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Growing Up Santorno: The Santorno Series by Sandrine Gasq-Dion (27)

The years had flown by so fast Stefan’s head was almost spinning. The youngest kids were packing for the yearly trip to Ireland. Phoebe was in college and also working for Paul’s philanthropic organization. It had worked out well — Paul could still keep tabs on her. Tanner and Nico kept in touch but with Tanner active in high school and playing football, their conversations were few and far in-between now. Nikolai still came every six months and when he did Colin felt as if he had never left. The two of them were as tight as ever.

Katarina was still fighting her feelings for Josh, and Katiana was waiting for the day Landon would be mature enough to be with her in a serious relationship. Jensen and Hunter had remained close and Ryan and Evan spent any time they could together. Viktoriya and Jordan were still friends, although he was still traveling with his parents; she couldn’t wait for the day when they could finally be together.

Conner was trying to get over his feelings for Juliet and it hadn’t worked. If anything, they had gotten stronger but Juliet only treated him as a friend since he had left for school. Stefan and Jordan tried to be there for all of them and advise them, if anything, they were always there for them even if it was just a hug.

Tanner was packing for the yearly trip to Ireland. Aidan sat on his bed and watched him

“Can you survive without me?”

“I’ll try.” Aidan smiled.

Tanner turned to get his shirts and all of a sudden Aidan’s arms circled his waist.

“I’ll miss you.”

Tanner turned around and Aidan tried to kiss him.

“Whoa!” Tanner backed up.

“What’s wrong?”

“We’re friends, Aidan, and that’s all. You know I love Nico.”

“Nico, Nico, Nico!” Aidan shouted. “That’s all I ever hear from you! The guy is six years older than you, Tanner!”

“So? I’m older now.”

“Who cares? He’s still older! You need to hang out with kids your own age and I told Nico that!”’


“That little date you guys had playing laser tag. I told him he was too old for you.”

“You little shit!” Tanner shoved the other teen hard. “That’s why he left like that! You had no right to say anything!”

“You’re wasting away for a man who will never be with you Tanner! He’s already in his twenties!”

“That is my decision to make. Get out!” Tanner pushed him out the door and slammed it with his fist. “Fuck!”

Tanner sat on the floor and cried. All this time he had thought that Nico didn’t want to be with him, that Nico thought he was too young. Now he knew Aidan had been behind the conversation in the car with Nico that night; they had barely spoken since then. Damon poked his head in the room.

“What the hell was that about?”

“You got time?”


Phoebe had decided she was going to work things out with Stefan. She was on her own and in college and the time was now. She was going to make her move when the family went to Ireland, heading for Italy while everyone else was with Jordan and Stefan. They were all sitting at the pub and Tanner was getting drunk. Damon smiled at his brother.

“Stop drinking.”

“I’m legal here to drink beer,” Tanner slurred.

“So am I.” Damon laughed loud and covered his mouth. “Ooops.”

“Oh, Lord.” Tyler rolled his eyes. “I thought you were watching them, Damon.”

“I am. I’m watching them drink.” Damon smiled. “This is a good lesson for them to learn.”

“The drunk, hungover, puking lesson?” Mark cocked an eyebrow.

“Yes, that one.” Damon smiled at his sons.

“Phoebe went to Italy for a few days?” Stefan asked Paul.

“Yes, she wanted to see the sights before the vow renewal ceremony here.” Paul smiled and took Stefan’s hand.

“She already went to the cemetery, didn’t she?” Jordan asked.

“Yes, the first night we got here.”

“Well, let’s hope she has fun.” Stefan smiled.

Phoebe stood in front of the Santorno’s headquarters office and willed herself to walk through the doors. She wanted to see Stefan so badly and although she knew he was going to be in Ireland within days, she wanted to work things out so they could go together. She finally put her hand on the door and turned the handle.


“Mr. Santorno?”

“Caroline, I have told you a million times to call me Stefan.”

“I have those contracts you wanted.” Caroline sat on the edge of the desk.

“That was fast.” Stefan signed and handed them back. “How about you have lunch with Nico and me?”

“Oh I don’t know Mr. —” Caroline corrected herself. “Stefan.”

“I’m not hitting on you if that’s what you think. My heart has always belonged to someone else.”

“Is that why you look sad?”

“Yes, that’s probably why.”

Caroline hugged him, surprising Stefan. She had always been so quiet, and stayed to herself. She backed away and looked at Stefan.

“Oh God! I’m so sorry. I just — I’m sorry.” Caroline began to leave and Stefan took her hand.

“It’s okay. I was just surprised that’s all. You always looked scared of me and Nico.”

