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HEARTfire (All Heart Series) by Tracie Douglas (6)



When my phone finally pings, it takes every ounce of self-control not to run to it like some inexperienced school-aged boy. But I’ve been on pins and needles since dropping her off this morning.

As I cross the room, it sounds again. This time, though, it isn’t a text alert, and it isn’t my phone sounding off. It’s the police scanner I keep on when I’m home.

Code 10-70, Code 10-70, location Fisher and Pond, call in reports active fire alarm and live sprinkler system,” Nan’s voice, monotone and alert, fills the room, making the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

Fisher and Pond? That’s where—my heart skips a beat as the location dawns on me. Vivienne’s gallery is off Fisher and Pond.

Remembering my phone, I unlock it and load my text messages. There’s a message from her.

Vivi: Won’t be able to make dinner tonight. Raincheck?

I hang my head, trying to determine if she’s trying to get out of dinner with me, or if the call has something to do with the gallery. I pick up my phone and dial dispatch. Nan picks up on the second ring.

“Dispatch.” I can hear the familiar hum of machines and alerts in the background. I know my guys as well as the other emergency services are already on their way to the scene.

“Nan, it’s Wade. What’s going on?”

“Wade, aren’t you off duty tonight? Listening to the scanner again?” She doesn’t sound surprised to hear my voice on the other end. I’ve called in the past, but never because I was worried about someone.


“You need to find yourself a sweet little piece to keep you from working on your days off—”

“Nan, I don’t have time for this,” I snap, struggling to keep some semblance of calm. “Please, just tell me who called in the 10-70 and spare me the lecture.”

“An employee from the art gallery sounding off—” I hang up the phone without letting her finish and grab my jacket before rushing out the door.

All I can think about is getting to Vivienne.


When I pull up to the little gallery downtown, there’s a group of people standing in the designated safe zone. I scan through the faces, seeking only one, but it’s missing.

I stop my truck, barely remembering to place it in park before I open the door and run toward the large red fire engine parked adjacent to the building. When I see no flames or smoke, I relax a little bit.

Scott, the crew member in charge for the night, sees me coming and moves toward me. We meet halfway.

“Hey, Chief.” He nods, placing his clipboard under his arm. I relax a little more at the sight of his clipboard. It means the call is close to being wrapped.

“What happened here?” I’m almost afraid to ask, since I haven’t laid eyes on my goddess yet.

“Some idiot left through the emergency exit and triggered the sprinkler system.” I frown as I reach up to scratch my head. “Witnesses said it was the gallery manager, but we haven’t been able to track him down yet.”

“The sprinkler system doesn’t just go off like that,” I surmise, and he nods in agreement. “Are you sure he left before the sprinklers went off?” The look that crosses Scott’s face tells me he hasn’t quite figured that part out. “Witnesses?”

“Each one tells it differently, but they all agree he left through the emergency exit.”

“Ticket the gallery owner and let him deal with his employees. Meanwhile, Vivienne Campbell, where is she?”

I watch his eyes move toward the open gallery door, “She’s inside with Dan, assessing the damage. Why?”

“No reason.” I give him a nod, turn, and walk away, heading directly into the gallery and to my woman.