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Harem: An MFMM Romance by Abby Angel (106)


They say yoga is like refreshment to the soul. It’s with that in mind that I put on a tight tank top and squeeze myself inside a pair of yoga pants. I place the rubber mat in the living room, at my feet, and close my eyes. Exercise has always helped me deal with the stress at work, and I just hope it will help me the same when it comes to matters of the heart. Because there’s no other way to put it: right now, my heart is shattered.

After tasting what real love and lust feels like, I truly don’t know how to move on with my life now. Mason is on my mind constantly: I’ve been thinking about him nonstop since I ran out of the Four Seasons last night, and I dreamt of him when last night even as I was asleep. It’s torture, plain and simple, and I have no idea on how to escape from the pain.

I go down on the mat, placing my hands in front of me, and arch my back, taking one deep breath. I start slow, assuming an easy position, but then progress to more complicated ones, pushing both my mind and body to the limit. As time passes and beads of sweat start to form on my skin, I feel my body relaxing - still, the gears inside my head keep on turning and turning, Mason’s smile dancing behind my closed eyelids.

Trying some of the hardest positions, I let my muscles work until they’re exhausted and, only when I can no longer move, do I lay down on the mat. Sprawled on the floor, I look at the ceiling, the pounding of my heart against my eardrums. Locks of hair are plastered to my forehead, glued to my skin by sweat, and I already feel my shirt sticking to my body. Sighing heavily, I sit up and purse my lips, giving up on trying to forget about Mason. Forget about yoga, I need something more drastic.

I go up to my feet and, grabbing my cellphone, I go through the contact list. My heart starts to race, and there’s a little voice in my head, whispering for me to get a hold of myself. I know that I’m about to do something terribly stupid, but I just can’t help myself. Heartbreak is the leading cause for bad decisions, it seems.

Remember Robert? Well, he has been sending me text messages almost every day, even though I never bother to respond. I figured that after our failed date and Mason’s intervention, that he would see the painting on the wall and simply forget about me. Of course, I couldn’t be any more mistaken about that. If anything, it seemed that when Mason entered the scene that Robert’s competitive streak flared up. Now, alone and depressed after a failed yoga session, I’m glad that he hasn’t given up.

When his name pops up on the screen, I double tap it and take a deep breath as my thumb moves across the screen. “Want to have lunch?” I write, my thumb then hovering over the SEND button. Don’t do it, Becca, my rational mind seems to say, but I can’t stop myself - I press the icon on the screen, and the message flies away from my cellphone and into his.

I throw my phone back on top of the table, expecting for him to take a while to respond, but his answer is almost an immediate one: the moment I let go of the phone, it vibrates at once. I pick it up, unlock it, and feel my heart tightening up as I see Robert’s response. “Yes! We can have lunch at your place. I’ll bring wine,” his text says. Fully knowing that I shouldn’t be doing this, I text him back a simplesure”.

I went from trying to set up a lunch with Robert to now having him come into my house with wine. To say that I’m not thinking straight would be putting it mildly, I know. Sighing, I look down at the clock on my phone and, realizing that Robert will probably be here in a hour or so, I head straight for the bathroom. I get undressed and, hopping into the shower, I step under the hot water and let it wash over me, pushing all my anxiety to the back of my mind. It doesn’t work, of course, but I have no idea on what else I should do. I never really had to deal with heartbreak before and, now that I find myself going through it, I’m at a complete loss. Nobody ever told me that it was this hard.

When I finally get out of the shower, I put on a matching black lace bra and thong, and then squeeze myself into a close fitting dress. The dress is a bit revealing, showing more of my cleavage than what I’m used to, but by now I’m far from thinking straight. Am I actually expecting for something to happen between Robert and I? No, that whisper of rationality seems to say, and I know it’s the truth. I’m not expecting it to happen, and I don’t want it to happen… But the pain in my heart is guiding all of my decisions right now and, as I step out of my room wearing a provocative dress, I’m no longer sure of what I’m doing. I’m working on auto-pilot, and I’ve set it to drive me all the way against the wall. Right now, all I want is to crash and burn - self-loathing at its best, I guess.

