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Hard Asset (A Club Altura Romance Novelette) by Kym Grosso (2)

Chapter Two

Raine stepped into the darkened foyer and released the breath she’d been holding for what seemed like forever. Evan Tredioux. What the hell was he doing at the party tonight? She’d been close to gathering the names of over a half dozen suspects, ones who sought to harm the country. Marretta’s henchman had unexpectedly double-crossed her, refusing to give her the names she was promised in exchange for the data. As soon as he’d laid his fingers on her, she’d been set on taking him out, well before Evan made an appearance. She could have hidden her skills from him, but she’d chosen to defend herself first and then come up with a defensible lie.

Raine’s father had been in the CIA, so she was no stranger to the life. Concerned that harm would come to his family, her daddy had trained her to kill when she’d been ten years old. Living in fear most of her childhood, Raine had deliberately chosen a different life, a safe one. She’d studied hard throughout school, landing herself a full scholarship to Harvard. Her mother had prayed she’d major in finance or law, land herself a rich husband. But Raine had decided long ago she wouldn’t rely on anyone but herself. She’d majored in technology and secured a coveted internship at L-Tech. Within a year, she’d transferred over to Emerson Industries, quickly climbing the corporate ladder to lead their security team.

When Dom Marretta had approached her in a coffee shop, she’d immediately decided to take it to her contacts in the government. Ever since, she’d been a spy for a covert government organization. As she was deep undercover, neither Garrett nor Evan knew of her deception. It was true; she’d stolen bits of harmless information from Emerson Industries and delivered them to Marretta to show good faith. She’d systematically proved her worth to him, slowly earning his trust. But tonight he’d blown her off, instead choosing to delegate negotiation for payment to an underling.

As she reflected on the evening, she considered that if there was a bright side, it was that Dom would review the security footage and observe her taking out one of his best men. Although he’d be pissed that she’d insisted on the names, he’d always known it had been part of the deal, and she’d earn respect for her actions. Evan, however, was a complication. She’d have only hours to figure out how to explain his presence.

With spies everywhere, Marretta would find them eventually. Before that happened, she’d have to get the hell out of wherever Evan had taken her and go back to the event on her own. She’d save face by doing so, but if he suspected she’d told Evan about their criminal activities, he’d swiftly order both their deaths. Raine would play it off as keeping with her cover. She’d tell him that she’d been as surprised as anyone to see Evan and had decided to go with him to distract him from the deal, draw attention away from the gala.

As Raine ran through a litany of plausible lies in her mind, a door slammed behind her, causing her to startle. Evan. He’d press her for answers. She’d have to tell him just enough to satisfy him without divulging everything, exposing her mission.

“Whatever you’re thinking, it better be good,” he commented.

“I’m not thinking anything,” she lied.

Her anxiety rose as Evan pecked a code into a pad on the wall, activating the home’s security system. There was no way she’d escape without him knowing. She’d been trained in fighting, not disabling alarms.

“I don’t know what’s going on, Raine, but I want answers starting now,” he told her and switched on the lights.

“But I…” She lost her words as Evan stripped off his shirt, revealing his tanned, corded muscles. With his back turned, he waved a hand at her to follow him.

She struggled to concentrate, a rush of desire threading through her body. For as long as she could remember, she’d fantasized about making love with Evan. Chills danced over her skin as she recalled the last time they’d worked on a joint presentation, the delicious scent of his cologne enticing her senses as he’d peered over her shoulder.

Despite the opportunity to act on sexual impulses at Club Altura parties, Raine had been hesitant to engage in the activities. Her attraction to Evan had been unrivaled by any other man. He was the only one she’d ever wanted. She suspected if she slept with him, it was likely she’d want him forever. Pursuing him would only lead to heartbreak. If by some miracle Garrett didn’t fire her when the mission was all over, it wasn’t likely Evan would ever look at her the same way again.

Raine had seen him with women at the lavish events and often retreated. She loathed the jealousy that curled in her chest, but she’d been careful not to show it, afraid to damage their relationship. Logic told Raine to forget him, but the fantasy of being in his arms and bed lingered.

“Raine,” she heard him call to her, breaking her contemplation. He spun around, pinning her with his penetrating blue eyes. Her heart pounded in her chest as he stalked toward her.

“I’m sorry. I…I…” She averted her gaze, afraid she’d confess how she felt. Raine glanced to her arm and sighed at the sight of the dried blood. In her adrenaline-fueled escape, she hadn’t noticed the scratch.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked, his voice softening as he approached.

“I…uh, yeah, I’m fine.” A myriad of emotions twisted through her as he drew closer. Relief she’d survived. Fear he’d grow angry. Arousal.


