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Guardian: A Scifi Alien Romance (Galactic Gladiators Book 9) by Anna Hackett (15)

Chapter Fifteen

Sweat was dripping into Dayna’s eyes. She swung out with her knife, then ducked and weaved through the fighters.

There were just so many of them…and they all looked like they had nothing left to lose.

Something whacked into her side from behind. With a grunt, she went crashing to the sand. She spun and looked up at a giant, green-skinned alien fighter with a staff.

The staff slammed down again and she rolled. She moved to jump to her feet, but the alien leaped on her.

His heavy weight drove her into the sand. She smelled unwashed body and turned her head.

“Look, we’re here to shut this place down. We can get you out.” Bracing against the smell, she looked up…into dead, blank eyes.

He pressed his staff against her throat. Wrapping her hands around the rough wood, she tried to keep him from choking her. She saw that the man had some sort of metal implant embedded at his temple.

Dayna pulled power from her symbiont and sent the man flying off her. He grunted, spun in the air, and landed in the sand.

She leaped to her feet, power surging through her.

For the first time since her rescue, she felt like she and her symbiont were one. And it felt good.

Searching for Rillian, she spotted him fighting a tall man. Two big aliens were moving in on him from behind. She raced toward him.

She watched him toss one fighter away. One of the big aliens rushed at him, slashing at him with a sword.

That’s when she saw the other big fighter circling around, holding a large spear. Her chest went tight. The first fighter was toying with him, keeping him busy.


At her shout, he lifted his head…just as the second fighter thrust the spear into his side.

“No!” she cried.

She watched Rillian drop to his knees. He clutched the spear protruding through his gut. Dayna sprinted harder. He’d already lost so much blood from the harpoon, but now she watched more red flow down his side.

But he was still fighting.

He reached up and jerked one opponent to the ground. He drove the man’s head into the ground. The second fighter’s eyes widened and he took a step back. Rillian rose, then yanked the spear from his gut.

Dayna stumbled to a stop nearby, wincing. The pain had to be excruciating.

Rillian turned and lifted the bloodstained weapon. He strode toward the fighter, who spun, ready to flee.

With a powerful toss, Rillian speared the man through his shoulder. The alien fell to the ground. The blow was hard enough to pin him to the sand.

She reached him. “Rillian.”

“I’m okay.” His face was sheened with sweat. “Keep fighting.”

They turned, and she saw more fighters racing out of the open tunnel. An athletic woman led the charge, moving quickly across the sand.

Dayna stiffened. The woman was almost as tall as Dayna, with dark, matted hair, skin shades darker than Dayna’s, and pale green eyes. “Oh no.”

She’d seen the woman’s picture before and she looked a lot like her sister. It was Ever Haynes.

The brunette showed no recognition. As she reached them, she swung a rough, jagged sword. Dayna leaped back, dodging the blade. She got a close-up view of the silver implant protruding from Ever’s left temple.

“Ever? Ever Haynes.”

No response. The woman lunged forward, swinging her sword again.

Dammit. Dayna rolled across the sand. She didn’t want to hurt the woman.

Ever turned away from Dayna and attacked Rillian. He bent backwards fluidly, the sword passing within an inch of his face. But Dayna saw him clutch his stomach wound and wince.

Gritting her teeth, she charged forward. She leaped on Ever, taking her down to the ground. The woman struggled, but her face stayed strangely emotionless.

What did they do to you? As Ever tried to buck her off, Dayna gripped the woman’s head. “I’m sorry.”

She slammed the woman’s head against the ground. Something flickered in Ever’s eyes before they closed. She was out cold.

Chest heaving, Dayna got to her feet. She glanced over and saw Rillian limping toward her, dragging one leg behind him. He was leaving a trail of blood on the sand. Her heart clenched.

Fighting back her fear for him, she reached down and gripped the neckline of Ever’s tattered shirt. She dragged the woman with her as she and Rillian moved back toward the center of the arena.