I sit down on my couch, waiting for Robert, but I don’t have to wait long. When the clock strikes 12, there’s a knock at my door, and my heart almost explodes at the sound of it. I go up to my feet, straighten the hem of my dress, and put on a fake smile on my lips. God, what the hell am I doing?

Stopping in front of the door, I take one deep breath as I reach for the handle. I wait one long second before turning it and, when I do, I feel my knees shaking. I can’t back down from this now.

When I open the door, I try and put on my best smile as I see Robert. He’s holding a bottle of red wine in his hands, and there’s a truly happy smile on his lips. On his eyes, I can already see hunger and lust holding hands, and I’m not sure that I like it. But, just like I said, it’s too late to back down from this.

“Hey,” I greet him meekly, accepting the bottle as he hands it to me.

“Hey,” he repeats and, without giving me the time to react, leans into me and kisses me on the cheek. Oh, God, this is already going sideways. I bet he expects to fuck me once we empty his bottle of wine.

I know I should try and put a stop to this while there’s still time, but the autopilot is in full throttle. “Come in,” I tell him, stepping to the side and allowing him to get in. I close the door behind me, and anxiety kicks in with all its forces. Crap, what the hell got through my mind for me to invite Robert over? Or, rather, to allow him to invite himself over.

I go up to the kitchen counter and, setting the bottle down, I rummage through the drawers, trying to find the bottle opener. While I do it, Robert leans on the counter, looking at me with that barely contained hunger in his eyes. I don’t mind when men look at me like that but, somehow, he’s giving me the creeps. Maybe it’s because I’ve grown accustomed to having Mason look at me like that… Maybe it’s because I’ll never be with a man again without thinking of Mason. He ruined me for other men, that’s for sure, and I’m not talking about his massive cock - although, I’ll admit, I’m going to miss it for the rest of my life. Hey, don’t judge - you don’t come across a man with a cock that big often in your life. And he also knew how to use it, don’t forget about that.

“What’s for lunch?” He asks me, and I almost slap my forehead with the palm of my hand. Lunch! Fuck, I completely forget about that.

“I, uh, I didn’t have the time to prepare anything. Maybe we should go out?” I try hesitantly. At the same time, I finally find the bottle opener and place it on the counter, next to the bottle. Robert reaches for it with a smile and, grabbing at the bottle, starts to uncork it.

“Don’t worry, Becca. We can order in something… What matters is that we’re here together, isn’t it?” He says, and I notice his eyes wandering down to my cleavage. Suddenly, I feel like a complete idiot for putting on a dress like this. What did I think would happen?

“I… I guess,” I stammer, reaching for two glasses of wine. As I set them on the counter, Robert proceeds to serve the wine. My heart kicks and punches against my chest as the sound of wine hitting glass reaches my ears. When I go for one of the glasses, I realize that my hands are shaking, and I have to take a deep breath. I take one long gulp, hoping that it will steady my nerves. With each passing second, I feel more and more uncomfortable about being along with Robert, and the fact that I was the one setting all this into motion doesn’t really help… I can’t exactly kick him out without looking like a complete bitch.

“What would you like to order in?” He asks me, going around the counter and closing in the distance between me and him. With each step he takes, my heart starts to pound louder, just like an alarm. “Or maybe we can think about that later…” He continues, lowering his voice and brushing two fingers against my cheek. I tremble as I feel his touch and, reacting by instinct, I take one step back, almost spilling the wine all over my dress.

“We can order now,” I blurt out, reaching for my cellphone while my mind goes into overdrive. I try and look for a restaurant that does home deliveries, but I can barely concentrate on what’s on the screen. Robert reaches for my phone and simply plucks it out of my hands, placing it on the counter.