“Your grandfather. He, he had hoped that by hiring me you wouldn’t be so sad.”

Stefan shook his head. “I’m sorry, did you say he hired you —?”

“I am to be eye candy, as they say?” Caroline blushed.

“Oh, God.” Stefan sat down. “I can’t believe him.”

“I’m afraid I will be fired now. You do not find me attractive.”

“It’s not that.”

“You are in love with another. I’m sorry. I must admit, I find your brother attractive as well.”

“Don’t be sorry.” Stefan smiled. “But he’s in love as well.”

“Yes, Tanner. I have heard him on the phone.”

Stefan stood up. “Look, you’re not going to be fired, you do an awesome job here.”

“Okay.” Caroline seemed more relaxed and Stefan took her hand.

“So you will have lunch with me and Nico?”


All Phoebe could see was another woman hugging Stefan and Stefan taking her hand. She ran out of the building and all the way back to her hotel, tears streaming down her face.

“Oh God, it’s too late!” Phoebe cried.

Stefan and Nico had rented a car in Ireland. They were going to meet everyone at the gardens for New Year’s Eve. Their flight got delayed and now they were looking at pulling into the gardens with about fifteen minutes to spare.

“Does this clown car go any faster?” Nico asked, trying to move his leg so the blood could get flowing again.

“I have my foot all the way down, Nico.”

“Jesus.” Nico tried to get comfortable. His head was hitting the roof of the car and both men looked as if they had been crammed into it.

“God, this sucks.” Stefan laughed, trying to lean back.

A loud, popping noise caused them too lock eyes; they pulled over and Nico got out.

“Oh this is just great! Now we have a flat?” Nico opened the trunk. “The spare tire is smaller than an actual donut!”

“Nico, calm down.”

“Now we’re never going to make it on time.” Nico propped against the car.

“We will still get there eventually. And don’t prop on the car; you’ll tip it over,” Stephan snickered

Nico glared at him. “I wanted to kiss Tanner at midnight.”

“Aw, man. I’m sorry.” Stefan carefully leaned against the car with him.

“I’m just destined to never be with him, am I? First he was too young, then I hear that Tanner needs to hang out with kids his own age. I finally think I can do something about my feelings and now I’m stuck out in the middle of Ireland with a clown car.”

“You still have me.”

“That is a plus right now. Get the jack.”

Tanner was looking everywhere for Nico; the time was getting closer. It was five minutes to midnight and he was determined to kiss Nico. All the other kids had finally arrived and Tanner hugged Jensen and Hunter tightly.

“God, I’ve missed you guys!”

“We missed you.” Hunter hugged him. “Any luck?”

“No, he’s not here yet.”

“Tanner!” Joshua and Landon plowed into him.

“Hey, hey!” Evan and Ryan ran up with Nikolai and they all hugged.

“Nik?” Colin had just seen him arrive and oh, my God.

“Colin!” Nikolai plowed into him as he had done since he was a toddler, only now it knocked Colin on his ass. “God, I missed you!”

“I missed you too.” Colin cupped his face. Nikolai stood up and extended a hand to him. He hopped to his feet and had to look up. Nikolai was taller than him now, and packed with muscles.

“Guys! Two, two minutes!” Paul shouted.

Katiana and Katarina were watching Joshua and Landon together. They had both filled out and Katarina was having a hard time trying to just stay friends.

“Will you just kiss him?” Katiana insisted.

“I will if you kiss Landon.” Katarina retorted.


“Jordan!” Viktoriya ran to him and they collided. Jordan kissed her.

“Ahem.” Vince cleared his throat. “It is not midnight yet, young man.”

“Oh, shush.” Andrei pulled Vince into his arms. “Are you going to tell me not to kiss you right now?”

“Were you talking?” Vince pulled Andrei to his lips.

“Ewww.” Nikolai laughed and covered his eyes.

They were counting down and Tanner kept looking for any sign of Nico. He held Phoebe’s hand and she gave him a sad smile.

“He’s not coming.” Tanner sighed.

“He’ll be here, Tanner.”

“Nine, eight, seven, six…”

Katiana was running to find Landon and found him with all the guys. Katarina was right on her heels and they plowed into the two.


The fireworks went off and Katiana kissed Landon while Katarina grabbed Joshua and kissed him, digging her fingers into his hair. Landon put his arms around Katiana and held her close. He heard a small whimper and broke the kiss to look into her eyes.

“Happy New Year, Kat.” Landon cupped her face.

“Uh huh,” Kat stammered.

