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Grizzly Perfection: A Paranormal Shifter Menage Romance (Arcadian Bears Book 6) by Becca Jameson (15)


Chapter Fifteen

Adriana was completely out of her element. What was she thinking agreeing to put on this flimsy T-shirt? She’d lost her mind.

Reid and Nolan were now so tongue-tied they hadn’t moved from where they’d been standing since suggesting the idea and then handing her the almost nonexistent piece of clothing.

It didn’t matter that it covered her ass. It left nothing to the imagination since it was nearly see-through and she was wearing nothing underneath. Nothing.

She hadn’t been overly excited about putting the clothes she’d been wearing for over twenty-four hours back on, but the real truth was that she was feeling flirtatious. She shouldn’t be doing this. It was a horrible idea. There were two men in the cabin. Two.

She didn’t habitually flirt with one man, let alone two. But ever since this morning when they’d sandwiched her and taken turns kissing her, all four hands on her body, she’d been living in a different dimension. She was glad they’d shifted and gone for a run. For one thing, she needed the exercise and fresh air. For another thing, she needed the release.

The problem was she’d come back to the cabin more invigorated than before they left. More aroused. More in tune with her men. Both of them.

She rubbed her temples with both hands, trying to gather her wits, but no matter what she did, the pheromones that were controlling her didn’t go away. They grew stronger and more potent by the second. Even in the bathroom, they had made it difficult for her to concentrate. She wasn’t sure if she washed her hair twice or three times. She kept getting distracted. She had also shaved, shocked that she didn’t cut herself.

Why all the fanfare?

Shit. She was totally baiting them. Both of them. She wanted to feel what she’d felt this morning. She wanted to feel even more. Would it ruin things between them? Make everything more awkward than it already was?

The problem was she was past the ability to make good decisions or even care. She just wanted to feel.

She gripped her hands into fists on her thighs and watched, waiting. It was someone else’s turn to make the next move. She didn’t think she could have put herself out there any further than she had, and she certainly couldn’t have made her position any clearer.

Nolan and Reid stood like statues for long moments. She knew she’d gotten to them. Their breathing was heavy, and the scent of their combined arousal filled the small space. If they hadn’t wanted to tempt her like this, they shouldn’t have brought her to such a remote tiny cabin in the woods. What did they expect?

They were communicating with each other again. She could see the shared blank look a shifter often got while they spoke remotely to someone. They were facing each other, too. Neither of them was currently looking at her. And then Nolan nodded and turned toward the bathroom. He shut the door with a snick two seconds before the water came on.

She didn’t even care if they had a private side conversation as long as they were plotting how to stoke the flames burning inside her. Closing her eyes, she took deep breaths. She needed more clothing. Her breasts were heavy, her nipples aching to be touched. The brush of the T-shirt over the tips was stimulating her as if someone was stroking them with their fingers. Or two someones.

Moisture pooled between her legs, and she was cognizant of the fact that she couldn’t hide her plight. Would that help or hurt her cause?

The water shut off. She didn’t need to open her eyes to know Nolan was back in the room. In seconds Reid replaced him.

Adriana didn’t open her eyes, afraid of what she might see. What was Nolan wearing? She shivered, not willing to find out yet.

He said nothing. She could feel his presence and even sense him moving across the room. She heard the refrigerator open and the distinct sound of the cap coming off a water bottle. He chugged it. She followed him around the room in her mind until the bathroom door opened again and Reid joined the hormone-fest.

They were closing in on her. Her heart rate picked up as they approached, and she finally lifted her face and opened her eyes. She couldn’t speak. Two male chests—one light skinned and broad, the other darker toned and slightly narrower. They both wore nothing but low-hung jeans. Any woman would swoon to be with either man.

Was she lucky to have both of them? Or was she playing with fire? Probably a little of both.

Nolan’s blond hair was sun-kissed, and the sprinkle of it on his chest matched. His blue eyes were piercing, nailing her to the couch.

Reid’s hair was so dark it was almost black, his eyes the green shade of the ocean at twilight.

They were so very different and so very similar at the same time. Mostly because they were both eyeing her with the brooding look she’d come to expect from them when they placed a demand on her or didn’t like where her thoughts were going—usually concerning her safety.

Nolan leaned over her, his hands landing on the back of the couch, only inches separating them. “Trust us?”

Did she? Hell, she didn’t even trust herself right now. And she wasn’t sure she cared. She was so turned on she would gladly have sex with either of them while the other one watched. Or both. Or one at a time. She didn’t care as long as someone did something to push her off this cliff she’d been hanging on for hours. Days. No, a week. Tiptoeing around both of them. Tiptoeing around her life. Putting them off for fear of hurting either man’s feelings.