“You’re nervous,” he whispers, smiling at me. “That’s okay. I’m a bit nervous too…” I gulp as he comes up at me and, taking another step back, I hit the fridge with my back. My eyes dart to his crotch, and I notice something bulging underneath his pants. Oh, God, I can’t believe that he’s already hard.

Coming up to me, he presses his body against mine, taking both hands to my face. As I feel his boner on my leg, I immediately react by pushing him back and stepping to the side. My mouth has suddenly grown dry, and I guess I can say the same thing about my pussy.

“Robert… I think you’ve misunderstood me,” I start, looking at him as I try to find the right words. I told him he could come over, I’m wearing a skimpy dress… And now I’m telling him that he has misunderstood my intentions? Well, that’s rich of me. Still, I don’t care - whatever I’m wearing, no man has the right to put a move on me without my consent. That’s right, I might be a lot of things, but I’ll never allow anyone to walk over me. Especially when sex is concerned.

“You’re just scared,” he continues, still walking toward me. The guy is relentless. “But you don’t need to be… I want you, Becca. I’ve dreamed of you every single night since I first saw you.” How do you spell creepy? Oh, right, R-o-b-e-r-t.

As if the universe conspired to save me from his advances, someone knocks on the door. I step out of his reach and walk hurriedly toward the door, turning the handle without bothering to ask who’s on the other side. My heart skips a beat as I see the man in front of me. Yes, I know what you’re thinking… And you’re right.

“Becca…” Mason says my name as he steps inside the apartment. In his clear blue eyes, I can almost see my reflection.

“Mason…” I say, my heart tightening up so much that I no longer know how in the world it continues to beat. He smiles tenderly at me, and then he notices that we’re not alone. He looks at Robert with one arched eyebrow, and I notice his eyes wandering to the bottle of wine on the counter. Finally, he look straight at Robert. His smile vanishes, and he purses his lips; I wish I could have a hole where I could hide right now.

He looks into my eyes, and I give him a weak smile. I’m sorry, I mouth, biting on my lower lip with regret. With a quick nod, I give him my assent to do what needs to be done.

“Get out,” he tells Robert, turning to him with a serious expression on his face. He’s completely relaxed, but I notice his hands balling into fists, almost as if he’s ready to crash them into Robert’s face at a moment’s notice.

“You can’t simply walk in here and --” Without bothering to hear what Robert has to say, Mason walks over to him and grabs him by the scruff of his shirt.

“Get. The. Fuck. Out.” He tells him, and I can almost see Robert shrinking in size. To have someone as imposing as Mason telling you to fuck off has be an intimidating experience. He opens his mouth to speak but, like a fish suffocating on too much oxygen, he simply closes it again. When Mason lets go of him, he straightens the collar of his shirt and, trying to act as dignified as possible - and failing miserably - he walks toward the door.

Before he leaves, he throws me a pissed off look and then simply storms out, slamming the door behind him. I turn to Mason at once, looking as apologetic as possible.

“What are you doing here?” I ask him, desperate to know everything about the tender expression he looks at me... Somehow, I already knows what he wants to say, but I need to hear it all the same.

“I was wrong, baby girl. I was so fucking wrong,” he whispers, closing the distance between him and I and placing both his hands on my hips.

"Fuck the world, Becca," he says. "They can fucking take everything from me. My company. My title. My money. But I swear to fucking God they will never take me away from you. Ever again."

Tears stream down my eyes.

"I fucking love you, baby girl," he tells me.

"I love you too, Daddy," I says with a mischievous smile - so happy that I feel drunk.

“And I’m sorry,” he says, his eyes penetrating mine.

“I’m… sorry as well,” I manage to say, biting on my bottom lip as I remember the look on Mason’s eyes as he realized I was all alone with Robert.

