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Heavyweight Daddy: An Mpreg Romance by Austin Bates (9)


"How many times do I have to tell you people?  No fucking comment."  Van pounded the nurse call button, glaring at the reporter who was shoving a recorder in his face.

"But certainly, Sgt. Harris, you'll want to make some kind of statement about your relationship with Eli Thompson?  There's all sorts of misinformation out there, and you'll no doubt want to set the record straight."

"No comment," he growled, tempted to chuck the remote control at her head.

"Do you have anything to say about the picture of the two of you kissing that's been all over the newspapers?" she asked, shoving an 8x10" glossy in his face.

It was a good picture, he had to admit.  Eli was very photogenic and the two-day stubble on Van's cheeks masked the worst of the bruising and made him look less sickly.

Taking advantage of how the woman was juggling too many things in one hand, he snatched the paper away from her, tucking it carefully under his pillow.  "No. Comment," he said through gritted teeth, baring his teeth in a smile as two security guards appeared in the doorway.

"Sorry, Sgt. Harris," the first one said as he caught the reporter by the arm.  "There's forty or fifty of them downstairs, and this one got through while the PD was still setting up their barriers."

"Our readers have a right to hear this story," the reporter snapped as they pulled her out of the room, rolling their eyes.

"You're going home today, right?" the second guard asked, leaning in the doorway as the reporter's voice echoed down the hallway.

"Eli said he'd come pick me up," Van said, pulling himself more upright.  "Maybe I should have let Miller take me to the casino."  Or, God forbid, let Papa come and fuss him to death.

He'd been fully prepared to have to talk his parents down from camping at his bedside, but they were both in a creative phase right now.  They'd been glad he was okay and promised to visit him as soon as the paint was dry on Papa's latest masterpiece.  Jesse had offered to come, but Amy and Ben both had classes, and Lion would be more trouble than he was worth.  He was completely confident that, if he'd needed them, they would have dropped everything, even Solomon.  As it was, it was minor enough that he'd rather they save their visits for when he could show them a good time.

Besides, the last thing he needed was to set his entire family on Eli without any preparation.

The guard snorted.  "Your Captain called earlier, there's reporters waiting at your house and the casino.  With that picture out there, they were going to make a fuss no matter how you did it."  He flashed a wry grin as Van cursed eloquently, then straightened.  "Speak of the devil."

Van sat up, trying to see down the hallway and straining his stitches in the process.  "Shit."

"Stop that," Eli said, hurrying into the room and catching his shoulder as he tipped in the bed.  "You're not supposed to strain your stitches."

"It's been two weeks.  It should be healed by now," he grumbled, not protesting as Eli tapped the button to dispense pain medication.  The burn in his side disappeared under the wash of warmth that made his muscles go liquid against the sheets.  "You look beautiful," he said, staring at Eli blearily.  "Better than me.  I look like road kill."

Eli rubbed the back of his neck, his ears flushing red as the security guard laughed.

"I think you'll be safe enough up here till the doctor gets around to letting you out," he said, nodding to them both and sauntering away.

"I saw the reporter," Eli said, leaning down to press a kiss to Van's temple.  "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Van said, tilting his head back for a real kiss, his arms too heavy at the moment to do more.  "I stole her picture."

Eli chuckled against his lips, his breath tasting like coffee.  Van chased after him.  He wasn't allowed coffee for another week.

"You stole her picture?"

Sheepishly, Van nudged his pillow aside to show the glossy paper; Eli threw his head back and laughed.  "It's a good picture," Van said, pouting.

"It's a great picture, but I'm kind of sick of seeing it," Eli said, pressing one last kiss to Van's pushed out lip.  "It's on every website and news broadcast about the Championships."

"You know that's what started this mess in the first place, right?" Natalie said, leaning around the doorframe.

Eli straightened up slowly, rolling his eyes, but Van frowned.  "It's not going to cause problems for you, is it?"

"Nah.  Legally they can't, and Talbot has cracked down on omega hate in the matches the last five years."  Eli shrugged.  "It'll be a big story for a while, like when Kevin's husband got pregnant, the first time.  Now that they're on their third child, nobody cares."

