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Hell Yeah!: Race to Tebow (Kindle Worlds Novella) by V.A. Dold (5)



Pizza! Sheena drew in the aroma and smiled. She loved Hawaiian pizza as much as cookies and cream with toffee bits ice cream. “Wow. Four pizzas? You must be famished.”

Terry waved his hand over the pile of boxes doing his best imitation of Vanna White. “This is the food of the Gods. Perfect for dinner, snacking, and excellent as breakfast the next morning.”

She laughed as she opened a box. “When you put it that way, I’m surprised you didn’t get more.”

“I considered getting eight, but Bast would have had a seizure.”

The front door slammed, startling Sheena so badly, she dropped the slice she’d chosen on the floor.

“What the hell?” Terry pulled his weapon and crept from the room.

She peeked out of the kitchen and saw Bast wave him off.

“Put it away. I kicked Rick off the team, and that was him displaying his epic level of immaturity.”

Terry frowned and shoved his gun into his holster. “What happened?”

Bast lowered his voice. “He sexually harassed Sheena.”

Terry’s brows rose so high they almost touched his hairline. “What? I knew he was an idiot, but that was beyond stupid. Are you reporting him?”

“I already did. I can’t believe he stepped over the line like that.”

“I know you guys have been friends for years, but you have to have noticed the change in his behavior over the past year.”

Bast lowered his head in a sad, slow nod. “Yeah, I have. I hoped it was something he was going through in his private life, and he’d get past it.”

Terry shook his head. “Mutual consent on the down-low is one thing. But harassment is flat out abuse as far as I’m concerned.”

“I agree. Regardless, it’s over and done. For now, we’re functioning as a three-man team. Let’s eat. Then I’ll update Steve and reassign watch details to make up for Ricks vacancy.”

“What was that all about?” Sheena asked as they grabbed plates and drinks.

Bast shrugged. “I fired Rick, and he wasn’t happy about it.”

“Good riddance. I was tired of his disgusting stares. I’ve taken twice as many showers since I met him than I normally do. He made me feel dirty.”

Bast dropped his pizza to his plate. “You should have told me, cher. I would have put an end to it.”

Sheena swallowed the ham she’d pulled from her pizza slice and grinned. “I took care of it.”

He laid his hand on her arms and chuckled. “Yes. You did.”

Terry glanced back and forth between them. “What did I miss?”

Bast’s smile widened. “Miss Sheena knocked Rick on his ass.”

Terry’s jaw dropped open. “No! And I missed it?” Then he barked out a laugh. “Damn, woman. I knew I liked you.”

They ate in silence for a few minutes before curiosity got the best of Sheena. “Did you ever figure out how Moretti found me?”

Bast’s lips pinched together. “No. And without a survivor to question, we’ll never know.”

Terry scowled. “I tried to stop Rick from shooting the last guy. He ignored me. I can’t be certain, but it looked like he executed the guy. I searched the body for a weapon and checked it. He was out of ammo. I’m not ashamed to admit I’m glad that asshole is off the team.”

Bast paused for a moment and studied Terry’s face. “Did you include that in your incident report?”

Terry reached for another slice. “You bet I did. The way it went down—it didn’t smell right. You know?”

“Yeah. I’m getting that.”

Ten minutes later, Terry helped Sheena clean the kitchen while Bast updated Steve. She glanced at him and quietly asked, “Do you think we will be safe here?”

“We should be. I’ve used this house several times and never had an incident.”

She breathed a little easier. “Good.”

“Did the boss man show you the safe room?”

“I was just about to do that,” Bast answered for her as he walked in. “After you finish up in here, why don’t you relieve Steve so he can grab a bite to eat.”

“You got it.”

Sheena grabbed the butcher knife from the block beside the stove.

Bast eyed it and then her. “What’s that for?”

She waved it around like a samurai sword. “Protection. All I had in that last safe room was a steak knife. If someone had gotten through, I would have been toast. I won’t be in that predicament again.”

He scowled but remained mute on the subject. Then he sighed and waved her ahead of him as they approached the stairs. “It’s inside your bedroom again.”

She frowned at him as she stared at her bedroom walls.

He folded his arms and grinned. “Well? See if you can find it.”

