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Her Healing Touch by April Zyon (10)

Chapter Ten


Mikhail looked up when Gareth came back into the warehouse. “They get off okay?” he asked.

“Yeah. Dale seems pretty chipper, and was talking quite a bit when they pulled away.” Gareth walked over to look down at the poor excuse for an individual on the ground.

 “We should likely get him warmed up for what’s to come,” Gareth commented.

Mikhail nodded slowly. Then he looked up slightly before jerking his chin. “We can dangle him from there. Keep him a foot off the ground easily, and make sure he realizes the error of his way before he meets his maker in the next life.”

“Hades is going to have a field day with this one,” Stefan muttered.

Antonio and Stefan moved to get a line over one of the beams and hooked up to the winch they had on the one SUV. Thomas moved to Brown and switched out the zip ties for a set of wide cuffs. After hooking the chain between the cuffs to the hook Stefan handed him, Thomas smacked the man’s face. “Going up.”

Lincoln, who was next to the winch, flipped it on and dragged Brown over the floor, and up into the air into position before turning off the motor and locking it in place.

Brown twisted in the air and shook his head. “Man, you have to let me go. You can’t just leave me here for the Russians. I wouldn’t have hurt that kid, not really.” He was begging now, and a telltale stain showed on the front of Brown’s pants as he hung there crying.

“Probably shouldn’t mention the Russian in the room then,” Thomas muttered. Shaking his head, he moved off to the side. “So, what are we going to do about this sorry sack of shit?”

“We should turn him over to the cops,” Gareth said. “But that seems rather unfair to the Russians. I’m sure they could get to him in jail anyway, but I find the idea of leaving him strung up for them appealing after what he’s done. It is a bit of a moral dilemma really.”

“We put it to a vote then,” Mik said. Turning his back to Brown, he looked at the men. “Who says we hand him over to the cops for due process?” Not a single hand went up. “All right, those for giving him to the Russians for what he’s done to Hailey, and Dale?” Every hand went up.

“No!” Brown screamed and twisted again. “You can’t give me over to them. It would be murder,” he said with panic evident in his voice. “Come on, you guys can’t do that. You are the good guys. Right? You’re all law-abiding citizens. You can’t do this. It's not fair.”

Dieter scratched at his jaw and made a face. “He does have a valid point. It would be a tick in the wrong column for each of us if we were to hand him over.”

Mikhail nodded slowly and turned to face Brown. “True enough. But who says it has to be us that hands him over? Ares!” he called out.

“Ares? What in the hell? First, you talk about Hades, and now you are talking about Ares. You guys know that’s all fake, right?”

“Who’s fake?” Ares asked when he appeared right in front of the man. “So, you are the one who took that young boy from his mother? I think that there are some things that we could do to you to ensure that you remember just how bad it is to steal a mother’s child.”

Mikhail turned to look at Ares. “We voted to hand him over to the Russians. When you’re done here would you mind terribly passing him along? I figured you might fare better getting back out of there again.”

“It would be my pleasure. This will ensure that Hailey is out of danger, correct?” Ares asked as he looked at the waste of flesh and humanity. “You are a nasty bit of goods. You have endangered a woman that is like family to me, and you took a child from his mother. One of the special children, ones that are closer to the gods than anyone will ever be. You deserve everything that you will receive.” Ares leaned in and added, “I will also ensure that they know you took a child from its mother. Did you know that his brother has Down’s Syndrome and how close he is to his sibling? The man you owe so much money to. He will ensure that your life lasts for a very long time in a large amount of pain to issue a warning to one and all.”

Mikhail looked to Brown and shook his head. “You really shouldn’t have doubted his existence. It’s amazing how pissy they can get about it. Not like they write or occasionally call to let us know they’re still kicking. They just assume we are aware. Well, good luck. Your lifespan is about at its end. Try to keep the crying and begging to a minimum if you can manage. You dug this hole. Man up and take whatever they dish out. Thanks, Ares. I’ll let Hailey know you’re handling the delivery of Mr. Brown to his associates.”

“My pleasure,” Ares stated, and with a distasteful look laid a hand on Brown, and both men were gone in a flash.