There was a knock on the door, and the doctor bustled in before either of them could continue.  "Sgt. Harris," the man said, glancing over the both of them.  Dr. Morrow was younger, and Van constantly marveled at the fact that the guy was apparently a specialist in violent wound repair.  "Let's get you out of here, shall we?  Before the director finds out there's a news van parked in her spot."

Van laughed, then hissed as it pulled his stitches.  "I'd apologize, but I have absolutely nothing to do with that mess," he said.

Morrow eyed him over the top of the clipboard.  "The stitches will probably pull a little for the next week or so.  I've already got a prescription for painkillers being filled.  Knowing cops like I do, I doubt you'll use them, but take them with you just in case.  It's better to have them and not need them than to have to call the overnight number cursing in Ancient Egyptian from pain."

"We'll keep an eye on him," Natalie said, cheerfully.  "How soon till he can exercise?"

Eying her nervously, Dr. Morrow paused.  "Moderate exercise is good for the wound at this point.  Moderate," he repeated as she clapped her hands together.  "Anything that hurts is not moderate."

"Good," she said, cheerfully, "cause Donuts here has missed his workouts."

"I got shot," Van whined, already dreading going to the gym.

"Do I look like I care about your excuses?" Natalie asked, resting her hands on her hips.

"Alright," the doctor said loudly, leaning over to start unhooking wires.  "I think you're ready to go.  Let me just get a nurse with the wheelchair."

"Already done, Doc," Natalie said, pulling a wheelchair into view.  "The PD cleared a side door for us.  If we're lucky, we'll miss all the reporters."  She gave Van a glare that said he'd better shut up and get in the chair.

Biting his cheek, Van smiled and swung his feet around to get up.  "Hold this for me, will you?" he asked Eli, handing him the picture as he lowered himself into the chair.  His legs were surprisingly weak after two weeks of lying in a hospital bed, and it felt good to stretch them out.

"I've got him," Eli said to Natalie as they maneuvered the chair out of the room.

"You going to be my nurse?" Van asked.  "You'd be a very sexy nurse.  I'll buy you the outfit."

They passed the nurses' station and the woman behind it rolled her eyes, hiding her smile behind her cup of coffee.

"If you can find an outfit that will fit me," Eli said, "I'll wear it for you."  Van threw his hands in the air and cheered as the elevator closed behind them.

Natalie's rental car was parked in the loading bay at one side of the hospital, and they were able to get Van into the car before a stray reporter wandered around the corner.  Natalie hopped into the driver's seat and locked the doors before the guy could do more than shout in surprise.  It was fortunate that Natalie was skilled with driving around the press because a whole herd of camera-wielding folk came pouring around the corner as she pulled into the larger parking lot.

"Now you're glad I got the extra tinting, huh?" she said to Eli as he slouched in the backseat, his head propped on Van's shoulder.  "No more 'But Natalie, you look like a drug dealer,' bullshit."

Eli flipped her off, tucking his face into Van's neck and sighing.  His breath feathered across the sensitive skin there, and Van's hair stood on end.  He'd had plenty of time while he was in the hospital to imagine the many things he could do with his ridiculously sexy boyfriend.  Every time his heart rate picked up, one of the nurses came to check on him.  It had been inconvenient, to say the least.

Eli had been back every day, looking delicious and tempting and teasing him with barely-there kisses.  Now they were going to be alone together, and Van was going to take advantage of every second.  If Eli was willing.  He'd seemed uncomfortable with going too far in the hospital but, then again, there were nurses everywhere.

With the painkillers swimming through his system, he'd be happy just cuddling on the couch and talking if that was what Eli wanted. 

They'd have to figure it out when they got back to Eli's room.  Van sighed and shifted to a more comfortable position.  Eli turned his head, brushing a kiss along the tendons of his neck.  Shifting again, Van tried to ignore how his cock twitched at the sensation, but it must have been obvious because Eli smirked against his shoulder.  Pressing one broad, hot palm against Van's thigh, he hummed cheerfully as Van huffed out a surprised breath.

Maybe there was more than cuddling in his future after all.  He caught Natalie watching him in the mirror and stuck his tongue out at her, lacing his fingers with Eli's.  She laughed and turned up the music.

The casino was too big and busy for the reporters to get much of a foothold, but they made it into the elevator without incident.  The painkillers were starting to wear off, and the burning in Van's side helped him get his erection under control.  Eli didn't make it easy, pressing up against him in the back of the elevator.

