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Her Royal Master: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance by Renee Rose (9)

Theirs to Punish Chapter 2

Alex took Skye into Joe’s bedroom and put her in one of his brother’s blue button-downs. She tied the tails in a knot at her waist, managing to look fashionable in a shirt so big she swam in it.

When they re-emerged, room service had arrived with chocolate and champagne. Alex pulled his little ninja onto his lap now, feeding her a truffle.

“Mmm,” she moaned. A smudge of dark cocoa powder stained the corners of her lips. He wanted to lick it off.

“So talk to us, Skye.” Joe crossed his legs and contemplated their slave. “Are you punishing Savannah Duke for something? Or do you consider that necklace to be yours?” His brother excelled at understanding people’s inner workings. It contributed to the Magnifico’s becoming the most successful casino in Vegas, catering largely to the wildly wealthy. He both understood their guests’ motivations and anticipated their needs. Alex was the more social of the two—he did the active schmoozing, while Joe sat back and observed, almost always nailing people.

The wealthy socialite-turned-ninja rubbed an invisible spot on the glass table with her napkin. She lifted her elegant shoulders. “The necklace was my mother’s. I don’t like her having it.”

Joe arched a brow. “But it belongs to her now, right?”

The shoulders slumped. She picked at a thread in her napkin. “Everything belongs to her now.”

“She stole your inheritance?” Joe injected a faint jeer in his words.

“She stole my father.” Her lips twisted in a wry grin. “I know, it’s stupid. This wasn’t about the money or the jewels. I’m sure I seem like a spoiled rich brat. It’s hard to explain.”

“Try us,” he said.

She shrugged again. “I don’t know. The idea just evolved. After my father died, I immersed myself in the study of judo. It kept me from my loneliness. Two years ago, some friends from the dojo recruited me for a heist and I learned the art of burglary. I’ve been refining my skills since then, working on team projects. I dreamed up this heist as a personal challenge—a solo job to focus on. Savannah makes a good target. I didn’t want to rob one of her properties because I thought she might guess it was me, so I picked this weekend, at your place. My mistake.”

It was hard not to like Skye Taylor. Now that she’d had an orgasm and eaten a little, the tension in her had eased. He loved the touch of humility, the natural charm. Actually, he’d been in love since the minute he saw her lithe form drop from the air vent in the ceiling.

“Why does Savannah make a good target?” he asked.

Skye returned her focus to the napkin. “It’s complicated.”

“Wicked stepmother, eh?” Alex joked to lighten her mood.

She flashed a grateful smile, her row of perfect white teeth gleaming. “Yeah, pretty much.”

Joe stood and walked to the printer, picked up three sheets of paper, and handed one to each of them. “Let’s all have a look at the contract I drew up.”

Skye’s brow furrowed as she read.

* * *

Temporary Contract of Consensual Slavery and Agreement to Physical Punishment

I, Skye Taylor, hereinafter referred to as slave, of my own free will, and being of sound mind and body, do hereby offer myself in consensual punishment and slavery to Joe and Alex Jamison, hereinafter referred to as Masters, for the period beginning midnight Feb. 13th and ending at noon on Feb. 15th.

Skye swallowed. Consensual punishment and slavery. Right. She could do this.

This agreement may be terminated at any time before the above named date by either party only in the event of breach of contract.

Provisions of Contract

  1. Slave agrees to return all items stolen from guests at the Magnifico to the Masters.
  2. The Masters waive any right to legal action against the slave for her crimes against Casino Magnifico. They agree not to notify the press or police.
  3. Confidentiality: Both parties agree to keep secret the details of this arrangement including the names of participants and the actions of the slave that resulted in her capture and punishment.

Those were the real terms of the contract—the parts that mattered to each of them. The rest, she knew, was about titillation—for the benefit of both parties.

  1. Slave agrees to submit to physical punishment which may include spanking, whipping, caning, flogging, paddling on her buttocks, breasts, pussy, or any other area her Masters deem appropriate to punish.
  2. Slave will accept anal punishment including, but not limited to, butt plugs, figging, the use of heating oils, and anal sex.
  3. Slave agrees at all times to make her body readily available to her Masters for their use. Slave agrees to wear any and all clothing (or no clothing) as her Masters choose.
  4. The Masters will engage in protected sex at all times.
  5. Slave may be tied up or restrained during punishment or sex or whenever the Masters choose.
  6. Slave agrees to address her Masters as “Sir” or “Master” unless otherwise directed.

Her body flushed with heat, just reading about it all. On the one hand, it took the mystery, and therefore, the worst bite of fear away. On the other, now she knew for certain what they were thinking—what they would do with her. Her head swam and she had to gulp a deep breath of air to clear it.

  1. The Masters accept full responsibility for slave. This includes, but is not limited to: slave’s survival, health, physical well-being, and mental well-being. Slave accepts full responsibility for informing Masters of any real or perceived dangers or safety concerns, but also accepts that Masters’ decision will be final regarding these issues.
  2. Slave accepts the responsibility of using a safe word when necessary. Slave acknowledges that safe word is “Cupid.” The Masters accept the responsibility of assessing situations where slave calls safe word and will, to the best of their ability, make judgment on whether to modify the activity or stop activity entirely.
  3. Slave agrees to answer any and all questions asked by Masters freely, promptly, and to the best of her knowledge. Slave further agrees to volunteer any information that Masters should know regarding slave’s physical or emotional state. Masters agree never to use this information to harm slave in any way.

