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Grand Romance by Styles, Peter (10)


Logan heard barking and rolled his eyes fondly, setting aside the books he was organizing.

Dogs weren’t generally allowed in the bookstore aside from guide dogs, but Logan was the manager. If he wanted his boyfriend to bring Lucky inside sometimes to say hello, then dammit, he’d allow that.

It helped that Lucky was a very well-behaved dog and would bark to let Logan know she was there. Then she would trot up politely to the counter, her tail wagging. Alex was right behind him, grinning as Lucky greeted Logan. Logan got down on his knees and opened his arms wide for her to cuddle up to him, licking his face.

“Good girl,” he cooed, rubbing her fur. “Were you such a good girl for Alex today? Did you help give tours?”

Lucky gave a small yip as if to say that yes, she had been a very good girl, and could she get a treat?

Logan got out a treat from the little bag that he kept in one of the counter drawers, so Lucky could lick it out of his hand. He grinned, getting to his feet and scratching her behind the ears as Alex came over to him, pulling him in by the hips and kissing him.

“Good day?”

“I should ask you since you’re the one who’s back from tour early.”

“One of the hikers started throwing up.”

“Sun stroke?”

“Pregnancy, apparently, although she didn’t know until one of the other hikers suggested it.” Alex pulled a face. “I feel awful, but I wanted to laugh at the expression on her face, she was so shocked.”

“Every time I come out here you two are flirting,” Dennis groused as he entered from the back room. At this point, his teasing was less pointed and more fond. Jane would tease them as well, saying if they got any cuter, she was going to throw up.

“Get your own guy, and you’ll be just as bad,” Alex shot back.

“I have a chance, now that you’re not stealing all of them,” Dennis replied.

Alex grinned, wrapping an arm around Logan’s waist. “I was thinking since my tour ended early, we could go on a walk, grab some lunch?”

Logan couldn’t think of anything he’d like more. He knew it was stupid, but it felt like he couldn’t get enough of spending time with Alex. They lived together, worked in close proximity, could see each other throughout the day, and yet… whenever he wasn’t with Alex, his world felt smaller. More dull.

“What are you reading now?” Alex asked, gesturing at the books Logan had been sorting. Unlike Tim, Alex actually cared about what Logan was reading, about Logan’s interests.

“I’ll tell you about it as we walk,” Logan replied. “I think you’ll like it.”

Lucky followed obediently as they exited the bookshop. She didn’t even need a leash. Logan worked with her every day to keep her training sharp. Alex liked to joke that Logan was Lucky’s favorite. But Lucky clearly adored Alex as well, always wanting to play fetch with him.

“I talked to Ben today,” Alex said casually, taking Logan’s hand as they walked. “He and Kostas want to come visit.”

Logan’s heart thumped hard in his chest. Alex sounded so eager, so happy for Logan to meet his family. He hadn’t realized just how much was missing from his past relationship until now, with Alex.

“I’m looking forward to it,” he replied, squeezing Alex’s hand. Alex who let him into his life, made him playful, enjoyed his quirks, and didn’t look down on him for them.

Alex, who didn’t know that Logan had been checking out rings.

Logan smiled. He was looking forward to so much. To everything.