Letting out a breath Mikhail rubbed a hand over his face. “Let’s load up, boys. I’m hungry, and I’m sure Hailey will want to know the good news.” He turned, and nodded when he saw Gareth’s worried look. Mik was tired, and he really wanted to get home. And now that Brown was out of the picture, maybe they could get back there.


Hailey had been gobsmacked by how amazing the men had been with Dale and with Sharon. All the men had been patient with Dale, and each one of them had given him their phone numbers so that if he ever needed anyone they could call him. Her biggest surprise, however, had been when Ares had given Dale his call sign on the game that they both played. She never would have pegged the god as a gamer, but evidently, he was hardcore.

She heard Nolan in the shower, and when arms wrapped around her from behind she smiled and leaned back against Owen.

“Hey, you.” She placed her hands on his and caressed him lightly. “I’m ready to go. Unless there is something else that we could do to kill a few hours?”

His lips were warm against her neck as he pressed a kiss to her thundering pulse. “I’m sure we could find something to occupy ourselves for a little while. We do have some time before the plane is scheduled to depart. It’s a shame to let this huge suite go to waste for even a few minutes of time.”

Oh, I think that we could come up with quite a few things to do to ensure that we make use of every single surface of this hotel room.” She leaned her head to the side so that he could have better access to her neck. “Please, do that again?”

“I’m sure we could,” he whispered. “We should likely kick the others out if we’re going to be doing more than using the bedroom. They are perverted enough to stick around to watch, and take notes to give us a review later on. It wouldn’t be good.” This time when he brushed his lips over her skin he added a bit of tooth.

“Then you kick them out while I go and hunt down Nolan. He’s taking far longer in the shower than he should be. I think he’s been waiting for me to come and join him. What do you say?” she asked and let her hand move down his chest.

“Well, tell him to get his ass out of there so we don’t all die from slipping on those damn tiles.” Cupping her face, Owen kissed her hard and fast. He grinned when he pulled back. “I’ll encourage the others to go fuck off, and find something else to do for a while.”

“Sounds perfect.” She gave him another kiss and then walked away from him. Once she was in the bedroom she shared with Owen and Nolan she stripped out of her clothes. She moved into the shower where Nolan was and grinned up at him. “So, I talked Owen into doing a few exciting things with me if you were up to a little bit of play time as well? He’s going to go and tell everyone to bugger off so we can play in the whole suite. You up for it?” she asked and stroked her hand over his cock as she spoke to him.

“You would know best, given where your hand is currently resting,” he said. Nolan crowded her into a corner and dipped his head down to kiss her. Slowly, he nibbled at her mouth, sliding his tongue into tease hers while his cock twitched in her hand.

Hailey lifted a leg and wrapped it around his hip. “I need you. I always need you,” she admitted. “But Owen said that we need to get out of the shower so that we aren’t slipping and sliding on the tiles. Although I wouldn’t be opposed to you slipping and sliding into me.”

Chuckling he cupped her ass and lifted her up. “Turn off the water, sweetheart. Then we shall get out of here, dry off a little, and see if he’s managed to clear out the others. I’m also hopeful he thought to order up some whipped cream.”

She reached behind herself and turned off the water. Arching into Nolan, she bit his shoulder and squeezed his ass with her hand. “I want you. Not sure if we are going to be able to take a lot of time for drying off. Not when I’m in such desperation.” It was crazy just how much she seemed to always be in need for Owen or Nolan.

He gave her a smoldering look that did nothing to cool her off any. All it really did was make her needier for him. But he kept his hands firmly on her ass and stepped out of the shower before lowering her to the floor mat. Then he grabbed a towel to wrap her up in. “Dry off, sweetheart.”

“Damn.” He had pulled from her when she was just about to grab him and pull him into her body. “You got lucky there, buddy. I wanted to grab you and slide your cock into me when you walked away.” She teased and rubbed her cheek against his. “I want everything with both of you.” She hoped that they understood what she needed.

“You’ll survive a few minutes more,” he said. Winking, he grabbed a towel, wound it around his waist, and headed out into the bedroom. She could hear him whistling. The sound drifted away from her. A peek into the other room showed he’d disappeared so she could only assume that he’d gone to check on Owen’s progress. A moment later she heard him call out to her to come and play.

