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Heavyweight: A Paranormal Shifter Romance (Hallow Brothers Book 3) by Tricia Andersen (1)

Chapter One

Sam wasn’t sure which one started it. He just knew they both needed to fucking stop.

He grabbed the spare pillow on his bed and clamped it down over his head. All he wanted was some peace and quiet to sleep. His shift in the office, watching over the game apps they designed and managed for the Japanese firm that hired them, ended at four in the morning. He took a hot shower, had a quick cup of tea, and got himself completely relaxed. He drifted off to sleep.

The first tiny sliver of sunlight that pierced the night sky either woke Roscoe, Momma’s feather-bare, temperamental rooster, or Ruby, Sam’s newborn niece. Maybe they woke up at the same time because they sure as shit started to wail at the same exact moment. Sam had just begun to dream. He huffed angrily as he peeled the pillow from his face. It would take him forever to fall asleep again.

Roscoe was still crowing his morning greeting to the Hallow family. Apparently, he never roused Momma. Sam cocked a grin to himself. Maybe he should do the honors and shut the little fucker up for good. He’d make a great addition to lunch.

He did notice that Ruby was quiet. Despite her early morning wake up calls, Sam adored her. She had her dad’s thick, dark hair but her mom’s blue eyes. She looked like she belonged to Joshua, not Caleb. That was the only truly discerning feature between the two Hallow brothers referred to as “the twins.”

Sam heard a rustle in the grass outside. He sighed. Since his cabin was right next to Caleb and Meg’s and his bedroom window was within feet of their porch, he often heard them come and go. Cay must have kicked his wife out of bed to take care of their daughter. Fucking asshole.

That was until Sam heard a male voice start to sing. The tune was soft, sweet like a lullaby. He strained to listen to the melody, to make out the words. He busted out in laughter.

Cay was serenading Ruby with the greatest hits of Eminem. Curse words and everything. Sam shook his head as he still chuckled. He tossed the covers off, pulled on a pair of sweatpants, and strolled through his cabin until he was outside.

“Seriously, dude,” Sam said teasingly. “Are the lyrics to ‘Rock a Bye Baby’ too much for you?”

Caleb’s head popped up as he stopped. He was dressed only in a pair of jeans. The images inked into his skin were shadows in the early summer morning gloom. His shaggy dark hair was more rumpled than usual. Cradled in his arms against his chest was a tiny baby wrapped snug in a pink blanket. A pacifier bounced up and down as she sucked.

The whole scene was enough to make the average red-blooded human female’s ovaries explode with need. Too bad for the rest of the women on the planet. Cay was the first Hallow to be eternally mated. And Meg would kick their ass.

Caleb shrugged at Sam. “I don’t remember what the fuck Momma used to sing to us. All I could remember was Eminem.” He forced a smile. “Sorry we woke you.”

“Eh, it was probably that old piece of crap Roscoe. I wish that old bird would up and croak.”

“With us boys, I’m surprised he’s still alive. It’s still dark. You could get back to sleep.” Caleb freed a finger to brush a lock of hair from Ruby’s forehead. “We will be snoozing soon.”

Sam shook his head. “I’m too wired now. I’ll try to doze, but I won’t get a good sleep. I’m going to the club tonight. I’ll get a good sound sleep after a long night of no strings attached sex.”

Caleb cocked a grin. “You’re rolling the dice that you’ll find a woman who will let you sleep instead of trying to fuck your brains out?”

Sam chuckled. “Either option sounds like a winner to me.” Sam strode across the grass to press a butterfly kiss to his niece’s forehead. “Get her back to bed and go snuggle your pretty wife.”

“Hmm, I can think of other things to do with my pretty wife.” Caleb winked. “Catch ya’ later, bro.”

“Night. Morning. Whatever.” Sam offered a quick wave and then climbed the porch steps into his cabin. He shuffled through the small abode and then crawled back into bed. He tossed for over two hours until his bedroom was flooded with warm sunlight. He scooped up his cell phone and fired off a text. “I sure as hell will sleep tonight,” he muttered to himself. He stood, pulled on his gym clothes, and then grabbed his bag to train.

The gym was empty when Sam arrived. He kicked off his shoes in the hallway outside that led to the dining room. The smell of baking bread wafted through the massive building. He stepped inside the gym and then flopped on the mat. He pulled his wraps from his bag, wrapped each hand, and secured them. He slipped his fingerless gloves over his hands. He stood and wandered across the room to the mirror that spanned from the ceiling to the floor. Watching his reflection, he threw a series of combos. He studied every motion, corrected each punch if it was the slightest bit wrong.