"Your muscles are so pretty," Van said, running his hand over Eli's arm.  "Why do they let you wear clothes?"

"You're high," Eli replied, his dimples peeking out as he grinned.

"Maybe a little."  Van leaned in for a kiss, humming contentedly when Eli immediately obliged him.  He still tasted like coffee, with a hint of something sweet in the background.  It sent a thrill down Van's spine.

"You're both ridiculous," Natalie said, stomping out of the elevator and into the suite.  Her duffel bag was waiting by the door, and she shouldered it as soon as they were inside.  "I'm heading to the gym," she said, giving them a salute.  "Kim and I tested the soundproofing here and, if you keep your damned door closed, we shouldn't hear a damned thing."  She glared at them both.  "I don't want to hear a damned thing, are we clear?"

Van giggled into his hand, leaning heavily against Eli's side.  "No promises."

She sighed and cursed him in exasperated Spanish, "You have 48 hours, Donuts.  I expect you back in my gym and ready to work."

"Yes, Mom."

Rolling her eyes, she stomped out of the room.

As soon as the door closed behind her, Van found himself pressed back against the wall.  Eli fit himself against Van tightly, gazing at him as they shared breath.

With a goofy smile, Van leaned forward, closing the distance between them to steal a kiss.  Eli obliged enthusiastically, running his tongue over the seam of Van's lips until they parted for him to enter.  Startled, Van teased his tongue along the roof of Eli's mouth with a pleased groan.  Eli had never taken the initiative in their kisses like that before, but he was all in favor of it.

Reaching for Eli with arms that didn't particularly want to obey, Van slid his hands over that rugged chest, tracing the lines of muscle.  Eli caught his hands and pressed them to the wall, leaning into the kiss harder.  Van groaned, pulling back enough to nip at Eli's lower lip.

"You're so fucking gorgeous," he said, panting as he pressed hard kisses against Eli's jaw.  The stubble made his lips tingle, and he wanted to feel it all over his body.

Eli's neck and shoulders were rock hard muscle as he dug his teeth into the sensitive skin under Van's chin.  "I can't wait to get your big cock in me," he said, his voice muffled and flat from the angle.  Leaning back in and seizing Van's lips, he deepened the kiss until Van was squirming, trying to get some pressure on his cock.

"Fuck," Van said, breaking the kiss to pant against Eli's lips.

"That's the idea," Eli said, the wry twist of his lips fading a moment later.  "I can't wait to nail you to the bed," he said, his eyes sliding away from Van's.

In the back of Van's mind, a suspicion of concern trickled through, and he opened his mouth to suggest that they discuss a few things first.  Eli dropped his hand to fumble at his belt though, and all he could do was moan, the thought sliding away.

"Maybe we should take this upstairs," he said when they paused to breathe a moment later.  His belt was hanging loose around his hips, but Eli was having trouble getting his fly open with one hand.

"If you're thinking about walking upstairs right now, then I'm not doing this right," Eli said, pressing him back into the wall.  He was slotted tightly against Van's chest but kept their lower bodies from pressing together.  It was just like Eli, thinking of Van's wound, but he could take a little roughness.  He just had to prove it.

"Maybe I just want to unwrap my present where I know Natalie isn't going to find us later," he said, laughing when Eli grimaced.

"Upstairs then," Eli said, stepping back.

Van had to take a moment to adjust himself before he could walk carefully toward the stairs.  He dragged his eyes over Eli's flushed face and swollen lips.  His chest was heaving hard enough to strain his tailored shirt, but his half-hard cock barely disturbed the line of his slacks.

Frowning as they headed upstairs, Van cast about for a way to get him to forget his worries.  The last time Van had been nervous about sex, he'd been a virgin and the boy had been the son of a belly dancing friend of Papa's.  He'd done a striptease with the most insane hip movements; it had been like Van had been hypnotized.  He'd barely had a chance to be nervous or embarrassed before it had been over.

Smiling to himself, Van tugged Eli the last few steps into his room and pushed him into the armchair set by the windows.  "Stay there."

Crossing his arms, Eli raised one eyebrow but did as he was told.

Van toed off his shoes and hit the controls for the automated blackout curtains, turning on a single lamp for warm yellow mood lighting.  He couldn't remember much about the music that Patrick had danced to, just that it had been heavy on the drums.  Calling up a beat in his head, he started to sway.