“No, that’s my fault for being a fucking idiot,” he whispers, and then leans in to kiss me. The moment our lips touch, everything is right with the world once more. Heartbreak? What does that even mean?

“Promise me,” I whisper, pressing my forehead against his, “promise me that you won’t leave ever again.”

“I promise,” he tells me with a smile, and then runs his fingers through my hair. I look into his eyes, my heart beating a tender song of love. When everything seemed lost, the wheel of Karma turned and turned and now here we are… Together. And nothing will ever come between us. I just know it; whatever it is that life throws at us, we won’t allow anything to pull us apart, not anymore.

“I love you, Mason.”

“I love you too, baby girl…”

We kiss again and I place my hands on his chest. I can feel his heart beating under the palm of my hand, and it almost feels like it’s beating at the same rhythm as mine. Guided by more than simple lust—love—I take my fingers to his collar and start unbuttoning his white shirt. My fingers move slowly, but they work at a steady pace. When I finally open all of the buttons, I pull on the fabric of his shirt and untuck it, hooking my fingers on his belt.

“I never wanted anyone as I want you…” I find myself saying, a growing wetness conquering the space between my thighs. If a few weeks ago someone told me that lust could be this wild and uncontrollable, I’d just laugh. But now… Now I’m not laughing, far from it. And I couldn’t be happier to be proven wrong.

“That makes two of us, baby girl…” he says, resting his hands on my shoulders and pulling the straps of the dress down my arms. I let him pull the fabric down my torso, and he only stops when my dress is hanging limply at my waist. With his fingers on my stomach, he runs them up to my breasts and, settling his hands over the cups of my bra, he squeezes gently. I feel my nipples hardening under his touch, and my pussy continues to grow wetter with each passing second.

With a smile, I unbuckle his belt and start to pull his pants’ zipper down, my hands no longer shaking. All the anxiety and fearfulness that I felt only a few minutes ago has already vanished, almost as if I had never felt it in the first place. It’s funny how things can change so fast. In one minute you’re down in a pit, the other you’re flying too close to the sun.

Turning my hand around, I gently place my fingers over his boxer briefs, my skin prickling as I feel his thick shape throbbing against the palm of my hand. And to think that, for a moment, I was almost sure that I would never feel his cock ever again… Curling my fingers around his member, I start moving my hand over his shaft, stroking him softly; at the same time, he pulls the right cup of my bra down, baring my hard nipple.

A gentle moan leaves my lips as he leans in, wrapping his lips around my rosy tip and sucking it into his mouth. Sliding one hand down the side of my body, he places it over my ass and squeezes my cheeks; with his other hand, he goes for the strap of my bra and, with a simple flick of his fingers, unhooks it. My fingers become tighter around his cock as he pulls my bra down, taking it off of my body.

Sighing as desire lulls me into a dreamlike state, I slide my hand under his boxer briefs and grab his cock again, my skin prickling as his warmness spreads to my fingers. I need him so much, God… It’s almost unreal.

With a knot in my throat—one of lust and desire—I let go of his cock and take one step back. Smiling, I turn my back to him and walk to the couch right in the middle of the living room, leading him by the hand. He comes after me willingly and, once I’m close to the couch, he pushes down. I sit up at once and, in one flowing movement, I hook my fingers on his boxers and push them down, sending them with his pants to his knees. His cock springs free at once, slapping the back of my hand, and I grab it almost immediately.

Wasting no time at all, I start to stroke him as I lock eyes with him, and I feel the pull of his cock and I lean in, parting my lips. I rest them against the tip of his length, feeling his salty precum coating the tip of my tongue, and let his glans slide inside of my mouth. There’s a barely audible groan of pleasure, and then he places his hands on my head, but he doesn’t force me to go down; instead, I’m the one taking the lead and doing it.

