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Greek Fire: Book Two of the Guardians by Lawrence, S (6)



The nightmare had woken me, Chris's screams still echoing through my mind. Sliding from the bed, I whisper to Kai that I was just going to sit in the garden, and he squeezes my hand. I know he wants to be able to help. There's nothing he can do other than love me, which he does, so he gives me space when I need it. His love pours into my mind and I smile at him over my shoulder as I close the door behind me. I had only gone a few steps when Jason's tormented voice breaks the silence, anger tangled in anguish. My anger flares. Momma bear won't stand for him to be hurt. Picking up speed, I rush into the garden and stop, frozen in place by her beauty. White blonde hair flows down her back, and her golden skin is flawless. She turns looking at me, and I realize I am meeting my third goddess, having already met Morrigan and Danu. Violet eyes stare at me, assessing me, judging me. It is the judgment that gets me moving, and I stalk forward. I had many ideas when it comes to Jason's clan. He and Morrigan hinted at their disinterest in those they created.

"Aislin. Is everything alright?" I don't miss that he moves in between us.

"I'm fine, just a dream. Are you okay, Bubba?" I reach out and grab his hand, glaring at the goddess over his shoulder.

"Yes, Kukla, I'm fine. Let me introduce you to the one who raised me. This is Perséphone." Turning, he keeps a hold of my hand and leads me to her. I don't think it will ever not be crazy. I will never react like it is nothing. Currently, my mouth is hanging open.

"Charmed to meet you," I manage to mumble, when I realize she is watching me gape. Manners, girl, manners.

"So, you are the one who brought my Son home," her voice is light and airy.

"Umm, son? Yes, well, Jason is helping me find my best friend, Emma." I'm about to start rambling when Jason growls at my side.

"Son is a little much, don't you think?" I hear the anger in his voice again, and my own anger rises with it. I step toward her ready to fight, which in my brain I realize is ridiculous. I see her look at him and his arm curls around my shoulders as he takes deep breaths, so I start to relax.

Looking over at him, I see his self-loathing, and I put my arm around his waist hugging him tightly. "No worries, Jason. We are all angry sometimes."

He breaks away and strides from the room, mumbling as he reaches the hall. "Not everyone has this curse though." I turn, looking back at Perséphone, and petty happiness rushes through me at the sadness and regret I see in her eyes.

"You care for him," she states.

My breath whistles through my lips in disgust, "Care? No, I don't care for him. I love him. He's as close to a brother as I will ever have, and I don't care for you hurting him. I don't know what all was done, but just being here in this country hurts him, and I hate that I'm the cause of it. It's for me that he came back here and for Emma."

I didn't expect her smile. "Do you know who I am?" she asks before sitting and waving me over. I want to ignore her but I can't. Grandda always said my curiosity would get me in trouble and boy hasn't it lately. I move to the chair across from her and sit stiffly down, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I know what I learned in Ancient Mythology class, and as of late, I realized I should have paid more attention. You're married to Hades, but your mother bargained for you to live with her half the year, which caused the seasons." I feel pretty proud of the fact I remember that.

"Well, that is partially true. I am married to Hades, but I wasn't trapped or tricked as you might have read. No, I married him and agreed to rule the Underworld with him to protect my son." She let the bomb drop, and I felt my eyes widen.

"For Jason?" I realized it could only be the truth when I see the tears in her eyes. Sighing, she looks around the garden and then back at me.

"Can we go somewhere more private? Some of this, even my son doesn't know," her voice is hopeful, and I nod my agreement. In the blink of an eye, we are somewhere else. Having spent time on the Vanishing Isle, I knew this was some other realm. "Welcome to the Elysian Fields," she grins at my wonder. Turning in a slow circle, I take in the beauty of the place. We are standing in a field of crimson poppies, a gentle breeze blowing them, and their heady scent fills my nose.

Kai's frantic voice fills my head. 'I'm okay.’ I send along our connection. ‘Apparently, Jason's mom is Perséphone. She wanted to talk privately, I just didn't realize it would be at the Elysian Fields. Stay connected, my love, it will make us both feel better.' She is studying me, and I smile, "He worries when I disappear. The last time something very bad happened."

"I'm sorry if I caused him distress. I only wish to not cause Jason anymore," guilt tinged her voice.

Shaking my head, I grin. "Don't worry, he is in my mind, and his dragon can follow me here if it is needed. Please continue with whatever you want to tell me, and rest assured, I want Jason hurt probably less than you." I couldn't help the bitchy tone. I hold grudges, and it's going to take a lot for me to let go of how Jason has been treated.

"What did Jason tell you?"

Sighing, I look at her face. I could be mean or I could just be honest. "Only that he is like a designer dog, an experiment. That his clan didn't love their experiments, like Kai's clan loves their children." Looking at her face, I guess that was a little bit of both, meanly honest. Oh well, like they say, truth hurts. She proceeds to tell me about how she became Jason's 'mother.'