How had that hip twist gone?  He slid his hips in an obscene figure-8, and Eli's eyes widened.  That was it.  Sliding his hands up his chest, he toyed with the top two buttons, easing them open.

Eli's eyes followed his every move, his throat bobbing as he swallowed.  When Van dipped his fingers below the waistband of his jeans to untuck his shirt, Eli leaned forward, his eyes going dark.  Van teased the fabric loose, slinking a few steps closer.  He could feel Eli's gaze on his skin as he undid the rest of the buttons, raising the hair on the back of his arms.

Sliding the shirt off, Van dropped it in Eli's lap, chuckling when he clutched it in white-knuckled fists.  "Don't rip that," he said, turning and sauntering away.  The buttons on his jeans popped open easily, and he teased the fabric lower on his hips.

Eli groaned, his eyes tracking over Van's exposed skin when he glanced back over his shoulder.  Van let the jeans drop, running a hand down his side.  The stitches were a neat little line over pale, new skin, mostly healed.  They were both ignoring them, and he was glad to feel no strain despite the lessening buzz of the painkillers.

Bending down to step out of his jeans, Van tugged his socks off, giving Eli a good look at his ass.  Peeking at him, he found his mouth gone dry.  Eli had pushed Van's shirt aside and was rubbing one big hand along the ridge of his erection.  The material of his slacks did nothing to hide the delicious size of him; Van licked his lips.  If Eli wanted to do the nailing some time, that was fine by him.  They could arm wrestle for it next time.

"Okay, I think that's enough of that," he said, tugging his boxer briefs down and off in one smooth motion.

Eli watched him approach, his dark eyes skating over Van's chest, making him shiver.  He let Van pull him to his feet, closing the distance between them with a biting kiss.  "You look like sex incarnate," Eli growled against his lips.

Smirking, Van tugged Eli's shirt off, running his hands over hot skin and tight muscle.  It was softer than he'd expected; decadent like silk over marble.  "So says the man who was one of Sports Magazine's sexiest omegas of the 21st century."  Eli's pecs were incredible and Van just wanted to sink his teeth into them.  He thought about seeing the mark during the next fight and bit his lip as his cock throbbed.  Maybe not.  He didn't need any more reasons to get hard watching Eli.

Van worked Eli's slacks down, taking a moment to run his fingers teasingly over the hard ridge under his briefs.  "Tighty whities?  Really?"

Eli groaned, his head thrown back.  "They're comfortable."

"If you say so, gorgeous.  They look good on you."  Van pulled them down as well, kneeling to pull off Eli's shoes and socks.  It put him at a convenient height to blow teasingly across the damp tip of that perfect cock, watching it twitch hungrily.

He would have done more, but Eli dragged him to his feet, kicking off the last of his clothes and pushing him back on the bed.  Straddling Van's lap, he rocked them together, their cocks lining up with the kind of friction that whited out Van's nervous system.

Clutching at Eli's hips, Van thrust up involuntarily with a groan.  Eli looked otherworldly, arched over him in the golden light, and he had to drag him down for a kiss.  It was like stepping into the ring with him, deep and bruising, and Van could only hold on for the ride.  Chasing that delicious coffee flavor, his tongue dueled with Eli's until they were both growling into the kiss.

Van could feel the pleasure building entirely too fast and he wanted to savor every minute of this.  He dug his fingers into Eli's hip, slowing their pace and gentling the kiss.  Eli reared back, staring at him from inches away, his eyes black in the low light.

There was something so vulnerable about the massive man at that moment, and Van kissed him gently, trying to reassure him.  He was completely unprepared for the hand that wrapped around his cock, stroking firmly.

"Fuck," he gasped, throwing his head back.  "That feels amazing.  You feel amazing."

Eli made a pleased noise.  "I can't wait to get you inside me," he said with a shy smile.  Shifting forward, he held Van's gaze as he twisted his wrist and made pleasure pulse through his body.

Reaching for Eli to return the favor, Van was surprised to find him only half hard.  Even in the dim room, he could see the flush that crept up Eli's cheeks, his eyes dropping to the bed.

"Sorry," he said, pulling back and getting off Van's lap.

Stunned by the sudden change, Van stared at him for a moment, trying to get blood to flow through his brain.  "It's okay.  We can take it slower."  His traitorous cock wasn't going down any, but he could wait.