As he closed the distance, she stepped backward, her shoulders brushing the wall. She licked her lips as he pressed into her.

“I’ve known you for what? Five years now, maybe?” he asked.

“Four.” Raine’s green eyes drifted up to meet his. He towered above her, the heat of his body emanating onto her skin. “What are you doing?”

“There hasn’t been one project where I haven’t been able to rely on you to hit a home run. Everything we’ve done has been successful. There isn’t one jump we’ve done where I wouldn’t have trusted you to pull my cord. And then tonight…”

“It’s not what you think… I can explain.”

“Tell me I didn’t hear what I heard tonight.”

She closed her eyes, releasing a breath as he flattened his palms on the wall, caging her with his arms.

“Selling data? Demanding names? Why does someone do these things? Stealing. What the hell were you doing?”

“I…” Her lids lifted, her gaze slowly meeting his. She’d craved him since the first time they’d worked together, and now he thought her a liar, a thief. This was never her intention when she’d agreed to help the agency. “It’s complicated.”

“I bet it is. But you’d better fucking tell me right now or I’m calling the police. Don’t even fuck with me, because I’ll know if you’re lying.”

“I told you. It’s not what you think. You know me,” she insisted. It wasn’t as if she didn’t get why he thought she’d betrayed him, Emerson Industries, and the country. Raine’s chest tightened as her words danced on the tip of her tongue. “I’d never sell our secrets to someone like Dom Marretta. I can’t tell you what I’m doing but you have to trust me.”

“Who?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

“What?” she stammered. Her heart pounded as Evan leaned in close, his eyes locked on hers.

“Who do you work for?”

“You know who I work for. Emerson Industries. The same place you do.”

“What you did tonight…taking out that asshole. That wasn’t the kind of guy just anyone can take on. You’ve been trained. So again, sweetheart, who?”

“I… Evan…please, I can’t tell you but I swear to God I didn’t…” Raine closed her eyes and sighed, as his warm breath teased her ear. Desire twisted through her body and she lost concentration. Tell him anything he wants to know. For so long, she’d denied herself pleasure. “I…I work for our government. I can’t tell you who. I need the names of those guys they were selling the data to. That’s all I can say, but you have to believe me. What you saw tonight, it’s not what you think.”

“Ah, a truth. Finally. Do you see how easy it can be? But still, my little thief, I want to know who. Who in the government do you work for? And what in the hell are these terrorists going to do with the data? Why would the government allow you to give it to them?”

“I can’t tell you that. Jesus, Evan. You were in the military. You know I can’t say.” Her heart pounded in her chest. So close, her hands reached toward him, her palms pressed against his chest as his lips grazed her ear. “I swear to you though. The data was scrubbed. Please.”

“Why don’t you ever play at Club Altura?”

“What?” Raine stammered, shocked at the change of subject.

“The entire time you’ve belonged. I’ve never once seen you with anyone. Not even once.”

Raine froze as he moved to tilt his head toward hers, his eyes on hers.

“Why is that?”

“I…I… It’s just I’ve never wanted to…”

“I’ve seen the heat in your eyes. You want to, all right,” he pressed.

“Why are you asking about this? I need to make a phone call and then get back to the party,” she insisted, attempting to deny her body’s response to him.

“Because, I know what you want, Raine,” he said, his voice low. “I’ve always known.”

“Please let me go. Dom wants the info I have. I need the names. I have to do something right now. Don’t you understand how close I am to getting those names?” Anger flared in her eyes, yet as he inched closer, arousal flooded her body. “Evan…”

“The club. Not everyone plays openly. But you? Never. Not once.”

“I don’t want to talk about this.” She pushed on his chest but he didn’t budge.

“I do. Why? I want the truth.”

“Why don’t you ever choose me?” she countered, surprised at her response. As the words left her lips, she was helpless to stop them. “So many late nights. We’ve been working together forever. You never ask me… Not once did you… I just thought that maybe…”

“Maybe what?”

“That you…me…” She couldn’t bring herself to articulate her fantasies.

“Say it, sweetheart. That what?” He gave a devious smile.

“Please,” she sighed, closing her eyes. Raine’s body prickled in awareness as he brought his lips to her ear once again.

“I’ve wanted you,” he whispered. “So many nights.”

“No,” she responded, shock in her voice. “You never…”

“Because we work together. But at the club, you never play.”

“Maybe that’s because the one person I want to play with…I can’t…” she breathed.

“Tell me what you want. Tell me, the truth.”

