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Hell Yeah!: Make Me Crave (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Tina Donahue (5)


Mia wolfed down a humongous ham-and-cheese sandwich from the cooler and chased it with a Coors.

Chance spooned potato salad into her mouth. Riley fed her cole slaw.

Crumbs dotted her boobs and belly. Potato salad had dripped onto her left nipple. Slaw and its juice skimmed the curls between her legs. “I swear I usually have better manners than this.”

“Not today you don’t.” Chance tongued something off her lower lip. “We want you as wild as we are.”

“That’s right.” Riley pulled a mustard squeeze bottle from the cooler. He gave Chance one with ketchup.

She licked her fingers. “Aren’t you late with that? I’ve eaten my sandwich.”

“This is for Riley and me.” Chance rolled the bottle between his hands. “Riley was afraid to bring chocolate or caramel, my first choices, because he doesn’t carry EpiPens only condoms.”


Riley licked slaw juice from his mouth. “I figured you didn’t like bees.”

“I don’t.” She drew in her shoulders. “Do you see any?”

“Probably hundreds in the vegetation.” Chance shrugged. “Not over here, though. Lie down.”


“So we can eat.”

They’d finished their food, same as her. She smiled slyly. “Gonna have me for desert, huh?”

“More or less.” Riley settled Mia onto her back. He squirted mustard on her nipples, down her torso, and into her navel.

Using the ketchup, Chance wrote something on her bush.

She lifted her head but couldn’t make out the word. “What’s that say?”

“My name. I’ve branded you. Spread your legs, darlin’.”

She loved that endearment. “You read Food and You Are My Passion.” The threesome in that one ate everything off each other.

“Yep. Made me hungry, like now.” He parted her thighs, pressed his face to her opening, and inhaled deeply. An amazing tribute to her as a woman he desired.

His pleased sigh mingled with singing birds and leaves rustling in the sticky breeze.

Riley tongued mustard from her nipples.

Mia lolled on the blanket and delivered herself to their passion.

Chance enjoyed her pussy and clit as a man would a fine steak. He took his time and savored her flavor and fragrance.

Riley fondled one boob and licked potato salad and mustard from the other. He took side trips to her navel, torso, and throat. His kisses grew heated. His tongue filled her mouth.

Chance’s teeth tugged her curls. He lapped away the ketchup, destroying his name, claimed her nub, and delivered her to paradise.

Unlike guys, Mia didn’t care how fast she came, as long as she did.

Her orgasm kicked serious ass.

Panting, she stretched out, arms and legs at clumsy angles, hair draped over her eyes. “I like how you guys enjoy your food.”

Chance suckled her inner thigh.

It tickled. She squealed.

Riley lapped bread crumbs off her ribs.

Mia rolled away from him and Chance. She pushed up. “We gotta go.”

“Since when?” Chance sat on his heels.

So did Riley. “Not to mention why?”

“A private BDSM room at the resort is going to be way more comfortable than the temperature out here.” She swatted a persistent fly. “No bugs either. There’re toys there, too.” She stroked Chance’s tat and Riley’s scar. “If you get my drift.”

They jumped to their feet and tossed her clothes.

Her tee landed on her head, her shorts on the mustard bottle.

“Get dressed.” Chance pointed. “Or we’re taking you back as you are.”

“As if.”

Riley spoke to Chance. “She needs discipline.”


Mia couldn’t wait.

She rode in front of Riley and bounced on the saddle. “Can’t you make this thing go any faster?”

“Easy.” He tightened his arm around her waist and heaved air. “You’re rubbing my rod and balls.”

“That’s a bad thing?”

He snickered. “No. But it’d be better if you did that while I was inside you. By the way, his name’s Butterscotch, not thing.”

She petted the horse’s soft brown mane. “Sorry.”

“No prob. You used to be a city girl. Hang on.”

Butterscotch galloped like an out-of-control cab in a snowstorm, bouncing and veering, on his way to losing control.

She squeezed her eyes closed and prayed they’d make it back in one piece.

At the kitchen door, Riley kissed her hard and deep.

So did Chance. “What room are we using?”

“Follow me.”