She was more than willing. She walked out of the bathroom with the towel around her head and her body completely naked.

“Owen? Nolan?” She didn’t see them in the bedroom so she walked out of the bedroom and into the living room. Seeing both men standing there naked, she grinned. “So, I take it that you were able to get everyone out of here?”

“We wouldn’t be standing here as we are if we hadn’t. There’s only so much flak I’m willing to put up with, and them mocking my cock is over the line,” Owen told her. “You might want to lose the towel now, baby. It won’t be staying up on your head for long with what we have planned for you.”

“That’s a good thing.” She dropped the towel and frowned. “Why would they make fun of your cock? It’s beautiful and ever so delicious. I want to come over there and taste it.” She wanted him, desperately. “In fact, I would like to taste both of you right now.”

The men shared a look, and both shook their heads. “It’s a guy thing, sweetheart,” Nolan informed her. “It goes along with a lot of other insults and less than pleasant things we say to one another all in good fun. It’s not all bad unless, of course, someone has a camera, and then shit goes wrong fast.”

Owen stalked toward her, never taking his eyes off her as he grew closer. A predator hunting his prey. When he reached her, he pulled her in for a kiss, turning them around slowly. When he stopped spinning them, she felt Nolan come up behind her to slide his hands over her ass.

Hailey moaned and pushed back against Nolan. “I love the feeling when you are both touching me.” She grinned. “I think that I need more, though. I want to taste you both.” She dropped to her knees then and took Owen into her mouth without hesitation. She moaned when Nolan put his hands in her hair as well.

Owen let a hiss out as he rocked forward pushing his cock deeper into her mouth. While Nolan moved to stroke his hands over her body Owen fisted her hair. Meeting his eyes, she watched as his pupils dilated, and his lips parted to pant for air.

God, she loved that look on his face when he was feeling the pressure of her tongue along the underside of his cock. She sucked him harder, drawing his dick deeper into her throat and all the time being touched by Nolan and whimpering as she did so.

For a moment, Nolan’s hands left her skin. She could hear him moving around behind her, but she didn’t know what he was doing. Then his hands were back on her, and adjusting how she was settled on the floor. Nolan stroked his fingers between her legs, teasing her pussy before trailing up to rub at her anus.

She felt the touch at her anus and whimpered on Owen’s cock. She pulled off him and licked her lips. “Nolan, please.” She felt the cooling gel that he had squeezed from a tube. “Yes, more.” She was rocking now against Nolan and then started to suck on Owen once more.

His finger slid into her ass slowly. Nolan gently stroked deeper to stretch her more and lube her up. Each time he drew his finger out to get more of the lube Hailey let out a moan. Then he added a second finger, and she knew she was done for.

Hailey moaned on Owen’s cock and squeezed his thigh tightly as she sucked him harder. She didn’t want to squeeze his cock and hurt him, but she did want to ensure he knew how much she was loving what Nolan was doing to her. She began to slowly ride Nolan’s fingers in her anus and soon found herself getting close to an orgasm from his touches and stretching.

Owen’s hand tightened in her hair, and he pumped his hips faster. “Fucking hell, I’m close,” he warned her. “Whatever the fuck he’s doing has you sucking me so damn good.”

She heard Nolan snicker a moment before he pushed two fingers up into her pussy to pump in time with the fingers in her ass.

She pulled away from Owen so that she could cry out in pleasure. “Oh, God.” She sobbed and rocked against the four fingers that were in her ass and pussy. “More, God, I’m close, too. I need to be fucked so hard.” She put her mouth on Owen once more.

Somehow Nolan managed to work another finger into place to tease her clit. Owen, on the other hand, was throwing his head back to bellow as he gave her everything he had. A shudder rippled through his body as his semen splashed onto her tongue and down her throat.

Hailey gulped down every drop that Owen gave her. She drank down his seed greedily and then pulled back to moan. “Nolan.” She sobbed the man’s name before she came as well. She milked his fingers in her body and cried out again and again while he rocked his fingers in and out of her body.