Raine shuddered as his lips brushed her neck, and she found herself unable to keep her thoughts at bay. “I’ve always wanted…you…but you never…”

“I don’t mess with people who report to me. But don’t ever think I didn’t want you,” he told her.

“But…you…” Gooseflesh broke over her skin as he peppered kisses along her neck.

“You’re fired.” As Evan’s lips crushed onto hers, Raine melted into his arms. His tongue swept into her mouth and she kissed him back with an urgent fervor. She shivered as his palms glided over her shoulders, trailing over her sensitive neck, sending tendrils of desire through her body. With a deliberate sensual control, his palms cupped her cheeks, deepening their kiss, his lips making love to hers.

Evan tore his lips from Raine’s, his forehead pressed to hers. “I don’t get involved with people who work for me.”

“I…I can’t promise when this is over I’ll still be here.” As her senses returned, logic warred with her arousal. After tonight, it’d be unlikely she’d still be in San Diego, let alone working for Emerson Industries.

“One night, Raine. Right now, I’m going with my gut here, trusting that you wouldn’t steal. Whatever the hell you’ve got yourself into, I can’t even think of letting you back in the doors of Emerson. Not until I know everything. Not until someone in the CIA, FBI, or NSA comes to me. Hell, after what just went down back there—”

“I’ve already got what I need,” she confessed. The agency had given her dummy files to pawn off to Marretta in exchange for names. They were a mishmash of scrubbed data, with tidbits of fake information she’d created.

“One night,” he repeated.

“One night.” She nodded, taking a deep breath as her heart fluttered. I’m going to regret this.

She’d lied, all right. If she made love to him, once would never be enough. She’d always known that. After years of working and skydiving together, their relationship meant more to her than she’d admit. She’d never thought it possible to fall in love with someone she’d never kissed, yet when his lips had met hers, her heart crushed, confirming her suspicion. Her feelings ran deep, and there was no way she’d be able to stop the rush of emotion that had been kept at bay. Still, she willingly dove down the rabbit hole, praying she would survive.

Evan lifted her off the ground and cradled her to his chest. Raine wrapped her hands around his neck, molding her body to his, engulfed in his warmth. She closed her eyes, her mind churning as he carried her. Maybe the agency would vouch for her. Maybe he’d trust her again. Maybe she could stay in San Diego. Maybe he’d choose her and her only. Maybe…

The patter of water droplets broke her contemplation, and she blinked open her eyes. Her hands clutched his shoulders as he set her on her feet. She reached to remove her dress, and his firm voice stopped her cold.


“Yes,” she whispered, her hands trembling.

“Don’t move.” He hooked his fingers around the thin spaghetti straps of her dress, dragging them over her shoulders. He never took his eyes off of hers as he tugged the fabric off her body, allowing it to pool on the floor. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited for you?”

“No…” Raine’s heart skipped a beat as Evan spoke. Every single day, working side by side, the anguish of pretending she didn’t want him had nearly killed her. But it had been nothing compared to watching him with other women, denying herself his affection, silently swallowing her jealousy.

“Our late nights.” He gave a sexy smile and set his palms on her hips.

“I wanted to…”

“Jesus, you’re gorgeous…always have been, but it’s your mind that has always drawn me to you.”

She gave a flirtatious smile, recalling their incessant banter. “Well, what can I say, sir? I can’t let the boss think he knows everything.”

Raine knew he was dominant. She’d watched him at Club Altura, taking control of his flavor of the month. While she’d never been submissive in the least in the office, regularly challenging him in the boardroom, the rush of jumping out of a plane at thirty-five thousand was nothing, she imagined, to the sting of his hand on her bottom.

“You’ve got quite a mouth on you, sweetheart.”

Raine sucked in a breath as he reached for her hips and yanked her toward him, rocking his erection into her pelvis.

“This is just the beginning. That little mouth…” He dragged his thumb over her lower lip. “Let’s see what you can do with it.”

“What are you doing?” she gasped as he lifted her by the waist and set her into the warm spray.

Her heart pounded against her ribs as she watched him strip off his pants, his enormous cock springing forth. Evan kicked them off and stalked toward her. She breathed in anticipation as he closed the distance.

Raine sighed as his lips smashed onto hers, her body coming alive at his devastating kiss. His tongue swept into her mouth, tasting, probing. As he broke contact, she protested. “No…” Breathless, her body quivered in his arms.

“That little mouth of yours…I know exactly what I want to do with it,” he told her, commanding her attention. He brushed his finger under her chin. “On your knees.”

“What?” The shower mist clung to her lashes as she blinked up to meet his gaze.

“On your knees.”