“We need to tend the animals. We’ll have to meet you there.”

She was too citified. Although she’d purchased horses for the guests who wanted to ride Lady Godiva style or chose to use them to get to their carnal playgrounds, she’d only been to the stable a few times. “Number twelve.” Before leaving this morning, she’d checked to see what rooms were available. “Hurry. Wait. My windbreaker.”

Riley pulled it from the cooler. Food and condiments stained the nylon fabric. His mouth turned down. “Sorry.”

“I’m not. I’ll be waiting.” She tugged the garment on and hurried through the kitchen.

Chopping, stirring, and conversation stopped. Everyone spoke as one. “Afternoon, Ms. Strand.”

She nodded and zipped past the crew. “Have a good day.”

Inside room twelve, she lit two dozen black candles. They added an ominous note rather than eating away the darkness, the décor deliberately planned that way. Brick walls and a stone floor added to the dungeon allure. Leather scented the air. Chains, manacles, and other metal stuff she couldn’t identify populated the room.

A St. Andrew’s cross stood threateningly in one corner. Whips, floggers, canes, riding crops, belts, and straps hung from bolts screwed into the walls.

She stopped at a wooden table with wrist restraints on top and ones for ankles on the legs. Whoever conceived this thing had fastened a leather-covered dildo in the center, its angle perfect for a woman’s mouth, once she bent over the table and displayed her ass.

Mia stroked the sinister prop, almost as long and thick as Chance and Riley’s equipment. She sniffed it. No way would this thing ever compare with their scents.

She’d never indulged in BDSM before or considered doing so with Kipp. He had a mean streak she feared releasing further. However, she’d always been curious about the lifestyle.

A pulse beat deep within her pussy. Heat sluiced through her.

She touched ball gags, Dom hoods, and items that resembled instruments a perverted gynecologist would use on a woman he didn’t like. Not for her. Pain was okay as long as it was minimal and nothing more than a game.

Keyed up, she ditched her clothes, except for her heels, and donned a slave collar with gold spikes. If the guys weren’t careful, they’d cut their lips or poke out their eyes when they kissed her. She discarded it and chose another collar with ‘Fuck Me’ spelled out in large silver letters. No need to be subtle.

Footfalls rang in the hall and halted at the door. It flung open.

The jamb framed Chance and Riley.

Mia bowed her head submissively.

A whistle sounded. Could have been either guy. The door shut and the lock clacked.

She struggled not to bounce in delight.

Riley and Chance circled her here as they had at the tree and stopped in front.

Mia lifted her head.

They didn’t bitch at her for moving without their permission. They stripped, giving her a show.

Their cocks sprang out of their jeans. Neither had bothered to put on their boxer briefs at the clearing. Breadcrumbs clung to Riley’s ribs. Ketchup smeared Chance’s chin and collarbone.

They looked good enough to eat.

Chance pulled something from her hair. A grass blade. “You’ve been a bad girl.”

“The worst.” She licked his pecs and Riley’s. Both were slightly salty. All man. “Punish me.”

Laughter rumbled in their chests. Chance sobered first. “We do the talking from here on out. Got it?”


Riley scratched his throat. “You’re supposed to nod.”

“Sorry.” She made like she was zippering her mouth, locking it, and tossing the key.

Chance glanced past her. “How’s that St. Andrew’s cross look to you?”

She cradled their balls. They pushed to their toes, their breathing ragged. “I prefer the table.”

Riley sighed. “Chance was speaking to me.”

“Oh. Sorry. I still prefer the table. Please.”

He regarded it. “Might be the only way to keep you quiet.”

“How right you are.” After Chance pulled her to the table, he restrained her ankles and wrists. “Doing okay?”

If she were any wetter, she’d drip. “Perfect.”

“Except for the talking.” He fought a smile. “Bend over and take that puny cock into your mouth.”

Riley padded over. “You’d think BDSM companies would fashion ones to match a real man’s size. He flexed his rod until it rested against his belly.

Chance did the same with his.

Mia adored how they played. Bent at the waist, she slid her lips over the leather phallus. It had a licorice flavor. Not bad. She sucked.