“There you go, sweetheart,” he said softly. Brushing his lips to her shoulder, Nolan nipped lightly at her skin. Slowly he drew his fingers out of her pussy. He continued to push more lube into her ass, working it deeper and stretching her further.

She was riding Nolan’s fingers and leaned her head back against his shoulder. “Nolan, gods above, you are perfect. You’re going to make me come again. Another finger, please.” She wanted to take him into her ass tonight and knew that he would need to stretch her just a bit more to do so.

“You sure?” he asked. At her nod, he squirted more gel onto his fingers and eased a third in, slowly. There was a bit of burn, but he was going slowly and letting her take him at her own speed. Pressing a kiss to her throat, he nuzzled at her skin when his fingers slid all the way in.

“God, yes. That’s perfect.” She had her eyes closed and head to the side, leaning against Nolan’ shoulder while he worked her ass. “That feels so good. I never thought that this would feel so good, but it does, so good.” She was now riding his fingers with her hand on his thigh since Owen pulled away.

She felt a mouth moving over her chest and knew it was Owen. Taking a peek at him, she saw him on his knees, his hands braced on the floor on either side of her. His mouth eased down lower until he took one of her nipples in his lips and sucked. Moving a hand, he cupped her mound and began to tease her clit gently.

“Hell, yes.” She sobbed and rocked against both men. “That feels so good,” she whispered and moved with both men. “Please, I want you both inside of me. Now. Not later. I want to come with both of you deep inside of me.” Yes, she was being a bit demanding and knew it.

Owen lifted his head to press a kiss to her lips. “We need to reposition if you want that, baby. No point in doing acrobatics your first time out with us,” he said. Biting her lip, he gave it a tug, and sat back on his heels. Not once did he stop teasing her clit.

“Then, please.” She shivered. She was so damn close. “Nolan, I need you both. Please stop, because you’re killing me. I want you inside of me before I come again, please.”

Instantly they both stopped what they were doing. While she’d insisted, Hailey still felt like screaming because they listened to her. Nolan pulled his fingers free of her ass and shifted her to a sitting position. “Come on, sweetheart. The first time we’re going to do this on the bed so no one ends up with a concussion.”

“That sounds good.” She rose to her feet with Nolan’s help. She then also slipped her other hand into Owen’s and squeezed it. Together they all walked into the bedroom where she climbed up on the bed first and waited for them to join her.

They came at her from opposite sides. Owen started at her feet kissing a path up her front while Nolan brushed kisses to her face, throat, and teased down her side. When Nolan reached her breasts, he cupped one to give it a squeeze before bending in to suck her nipple. Owen spread her legs to flick his tongue over her clit and between her folds.

“That feels amazing.” Her legs were spread wide for them, and she couldn’t help the whimper she released. “Do more. Touch me more.” She loved the way that they were touching her. It felt so damn good.

Nolan moved his mouth to her other nipple while tugging, rolling, and pinching the other. With a bit of tooth, he teased her into a frenzy. Owen was doing his part to drive her over the edge by giving her some fantastic teasing of his own with his teeth and tongue.

They knew her body as well as they knew their own. The way that they toyed with her and played with her had her whole being practically singing. The men worked together to move her body the way that they needed her and positioned her for their pleasure. Hailey let them. She submitted to everything that they did to her and everything that they wanted to do to her without hesitation.

Between them, she got close to another orgasm, but they didn’t let her go over. They kept her on the edge, hovering, unable to push beyond. Then they stopped what they were doing to move. Hailey found herself facing Nolan while Owen stroked his hands over her back to her ass. He moved one of her legs over Nolan’s hip before he applied more lube to her anus.

Hailey grinned up at Nolan and pulled his head to hers. “This is so sweet. Being between the two of you like this. Feel as if I was born to be here. Especially when you are both touching me.”

Her hands stroked over his shoulders and down to his hands. She knew that this was it. Owen and Nolan had told her all about the bonding and what it would mean to them and their relationship. 

This was the time when they would bond, the time when their souls would finally mesh together and the three would become one. It was time for them to make love without a condom, so that she, as a key, could no longer be part of the grand scheme of things when it came to freeing Hades. That and she would have her men in her life for the rest of time. Their lives would be bonded forever. This was a once in a lifetime thing, something that was magical and would tie their souls together eternally. “God, I love you. I want us to bond. This is forever for the three of us. No condoms. Not this time at least. Please.” She did, she loved these men, and everything felt right between them. Bonding would make the three of them permanent.