"You don't have to," Eli said.  "I can suck you off."

Frowning, Van sat up and leaned against his shoulder.  "I will definitely take you up on that later but, for right now, I'd really like to do whatever it is you're comfortable with."

"I don't need you to have omega sex just for me."

Van stared at him.  "What exactly is omega sex?" he asked, stroking his hand down Eli's arm.

Eli looked away as his dick twitched with interest.  "You know."

"I really don't," Van said, pressing a kiss against his shoulder.

"Tits, foreplay, cuddling.  Girly stuff."  Eli shivered as Van stroked across his chest and down the flat of his abs.

"No girly stuff here," he said, stroking Eli's half-hard dick to feel it pulse against his hand.  "Just two guys doing what feels good, and let me tell you, you feel really, really good."

Eli slanted a glance at him out of the corner of his eye.  "I almost believe you."

Smiling, Van stroked him again, watching Eli bite his lip.  "That's good because I'm not lying."

"I'm the Champ," Eli said, sounding heartbreakingly confused.

Van paused.  "Is that supposed to mean something besides you owning a horrifically gaudy belt?"

With a shake of his head, Eli pulled away.  Van let him go, watching him roll to the edge of the bed.

"Guys don't sleep with me because I'm an omega.  They sleep with me because I'm the best boxer there is," he said into the shadows of the room.

Careful not to startle him, Van scooted closer.  "Why are the two mutually exclusive?"

"I don't know.  They just are.  I'm not omega enough for dominant guys."

Van almost laughed.  "Their loss.  If any of them were smart enough to appreciate you, I wouldn't be in bed with the sexiest guy in the Northern Hemisphere."  He draped himself over Eli's back, kissing the short hairs over the knob of his spine and making him shiver.

"I just don't want you to be disappointed," Eli said.

It was hard not to brush the concern off.  Considering carefully, Van rested his head against Eli's and hummed.  "I'm not going to lie, I've wanted you from the first time I saw you."  Under his chin, Eli's shoulder slumped.  "The only way I'm going to be disappointed," he added, stroking a hand over Eli's arm, "is if we do something that we're not ready for.  We can go downstairs right now and watch a movie."

Eli snorted, his eyes slanting sideways to meet Van's.

"Okay, maybe not right this minute," Van said, ruefully.  "I'm gonna need a few in the bathroom if we decide that sex is off the table, but that's my problem.  I'll even let you pick the movie."

"How generous," Eli said, his lips twitching a little.  "What if I have a thing for romantic comedies?"

"Fantastic.  Lion was just in one of those last year.  I like artsy foreign films, personally.  We can alternate."  Van grinned as the boxer stared.  He loved the half eye roll that mentioning his movie star brother got him.

"Sometimes it's hard to tell when you're serious," Eli said, leaning back into Van's embrace.

Van winked.  "I'm always serious."

"I really do want you," Eli said after a moment.  He refused to meet Van's eyes, turning his head so that his profile was highlighted in golden light.

"I am very glad to hear that," Van said, "but it doesn't mean that it has to be right now."

"I want it to be though," Eli said, pulling away and pacing toward the door.  "This is supposed to be simple, right?"  He turned pleading eyes on Van.  Seeing the muscular boxer so uncertain broke Van's heart.

"Eli," Van slid off the bed and pulled the bigger man into a hug.  "Do you want to have sex?  With me?  Right now?"

Eli hunched over and buried his face in Van's neck, the muscles of his shoulders bunching and releasing.  "...Yes...?"

"Yes, you want to have sex?"  Van smirked as Eli's growl tickled his skin.

"Yes, I want to have sex with you, right now," Eli grumbled, sinking his teeth into the fleshy part of Van's shoulder.

Van chuckled.  "Then all you have to do is lay there and let me do the work."  He tugged Eli back toward the bed, kissing his swollen lips.  "Don't get used to it.  I'm going to make you do the heavy lifting next time."

Staring at him, the tiniest flare of hope behind his eyes, Eli smiled tentatively.  "I'm good at heavy lifting."  He flexed his arm, and Van threw his head back and laughed.

Pushing Eli back onto the bed, Van made a point of fussing with their positions until they were propped up on the pillows, nose to nose.