Opening my mouth as wide as I can, I start to push my mouth down his shaft and I only stop when all of his twelve inches are comfortably nestled inside of me. I don’t even know how to describe the way he completely fills my mouth… It presses down on my tongue, and it pushes the inside of my cheeks to the sides and, when it touches the back of my throat… God, it just makes me burn up like a virgin girl savoring a cock for the first time.

Even though there’s a whirlwind of lust inside of me, I keep myself poised and serene; I roll my lips back the way they came, and then I go down again. I repeat the motion over and over again, allowing the pace of my mouth on his cock to grow naturally. With his fingers tangled in my hair, he allows me to dictate the tempo and simply surrenders to the sway of my head as I suck on him.

Using both hands, and all this without taking my mouth out of his cock, I tug on his shirt and send it flying down his arms. It falls to the floor at his feet, and then I let my hands go down to his ass. Digging my fingers into his ass cheeks, I pull him into me, and he starts to rock his hips gently, instinct blanketing us both. As he does it, I finally stop moving my head and let him thrust, his cock sliding in and out of me at a perfect pace. I close my eyes, my insides clenching as he fucks my mouth, and I become so wet that I feel my fluids dripping down my thighs and drenching both my thong and dress. I need him between my legs, and I need it now.

I let go of his ass and, moving back, I allow his cock to pop out of my mouth with a wet sound. Reading what’s on my mind, he takes off his shoes and kicks off both his pants and underwear, his naked body towering over me. He leans into me and, grabbing at my dress, he pulls it down my legs as I lift my ass up from the couch.

“I need to taste you first,” he whispers, his lips moving in a seductive way as he speaks. Oh, I’m the one who needs him to taste him… I need to feel his full lips on my pussy as much as I need to breathe right now. As he goes down to his knees, I spread my legs wide and allow him to place his head right between my thighs. I shiver as he starts kissing my naked skin, brushing his lips against my inner thighs and moving them close to my groins; with his tongue, he traces the contour of my thong and then, finally, he bites down on the fabric. As he pulls with his teeth, I lift my legs up in the air and press them together, allowing him to peel the thong off of me. Completely naked now, I reach for his head and grab at his hair, guiding him right to where I need him to be. He comes willingly, parting his lips with his tongue and going straight for my clit.

When the wet tip of his tongue touches me, that old familiar electrical thunderstorm starts to roil inside of me. I can already feel the energy pooling in my muscles and, allowing my body to act as if it has a mind of its own, I place both my legs over his shoulders and cross him on his back. Urging him to devour me, I pull him into me with both my hands and my legs; with what sounds like a growl, he finally succumbs to desire and opens his mouth wide. As he sucks on my folds, my fluids going into his mouth, I throw my head back against the couch and sigh heavily, my nipples feeling as hard as they have ever been in my entire life.

“So good… I love the way you do it…” I purr as I let go of his hair and take my hands to my breasts, squeezing them as Mason runs his tongue up and down the length of my pussy. Each time his tongue reaches my clit, he circles it twice and then goes back down my folds, the pleasure that rages through me growing in fury each time he does it.

Finally focusing solely on my clit, he wraps his lips around it and starts to press down with his tongue; he works me with his mouth until I can’t take it anymore, and he knows it. My hands go back to his head and I start to pull at his hair fiercely, my arms moving with erratic movements. In a fraction of a second, my whole body tenses up and then relaxes, one violent spasm washing over me. Throwing my head back, I moan loudly, my voice filling the whole living room as Mason keeps on licking and sucking.

“Oh, God… This is so… So… FUCK!” I cry out as, without allowing me any time to rest, he places two fingers against my pussy. Without taking his mouth off of my clit, he pushes them past my pussy lips and curls them upward until they meet my G-spot. Rubbing me there, he doesn’t allow the orgasm raging inside of me to subside, instead making it grow and grow. Before I even know what’s happening, my spasms turn into full-blown convulsions, and my moans become screams of pure delight.