Sam’s attention was torn from the mirror when he heard the door open. Micah sauntered in dressed in a T-shirt and blue jeans. He nudged his glasses up his nose. “I hoped you were in here.”

“A little overdressed to practice, aren’t you?” Sam asked with a smirk.

“I wasn’t planning to practice. I’ve been looking for fights for you guys. Leroy has a heavyweight fight in three months. Number one contender fight. The winner gets a shot at the champion.”

Sam rested his hands on his hips. “Fuck number one contender. I want the championship. You and Cay are the champs right now. It’s my turn. Get Felix Ross on the phone. Tell him it’s me and him for his belt.”

“Both Cay and me got called out, remember? And you weren’t the first heavyweight Leroy chose. Your opponent already called Felix out. Felix turned him down flat. So he chose you to fight. Felix said he’d take on the winner.”

“So I’m the one to get beaten down, right? I’m being set up. Why would you offer me a fight like that?”

“I wouldn’t if I didn’t think you had a shot. Rumor has it that the son of a bitch who called Felix out redecorated Leroy’s car. As in did enough damage to total it. Leroy handpicked you. He must believe you can destroy the bastard.”

“Who the fuck is this guy?”

“Leroy wouldn’t say.”

“And Felix?”

“Felix has never seen you in the cage, but he knows the Hallow name. He’ll be there. He’ll see you fight. And Leroy won’t let him out of his deal.”

Sam sighed then shrugged. “Fine. Book it.”

Micah nodded. “I will. Go get something good to eat tonight. Tomorrow you start fight camp. I’ll let Josiah know too.”

“So our darling big brother can devise new torture for me?”

Micah laughed. “Something like that. Want me to ask Momma to make you something? Or Eve or Meg? I have an in with Eve and all since I sleep with her.”

Sam shook his head. “I’m good. I’m going into town tonight with Josiah, Ezekiel, and Joshua. I’ll find something there.”

“Okay, bro. I’ll call Leroy.” Micah gave a brief wave as he slipped out of the gym. Sam turned his concentration back to his image in the mirror. He threw a couple of punches when the door flew open again with a bang against the plastered wall. Ezekiel and Joshua stepped in dressed in T-shirts and fight shorts with their gym bags slung over their shoulders. Sam grinned. Now he would get some real work in.

He sparred and rolled with his brothers until well after lunch. He had enough time to grab something from the kitchen, shower, and dress to head into town. He was greeted in the kitchen by his sisters-in-law, Meg and Eve, both beaming. They helped him get a sandwich whipped up and then handed him a baggie of cookies to go. He sighed as he watched them chatter as they baked. He loved them both but was jealous. It wasn’t of their relationships with his brothers. It was that they belonged to the family. They were the found puzzle pieces in the Hallow pack that fit perfectly. I am so in love right now, but no one here would accept it. Mating will never happen. It’s not the way we’re designed. So I can never share this incredible feeling with anyone in my family.

Sam spent more than an hour finding the right thing to wear for his night out. He was dressed and sitting in the front seat when his other three brothers made their way to Josiah’s car. His heart was pounding in his chest. His hands were clammy. He couldn’t stop fidgeting. He was nervous and excited all at the same time. Every time. This happens every time.

“Shit, Sam needs to get laid,” Joshua joked as he and Ezekiel climbed into the backseat.

Samuel wiped his hands on his jeans. “I need to unwind.”

“Sex should do that,” Josiah commented as he slid behind the wheel. He flipped on the ignition then sped down the trail that led from the camp through the thick woods.

He tried to keep up with his brothers’ chatter as they drove the three hours to Duluth. It was almost impossible. His mind was on his final destination. He could already feel the pillow he would share that night against his face and see the incredible dark eyes he loved. He let out a sigh of relief as the city lights of the Minnesota town came into view.

The crowd in the club seemed to part as the four brothers strode inside. They at least took notice of the Hallows. Women trampled each other to be the first to get to them. A busty blonde wrapped herself around Sam like a boa constrictor. His cock sprung to attention at her touch. She wasn’t the one he wanted to touch him, but it didn’t matter. The little bastard had a mind of his own. And she would be the perfect distraction. Samuel knotted his fingers in her hair and tugged her mouth to his. His tongue tangled with hers as he kissed her.