Chance leaned over. “Don’t get too enthusiastic about that thing. Save some loving for me and Riley.”

She winked.

They left her side and pondered the instrument they’d use to discipline her.

Riley whistled. “That’s one mean-looking whip.”

“The riding crop, too.” Chance swore softly. “I’d never use that on a horse.”

“Me either.”

She tongued the cock from her mouth. “No whips, paddles, canes, crops, or other nasty stuff on me. Choose a soft strap.”

They looked over.

She gave them her most submissive smile. “Please?”

Riley bounced the straps in his palm, testing their weight.

Chance flicked them.

Leather cracked air. Her pulse sprinted.

They chose a thin, supple one and flanked her at the table. Riley guided her back to the fake penis. She sank her teeth into it.

Chance stroked her ass. “Not one sound. Even a whimper earns you extra punishment. Given how you can’t follow instructions, we could be here for days.”

Riley leaned against the table. “Fine with me.”

She batted her lashes at him. He stroked her cheek.

“Watch yourself and me.” Chance pointed at the cheval mirror strategically placed so a sub would see a Dom disciplining her.

Mia’s hair pointed in every direction, dirt or ketchup smudged her jawline, her boobs squished out on the sides, the table flattening them. She’d rarely looked as bad and had never known such fun.

Chance wound the leather around one hand. “Lift your ass to meet the strap.”

She wiggled her butt.

Enthusiasm lit his handsome features. “That’s the spirit. Ready?”

Her blood sang, breath caught, pussy moistened further. She nodded as best she could.

Riley pulled condoms from his jeans and ripped one packet open.

Chance flicked the strap. It cracked the table.

She flinched.

Whistling a tune, Riley positioned himself next to her and slowly rolled the rubber down his erect length. His balls were tight to his body.

So were Chance’s. He swung the strap as he would a lasso.

The anticipation was killing her. Mia bit the phallus hard enough to sever the thing. She bobbed in place.

Chance lowered the strap and scowled.

She stilled.

He snapped the leather between his hands, strutted right, left, and struck.

The strap smacked her ass and curled around her hip.

She froze. The sting registered and set her skin on fire. She struggled to get free.

Both guys bent down. Riley spoke first. “You okay?”

“Was it too hard?” Horror filled Chance’s eyes.

Warmth whisked through her and replaced the pain. She spoke around the cock. “No. I’m good. More.”

They traded a glance. Chance shrugged. “If you’re sure…”

She beat her fists against the wood and nodded.

Chance gave her two licks in rapid succession. Riley punished her with three licks and stopped.

Her butt felt twice its normal size, but the heat was fan-freaking-tastic. She drooled around the phallus.

Riley threw the strap aside. “Enough of this shit. Let’s get to the good stuff.” He dipped his fingers in her slippery folds, sighed happily, and transferred the moisture to her anus. “Here okay? If it’s not, speak up.”

She pulled away from the phallus. “It’s fine.”

Chance eased her hair behind her ear. “You ever do this before?”

“Not with you guys.”

“How about any man?”

She was a virgin at this. It was beyond intimate and made her too defenseless to have contemplated it with Kipp. “I’ll be all right. I want to try.”

Chance elbowed Riley. “Take it easy. Don’t hurt her.”

“Me? If I do, you have my permission to shoot off my balls.”

“Go on, then. Wait. Let’s lube her first.”

They grabbed a tube the resort provided and slathered half its scented contents on her and inside her.

She trembled from their strokes. “Ah, guys. I’m good. Crazy as it sounds, I’d like to feel some friction from your cocks.”

“You heard the lady.” Chance stepped back.

Riley settled between her legs and rubbed his crown over her tight ring. “Feel okay?”

Paradise would have trouble competing with the day they’d given her. Sex was the least of it. She cherished how they’d goofed around and the respect they’d shown. What other men would have read romances to please her? “Lovely. Bet it’ll be even better once you’re inside me.”

Chance pressed his mouth to his shoulder to muffle his laughter.

Riley turned fifty shades of red. “I’ll make sure of it.”

He worked her with care, starting, stopping, changing his position repeatedly. At last, his crown slipped past her opening. Air hissed through his teeth.