I pull him into me as hard as I can, thrusting against his face and rubbing my wetness against his mouth. I do it until pleasure starts to subside, and only then do I take my legs out from his shoulders. Leaning against the couch, I throw my head back and take one deep breath, my lungs working overtime to get the air in. Christ, this is almost too much for me to take

Unable to open my eyes, I still feel Mason moving; placing his hands on my knees, he forces me to spread my legs and then places his body between my thighs. Blindly, I reach for his cock and curl my fingers around it, angling it down and pointing it home. As he presses his body against mine, my tits squeezed tight against his chest, I can’t help but moan again as I feel his thick glans pressing against my pussy lips.

Inch by slow inch, he feeds his cock into me, and my eyes start to roll in their orbits as my inner walls struggle to accommodate his thickness. Still, he slides all of his cock inside of me, its tip pressed tight against that maddening spot inside of me, and then he starts to thrust.

With both his hands on my knees, he bends my legs and supports himself as he rocks his hips, his shaft flying in and out of my pussy at a growing pace. When I finally manage to open my eyes, I look at him and grin, lust crawling under my skin. And it’s not only lust—it’s love, lust, and happiness. It’s all of that and then some more.

“Harder, Mason… Harder…” I beg him and, without wasting any time, he does exactly as I asked, pistoning into me with the fury of a god. His shaft pulses against my insides and, as it moves in and out, it stretches me in such a way that I just know I won’t be able to sit comfortably for the next few days. And it’ll be totally worth it.

“I want to fuck you like this… Every day, for the rest of my life,” he whispers as he fucks me, and then starts kissing my neck. Pulling at my skin with his teeth, he bites my neck gently, the pain turning into pleasure as it reaches my brain.

“Every day… For the rest…. Of my life…” I repeat between breaths, my pussy clenching around his shaft like a vice. With a moan loud and shrill enough to shatter glass, I come again, electric spasms making my muscles twitch in a never-ending sequence. All rational thoughts scatter inside my mind as a violent orgasm takes over, leaving only pleasure and lust floating inside my head.

Pulling his cock out of me, Mason goes up to his feet and I look up at him. I turn on the couch, ready to go on all fours, but first I dive into him; I part my lips and allow his shaft to slide deep into my mouth, and I taste my own pussy on his cock.

“Delicious, isn’t it?” he asks me, looking at me with a wicked grin on his lips. I try and smile back, but that’s impossible to do when you have a cock as thick as this stretching your mouth wide. When his cock finally pops out of my mouth, I finally go on all fours and start to sway my ass from side to side.

“Hard. As hard as you can… As rough as you can…” I pant as Mason places both his hands on my ass cheeks, squeezing them eagerly. “I want you to use me…” I continue, my eyelids drooping as he presses the tip of his cock against my drenched pussy. He rubs it against my inner lips but, when I try and thrust back, wanting to impale myself on his cock, he moves back.

I look over my shoulder at him just in time to see him raising his hand; it comes down harshly, and he smacks my ass hard enough to leave a mark for days. I grit my teeth and hiss, the painful sting of his hand racing to my brain. He does it again, this time even harder, and I can’t help but moan. I can almost imagine the red mark of his fingers delineated on my ass cheeks, and it just drives me completely crazy.

“Fuck me, fuck me now…” I cry out, thrusting back at him once more. Grabbing my hips again, he starts to rub his glans up and down my pussy and then, with no warning whatsoever, he finally thrusts.

The moment I feel his shaft sliding inside of me, my hands dart immediately to my pussy. As Mason starts to rock his hips, slapping my cheeks with his thighs, I start to rub my clit with two fingers. My eyes are closed and, still, bright lights are dancing in my eyes. Pleasure is raging through me like a wild river, and I can’t even think straight right now. All I know is that I need to reach the summit of ecstasy, and surrender myself to the onslaught of pleasure I’ll find there.