Lowering his head, he kissed her. “I love you, too, sweetheart. You are everything. If you’re sure, then so are we,” he murmured. Nolan brushed his fingers against her cheek and smiled when her eyes went wide at feeling Owen’s cock brush against her tight bud. “Breathe, and relax.”

“Kiss me again?” She felt the burning sensation at her backside as Owen slowly pushed the head of his cock in and out of her ass, the tight ring gradually loosening so that he could slip more of his shaft into her ass as he pulled and pushed.

“Anytime you want, Hailey.” Cupping her face, Nolan kissed her deeply, stroking her tongue with his. His other hand slid down to tease her clit lightly until she was rocking between their bodies, moaning.

She rocked against them, her body aching with need as she did so. She felt Owen push past that first ring of her anus and moaned in relief when he slid out and then back in a bit deeper. “Yes.” The last letter came out like a hissing sound. She felt her pussy reacting to the action in her backside and wanted more.

Gripping her hips, Owen pressed all the way in, and stilled. Hailey could’ve sworn she felt his cock pulse in her ass, but she was soon distracted by the brush of Nolan’s cock to her pussy. He gave her neck a kiss before he began to push his cock in to fill her.

“Oh, God,” she meowed loudly and tightened her leg around Nolan’s thigh. “So good.” She pushed back on Owen and felt her flesh break out in goosebumps and whimpered as she did it. “Please. More.”

Nolan pushed his cock into her body fully. He let out a low groan and then began to move. Holding onto her leg, he rocked his cock in and out of her body. Slowly he ran his hand up and down her leg. He dipped his head to kiss her again. A moment later she felt Owen brush a kiss to her shoulder and neck.

Hailey dragged air into her lungs with a gasp. She shuddered from head to toe and felt her toes curling. “Oh God, that feels so good.” It was different. They were bareback inside of her, and she liked it, a lot. “Feels so much better without the condom between us.” She gasped aloud when they began to move in tandem.

While Nolan put his hand between them to play with her clit, Owen cupped her breasts and plucked at her nipples. With each tug to the aching flesh, he pressed a kiss to, or lightly bit, her neck.

She rode both men, her hands moving over every inch of skin she could touch both in front of and behind her body. She let her teeth ghost over Nolan’s shoulder and shivered when Owen mimicked the move along her shoulder and neck. “Harder.” She pushed back and forth between them. “Please.” She wanted them to take it up just a notch, wanted them all to get caught up in the sensations that they were feeling.

It was all they needed her to say, apparently. Owen bit her shoulder a little harder, and held on as they both moved faster and harder. Nolan held onto her one hip to keep her from sliding up the bed as they thrust their cocks into her body over and over.

She felt it then, the oddest of feelings. It was as if there was a shimmering silken bond flowing from her and around both men. She moaned, “Oh, yes.” She saw colors dancing in front of her eyes and the threads binding them tighter together. It was the oddest thing, but she almost felt as if she could feel their emotions as well as their pleasure.

Nolan kissed her then, and she felt the bonds pulling them all closer. Their movements weren’t as smooth, and she knew they were both close to coming. Her body reacted to the knowledge even as they both continued to tease her without mercy with their mouths and hands.

“I’m going to come.” She tightened on both men. She shuddered and licked her lips. “Please, be there with me.” She felt as if she could feel her pussy around their dicks, but that wasn’t possible. There was no way she could feel what they were feeling.

“Come for us,” Nolan said with a bit of growl. “Come now,” he ordered her. He gave her clit a pinch at the same moment that Owen pinched and tugged on her nipples. Nolan grunted something else out, but it was lost under the tidal wave tearing through her.

Hailey screamed when she came. She felt as if a bomb detonated in their bed from the concussion of feelings that shattered her, and the men holding her put her back together again as they both filled her body to the brim and beyond. Her vision went dark as their names fell from her lips, and she fainted from the sheer overload of pleasure from their shared orgasms.