Sheena slowly walked the perimeter. “Is this it?” One wall looked a little different than the others. You had to look really hard to see the inconsistency.

Bast clapped. “Good job. Press the wall right in front of you.”

Like the last house, the wall swung away to reveal a small safe room. She stuck her head inside and gave it a quick glance. The same contractor must have built it. The room looked identical to the other one.

“Everything works like the other room, and it’s stocked.”

Sheena placed the knife in the tiny kitchenette, and then she stepped back and closed the wall. “Now it’s stocked.”

Bast shook his head and opened another door and showed her a bathroom. “This is a Jack and Jill bath. It connects my room to yours. If you don’t want me to walk in on you, lock my side when you’re in here. But remember to unlock it again when you leave. I have to be able to get to you if the need arises. If you forget, I’ll have to creep into your room in the middle of the night to open it.”

She blushed when his gaze lingered on her and heated. She had a feeling his definition of need went beyond protecting her from Moretti. She could work with that. Sheena gave Bast a coy smile. “Really? I can be forgetful when motivated.”

He reached for her and ran his hands up and down her arms. “I’ll keep that in mind,” he whispered close to her ear and brushed his lips against hers. He took her hand and pulled her from the room. “Come on. Let’s see what’s on television.”

She watched a romantic comedy while Bast talked to his superior on the phone. She could only hear his side of the conversation, but it appeared that Rick had made a scene when he’d returned to the office. They also seemed to discuss her WITSEC status. A very long call.

He ended the call and glanced at her.

“I know you were talking about me and the program. When can I call my friends and let them know I’m okay?”

He took her hand. “Not for a while. Even with an untraceable phone, the mob could have tapped their lines. You could accidentally say something that will lead them to you.”

“You could be with me when I called to make sure I didn’t say anything wrong. I would be really careful. I promise,” she reasoned.

Bast shook his head. “If you contacted them, they would be in danger. The mob will use anyone you care about as a pawn. They would take them and hold them as ransom to get you to come out of hiding. By contacting them, you would put a target on their back.”

Sheena’s eyes blurred with tears. “Oh. I’ll never be able to speak to them again. Will I?”

Bast pulled her against his chest. “No, cher. Sheena, I’m sorry. I thought you understood. You can’t ever go back to New Orleans. Ever. That includes contact with anyone from your previous life.” He rubbed circles on her back and kissed her hair. “You have me and all of my friends at the ranch. You won’t be alone.”

She sniffled and raised her head. She grinned and wiped the tears from her face. “That’s right. You said there would be cowboys I could play with.”

Bast scowled at her. “I also told you to stay away from them. I’m the only man you will be playing with.”

She cocked a brow. “Really? Since when?”

“Since now.”

He pressed his lips to hers and kissed her until her head spun. Damn, the man had skills. “You sure know how to make a compelling argument against cowboys. Okay, I won’t play with them. For now. Who knows, you might get tired of me, and then what am I supposed to do?”

“That’s not going to happen. You’re not like any woman I’ve ever met. You’ve gotten under my skin and made me reevaluate my life. My future.”

She searched his eyes. “That’s all well and good, but eventually you’re going to get another assignment, and I’ll be alone on that ranch.”

His brow crinkled in thought. “Not necessarily. I’m working on that. But I can’t go into it just yet.”

She frowned unsure of what he meant. “All right.”

“Let’s head upstairs. I want to tuck you in before I start my watch in a half hour.”

She cocked a brow at him. “Tuck me in?”

“Absolutely. You know. Talk. Maybe kiss a little. Snuggle a bit. That kind of thing.”

“I see.” She pinched her lips together to suppress her laugh. “Well, you’re not coming in until I’m in my pajamas.”

Bast put his hand over his heart and looked properly aghast. “Of course not. I’ll be in my room, and you can call out when you’re ready. I’ll hear you.”

“All right. I’ll only be a few minutes.”

Sheena’s heart raced as she hurriedly prepared for bed. She slipped her nightshirt over her head and wound her hair on top of her head. If she didn’t tie it up, she had a terrible mess in the morning. She touched her lips and thought about what he’d said. Bast was tucking her in. He was going to kiss her again but would he take it further? God, she hoped so.

She crawled into bed, sitting with her back against the headboard, and pulled the covers to her waist. “Okay. I’m decent.” She called toward the open bathroom door.