“So… fucking… tight,” he says, getting one word out with each of his thrusts. Grinning wildly, I clench my insides and make my pussy tighten up around his shaft. He groans, his fingers digging into my hips, and starts to ram his cock even harder at me. Tightening up as I am, it almost hurts to have all of his length sliding in and out of me, but I don’t give up. No way. I keep pressuring his shaft as I rub my clit feverishly, and I only take my hand off of my pussy when the pressure inside of me becomes too much to bear.

Grabbing the edge of the couch with both of my hands, my fingers curled so tight that my knuckles turn white, I thrust back against Mason and I explode. Pleasure’s dam bursts at once, and I’m flooded by a sensation so wild and sweet that I feel my consciousness fading away. Right now, I have no sense of self; I don’t know who I am, and I couldn’t care less.

I’ve never been a religious girl, but what I’m feeling right now is proof enough that there’s a God. The pleasure that courses through me is so intense that it borders the mystical. This goes way beyond the physical realm. It’s transcendence. Enlightenment. Nirvana. I don’t care what you call it, but it’s beautiful.

Almost unconscious, I finally collapse on the couch, sitting and leaning back against the leather. Towering over me, Mason remains right where he is. I open my eyes and, too exhausted to lift even a finger, I grin at him.

“I want you to stroke yourself… I want you do it while looking at me and then… I want you to cover me with your cum,” I tell him, honey and wine in my voice. As if my words were a command, he grabs his cock at once and, losing no time, he starts to flick his wrist at a maddening speed. I look at his cock in a trance, my glazed eyes hypnotized by the movement of his hand.

“Fuck,” he groans, and his muscles tense up at once. I look at his chest, biting on my lower lip as I see his muscles bulging, his abs a perfect wall of lust. And then he starts to cum.

A long strand of cum shoots from the tip of his cock and hits me straight in the face. I grin as I feel the warmness of it against my face and I open my mouth, taking the next strand over my tongue. It doesn’t take long for my mouth to be brimming with his seed.

“That’s it… Come for me…” I moan, semen cascading out of my mouth as I speak. He keeps on stroking as he cums, a river of his seed covering my face, neck, and tits. While his cock gives out its final spasms against his fingers, I grin wildly and, grabbing my own tits, start to smear his juices over my naked body. I take my hands down to my stomach, pushing the cum there, and then I go further down to my pussy. Trembling, I feel thick strands of his gooey warmness dripping down my folds; I look up at Mason and bite on my bottom lip. There’s no need for words; he goes down to his knees and, moving like a predator, he lunges at me.

Wrapping his lips around my inner lips, he starts to suck on my pussy; then, when he has already licked me dry, he moves his tongue up my stomach and toward my tits, scooping his own cum in the process. Moving his mouth between my breasts, he only stops when his lips find my own.

I place both my hands on his face and kiss him, our tongues dancing around one another as we swap his cum. I’ve never exactly been a saint or a prude, but I’ve never been this wicked… But with Mason, it just seems right. When I’m with him, everything seems right.

“I love you so fucking much, baby girl” he whispers, a tender smile on his lips. His words are genuine and, just hearing him, I become as sure as I have ever been that nothing will ever again come between us. Whatever we have to do to make it work, I know we’ll do it. Whatever the cost.

“I love you too… You’re my everything.” I smile and lean back against the couch, pulling Mason close to me. He sits by my side and, as I throw my head back, I simply close my eyes and hold his hand in mine.

This is perfection.

This is happiness.




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Callie, Unleashed: Play It Again, Book Two by Amy Jo Cousins

His Intern: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance by Lillie Love

The Four Horsemen: Bound (The Four Horsemen Series Book 2) by LJ Swallow

ONCE BOUND by Blake Pierce

Fat Girl on a Plane by Kelly Devos

Undeniably Hellbound (Spells That Bind Book 4) by Cassandra Lawson

The Highlander's Keep (Searching for a Highlander Book 2) by Bess McBride