"You know what I noticed first about you?" he asked idly, running his hands over the hot skin spread out below him.

"You were at the fight?" Eli asked, his brow furrowing as he thought.  It was adorable how seriously he took everything.  "My muscles."

"Your ass," Van countered, stroking his fingers over the smooth skin of Eli's chest.  "Do you wax?"

Thrown by the question, Eli nodded.  "Mostly just before fights.  Kim says it gives me more appeal to–" He trailed off with a gasp as Van caught one nipple in his fingers.

Grinning, he rolled the little bud back and forth.  "I think we can leave your publicist outside of the bedroom."

"Fuck."  Nodding, Eli arched his chest, pressing into Van's grip.

Experimentally, Van pinched harder and Eli bucked against him, his cock twitching to life.  He licked his lips.  He could work with that.

Leaning forward, he kissed his way across the smooth surface of Eli's chest.  The satin surface twitched under his lips, pressing up as Eli realized where he was going and held his breath.  Tempting as it was to tease, Van headed straight for his goal, wrapping his lips around the other flat nipple and sucking hard.  Eli jerked like he'd been plugged into an electrical outlet, groaning and thrashing against the sheets.  Van laved the thin sheen of sweat off with his tongue, his pulse pounding with the power of making Eli tremble.

"You like that, big guy?" Van said, scraping his teeth across the little peak.

Eli swallowed hard, throwing his arm over his eyes.  "Yes?"  There was a deep red flush creeping up that dark skin and Van reluctantly let go of his nipples to chase it up his throat.

"You don't sound sure," he said, licking along Eli's lips.  He opened readily, their tongues dueling for control of the kiss until Eli subsided with a whimper.  Van deepened the kiss, needing to hear that sound again; Eli molded himself against him, clutching at his shoulders.

When they separated, Eli's eyes were glazed, the pupils blown wide in the dim light.  "I just..."  He glanced to one side, tension starting to steal back into his body.  "Harder?" he suggested, the word so quiet that it was more of a rumble through Van's chest than a sound in his ears.

"Absolutely, baby," he said, surprised when Eli's dick twitched against his thigh.  Eli groaned and covered his eyes again, but Van grinned, delighted.  "You like it when I call you baby?  Can you be any more perfect?"

One dark eye peeked out just as Van leaned down and sank his teeth very carefully into one pebbled nipple.  Eli shouted, thrusting his fully hard cock against Van's hip.  His hands flew up and gripped the headboard hard enough to make it creak.

"That's right, baby," Van said, soothing the flesh with his tongue.  Eli groaned in disappointment as he shifted away and he chuckled.  "Greedy," he teased, kissing his way to the other side of that broad chest.  "Have to be fair."  His cock was throbbing, but he ignored it in favor of savoring every inch of Eli's skin.  He puffed a hot breath across the dark nipple, watching it tighten and reach for him.  The reaction as he caught the nub in his teeth this time was even more explosive.  Eli almost threw Van off as he bucked, a broken cry torn from his throat.

"You're so beautiful," Van said, ignoring the small twinge in his side.  "Jesus, how do you not know how sexy this is?  I'm so hard I could crack diamonds."

Panting, Eli thrust up against him so that their cocks brushed together, both of them moaning.  "Inside me?" he pledded, his voice hoarse.

"I'll get there.  Eventually."  Van tugged open the hotel nightstand, grateful to find a barely used bottle of lube tucked in one corner of the drawer.  "Is this branded?" he asked, holding it up to show the hotel's logo incredulously.

"It's Vegas," Eli said, tugging him down for a kiss.  "Everything is branded.  Hurry up."

"No," Van countered, nipping at his lip.  "I'm enjoying myself."

Eli flopped back onto the bed with a whine, his hand drifting down to stroke himself.  "I'm dying here."

Van watched him admiringly, his cock twitching with jealousy.  "I doubt that," he said, smiling, "but if you're in a hurry..."  He leaned down and sucked the tip of Eli's cock into his mouth.  Eli shouted, his body arching off the bed in a tense curve.  Van rode the thrust, careful not to choke, savoring the flavor of salt and skin.  When Eli collapsed back on the bed, his eyes wide, Van slid a slick finger back to stroke between the delicious globes of his ass.