Her nails bit into her palms. Being filled back there was way different than her pussy. “More. Deeper.”

He complied. Once past the initial barrier, his shaft slid in easily. “Sweet mother of all that’s sacred, you are hot and smooth. This is better than what Back Door Surprise portrayed.”

She’d read that one too and couldn’t argue the point. “Ride me, soldier.”

Chance’s laughter broke free.

Riley thrust his rod into her and finger fucked her clit.

They ascended together, jounced and swayed, shouted their respective releases, and plunged over the precipice.

Breathless, Riley released himself and staggered to the clean-up area stocked with antiseptic wipes and a sink.

Already sporting his rubber, Chance tidied up Mia’s opening and mounted her. His breath whooshed out. “Tell me if anything hurts.”

“Only having to wait for you to start pumping.”

“You’re a bad girl. Swear you’ll never change.”

Not a chance. “Give me your best and I won’t.”

He rode her, his strokes on her nub precise and coordinated with his thrusts.

Neither of them lasted long. She broke first. He followed close behind.

Their moans and rasps filled the room.

He released her from the restraints. They ended up on the floor next to Riley. Once he and Chance rested and wore new condoms, Mia straddled Riley and took his cock deep within her channel. She bent over and offered Chance her other opening. “Want it?”

“In a New York minute.”

They laughed. He mounted her. Riley speared his tongue into her mouth.

Filled completely, she basked in the best sex ever.


Chance’s aching neck and back woke him. “God, I’m about to die.”

“You and me both.” Riley rubbed his hip.

Mia slept peacefully. Chance’s belly pillowed her head. Riley’s thighs supported her legs. Only her ass touched the stone floor.

Riley groaned. “They should put a bed in here.”

“That’d defeat the purpose of a room dedicated to pain.” Chance shook Mia’s shoulder gently. “Wake up, darlin’. We need to go to your office.”

She smacked her lips but kept her eyes closed. “Why?”

“The sofa and chairs in there are easier to sleep on.”

“They’re not half as good as my king-size bed.”

Chance pressed his face to her hair. “Does it smell like you?”

“Everything in my place does.”

“You sold me.”

They dressed and plodded toward her suite; him and Riley keeping her upright. She yawned repeatedly.

Chance fought fatigue. “How far is your place?”

“Past my office and the orgy rooms.”

They still had two halls to go down.

He steeled himself for the journey. His cellphone rang. By habit, he pulled it from his back pocket and checked the display.

Chance stopped.

Mia and Riley lurched on, halted, and retraced their steps to him. She bit her lip. “Who is it?”

“Isaac. I should take this.” Chance brought the phone to his ear. “Hey. What’s up?”

“Found what you’re looking for. Emailed it to you.”

“Thanks. Did the Equalizers have to hack the system?”

“Nope. They gave me Jacqui Lyles’ number.”

The name didn’t register with Chance. “Who’s she?”

“A computer whiz who works for the Omega Team. They’re based in Tampa. Do great work for people who are powerless and need help. Hope this solves your problem.”

Chance prayed it wouldn’t worry Mia more than she already was. She’d gone pasty and was wringing her hands. “Hope so. Mind giving me Jacqui’s number?”

Isaac rattled it off.

“Thanks.” He ended the call, stored the info, and sent the file in his inbox to Mia’s email addy.

She grabbed his hand. “Who are the Equalizers?”

“The people Isaac contacted to find your phone records.”

“Jacqui works for them?”

“No. The Omega Team. Let’s go to your office. I’ll explain there.”

Mia paced the room.

Chance powered up her laptop. “What’s your password?”

“Why?” She raced to him. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I need to get into your system. Isaac emailed me your phone records. I sent them to you.”

“I’ll pull them up.” She sidled past Chance and plopped in her chair. “What’s the Omega Team?”

“A group in Florida that helps vulnerable people who’re in trouble.”

“Jacqui’s their admin?”

“Computer hacker. Let’s look at those records.”

Riley joined them.

Mia’s hand shook so badly, Riley had to open the attachment for her.

An Excel spreadsheet popped up. Countless mobile numbers displayed, many identical, the calls made during those times when Chance had the phone.