When she came to, it was to the sensation of someone gently running a warm cloth between her legs. “There she is,” Owen said leaning over her. He ran his fingers down her cheek before helping her to sit up. Nolan handed her a glass of water. Easing behind her, Owen wrapped his arms around her to hold her close. “Drink up, baby. That was pretty damn explosive for us all.”

She took a drink of the water and then relaxed back against Owen once more. She was smiling, and so loose that she felt like Jell-O. “That was incredible. What happened? Was that the bond that you both told me about? Will it always be like that? Was it because there was no condom and you were both inside of me at once?” Her questions came out rapid fire without her even thinking too hard about them. “And yeah, that was amazing. Can we do it again?”

Nolan laughed and pushed the glass toward her again. “Keep drinking, sweetheart. To answer your questions, that was our bonding, no, yes, and absolutely. I think that was all of them.”

She felt Owen nodding, his cheek brushing against her temple. “You got them all, bro.”

Hailey grinned and had to think about the questions. “We’ve bonded for good now, right? I like the way that sounds. That sucks that it won’t always be like that because that was freaking amazeballs. And I’m glad that we can do it again because I will want to. Often. It felt too good not to do as many times as humanly possible. I’m assuming it did for you both as well?”

Owen gave her a squeeze. “It was beyond words, Hailey. And yes, we’ve bonded. Because of our relation to the gods when we are with the one that is ours, and we come together without anything between us, it creates a bond that goes beyond the physical.” She knew that bonding was permanent, but never could she have imagined it being as powerful as it was. Words could not describe the feeling floating around her post orgasmic head.

“There was a moment where it almost felt as if I could sense what you guys were feeling.” She accepted another drink of the water and then passed it back so she could snuggle with Owen again.

He began to rock her slightly in his arms. “That was the bond and merging of our souls. According to the others, you may feel strong emotions from us from time to time. Don’t know if it’s true, or how accurate it is, but that’s the rumor. When we connect like we did, all three of us together, you may feel it more strongly because we’ll be open in a way we wouldn’t normally be in day to day life.”

“So, if I were in trouble you would know? If I were afraid or whatever?” She closed her eyes and sighed. “I like that. I also like that I would know if you guys were in trouble or needed me as well. Another question.” She looked up at Nolan when he climbed back into the bed with them. “Can we forgo the condoms full time? I’ll try and go back on birth control, but once that’s all kicked in and stuff can we no longer use them? I really liked how it felt without them.” She mentally did the math of her scheduled periods, and though there was always a chance, it was slim that she was pregnant. She would make a mental note to take a test before she started the shots.

Nolan gave her a nod. “If that’s what you want, absolutely. We should have talked about it sooner, but we obviously were not thinking very clearly. We’re both clean. We get medical checkups every six months as is mandatory for this program we’re part of. Just so you know that, and the fact I’ve never not used a condom until you.”

“Ditto,” Owen said softly.

“And you both know that I’ve never been with another until the two of you.” They had taken her innocence, and she had loved every moment of it. “I don’t want children right away. I hope that you are both good with that? I want to wait until I’m in my thirties to have them. I want a lot of time to be selfish and alone with my men.” And they were hers.

“Baby, we are more than fine with that. It is your body after all, and we’re still doing what we do, so it wouldn’t be fair to any child we did have. In time, we’ll likely slow down, shift gears, and figure out our next steps if we keep working. At which point we can reevaluate the situation and see if we’re all ready to give it a shot,” Owen told her.

“Thank you. That sounds like an excellent plan.” She was cuddled up now between both men again and smiled. “Was it just me, or did it feel like we broke the sound barrier there when we all climaxed?” And she’d passed out. Oh, lordy. “I’m sorry I dropped off on you guys like I did. I guess it just short circuited my brain.”

Nolan stroked her arm gently, and with a smile, then shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. That was a pretty wild ride we all went on. I have to admit to being both sorry and glad that it was a onetime deal. You had us worried when your eyes rolled back in your head like they did.”

“Well, let’s hope that doesn’t happen again. It felt awesome, though.” She accepted another drink of the water that they gave her and leaned back once more. “I think that we should go and find something to eat now, though. What do you say? I’m starving, and food would be good.”





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