Fighters were circling them, but they were wary now.

“I’ll distract them.” Rillian pulled in a breath, his eyes like quicksilver. “You climb into the stands and find a way off this thing.”

Dayna shook her head wildly.

“I want you off this.” His tone was autocratic and commanding.

“No.” She shook her head again. “I know you’re planning to sacrifice yourself for me. Not going to happen, Rillian. For once, you’ll have to deal with the fact that I’m someone who won’t follow your orders, and someone who cares about you.”

He reached out, fisting her shirt with one hand. “Live, Dayna. You have to live.”

She lifted her chin, emotions storming through her. “Without you, I wouldn’t be living, I’d be existing.”

He muttered a vicious curse and yanked her in for a quick kiss. “Drakking hell, I’m falling in love with you.”

“Well, I’m falling in love with you, too.” Her throat was tight, her symbiont stone flaring. This amazing man was hers.

But first, they had to survive.

As they turned, she saw more incoming fighters had entered the arena. Her pulse spiked. So many. Too many.

Dayna stiffened her spine. She wasn’t damn well giving up now. She had always fought to protect, and she would do it again now.

She’d fight, with the man she was falling in love with by her side.

* * *

Rillian felt the blood dripping out of him, his energy draining away.

But he had to keep his woman alive.

The fighters rushed closer, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to stay on his feet for long.

He pulled in a breath, looking at Dayna as she stood over the unconscious Ever. Dayna was tensed and ready to fight. He realized now that she would always fight for what was right.

And he would always fight for her.

There was only one thing he could do to ensure she lived. The one thing he’d fought his entire life to control.

Rillian let his arms fall to his sides. “Dayna, whatever happens, stay back.”

Her eyes widened. “Rillian.”

“Stay back and stay alive.”

He relinquished all control, letting his symbiont free. Energy flooded through him in a wave, and washed all the pain away.

His vision turned acute and hunger swamped him. Emotions washed away leaving him with the need to hunt and kill. Feed and thrive.

Win. Whatever the cost.

He crouched down and snatched up a fallen sword. As the fighters rushed at them, Rillian leaped into the air, spinning and swinging the sword around.

He cut through opponent after opponent.

He grabbed the closest fighter and the man struggled against him. Rillian pressed his hand to the man’s chest.

Energy filled him and he smiled. The man’s body shriveled and turned to dust. He grabbed another enemy and fed. Another.

As rich, potent energy sang through him, he turned to see more fighters were coming. A never-ending supply of energy. His symbiont pulsed—hungry and wanting.

He plowed through another wave of fighters. He fed, he killed, he fought.

When he rose from the littered bodies, he saw the fighters were hanging back. Watching him with fearful eyes.


Through the roar of energy, the voice penetrated. It sounded vaguely familiar.

He turned and saw a tall, brown-haired woman taking down a fighter. She was a fierce fighter and filled with pure, untainted energy.

He tilted his head. He knew her.

Dayna. It was like a whisper in his soul. Dayna.

Mine. His. Rillian’s.

Suddenly, a giant alien charged at her with a wild cry.

Heat seared along Rillian’s spine and his symbiont relinquished its control. “Dayna!”

The alien swung a huge fist, and Dayna’s body flew through the air. She hit the sand, rolling over and over. She stopped on her stomach. She tried to push herself up, but fell back down.

Rillian fought his way toward her, swinging the sword with wild slashes. He didn’t care who got in his way, he would make it to her.

He got closer and saw she was crawling, pulling her bleeding body across the sand. She was hurt.

A giant shadow fell over her, and a clawed hand sank into her hair. The alien yanked her up viciously, holding her dangling above the sand. Her face was clenched in pain.

Rillian paused. It was a Thraxian. Both his horns had been broken off and his orange eyes leveled on Rillian. “Rillian.”

Recognition flickered. Old memories of his years running scams resurfaced. “Vral.”