Joshua held Katarina to him, her arms around his neck and her fingers in his hair. He deepened the kiss, crushing her to him.

“Happy New Year.” Josh smiled and caressed her cheek as she let out a soft moan.


“Well, damn!” Jensen laughed; both of his friends had gotten a lot more than they had hoped for.

Lily had given Damon a quick kiss on the lips and smiled. “Happy New Year.”

Damon held her face. “Happy New Year.”

“Happy New Year, Jensen.” Hunter hugged him hard.

Nikolai had Colin in his arms and the urge to kiss him was nearly irresistible. “Happy New Year, Colin.”

“Happy New Year.” Colin was still somewhat shocked by the strength of the arms holding him.

The way Nik was looking at him… he still hadn’t let go and Colin looked into his eyes. Nik’s hand stroked Colin’s back, moved to his hair and then — just as they moved toward each other — a loud firework went off, making them both jump. The rest of the group was on them, laughing. Landon grabbed Colin and Jensen was dragging Nikolai in the opposite direction. Their eyes met and Nikolai could tell Colin had wanted to kiss him.

Tanner felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked up to find his dad behind him.

“Stefan and Nico got a flat tire. They should be here in about an hour.”

Tanner sighed. He had wanted to finally kiss Nico, and the New Year was the perfect opportunity.

“Thanks, Dad.” Tanner tried to smile.

“Hello?” Vince pried Jordan off his daughter. “It’s been, like, five minutes.”

“Really?” Viktoriya was in a daze.

“Ah, the Sanders kiss.” Stefan winked at Jordan.

“Grandpa!” Jordan blushed.

They all headed to the pub. It only took about forty-five minutes for Tanner to be drunk off his ass. Damon carried him to his cottage and put his son in bed.

“Dad?” Tanner smiled.

“Yup.” Damon sat on the edge of the bed.

“Is it weird that I love Nico?”

“No. And I know he loves you.” Damon smiled.

“Because he sees me as a kid still.” Tanner closed his eyes.

Damon smoothed his son’s hair back. “Oh, I don’t think so, honey,” Damon whispered. He smiled at his son’s soft snores and covered him up. He slipped out of the cottage and ran right into Nico. “Hey, you made it!”

Nico hugged his uncle. “Where is everyone?”

“At the pub. But Tanner’s in there.” Damon pointed to the cottage. “I think you should stay with him; he had a lot to drink.”

“Oh, okay.” Nico smiled. “Thanks, Uncle Damon. Happy New Year.”

Damon watched him go in and smiled slyly. “Happy New Year, Nico.”

Landon and Joshua were at the bar, propped on the stools in a daze. Jason studied his son.

“Um… Joshua?”

“Yeah?” Joshua looked at his dad.

“You okay?”

“She kissed me.” Joshua looked high.

Jay and Greg were looking at their own son, their heads tilted in bemusement. “Landon?”

“Yup.” Landon had a huge, goofy smile on his face.

“Um, have you been drinking?” Jay asked.


“Katiana kissed him.” Katarina was smiling at them both.

“Ohhhh.” Jay and Greg nodded.

Colin watched Nikolai with Uncle Vince. God, he had gotten so tall and Colin felt small. Even though he had worked out a lot and bulked up, Nikolai was huge.

“He has grown much since you saw him last.”

Colin turned toward his Uncle Andrei and they both smiled. “He’s not done yet, is he, Uncle Andrei?”

“No. Vince is six-foot-two. Nikolai will get much bigger.” Andrei joined him. “You care for him.”

“I always have, Uncle Andrei.”


Jensen was watching Hunter as he laughed with Conner. Juliet sat down next to him and took his hand.

“I missed you.”

“I missed you too.” Jensen hugged her.

Juliet watched Conner laugh and her eyes traveled his body; he had gotten so tall. His black hair was short and the green eyes… Juliet almost sighed.

“Why don’t you tell him?” Jensen asked.

“What?” Juliet turned toward Jensen.

“That you want him, have always wanted him.”

“Why don’t you tell Hunter?”

“I’m a coward,” Jensen admitted.

“Welcome to the club.” Evan sat down.

Juliet took both their hands. “At least we’re in good company.” She nodded to the rest of the guys longing for the ones they wanted.

“Are we all clueless?” Jensen mused.



Conner and Colin were watching their brother, Landon. He hadn’t stopped smiling for fifteen minutes. “I hope he doesn’t get stuck like that.”

Colin tilted his head and waved his hand in front of Landon’s face. “You okay?”

“She kissed me,” Landon mumbled in a daze.

“Hmm.” Conner looked at Landon’s glazed expression. “First kiss?”