Moaning, Eli spread his legs wider, his hand sliding away to grip the sheets.  His body tried to thrust back and forward at the same time, frozen in indecision.  Van hummed, stroking his free hand over the taut muscles of Eli's abs as they clenched.  The distraction allowed him to work one finger in without Eli even noticing, the boxer cursing as he thrust it deep.

"Jesus, hurry up," Eli groaned, his body dancing beautifully between Van's hand and mouth.  Humming again, Van watched the cords in his neck bunch as he found a rhythm, his muscles straining as he worked to pleasure himself.

Pressing another finger into that hot, tight channel, Van groaned as Eli impaled himself onto it flawlessly.  The silky flesh inside was pulsing, trying to draw him deeper, and he was having a hard time remembering why he was holding off.

"Condoms?" he gasped.

Eli groaned, not in pleasure this time.  "I don't have any."

"Who doesn't have condoms?" Van asked, kissing the tip of Eli's cock just to see it twitch before sliding off the bed.  Eli watched him, a guarded wariness in his eyes.

"According to my doc, the Virgin Mary had a better chance of conceiving than I do, and I haven't had a date since New Year’s."

"STDs are a thing, you know," Van said, digging through his wallet.  "And you never know when some guy is going to fall for your charms."  He straightened too fast and winced as his stitches pulled a little.  Waving off Eli's frown, he held up a slightly battered condom package.

Relief flooded Eli's eyes, and he snapped his fingers.  "Hurry up, boy scout."

"Never was, actually," Van said, as he climbed back on the bed.  "Did the Guides in France for a couple of years, but–"

"Tell me all about it after you fuck me into the mattress," Eli said, sitting up to drag him into position.

"Sir, yes, sir," Van said, stealing a kiss as he got himself ready.

Van moaned into the kiss as he pressed home, sliding into Eli's body like it was made for him.  "You feel like heaven," he whispered against Eli's lips, panting as he started to move.

"Harder," Eli gasped, locking his thick thighs around Van's waist.  "Please."

"Whatever you want, baby," Van jerked as the velvet furnace around him clenched at the pet name.  "Shit.  Keep that u, and I'm not going to last long."

"Don't care," Eli grunted as Van slammed home.  He had one big hand stroking furiously at his own cock and Van straightened up to watch, mesmerized.

He was so attuned to Eli's body that he could feel the other man's orgasm racing closer, his rhythm falling apart as his body clenched.  Wrapping his hand around Eli's he guided the other man's strokes, steadying him as his eyes flew open, unfocused and gorgeous in their pleasure.

Staring deep into those chocolate eyes, Van buried himself deep.  "Come for me, baby."

Eli sobbed, his body locking up as he sprayed his pleasure between them.  Van tried to watch as long as he could, but his eyes slipped closed with the pleasure of that delicious friction spasming around him.  Thrusting through the pulses of pleasure, he found the rhythm he needed and reached for his own orgasm.

Spent, Eli collapsed back on the bed, muscles shivering with each thrust.  Tears were seeping from his eyes, but he whined his pleasure as he pulled Van in for a kiss.  Neither of them had any breath to spare, so they ended up panting into each other's mouths, lips sliding together.  "You feel so good," Eli whispered, his voice full of wonder.  "I can't wait to feel you come in me."

As if summoned up by his words, Van felt the wave of pleasure break over him, flowing up his spine and out his limbs until even his fingertips tingled.  The world was nothing but Eli's eyes and the fireworks of pleasure that shook him like a rag doll.

When his brain finally came back online, he was draped across Eli's chest, sweat drying on their skin.  "Wow," he said, kissing the patch of dark skin near his lips.

Eli laughed, his body shivering against Van's cheek.  "Yeah," he said, his voice strained.

The shivers didn't stop and Van raised his head to find Eli wiping tears from his cheeks.  Van scooted up to kiss the salty tracks and hold him tight.  He pulled the blankets up and let Eli hide his face in his favorite spot against Van's neck.

"Sorry," Eli said a while later.

"Nothing to be sorry for," Van said, yawning.  "Round two after a nap?"

Swallowing hard, Eli nodded.  "Have to get more condoms."

Van waved his hand around, trying to reach the light without moving.  "Get room service to bring some up."

Eli pulled back and stared at him.  "You think they'll do that?"

"It's Vegas," Van said with a smile, turning off the light and plunging the room into darkness.




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