“Go figure,” Ezekiel said with a laugh. “Sam isn’t three steps in the door, and he’s already at it.”

Josiah tugged Ezekiel into the crowd. “Leave him alone. Let’s go.”

Samuel didn’t know how long he kissed the blonde. When they broke apart, they were panting for breath. And none of his brothers were around. He rested his forehead against hers. “I need to take a leak.”

She kissed him quick and then swatted him on the ass. “Hurry back, lover.”

He winked and then snaked his way through the mass of bodies to the restrooms. He wasn’t lying. He had to go. But he wasn’t going to find her. Once he was finished, he took one last look for his brothers. Each of them was oblivious to everything but the woman they were wrapped around. He snuck out the side door and jogged down the street.


Samuel studied the neighborhoods around him as he strolled down the road. Industrial buildings melded into lower income housing. The houses evolved in size until he was on the edge of the suburbs. He smiled as he grew closer. His legs were tired. He walked at least three miles. But it was all worth it.

He stopped in front of a large but modest two-story house. The porch was lined with impeccable shrubs. He took a deep breath and slowly let it out. He climbed the porch steps and knocked on the door. He knew he wasn’t breathing as he waited.

The door was tugged open. A tall man in a polo shirt with thick-rimmed glasses stood with his arms crossed over his chest. His thick, wavy brown hair was neatly parted. He held a kitchen towel in his fist. The smell of pot roast drifted out to the porch and tickled Samuel’s nostrils. He bit his lower lip.

“I didn’t think you were coming,” the man remarked.

“I’m sorry, Henry,” Samuel apologized. “My brothers were hard to get rid of.”

Henry’s eyes dropped to the bulge in Samuel’s jeans. “Yeah. That’s what it looks like.”

“I had to distract them so I could sneak out. Can I come in?”

“Was she brunette? Blonde?”

“Did you want me to bring her along?”

Henry glared. Then he smiled. “Not tonight. Tonight I want you.”

“Then let me in.”

Henry popped the latch on the door and pushed it open. Samuel stepped inside the door. He wrapped his hands around Henry’s hips and drew him against him. Henry moaned as Sam parted his lips with a sweet, sensual kiss. Henry’s soft lips sent shivers down Samuel’s spine. He could hear Henry moan through the kiss.

“Dinner is ready,” Henry murmured as their lips still touched.

“I love you. You know that, right?” Sam asked.

“You may want to hold onto that until you taste the roast.”

“You could make me charcoal briquettes, and I would still love you.”

Henry grinned as he wrapped his hand around Samuel’s. “I love you too. Let’s eat.”

Samuel followed like an obedient puppy as Henry led him through the house to the dining room. He took in the walls lined with books. The occasional artifact decorated a shelf. Henry was a librarian at the local university. Books were his life. More and more, Henry was becoming Samuel’s life.

He gazed at the man still holding his hand. He didn’t understand the attraction, but it was like a moth to a flame. It had been ever since Samuel dumped a hot cup of coffee on him in that coffee shop almost a year ago. He’d been with dozens of women before that and a few men too. But none of them were Henry. Henry was his disease and his cure. If I ever find my true mate, I’m screwed.

Henry stopped in the dining room and let go of Samuel’s hand. He shoved his hands in the pockets of his khaki pants. It was so fucking adorable.

In the center of the table sat what looked like a perfect beef roast. On either side of the platter were bowls of potatoes and carrots. There was also a basket of freshly baked rolls and a chocolate cake.

Samuel groaned. “Henry, you spoil me.”

Henry smiled as he pulled out a chair and motioned for Samuel to sit. “I like spoiling you.”

Samuel took a seat as Henry crossed around the table to his place. They each dished up their plate and started eating.

Henry pushed a piece of beef around his plate and then looked up at Sam. “So, what’s new?”

“Since I talked to you this morning?”

“Of course.”

Samuel stabbed at a potato. “I took a fight. It’s a number one contender match.”

Henry was quiet. “Do I get to come watch you?”

“Of course you can. I’ll get you a ticket. I want to make you proud.”

“Do I get to meet your family?”

Samuel set his fork beside his plate. “Henry, we’ve talked about this.”

“You’ve talked. I disagreed. What I said didn’t matter.”