Today they were all in the same room. It didn’t seem to matter to either Nolan or Reid that she was attracted to both of them. Was this a contest for her affection? A trial of sorts to see who she responded to with more vehemence? Because she had news for them, her reaction to them was not the same but equal.

A tight ball had formed in her stomach the moment she put the T-shirt on. It smelled like both of them. How was that reasonable?

Reid circled the couch to come up behind her. He reached between Nolan’s hands and set his palms on her shoulders. Her heart raced, but her body was somehow soothed by his touch. He spread his fingers and slid them down her arms until he reached her hands and threaded their fingers together in her lap. And then he held her tight and lifted her arms above her head.

She gasped as she realized his intentions. Her elbows rested by her ears, her hands now clasped in one of his behind the sofa.

Nolan lifted his hands from outside her arms to gently trail his fingers down toward her torso.

She shivered as goosebumps rose all over her body.

“I can smell your arousal,” Nolan stated out loud. “You like the idea of having both of us touching you.”

She didn’t answer. She couldn’t. All of her attention was focused on the way her nipples were puckered against the thin T-shirt.

Nolan’s fingers landed on the top swells of her breasts and danced lightly, teasing them until they felt heavier. He traced around to the bottoms, avoiding her nipples.

She couldn’t keep from arching toward him.

“Uncurl your legs, Adriana.” Nolan’s voice was soft, that way he had of saying her name rolling off his tongue and calling to her like a siren.

Her feet were tucked under her, but at his command, she unfolded them and set them on the floor.

“That’s it.” He inhaled deeply, his eyelids lowering as if the scent of something delicious had reached his nose. Perhaps it had.

Reid leaned in closer, his lips on her ear. “Trust us.”

She did. She had no idea why, and perhaps it was a bad idea, but she did. Or maybe she didn’t care. She knew they wouldn’t hurt her, and beyond that, she didn’t care what they did. It no longer mattered that she was a virgin. She hadn’t saved herself for some altruistic reason. She’d saved herself because no man had ever elicited a feeling in her that caused her to want to give him that gift.

These two men did. Would it hurt their relationship later if she slept with both of them?

At least it would never be a secret. She knew deep in her soul today was a once-in-a-lifetime gift she hadn’t expected or asked for. She would follow through with it primarily because she couldn’t stop herself.

And she would have no regrets.

There was no way to know what the Universe had in store for her in the coming weeks and months, but for now, two amazing sexy men seemed intent on pleasuring her in ways she couldn’t imagine.

Nolan continued to tease the sensitive skin of her breasts until he finally circled her nipples and then flicked his thumbs over them.

She writhed, thrusting her chest forward. She might have squirmed completely out of his reach to escape the sensory overload, but Reid had a firm grip on her hands.

Nolan lowered onto his knees in front of her and eased his hands down to her thighs. When he pressed them apart in order to situate his torso between her legs, she bit her lip. Holy shit. Her sex was wide open, embarrassingly wet, and exposed.

Exposed to Nolan. All he had to do was lift the T-shirt out of the way, and he would be able to see every secret she had. With Reid leaning over the couch from behind, he too would not miss a beat.

Nolan set his hands on her bare thighs and rubbed them up and down. “Look at me, Adriana.”

Her vision was blurry. It was difficult to focus on anything, as if all her brain cells were focused on her exposure and unavailable to command her eyes. She blinked to clear the cloudiness.

He smiled. His hands slid closer to her sex, his thumbs noticeably reaching the apex.

She sucked in a sharp breath as he slowly pulled on her inner thighs, forcing her sex to open. Cool air hit her wetness and made her bite down hard on her lip. A moan escaped anyway.

“So responsive.”

What did that mean? How else was she supposed to react to the way they were both staring at her like she was the finest piece of dessert on a buffet table? She knew the answer though. She’d never reacted like this to another man, shifter or human. So, yes. She was responding to them in a foreign way. But was it the same for them?

Had neither of them been able to elicit this level of arousal from previous partners?

Reid spoke too close to her ear again. “I can smell your arousal. It’s intoxicating. I need to taste it.”

Her eyes opened wide. Was she ready for that? She wasn’t a prude. Okay, maybe she was a prude, but again, not by design. It had just happened. But she was knowledgeable. She understood logistically how people ordinarily had sex. She knew it would likely eventually involve tasting by both parties. But now? Already? She didn’t think she was mentally prepared to handle that sort of overload.