She heard him open the door on his end of their Jack and Jill set up and waited for him to join her.

He smiled, his gaze moving over her. “You look comfortable.”

She smiled back and patted the bed. “I am. Join me.”

“You are a temptress, Miss Savoy. One day soon, I’m going to take you up on that offer.”

She blushed and glanced away. Then she gathered her nerve and looked him in the eye. “I’m going to hold you to that, Mr. Benoit.”

He sat next to her and took her hand. “It’s a date.” He leaned in and kissed her gently.

There was no demand or rush in his embrace. He wasn’t seducing her. He was comforting her after everything she’d been through. He drew her closer and dug his fingers through her twisted hair, massaging her scalp. His tongue caressed hers in a sensual slow dance as old as time.

“You’re the strongest, most beautiful woman I’ve ever met,” he breathed against her lips. Then he leaned away and brushed a finger down the side of her face. “Do you know what I’d like to do right now?”

“Um…I thought that was going to be one day soon?” she squeaked.

He chuckled and shook his head. “Not that. Don’t get me wrong, I want you naked and screaming my name, but not tonight. Tonight, I’d like to brush your hair. My cousin has told me on countless occasions that having her hair brushed was very relaxing.”

She tilted her head and grinned. “Is that so?”

He leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose. “Yes. Let me get your brush, and I’ll prove it to you.”

He scooted off the bed and grabbed her brush off of the vanity. He wriggled until his back was against the headboard again and pulled the tie from her hair. She held still while he took it down and slowly finger combed the thick curls until her hair hung free. She could always put it up again.

He picked up the brush and adjusted his position. “Could you turn a little bit, so your back is to me?”

Then he gently ran the brush from her scalp to the ends. Stroke after stroke, he was careful not to pull her hair.

Sheena’s eyes fluttered shut. He was right. This felt amazing. Surprisingly, she became sleepy. She hadn’t expected that.

He swept her hair aside and kissed her neck. Then he whispered, “I’ve wanted to bury my hands in your hair ever since I saw you at the police station. At night when I’m laying in the dark, I imagine it spilling across my chest as you lean over me. I know it’s a trivial fantasy, but I can’t get it out of my head.”

She looked at him over her shoulder, his gaze holding hers. The heat and longing in his eyes sent a zing of excitement through her body. “Every fantasy, no matter how simple, is important. Our dreams are what keep us going when things are difficult.”

She turned to face him. “Lie down for me.”

His eyes widened. “What?”

She waved at his side of the bed. “You heard me.”

She moved away from the headboard as he worked his way from sitting to lying. Once he was settled, she leaned over him. Her hair was a silken curtain falling over her shoulder to spread across his chest. She lowered her lips to his. His arms went around her and pulled her closer. Her breasts pressed against his chest as he devoured her mouth.

He ended the kiss slowly with several smaller kisses and nibbles. “Damn, woman. How am I supposed to concentrate during my watch after that?”

She brushed a strand of hair from his eyes and whispered, “I have faith in your abilities. You’ll be fine.”

“I’m sorry to say it’s time to put the abilities to use. I have to relieve Terry before he comes looking for me.”

She sat up and arranged the blankets over her legs as Bast left the bed. He leaned down and kissed her one last time. “I’ll be on watch for about four hours, and then I’ll be right next door. No one is going to harm you, I promise. Good night, cher.”

“Good night.” She watched him leave and quietly close her door. Salem managed to get into the room before he closed it completely. Her body was wide-awake, and sleep was going to be a long time coming. But oh the fantasies she would have in the mean time.

“Intruder!” Terry yelled right before a volley of gunshots shattered the quiet of the night.

Sheena sucked in a breath, grabbed Salem, and scrambled from the bed. With a yowling cat held tightly with one hand and a suitcase in the other, she used her shoulder to open the safe room door. Breathing hard, she dropped the case and slammed the door. Then she turned the monitor on and stared at the screen. She’d been wrong. This room wasn’t just like the other. There must be multiple cameras feeding the system. The screen was split into four views. She could see her bedroom like before, but now she had a view from the stairs showing the front door and most of the living room. There were also two exterior shots of the front and back of the house that included a good portion of the yard.

Salem squirmed, but she wasn’t about to let him go. Not yet.