“It does matter. My family wouldn’t understand us. They’re old fashioned. They expect me to end up with a woman.”

Henry stared. “Is that how you plan it to be?”

Samuel couldn’t answer. How could he explain? He, his brothers, they all mated for life. Never had he heard of any male in their pack mating with a man. But then his immediate knowledge consisted of Momma, Pappa, and his brothers. Outside the family, he only knew of his grandfather’s pack in Maine, and what they did to human mates was unthinkable.

Samuel slid his chair from the table and strode over to Henry. He tilted his lover’s chin up and kissed him deep. “Henry, I love you. That’s all that matters. I’m not thinking of women. Hell, I don’t care if I never get married. I want you.”

Henry swiped his tongue across his lower lip. “Aren’t you a sweet talker?”

“This sweet talker hasn’t slept since before his shift last night.”

“If you’re done, you can go settle in on the couch, and I’ll bring you a piece of cake.”

Samuel kissed him again. “I don’t deserve you.”

“You don’t. But I love you anyway.” Henry swatted him on the ass. His cock stiffened at Henry’s touch. “Go sit. I’ll be right out.”

Samuel grinned before he slipped out of the dining room. He sat on the couch and studied the old house around him. The tinkling of dishes rattling together was music to his ears. He could get used to a life like this if he didn’t turn into a terrifying wolf every full moon. He yawned and then cursed. The late night got the better of him. His eyes grew heavy. They drooped closed.

He felt a tug on the waistband of his jeans. The zipper was slid down. His cock was fished from his briefs. A strong hand stroked him. He cracked an eye open. Two pieces of cake sat waiting on the coffee table. Henry stretched across the couch until he almost rested his head on Samuel’s shoulder.

His long, powerful fingers were gripped around Samuel’s cock. He pumped up and down the length as he stared into his lover’s eyes. Samuel moaned as he lost himself in Henry’s smoky gaze. He bucked his hips against Henry’s hand.

“Baby, no,” Samuel protested, his voice faint. “I’m too tired to play tonight.”

Henry’s smile was pure evil. “Then let me do all the work. You sit back and enjoy.”

“That’s not fair to you.”

Henry kissed him long, slow, and deep. “I don’t care. I offered. Let me do this for you. Let me help you relax.”

Samuel groaned his agreement. Henry dropped his head onto Sam’s lap. He ran his tongue up Samuel’s length. He shuddered at the touch. Henry slipped his hand from Samuel to fondle his sack. Then he enveloped Samuel’s cock with his mouth.

Samuel hissed and moaned as Henry sucked hard, bobbing his head up and down Samuel’s shaft until his top hit the back of Henry’s throat. Relaxing this was not. This turned Sam’s blood into molten fire. No sex Sam had before was as good as it was with Henry. He gripped the back of the couch as he fought himself not to buck. It was no use. He arched his hips up hard, causing Henry to pull away.

“Fuck, Henry. I’m so sorry,” Sam murmured.

Henry looked up as a trail of drool dribbled from his lip down the length of Sam. “Shh,” he ordered before he continued to suck. He gripped Samuel’s hips to keep him still.

Sam buried his fingers in Henry’s thick hair as the knot in his belly unwound violently. He roared as he came, the rush leaving him light-headed. As he came back to he could hear the sound of sucking and slurping as Henry caressed his cock with his lips to clean up the mess. He blew out a steady breath as Henry sat up and ran a finger along his bottom lip. The whole sight was too sexy for Samuel to resist. He kissed Henry, his tongue fighting to play with his lover’s.

“Aww, Henry,” Samuel breathed.

Henry took his hand and stood. “Come to bed. Hold me.”

Sam rose and followed him down the hall to the bedroom. The room was silent as they undressed and tumbled into bed together. Legs and arms knotted together. Henry laid his head on Samuel’s broad chest. Samuel gently stroked his hair as his thoughts wandered. Caleb and Micah talked all the time about mating, about sex that blew their minds. Any other sexual experience they had paled to making love to their mates.

Sex with Henry was the best Samuel ever had bar none. He craved it all the time. It was all he thought about. He was obsessed with it.

Except no magical mark appeared on either man. No tattoo embedded itself in their skin to bind them to each other for eternity. It never would. Sam let go a sad sigh as his eyes fluttered closed. Henry’s gentle snore was the last thing he remembered before he fell asleep.




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