“From Katiana, yes.” Katarina grinned at Landon and Joshua. “Although, I don’t think I was Joshua’s first kiss.”

“I think to him, you are,” Colin said.

“She kissed me.” Landon sat back still smiling.

“Yeah, we got that.” Conner chuckled.

“Oh Lord, is he still going on about that?” Jay examined his son.

“I think he will be going on about that for quite some time.” Greg chuckled.

Closing the door to the cottage behind him quietly, Nico passed by Tanner on the bed; he was out like a light. He put down his suitcase, grabbed some clothes, and headed to the shower. He took a quick shower and pulled his boxers on, then thought better of crawling into bed wearing only his boxers. He paused and then pulled his pajama bottoms on as well. I need a suit of armor. Once he settled into bed with Tanner, he finally got a good look at him. Oh God, he was incredible looking. He had always been stunning, but older teenage Tanner was a lot bigger and even more gorgeous. Nico actually heard himself sigh.

“Happy New Year, Tanner,” Nico whispered. He couldn’t stop himself. He leaned over and kissed Tanner’s lips.

Oh God! The feelings that washed over him from that chaste kiss were overwhelming. Not counting when Tanner was a baby, it was the first time their lips had ever touched. Nico wanted to remember it. He drew back and drank in Tanner’s features. He carded his fingers gently through his hair and lightly caressed his face.

“Nico,” Tanner mumbled.

Nico gathered Tanner into his chest and closed his eyes. “I’m here.”

He woke up an hour later as Tanner’s hands stroked his chest. He pulled him close and threaded his fingers into Tanner’s soft hair. Nico closed his eyes as Tanner’s lips moved along his neck. He was trying to control himself but Tanner wasn’t making it easy. He had never been with anyone this way; Tanner’s hands were traveling toward his waistline.

“Tanner,” Nico whispered.

“Nico,” Tanner murmured and sighed.

Nico realized Tanner was still asleep, so captured his hands in his, and moved them farther up his body.

“I love you, Tanner,” Nico whispered.

Tanner let out a loud sigh and wiggled closer. His lips were right at his neck and Nico sighed.

“Now, I’m never going to get to sleep.”

Phoebe had been walking along the beach for almost an hour staring up at the sky. She hadn’t told anyone she was going to see Stefan and now she was glad she hadn’t.


Phoebe spun to face the man in her thoughts. “Hi.”

“Hey, what are you doing out here all alone?”

“Just thinking. You’re late.”

“Flat tire.”

“How’s work?” Phoebe resumed walking and Stefan fell in step with her.

“Keeps me busy.”

“I’ll bet.” Phoebe thought back to the woman in his office.

“So how about you? How’s school?”

“It’s good. It just seems so pointless. I know I’ll end up working for my dad full time anyway but I’d like to have the degree, you know?”

“I do. It’s worth it to have it on the wall.” Stefan chuckled. “So, anyone special in your life?”

Phoebe wanted to scream and cry and tell him she had tried to finally tell him she wanted him, had always wanted him, and would always want him but the memory of what she had seen in his office haunted her. He had moved on, she had waited too long and lost him. In the end, she lied. “I’m dating.”

“Oh. Well. I hope he treats you right.” Stefan stammered. “I, uh, I have to go. I’ll see you for breakfast.”

Phoebe watched him leave and began to cry. She still loved Stefan; she knew she always would. But she waited too long and put him through too much.

Stefan ran until he couldn’t breathe. He found himself in the cemetery and found his Uncle Paul’s parents’ graves. He sat down and put his face in his hands. “Why can’t I stop loving her?” Stefan looked up at the night sky and he felt a slight breeze on his face.

“Because you two were meant to be.”

Stefan jumped up; his Uncle Mark came out of the shadows. “What are you doing here?”

“I always like to come at night and just sit here and talk to them.” Mark indicated they should both sit and put his arm around Stefan’s shoulders.

“I miss her so much.” Stefan leaned against his uncle.

“I’ve watched the two of you since Phoebe was born, Stefan. She’s a lot like her dad; believe me, Uncle Paul made it hard on me in the beginning. The two of them, they’re always afraid the ones they love will leave them, so they put up a wall to protect themselves.”

“I love her, Uncle Mark. Nothing will ever change that.” Stefan cried.

Mark held him and felt his own heart break at Stefan’s pain. “I know. I’ll try to help as much as I can.” Mark kissed his head.

Stefan wiped his face. “How come you know so much?”

“I’ve suffered a lot as well, Stefan. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.”

“Can I be at the end of the tunnel now?”

“I wish everyone was.”