Bast was off to the side of the front door, casing the porch and yard. Suddenly, she heard footsteps as Steve rushed into view and stopped next to him. She had expected to watch in silence and jumped when the silence of the room was broken. Wired for sound, too! Nice.

“Is she secured?” Steve whispered.

“Yes. I heard her rush across her room. She’s a hell of a smart woman and knew what to do.”

She heard a sound and watched Steve turn toward the back of the house. Someone was inside.

The bright flash of gunshots flashed at the front and back of the house simultaneously. This was an organized attacked.

Bast crouched close to the right side of the opened door. The attack team must be substantial. Bast was occupied holding them off from breaching the porch, which left the windows vulnerable.

Unexpectedly, a man burst through the living room picture window. Sheena stumbled back and lost her grip on Salem. The cat hissed and ran under the bed.

Bast spun, pressed his back to the wall, and dropped the intruder. Satisfied he wouldn’t revive, he turned back to the door.

Sheena checked all four scenes. She could see a man’s silhouette returning fire at the back. That had to be Terry. Steve was off screen, but she could hear a gun fight on the opposite side of the house. At least he was still alive.

She covered her ears. The cries of wounded men tore at her soul. Sure they were out to kill her, but they were still human beings with families who loved them. Salem emerged from under the bed and wormed his way onto her lap.

A shadow moved along the edge of the porch. It rose and aimed at the doorway. She yelled a warning that no one heard. Bast peeked around the doorframe and took aim, fired a round and ducked away. Several shots tore through the open doorway and shredded the frame. Two embedded in the staircase, and one struck Terry as he worked his way to Bast.

Bast returned fire and the shadow man crumpled to the ground.

Sheena screamed. An iron fist squeezed her chest. She was dizzy from lack of oxygen. Then she saw Terry roll to one side of the busted out picture window, away from the line of fire and he tore a tourniquet from the hem of his shirt. Thank God!

“How you doing over there?” Bast yelled without taking his attention from the doorway.

“Perfect. I’m as fresh as a spring flower.”

Bast snorted. “How many clips do you have?”

“Five. I stocked up for the party.”

“Toss one over. I’m out.”

Terry pulled one from his pocket and lobbed it across the room. Bast reached out and caught it, released his clip and slammed the new one home in one smooth action. Damn, that was hot.

Terry rose to his knees next to the window and whispered, “Police backup should be here any minute.”

Bast took aim and fired several shots as he yelled back, “We’ll need it. Here comes another wave.”

Movement in her bedroom tore her attention away from the battle raging. They were coming through the damn window again. No wonder they were keeping the team busy and away from her side of the house. She stiffened, set Salem aside, and grabbed her knife. They knew where she would be when they planned the attack. That meant they knew the layout of the house. She glanced at the displays that showed the team fighting for their lives. She was on her own.

She stared at the view of her room. The man pulled himself through the window and walked directly to the hidden door. Sheena gripped the handle of the knife harder. She broke out in a cold sweat, her entire body shaking. “I’m okay. I’m okay. He can’t get in unless I open the door,” she mumbled to herself, shifting her weight left and right.

Click. The lock released.

Sheena pressed her back against the wall furthest from the door. Intuition told her to hide her knife from the assassin. Salem’s hair rose. Hissing and growling, he launched himself at the man. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Her gentle familiar, the feline who wouldn’t hurt a fly was acting like he was a tiger. The man in black cried out in pain when Salem bit him. He struggled to dislodge the cat’s claws from his chest. Then he threw Salem against the wall.

Something erupted like a volcano from the depths of Sheena’s being at the sight of her beloved cat lying limp on the bed. She bellowed a war cry and leapt the few feet across the room, slashing the bastard with her butcher knife.

He cried out and fell backward, taking her with him. Before she could get her arm free to attack again, he shoved her off of his chest and scrambled to his feet. She tried to scuttle away before he could retaliate. She only got a few feet before he landed a hard kick to her ribs.

He raised his gun and was taking aim when footstep thundered up the staircase. The assassin turned and aimed at the doorway ready for whoever was coming to her rescue. Bast rushed through the door and time slowed. Three things happened simultaneously.

Bast skidded to a stop and aimed at the attacker.

The attacker adjusted his aim on Bast.