Shock rolled through her at his demand, but her pussy tightened in response, flooding in arousal. Raine had never considered doing anything like this for anyone, submitting. In the office, she’d just as soon tell him to go fuck himself. But in the shower, nude and vulnerable, her traitorous body reveled in his command.

“Did you hear me, little one? You’ve been enough trouble for tonight. Now, on. Your. Knees.”

Raine shivered, his voice washing over her strong and clear. She did as she was told, her palms curling around the backs of his thighs as she knelt on the floor. With a heated gaze, she licked the moisture from her lips, waiting for his instruction.

“I’ve wanted you for the longest time. Now you’re going to show me what you can do with that wicked little mouth of yours.”

She reached for his cock, but he reprimanded her.

“Ah, ah, ah. No touching. Just open your lips, the ones that enjoy back talking me.” He stroked himself as if baiting her to disobey.

Raine trembled, her mouth widening. As he dragged the thick head of his cock along her lower lip, her tongue darted over his wet slit, tasting his salty essence. Her pussy contracted, an ache throbbing between her legs.

“You’ve wanted this for so long and so have I. Tonight…” He inched his shaft inside her warmth. Raine moaned, sucking him as he slid his cock inside her mouth. “I’m going to make love to you all night. You’ll never doubt that I’ve always wanted you.”

Raine’s heart caught on hearing his words. So much more between them than just lust. He’d known it, too, and whatever happened after they made love, she was certain they’d forever be connected.

“Fuck,” he sighed, sliding himself in and out of her mouth.

She tightened her lips around his shaft, sucking hard while resisting the temptation to take him in her hands. Increasing her speed, she swallowed his hard length until he groaned.

“Aw, no…not coming in your mouth,” he insisted.

She ignored him, lapping at his cock. A firm grasp into her wet hair, the sting to her scalp warned her to obey. As he tilted her head backwards, she released him with an audible pop, licking her lips. Inwardly she laughed, aware that it was she who still remained in control, but didn’t dare speak a word.

She squealed as he reached under her arms and pulled her to her feet. His mouth slammed on hers, his devilish tongue sweeping against hers. Sucking and tasting, he demanded her presence, and Raine reveled in his control.

“Ah,” Raine moaned into his touch. As he palmed her pussy, the tip of his finger feathered over her clit.

“How long have you wanted it? To make love? All those nights at Club Altura? The office?”

“Oh, yes,” she breathed into his kiss. She dug her fingernails into his shoulders as he shoved a thick digit into her core, stretching her open.

“How long have you waited to be fucked?” he growled into her ear, taking the lobe between his teeth.

“So long. So fucking long,” she responded.

“You’re all mine tonight.” Evan moved his lips to her chin and nipped at her lower lip. “This mouth.” As he palmed her ass and teased his finger over her back hole, she shivered in his grip. “This too. You ever been fucked here, Raine? Because tonight this is mine too.”

“I…I…I’ve never…”

“Do you want me to fuck your ass?”

“I…I…” She rested the back of her head on the tiles as he bit at her neck. She’d never talked dirty to another man, but her body responded, his crass language further driving the passion between them. He increased the pace, fucking her pussy with his hand.

“Hmm…let me see how tight you are.”

Raine sucked in a breath as the tip of his finger probed her back hole. The dark fantasies she’d always harbored rushed to the forefront of her mind and her pussy contracted around his fingers, pulsating to the sensation.

“That’s it, sweetheart. Jesus, I need to be in you.”

As he stroked her clit, his fingers filling her, she succumbed to his pleasure. The overwhelming desire to confess her emotions stirred, but she reined it back, simply allowing her senses to fill her mind. Pleasure. Desire. Lust. Evan Tredioux was a cliff she’d willingly base jump off, and as she fell, she’d embrace the complete lack of control.

“You see, I’ve always had this talent for reading you,” he continued, fucking her with his fingers, his lips on her neck. “All those late nights. The body responds in ways you don’t notice. Your breath, the way you stretched your neck when I’d come close to you. The hunger in your eyes, watching me at the club.”

“Oh, God.” Jesus, he knows. She was so close to coming, and her embarrassment faded as he flicked the pad of his thumb over her clit.

“That’s right, sweetheart. I saw you. Do you know it took fucking everything I had not to play with you? To pretend I didn’t want you? But this…”

“Please don’t stop,” she cried.

“This tells me everything.”

“I…I…” Raine panted as her body shook, the climax rocking through her. Exposed, she’d own the truth of wanting him, desiring him. He’d peel away the layers and reveal her true thoughts.

“But tonight you lied so I’m going to give you a little pain with that pleasure.”

