand as she turned her tablet on with the other.

Wondering if she realized how much she affected him just by being here in his shop, Flynn went to his computer and turned on the country music radio station he usually listened to while he worked. With a glance at Gina, who he found was watching him, he forced himself not to cross the room but to attend to the job covering the table on his side of the room.

But as his hands did what they were supposed to do, and had done many times before, his mind remained focused in Gina’s dictation. His gaze rose from the chair constantly, checking on what the woman on the other side of the garage was doing.

She did not seem to have the same problem focusing on her work as he did on his, though her fingers were not moving as quickly as they should have been if she had been truly caught up in her storytelling.

Dropping his gaze back to the chair back he was putting together, Flynn wondered if trying to make her fantasy come true was as good as idea as he had once thought. Would this day bring them closer together? Or push a bigger wedge between them?


Though Gina was at the point in the story where she usually forgot the rest of the world and lost herself in her writing, she was having a hard time keeping her mind on her characters. Flynn was only a few yards away, busy with his own work and seemingly lost in his own world. Though she kept her face angled down toward the screen she was working on, her gaze often rose to watch him as he deftly connected wooden pieces together in what looked like a giant jigsaw puzzle to her.

She wanted to set her own work to the side so she could watch him, ask questions, and learn more about Flynn’s career and business, but fear held her tongue silent. Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to go back and read the last pages of her story to get back into the scene she was supposed to be writing.

It only took a few minutes before the story grabbed her, and she was lost in the world of her story, tying up the loose ends as the story raced toward the last scene and those magical words every author loved to type, The End.

She found herself shifting on the stool as she wrote the final sex scene, wishing she could be the female character who had just heard the man she had loved for more than half the book finally declare his love for her. 

Her fingers slowed on the keyboard as she aroused herself with the sex scene she was writing. Her pussy dampened and began to tingle in anticipation as her nipples hardened. Her clothes suddenly felt too warm, too tight. She reached up and ran a hand from her throat down the center of her chest, to the front hook of her bra, trying to distract herself.

The growling sound of a man in need rose over the music, jerking her out of the story. She lifted her eyes and met Flynn’s cobalt-blue ones. He looked like he was in pain.

“You all right?” she asked. She saved her work before standing to stretch her lower back, which was screaming from being in the same position for too long.

“Yes, and no,” he said with a grimace.

She cocked her head. “What do you mean?”

“I’m fine, but watching you write has got me all worked up and in need of a break.”

He laid the piece of wood he was sanding aside and stalked around the table. His hot, intense gaze never wavered from hers.

“No,” she said, holding up one hand. “You have to stay over there and do your work. Your rules, remember?”

“Screw the rules,” he muttered as he crossed the center of the room. When he reached her side, he pulled her into his arms. “You were just writing sex, weren’t you?”

She started and then smiled. “How did you know?”

“You were having a hard time sitting still and the girls,” he said, palming one breast, “were reaching out to me. Sexiest thing I’d ever seen.”

His lips covering hers negated the need for a response. With a soft moan, she lifted her arms and wrapped them around his back, kissing him with everything she could not say as their lips, teeth, and tongues mated.

The hand covering her breast moved to the center of her chest and fumbled unsuccessfully with the clasp of her bra. Finally, he lifted his head and looked at her with an expression that made her want to do anything he asked of her. “Open that damn thing. Or better yet just take it off all together.”

“I can’t do that!” Gina exclaimed, though her pussy clenched at the thought of running around only partially dressed.

“Why not? It’s just you and me here. I promise you can put it back on before we leave this afternoon.” His head dropped to kiss her again as he canted his hips forward so his hard, thick cock pressed into her lower belly.

“I don’t know,” she said, smiling mischievously as her right hand worked its way between their bodies.

With a twist of her wrist, the clasp was undone and the bra opened. Flynn’s eyes glowed with excitement as she pushed one cup, and then the other, off her breasts.

“Oh yeah,” he murmured as both hands reached for the buttons of her shirt. “Now all we have to do is unbutton this one, and this one, and it will be perfect.”

Gina looked down as his hands stroked their way up her body until they were cupping her breasts. He had left a single button holding the very bottom of her shirt together.

“I sure hope you’re right and no one stops by,” she said as he kissed his way from her collarbone to nipples. First the left one was suckled and then the right. When he took the erect tip between his teeth and nibbled gently, her knees buckled. She ended up leaning heavily into him as she panted for breath.

Though she wanted to argue that they were supposed to be working, as was usual with Flynn, she could deny him nothing. So, instead of pushing him away, she slid her hand across his thigh and over the long, thick bar of his erection that pressed against the front of his pants.

He sucked a breath around the flesh in his mouth. His hips pressed his cock deeper into her palm before he stepped back. Her breast made a popping sound as the suction broke when he pulled his mouth from it. Then he backed away so she was out of arm’s reach.

“Damn, you don’t play fair,” he said as he continued slowly moving backward until he was once again back on his side of the room. “Here I thought I’d do you a favor and help ease your stress.”

She could not help but giggle when he sucked a breath as his hand shifted his cock in his jeans. “My stress? I don’t think I’m the only one with stress issues today. After all, you’re the one who broke the rules and crossed the line.”

“Yeah, but…” he started to argue but apparently had no comeback, so he huffed a breath as he turned back to his work. “Oh, all right. fine. I’ll get back to work but I’d rather be playing with you.”

Gina settled back onto her stool but kept the front of her shirt positioned so the girls were in full view. “And they’d rather be playing with you, but only after your work is done. Think of it as incentive to get finished quicker.”

She felt Flynn look at her and heard his groan when he saw the way she had arranged her shirt. “Oh, hell,” he muttered as he pulled the pieces for the next chair closer.

Gina smiled as she returned her attention to her book. Though they had yet to talk about her recording, it was obvious Flynn was making an effort to make her fantasy come true.