And Sheena raised her knife.

Before the man in black could pull the trigger, she slammed the knife down. The blade sliced through his boot and foot. She had pinned him in place like an insect on display by the blade embedded in the floor.

He bellowed and turned the gun on her as Bast fired. Skin, bone, and brain matter splattered across Sheena’s face. The majority of the gore was plastered to the wall like a macabre piece of art, several feet above her head. The body crumpled to the floor at an odd angle with his foot pinned in place.

Suddenly time sped up again. She knew Bast was at her side. Felt his hands checking her for injuries. But her brain had stalled out. His voice was distant and hollow like she was hearing him under water.

He grabbed her shoulder and gave her a shake. “Sheena, damn it, answer me.”

It worked, she could think and hear again. “What?”

Frowning, Bast knelt next to her. “Are you all right? Did he hurt you?” he asked more gently.

She pressed a hand against her side. “He kicked me and my ribs hurt like a mother. But I don’t think anything is broken.”

His expression hardened. “I’m sorry, cher. I don’t know how they keep finding you. I’m putting an end to it right now.”

She glanced at the masked man on the floor. “Is he… Is he dead?” she asked slowly. Her thought process was still a bit encumbered.

He took her hand and pulled her to her feet. “Yes, baby. He’s dead. Come on. I have to get you out of here.”

When he pulled her toward the hallway, she pulled back. “I have to get Salem and my bags. They’re in the safe room.”

He growled but didn’t argue with her. “Take the cat. I’ve got the bags.”

She scooped a skittish Salem off of the bed, and Bast snagged her bag. As they hustled through the bedroom, he grabbed the second bag. As they neared the hallway, Terry rushed in.

“Thank God.” Terry pulled Sheena into his arms and hugged her. Then he stepped back just as quickly.

“Are we clear to the vehicle?” Bast asked as he urged Sheena out the door.

“Yes, sir. We have the two assailants that are still breathing in custody.”

“Is Steve in one piece?” Bast asked over his shoulder as they made their way out the front door.

“For the most part. A bullet grazed his shoulder, but nothing life threatening.”

He opened the passenger door for Sheena and put the bags in the back seat. “I want you both at the hospital as soon as the police release the scene.”

Terry leaned closer and growled, “What the hell happened? They found us in under twenty-four hours.”

“They got into the safe room, too. Someone is feeding Moretti information.” He made his way to the driver’s door and got in. “I have to get Sheena to a safe location.”

Terry nodded. “Where are we going to take her this time?”

“No offense, but I’m going solo, buddy. The fewer people who know where she is, the safer she will be.”

“No offense taken. What about backup? You can’t take on a hit squad single handed.”

“I know some guys from my service days. They’ll help me out.”

Terry nodded and gripped Bast’s shoulder. “Good plan. We have a leak somewhere, and until we know who, she won’t be safe in any of our houses. Take good care of our girl. I’ll ferret out the leak.”

“Thanks, man. I’ll leave you to file the report. I’m going to send a message to the director and inform him I’m going dark. He won’t like it, but I’m not exactly giving him an option.”

Terry chuckled and shook his head. “I’m sure glad I’m not you. When this is over, he’s going to rip you a new one, and you won’t sit down for a week.”

Bast rolled his eyes. “I appreciate the support. Now move your ass out of the way so I can close my door.”

Terry stepped back but held the door open. “Be safe, Miss Sheena.”

“I’ll try, Terry. Thank you for everything.”

He smiled tightly and stepped away.

As they drove away, Bast glanced at her. “He’s worried about you.”

She made a weak attempt at a laugh and said, “I’m worried about me too.”

“I’m going to do my best to make sure that doesn’t happen again.”

Sheena ran her hand over Salem checking him for injuries. “I know. I’m not blaming you.”

He glanced at her and frowned. “What are you doing?”

She gently flipped Salem onto his side to finish her examination. “That asshole threw him against a wall. I’m making sure he’s okay.”

“Do you think he needs a vet?”

“No. I think he’s fine.” She let Salem have the run of the SUV and got comfortable for the long ride ahead.

Sirens from several police cruisers screamed in the distance as they exited onto the road. She glanced in the side mirror and saw flashing lights bearing down on the driveway they had just pulled from.