“No, no, no,” she pleaded as he removed his fingers from her pussy and ass. Empty, she trembled as the tendrils of her orgasm rolled through her. As he turned her around, bent her forward, placing her hands on the wall, she continued to beg. “Don’t stop. What are you doing?”

“I promise, Raine. If you know nothing else, know that I will take care of you. Stay right here. Let me get a condom.”

“I’m on the pill. Clean,” she said, breathless.

“You sure about this?” he asked.

“Yes. Please…just…I can’t wait.”


“I’m sure. Please…just don’t stop,” she pleaded.

“All right then. Let me see that beautiful ass of yours.” He smiled, pleased as she bent over and spread her legs wide, her hands flattened against the wall. She wiggled her bottom at him, and he continued his instruction. “You like this, do you? I want to hear it then. Ask me to fuck you…nicely.”

“Um…what?” she stammered.

“You heard me. Ask me.” His fingers glided down her back, stroking her skin.

“No…I can’t…”

“Now, Raine,” Evan demanded.

“Ow…ah,” she cried as he slapped her wet ass, the delicious pain sending a spear of erotic pleasure to her pussy. Oh, my God. He knows everything. He knows what I’ve watched him do, what I want.

“Stop thinking. Just let go,” Evan told her, and another firm slap to her bottom sounded. “You’ve wanted this. I’ve wanted this. And now…we are finally together.”

“Fuck me…ah yes” she breathed as the broad crown of his dick pressed into her core, stretching her. She widened her stance, accepting him, allowing him to slide deep inside her pussy. As she bent over, water dripped down her hair into her face. Her lips drenched, her tongue darted over the moisture.

“Raine…” he began but lost his words as he withdrew and slowly pressed back inside her.

“Yes…please, Evan,” she pleaded.

Raine braced her hands onto the tiles and grunted as he slammed inside her. Her body tightened with desire with each hard thrust. She wiggled toward him, attempting to get him to go faster, but he continued his restraint. Evan twisted his palm into her wet locks and tugged, reminding her of his control. Her lips parted with a smile as his fingers gripped her shoulder and he slid inside her once again.

“You’re so fucking tight. Fuck…” he grunted.

“That’s it, yeah.” Her core fisted his cock as he pounded into her. She gave a ragged breath with each delicious stroke.

As he released her hair, her head lolled forward. His fingers teased down her spine. “This, though.”

Raine’s heart pounded in anticipation as his thumb trailed down the crevice of her ass. She startled in response to his touch. As he teased her puckered hole with his slippery finger, another layer played to her arousal.

“Do it. Please…ah, yes.” The dark pleasure blossomed, and she found herself begging.

“Easy, now…ah yeah.” Evan slowed his pace.

“Ev…Evan,” she panted as the tip of his thumb penetrated her ass, a twinge of pain radiating through the tight ring of muscle. Slowly, he pressed inside until he’d filled her completely.

“That’s a girl. See how good that is.” He gently worked the ring of muscle until she relaxed into his touch.

“Yes, oh God…don’t stop.”

Slowly he rocked inside her, gradually increasing the pace.

“I…I… please…” Raine lost focus as his fingers slid through her slick folds, teasing her swollen nub. With his thumb inside her ass, and his other hand playing at her clit, she sucked in a breath. So full and overwhelmed with sensation, she tilted her hips, moaning as her climax teetered on the edge. As he withdrew his cock and thrust inside her, a rush of fresh arousal surfaced, hurling her toward her orgasm.

“Aw fuck, Raine. You feel so good,” he praised, pressing his thumb into her back hole in tandem as he fucked her.

“Please…please…do it…like that. Ah, yeah…it feels so good.” His fingers danced over her clitoris, increasing the pressure. As he rocked into her pussy, Raine’s body shook, the wave of ecstasy claiming her. She screamed his name as her orgasm rocked through her, holding firmly to the wall as Evan gave a final thrust, his grunt echoing in the shower.

Raine went limp, releasing a sigh. As he removed himself and gently lifted her into his arms, her chest tightened in emotion, a hot tear running down her cheek. Never in her life had she let a man speak the way he had to her, fuck her the way he’d done, and her heart crushed, aware she’d beg him to do it again. She wanted Evan in her life, and not just for a night. Her mind raced at the thought of losing him, barely noticing as he laid her on the bed.

Raine curled away from Evan as he pressed his lips to the back of her wet hair. A warm towel draped over her body, and she attempted to shove her feelings away. You’ll never have Evan, a voice in her head told her. Fuck him. Enjoy it. Then get back to work. He was a player. And she was a spy. Some things, no matter how much you wanted them, weren’t meant to be.




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