* * *


When the clans came here to Earth, ours settled here. I was a small child. All of the adults that had come here had been young scientists on our world, including my parents. They had wanted to create something other than weapons for war. There were those that came with us from other clans - some from Danu's, others from Odin's, and so on. Hades was one of those. We moved among the humans at the beginning like most of the clans did, but the difference is we quickly chose to remove ourselves. We let them worship us as Gods and loved that they did. Then they began the experiments. I was a young woman then, and when I saw that first being created and then thrown away, it broke my heart. I created this place. I created the Elysian Fields for them. I'm sure you heard of some of them, like the minotaur or Medusa.

There were a few among us who seemed to grow crueler and crueler in their creations. These beings were created and then thrown into the human world, left to fend for themselves. They were tormented and killed or enslaved. I hated it and would try to find them and bring them here. Then one day, centuries ago, my friend Orpheus told me Hades was creating something different, something special. He had asked for DNA from not only Orpheus, but also Hermes and Hecate. He was including his own DNA in his creation, so this new being would be very powerful. Gifts of travel, voice, and war all came from his 'parents.' I traveled to the Underworld just as Jason was born. He had been carried by a great hound, one black as night.

There was this tiny baby, screaming as he lay on the cold ground. I couldn't stop myself as I ran forward, scooping him up. Red eyes looked back at me, and when he started crying, I began also. I couldn't stop, and I realized one of his gifts. Hades moved to take him from me, but I held on. Long had he looked at me with lust and longing, and for a while, I thought of him in the same way. Things had changed as he became crueler. That day, that moment looking into Jason's eyes, I made a mistake. I told him I would do anything to save the baby, to keep him. So he demanded what he knew I would never agree to otherwise. We married, and I agreed to rule the Underworld with him. Don't feel bad for me, I grew to love him and understand him. I hope that I influenced him at least a small amount. He no longer experiments; not after Jason. He says it is because Jason was his masterpiece. I want to believe that he loves him at least a little. I know he loves me. He can be a good man when he chooses, but the problem is he rarely chooses. I have been lucky that he does when it comes to me.

I raised Jason as my own. He was a happy, kind child, even in the midst of hell. He sought out those that needed comfort and gave them what he could until Hades caught him. Hades had made him to be a hunter, a killing machine - he didn't count on his heart. I know not where it came from, his kind soul. Maybe from she who carried him, the hound. They are beautiful, caring souls. Maybe some of her spirit bled into him. Was it Orpheus, or maybe I, who influenced him in a small way? However he got it, Hades was determined to drive it from him. He forced him to change, forced him to fight, and made him use his gift in unspeakable ways. I am ashamed that I sat by and did nothing for so long.

One day, after he had been with Hades, Jason returned, and I saw the light fading from his eyes, from his very soul. The chocolate brown eyes that you see were almost constantly red, his anger blazing in them. I knew I had to do something but had no idea what. I went to Hecate, for she had given him the ability to travel through gateways from one world to another. It was destiny that I went to her that day, because the Fates were at her home. They came with us here when the rest of their clan went to the Far East. They had been the mystics on our world, the weavers of destinies.

* * *

"They sat and listened to my questions, my pleas for help, and when I finished, they told me of a vision and made a prophecy. The vision showed him in Danu's land, dragons and magic surrounded him. His voice was silent, his heart closed until a sparrow perched on his shoulder."

I gasp, as she pauses, "A sparrow?"

"Yes. Does that mean something to you?" she smiles, knowledge in her eyes.

"I think you know it does. It is what my mother called me when she visited me and what Kai calls me even now. I unlocked his heart." A huge grin breaks across my face as I realize the connection.

"Let me finish. The prophecy was next...

It is heard in the sound;

Peace will be found,

Love will be felt,

When family is chosen,

There will be one to tame the beast,

One who listens but does not hear."

She looks at me, waiting for what, I'm not sure. "So, why did he leave his home in Greece?" I ask.

"That I do not know. Damia watched him, as did her mother and on back through her whole line. She contacted me after she woke one morning and he had left. He said nothing and left no note. I reached out to him, but he ignores me. He ignores us all. I did find out from Morrigan that he had settled with the Druids, but that was only a few weeks ago." Sadness rolls off her, and I move to her side.

"He has been with them for some years. He came to my aid after my torture. How can I help him?" I ask, reaching for her hand. She is a Goddess but also a mother who wants to help her son.

"I do not know unless you know the one who listens but does not hear." She shrugs, and I smile, thinking it was very un-goddess-like.

Chuckling, I whisper, "I just might."

She starts, her gaze whipping to mine, and we both grin. "I'm very glad to have met you, Aislin, and it brings me joy seeing another who loves Jason as I do."

We both jump when Jason's voice rings out, "You shouldn't have brought her here, Perséphone." He strides over, grabbing my hand, drawing me up. "I will take you back to my home, Kukla."

Placing my hand on his forearm, I stop him and make him look at me. "Don't be angry. She just wanted to make sure you are okay and asked about Emma. Kai has been connected to me the entire time. You know he would tell you if I were in danger."

"I know that he would burn this place to the ground if you had been in danger. Please, let's just go from here." The last is spoken in a pleading tone, and my heart breaks as I nod my head. One quick glance at Perséphone confirms her heart is breaking as well. She reaches for him as we sift to his home.