Mia covered her face and rocked.

He didn’t have to ask whose number this was. He hunkered down on her right side.

Riley did the same on her left.

Chance rubbed her arm. “It’s okay. We’ll fix this, I swear.”

“How?” She dropped her hands. “How’d Kipp find my number? It’s unlisted and unpublished. It’s toll-free. I didn’t even order it in my freaking name.”

There had to be a reasonable explanation. “What name did you use?”

“A corporation I created. Temptation Road.”

Sounded like a song to Chance…or something that made more sense. “Is that a name of a romance?”

Dread flashed in her eyes. “Yeah. Why?”

Riley kissed her knuckles. “Does Kipp know you read that stuff? Did you have that one around while you were still with him?”

“Oh my god.” She trembled. “I left my paperbacks there along with everything else.”

“No biggie.” Chance offered his most reassuring smile. “He may have found your number, but you haven’t answered the phone so he doesn’t know for sure it’s yours.”

“Yes he does, or he wouldn’t keep calling.”

Chance couldn’t argue with sound reasoning. “Look, even if he’s put everything together, he doesn’t know you’re out here. Nothing at the resort points back to you. This corporation is hidden by the others you’ve come up with.” He hoped to hell she hadn’t used book names for them, too. “What are those companies called?”

She moaned. “A variety of things. I used titles for some, character names for others.”

“That’s good.”

Mia bared her teeth. “In what way?”

“Kipp would have to read the stories in order to dig deeper. Is he that obsessive?”

“Why do you think I’m in Texas?”

Chance cupped her face. “If he knew where you were, he would have been out here by now, stalking you. The calls started a few weeks ago. He’s probably still doing research.”

Riley jumped in. “Or he hired a hacker who’s faster at these things.”

Just what Mia didn’t need. More bad news. Chance frowned. “That doesn’t mean he’s going to win. We can still keep him from knowing where she is.”

“For a while, not forever.” Riley shoved his hair back. “She can run and hide like she’s done, but she’ll always have to look over her shoulder, unless she squares off against him now, face to face.”

Mia glared. “Have you lost your freaking mind?”


Riley hoped she’d ask Kipp that when she saw him again and used that same pissy voice. “Let me explain.”

“You better.” Chance rapped his fist lightly on her desk. “You’re not making things easier.”

“Neither is going on the defensive. If someone wants to locate Mia, they will.” Riley spoke to her. “Take every precaution you want, Kipp will find a way to outsmart you. How many times have we heard how women escaped their abusers only to end up dead because the pricks found them?” He cradled her icy hand between his. Riley blew on her fingers. “That’s not going to happen to you. Those women didn’t have Chance and me to see to their safety.”

Chance rubbed his eyes. “I take it you have a plan to accomplish this?”

He’d just thought of it. “First off, get Kipp to come here.”

“No.” Mia pulled her hand away and wrapped her arms around herself. “Once he knows where I am, I’ll have to leave. I can’t sell the resort and start over. He’ll simply find me again. I’ll always be running.”

“Not if we put an end to this when he comes here.” Riley squeezed her shoulder. “It’s the only way.”

Her eyes rounded. “You’re not thinking of killing him are you?”

“If I could, I would, but no. Don’t want to spend my best years in jail. How about you, Chance?”

He groaned.

Riley winked at her. “He agrees. We won’t shed blood or even touch the prick, but we will make it impossible for him to mess with you in any way, shape, or form. He’ll understand you mean business and that your actions could cause him major grief.”

“In what way? How is that possible?”

“Easy. Turn what he does back on himself. You said he stole your ideas at the company you both worked for.”

She slumped in the chair. “So? What he did was shitty and lower than any person should sink, but it’s not a crime. And I don’t want to steal his ideas.”

“Didn’t say you did.” Riley kissed her biceps. “If a man can lower himself to that level, it’s likely he lacks integrity in his other dealings.”

Chance lifted his head. Curiosity sparked in his eyes. “Insider trading?”

Riley shrugged. “Dunno. Mia might.”