“That was close. The last thing we needed was a delay from the local PD. Excuse me while I make a call. I have to arrange things with my friends.” Bast hit the hands-free control on the steering wheel and called up his phone.

“Hey, Bast. How the hell are you?” Philip Hawke greeted him cheerfully.

Bast sighed. “Hi, Hawke. I’ve been better.”

“I know that tone. What’s wrong?”

“I have a witness in trouble, and I could use your help.”

“Whatever you need, buddy. You know that. But tell me. Why isn’t she in WITSEC?”

“I pulled her out. We’re going underground. Someone has been leaking her locations. We’ve been hit twice in as many days.”

“Shit. What do you need me to do?”

“I need a team I can trust to protect her. But I have to warn you we’re up against Moretti.”

Hawke whistled low. “Damn. You don’t do anything in a small way, do you?”

Bast chuckled. “Nope. I have a reputation to uphold. I’m headed to my grandparent’s old place in Lake Charles. Do you think you could get ahold of Jayco and Rev and meet me there?”

“Absolutely. They’ll be all over this. They were just belly aching about needing some action. So, are we holding up in Lake Charles then?”

“No. I’m using that as a meeting place to get the team together and then heading to Tebow Ranch.”

“Do you want extra help? I’m sure Kane would be more than willing to meet us in route and escort us in.”

“Thanks, man. That’s a good idea. I’ll take all the help I can get. Once I get her to the ranch, you guys, and the McCoy’s will be more than enough to keep her safe.”

“I assume no one at WITSEC knows about the ranch.”

“No. Thank God. I was about to submit her paperwork with the ranch as her final destination but didn’t have time.”

“I’ll make the calls and meet you in Lake Charles either tonight or tomorrow morning. Will you be okay until then?”

“Yeah. No one at the office knows about my grandparent’s place. I’m ditching my cell phone after I call in so they can’t track that either. I’ll call you with my new number once I have one.”

“Okay. Be safe, and we’ll see you real soon.”

“Thanks, Hawke.” He ended the call and glanced at Sheena. “We’re all set. I need to call in and then lose this phone. We’ll stop in Lake Charles and get a new one.”

“You have some pretty great friends. I can’t believe they’re going to drop everything to help me.”

“They’re the best men I know. We all went through boot camp together. After that, I did a few missions with them. They’re the brothers I never had.”

“You’ve never talked about your family. Do they live in New Orleans?”

He shook his head. “My parents passed quite a few years ago. My grandparents raised me from the time I was eight.”

Sheena took his hand. Her heart ached for the little boy who must have felt so lost. “I’m sorry.”

“Thank you. It was rough at first. But my grandparents were awesome. All in all, I had a wonderful childhood.”

“You talk about them in the past tense. Are they gone, too?”

Bast seemed to deflate a little. He paused and took a breath. “Grandma succumbed to cancer a few years back, and Gramps died a few months later. He couldn’t go on without her. The toughest man I knew died of a broken heart.”

“You don’t see love like that anymore. I’m glad they had each other.”

He glanced at her and smiled. “Yeah. So am I.”

They rode in silence for a few miles before Bast spoke again, “Could you tell me what happened? I heard you go into the safe room. Did you come out again?”

She stiffened as the scene from her bedroom played out in her mind. “No. Whoever that man was, he knew where the safe room door was and how to open it from the outside. You didn’t tell me there was a trigger outside of the room.”

Bast’s head whipped her direction. “He opened it?”

She nodded. “Yes. And it was a dang good thing I had my knife. Between super cat attacking him and the knife, I stayed alive long enough for you to get to me.”

His brows rose. “Salem went after the assassin?”

She chuckled. “I couldn’t believe it either. He launched himself onto the guy’s chest like he was a tiger or something. That was when the asshole threw him against the wall.”

“Is that when you did your banshee yell?”

She sucked in a breath. “I did a banshee yell?”

“Oh, yeah. I think they heard you in town.”

Sheena buried her face in her hands. “That is so embarrassing.”

“Don’t knock it. Your yell is what brought me running.”

She dropped her hands and laughed. “In that case, next time I need help I’ll make sure to call on my inner banshee.”

“Hopefully, there won’t be a next time. Their knowing how to get to you proves there is a mole in the office. No one I work with knows where I’m taking you.”





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