And there are two of them, she reminded herself. If they ganged up on her, which they already had, she would be putty in their hands—which again, she already was.

“My fingers would be soaked if I touched your pussy, wouldn’t they, Adriana?” Nolan asked.

His crude word and the fact that he’d not only said something that carnal out loud—let alone spoke it in the form of a question—made her face heat.


She jerked her gaze to meet Nolan’s, half pissed that his voice alone commanded so much authority. At the same time, she had no choice but to admit to herself his demands turned her on. Every time.

He smiled. “You’re so fucking sexy when you’re aroused. Makes my cock so hard, the thickness of it is threatening revolt in my jeans.”

Cock… Shit. She was in over her head.

“I’m going to make you come, babe. Take the edge off so you can focus. And then we’re going to do it again. Slower. Take you places you’ve only dreamed of.”

Her face flushed hotter. She had no doubt he could do exactly as he said, especially since she was on the edge of an orgasm from his words alone.

Reid’s free hand trailed down her neck and between her breasts until he fisted the T-shirt between his fingers and tugged it up her body.

She held her breath, her nudity making her self-conscious as he revealed every inch of her to Nolan.

Nolan’s gaze was on her sex, and then it trailed up to her breasts as they too were exposed.

Her nipples were so hard and tight they looked unnaturally large to her. She had to look away. Her own body was sexually appealing. No wonder Nolan was licking his lips.

Reid pulled the cotton over her head and left it tangled behind her neck, trapping her arms more fully than his hand on her wrists. He cupped her cheek, angled her head back, and leaned over to take her lips.

The position was erotic. Her neck was elongated and exposed. Either of them could easily bind her to them in a second. A simple bite right in the sweet spot where her neck and shoulders met was all it would take. Well, that and the release of the binding serum from one mate to the other, ensuring it flowed into their bloodstream.

Visions of either of them sinking his teeth into her made her arousal spike higher. It didn’t have to be her neck. Nolan could bite her thigh too. A part of her didn’t care who did it or where as long as someone bound her to them.

She also wasn’t at their mercy. She could complete the binding herself if she desired. Not without permission, of course. That was strictly forbidden, but was there any chance in hell either of them would turn her down?

Reid’s lips were still teasing hers, soft but demanding. He entered her with his tongue from this upside-down position and stroked the inside of her mouth.

For a moment she kissed him back, but then Nolan’s thumbs found her sex and stroked over her lower lips. “So soft,” he whispered. When his fingertips made contact with her moisture, she lifted her hips off the couch, pleading silently for more. She didn’t even care how wanton she was as long as he made good on his promise to let her come soon.

She wasn’t sure about his next promise to do it again, but one thing at a time. She was on edge. More aroused than she’d been in her life. She’d been living in a state of constant need for the past week with no way to abate it. There was no way she would risk masturbating in Reid’s condo. For one thing, she was afraid she would end up screaming and cause him to come running into her room. For another thing, he would have smelled her increased pheromones from anywhere in the house. Apparently, he had masturbated in the shower often, but she hadn’t trusted herself to do the same with him always nearby. She would have fallen if she attempted such a thing in the shower.

She was so focused on Nolan’s sweet torture of her pussy that she didn’t notice Reid’s hand smoothing down from her face to her breast. When he cupped her swollen flesh and then pinched her tight nipple, she groaned into his mouth. “Please,” she silently begged the room at large, blocking no one.

Reid released her nipple but only to switch his attention to the other one.

Nolan spread her wetness from between her lips to her clit. The second he made contact with the little nub, she almost screamed. Only Reid’s mouth stopped her. She had long since ceased kissing him back, but her lips were parted, and he continued to nibble around the seam.

Her eyes were closed. And that was a mistake because she hadn’t noticed Nolan lowering his face until his lips were wrapped around her clit and his tongue was flicking over the sensitive tip rapidly.

Reid released her mouth to speak against it. “Come for us, hon. I want to watch you explode.”

She didn’t have a choice. Nolan’s mouth was far better than any vibrator. He switched from tonguing her to sucking her clit into his mouth. And that was all it took. She tipped over the edge of a cliff she’d been dangling from for a week. Falling. Falling. Falling. Her pussy pulsed, as unamused as she was that nothing had penetrated her.

The waves of pleasure continued for so long she was afraid the orgasm would never end. At that point, it felt so damn good, she wouldn’t have been sorry. Slowly it subsided though, and she blinked her eyes open to find Reid staring down at her.

He smiled. “So fucking gorgeous.”