He hadn’t seen the Thraxian for years. The man had run some jobs with Rillian…until Rillian caught him stealing from him and cut him out.

“I was hired to send you a warning not to mess with Zaabha,” Vral growled.

Cool fury ignited. “You killed those people.”

An ugly smile. “You always pretended not to care, but I knew you did. Always so arrogant, thinking you were better than the rest of us.”

“I still am,” Rillian said.

Anger flashed in Vral’s eyes. “You stole from me. Left me with nothing.”

“You stole from me, and broke our agreement.”

Vral took a step closer. “I’ve spent years dreaming of getting my revenge.”

Rillian tilted his head. “And I haven’t given you one thought.”

Something ugly flickered in Vral’s eyes. “Now I have your woman.” He shook Dayna like a doll.

Rillian shook his head sadly.

Vral cocked his head, his brows drawing together. “You’re bleeding out and will die on this sand. And I have what’s yours and I will hurt her!”

“No, you don’t have her.” Rillian’s gaze met Dayna’s golden one. “And she’s going to hurt you.”

Dayna spun in Vral’s grip and jammed her knife into the Thraxian’s neck, working the blade through the alien’s tough skin.

With a roar, Vral staggered back, but Dayna twisted, using her weight to drive them to the ground. She landed on Vral’s chest, the light from her symbiont flashing through her shirt. She lifted the knife and stabbed again.

Rillian knew she was getting her revenge for everything the Thraxians had done to her and her friends. For the murder victims Vral had killed. He knelt beside her.

“Do it,” she said.

Rillian pressed his hand to Vral’s chest and fed.

Vral screamed and a second later, his body disintegrated.

Once again, his symbiont wanted control. Rillian fought it.

Dayna cupped his cheek and instantly, his symbiont went quiet. Dayna, what he felt for her, helped him control the alien inside him.

“You are dangerous, sexy, and I love that,” she said. “All of it. All of you.”

Drak, he was past falling. He loved this woman with every fiber of his being.

Then Rillian heard running steps and saw another wave of fighters rushing out of the tunnel. He muttered a curse and turned to face them.


She grimly pushed to her feet and moved to his side. She was swaying a little, but lifted her blood-stained knife. “My symbiont has patched me up a bit. I can fight. Nice day for a fight.”

Rillian shook his head. “I love you.”

“I want to hear you say that while we’re naked on your big, soft bed. So let’s get this done.”

They both rushed forward to meet the fighters.

Rillian spun and slashed, again letting his symbiont free. For the first time in his life, he and his symbiont were in perfect sync.

Dayna was right beside him, kicking, and swinging her knife. They smashed through several opponents.

The pain had reached levels that his symbiont could no longer block, but Rillian kept fighting, riding the agony. It was all worth it to keep her safe.

But more fighters kept coming. The ground was littered with the dead and groaning, and Rillian knew that he and Dayna were at the limits of even their symbionts’ strength.

Dayna swung out clumsily, then swayed, and went down on her knees. His own strength waning, he dropped down beside her.

“Rillian.” Her voice was weak.

He lifted his head and watched the fighters coming closer, sensing their prey was weak.

“Shh, I have you.” He wrapped an arm around her. If this was how it ended, they’d end it together.

“I don’t want to die.” She leaned her head against him. “I want to live. I want you.”

“You have me, wherever we are. In this life or the next, I will always find you.”

The wild cries of the fighters got louder, and her hands gripped him tightly. Rillian closed his eyes and absorbed the feel of her.

All of a sudden, there was an explosion of sound.

Rillian’s eyes sprang open. He watched as the stands off to the left exploded outward. A sleek silver ship—his ship—came crashing into the arena.

Dayna gasped. The starship hit the sand, sliding through it, and plowing into several fighters.

Then Rillian watched as it kept moving wildly through the sand…rushing toward them.

Drak. It was going to crash into them. He curled his body around Dayna’s and braced himself.




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