She looked from Chance to him. “I don’t know either. Maybe Kipp’s done stuff like that. I wouldn’t put it past him. But even if he has broken the law, it doesn’t mean anything. No one goes to jail for insider trading any longer. Haven’t you heard? Wall Street rules. They’re too big to rein in. No matter what they do, bad publicity and jail sentences would ruin the middle classes’ 401(k)s and sacred trust in the stock market. Better to look the other way. The few times the SEC has shown any balls, the investigations and court cases continued for years with a few fines, no prison.”

That wasn’t about to stop Riley. “You’re saying this wouldn’t work?”

She threw up her hands. “How could it? We need hard evidence to even consider doing something. I don’t have any, nor do I have a clue as to how I could get it.”

“The same way we got your phone records.” Chance gestured to the spreadsheet on her screen. “We do our own digging.”

Riley agreed. “Once we have our ammo, we invite that bastard here and let him know how the world’s gonna work from here on out. He leaves you alone or we bury him with the authorities. I say we bury him anyway. Serves him right.” He spoke to Chance. “Give me your phone.”


“I want to call Jacqui. Hire her to do the digging for us on Kipp.” Riley tapped Mia’s hand. “Write down everything you know about him. Name, rank, and serial number so to speak, along with whether he takes drugs, hires prostitutes, or any of the usual stuff men do but shouldn’t. We’ll send it to her.”

Mia didn’t move. She barely breathed. “What if she doesn’t find anything?”

“We try something else. That said, I’m betting she’ll strike gold. Kipp may be smart and filled with his own importance, but he’s no saint as you well know. He’s surely fucked up somewhere and if there’s a record, we’ll use it.”

Mia brought up Word, saved the doc as Kipp Loring, and keyed in the information. Her sighs grew longer and louder.

“Here.” Chance offered Riley the phone. “Great idea by the way.”

“Thanks. Your mustard and ketchup stuff wasn’t bad.”

They chuckled. Riley called Jacqui.

She answered on the second ring.

“Hey.” Riley identified himself, stood, and paced. “Got your number from Isaac McCoy who got it from the Equalizers. You following me so far?”

“With rapt interest.”

She sounded kind and possibly a little sassy. Good qualities in a woman.

“What can I do for you, Mr. Baker?”

“Riley, please.” He explained the problem. “Mia’s putting together a list of Kipp’s particulars as we speak.”

The computer keys clicked with increasing speed, possibly 90 words a minute or more. Mia clenched her jaw and glowered at the screen. Already she was on the second page.

Riley crossed the room and spoke to Jacqui. “If Kipp’s doing anything illegal or even remotely wrong, we want to know about it. Could be he’s stalking another girl. Find her name. We won’t contact her, I swear. We simply want to use what we learn as bargaining power against him.”

“Public records are easy. The private stuff might take some time if he’s covering his tracks.”

“Hold on.” Riley pressed the phone to his chest and spoke to Mia. “How careful is Kipp with things? Does he hide what he’s doing?”

“He’s a freaking sociopath and thinks he’s smarter than everyone else, so I’d say no as far as unusual safeguards are concerned. He changed his password a lot, but a hacker should be able to bypass that.”

Riley relayed the info to Jacqui.

Mia wiggled her fingers. “Let me talk to her.”

He gave her the phone.

She clutched it so hard her knuckles turned white. “Hey. I put my billing address at the top of the list I’m compiling. If you need a retainer, I can give you the corporate credit card number now.”

Chance cut in. “If you need help paying, Riley and I can help.”

“We’d be happy to.” To Riley, money was a small thing to offer to make this go away.

Mia’s mouth trembled. Her eyes shone. “Thanks, but I can handle it.” She spoke to Jacqui. “Get us stuff to nail Kipp. If you don’t, he’ll do everything he can to ruin my life. I’ll never be free. Please, you have to find something. Here’s Riley again.”

Mia hung her head and held up the phone.

He took it. “I’m back.”

“Mia sounds stressed.”

“That’s putting it mildly. Soon as she’s finished with her list, we’ll shoot it to you.”

Jacqui gave him the email addy. “I’ll be in touch.”

“Me, too.” Anything for Mia.

Given Chance’s long face, he felt the same.




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