Skye drew another deep breath. Wow. The part about the brothers caring for her physical and mental well-being gave her more reason to trust them because, despite the irrationality of it, she did.

Hell, taking responsibility for her mental well-being would be more than anyone else in her life had ever done. Her father may have loved her, but he’d never had much time for her, especially not after he’d married Savannah and shipped her off to boarding school. She’d been raised by nannies and butlers. After she bolted for Japan, she’d had nobody but the other members of her dojo. While her physical needs might have been met, mental well-being had been her own responsibility.

Now, sitting here beside these two drool-worthy men, she realized how stunted her emotional growth had been. She’d felt like a damn fool when Joe had questioned her motives for robbing her stepmother.

It had been an occupation to fill her days—the planning and execution of the heist, winning back the necklace. But now that she’d been caught, it seemed so childish, so stupid. And she’d been embarrassed to admit what a fool she’d been. Especially to these worldly, powerful, and strangely caring men.

“Is there anything missing that you can think of?” Joe asked Alex in the same friendly, conversational tone he’d been using.

“Face slapping. She likes it.”

She wanted to insist he was wrong, but remembering her body’s response when he’d done it made her clamp her mouth shut again.

“I think face slapping is covered by the phrase, any other area her Masters deem appropriate to punish.” Joe said.

“Then I’m okay with it. How about you, Skye?”

She nodded mutely. Joe handed her a pen. Her name was listed only as slave skye”—in lowercase, while theirs were capitalized—so she signed it that way. She seriously doubted this contract would hold up in any legal setting, anyway.

The rest of it—the punishment and sex—well, it terrified and thrilled her at the same time. Her body vibrated in response to reading about all the things they planned to do with her.

The brothers signed the contract as well.

“What’s your safe word?” Alex asked with the tone of patient teacher quizzing his student.


“Good girl. And now you’re going to take us to the place you hid the stolen loot.” Alex held out a hand to help her to stand. When she ignored it, he grasped her hand anyway, and bent her arm behind her back. Joe did the same with her other arm so she stood restrained between them.

She likes being forced. Yeah, she did.

“All right, little ninja, if you aren’t the model of cooperation on this little expedition, we will notify the cops, the press, and your wicked stepmother, understand?”

She laughed at the wicked stepmother part.

Both men looked at her, as if fascinated. “I like her smiling,” Alex observed.

It made her smile again, although her face heated.

“Pretty blush, too,” Joe said. He patted her bottom. “How’s your ass? Did Alex leave the plug in?”

“Yep,” Alex answered for her.

“Let’s take it out. I am definitely taking her ass later, and I don’t want her getting too sore.”

They marched her to the sofa and bent her over the arm once more, pulling down her pants. Joe stroked her ass. “Still red.”

“As it should be,” Alex piped in.

“Indeed. We’ll be keeping this ass red and sore for the entire weekend, won’t we?”

She understood this was dirty talk, and it had its intended effect. Her inner thighs quivered, and her pussy dripped.

One of the men gripped the plug. Her muscles automatically tightened around it.

“Relax, or I can’t pull it out, sweetheart. Are you afraid it will hurt?” Joe asked.

“No,” she lied, willing her muscles to relax. The plug came out, stretching her but bringing only a sense of relief, not pain. She exhaled. Her pants came back up, and they pulled her back upright, still with her arms trapped behind her back.

“Let’s go, ninja girl.” The men led her out of the penthouse and into the elevator.

She stole glances at the sexy men flanking her. She wished her sexual experience had not been so limited, because she couldn’t even begin to imagine how this would all work. Would they both have sex with her at once? Take turns?

Joe turned to place his body in front of hers and pushed her back against the wall. His physical presence, his size and masculine scent, was no less intoxicating than Alex’s. “What’s the story, little ninja? No man in your life?”

None. Ever. Unless she counted her father, whom she’d lost—first to Savannah and then to death. She blinked, the pain of that loss still enormous six years later.

He touched her cheek. “You miss your father, don’t you?”

She gaped. How could he possibly have guessed her thoughts?

“He’s weird like that.” Alex shrugged.

“Were you close?”

She shook her head. “He loved me. He always said the right things. But he didn’t have a lot of time to spend with me. Savannah made sure of that.”

Joe stroked her lip with his thumb. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.” His phone buzzed, and he looked at it. Both men had been active on their phones—she imagined the casino demanded a lot of their attention. “I’m needed on the floor,” he said to Alex. “Catch back up with you later?”

Alex caught her loose wrist and held both of them behind her back. “Yep.”

Joe turned back to Skye and palmed her jaw in a commanding, I-own-you way. “Don’t give him any trouble.” His velvety baritone and heated look made the warning exciting rather than annoying.

Punished. She was going to be punished and used sexually by these men.

The elevator stopped, and the doors opened. Joe stepped off. A gaggle of people got on, and she stiffened at a familiar voice.

“Good evening, Ms. Duke.” Alex flashed her stepmother his devastating smile.

The bitch didn’t acknowledge him, not even bothering to look over, but her longtime bodyguard, Charlie Walters, nudged her and murmured something in her ear.

Savannah’s head jerked up, and she stared at her in confusion. Skye?”

It had been six years since she’d seen her, but the woman still had the effect of turning her into a pathetic child, lacking any sense of self-worth, needy of love and attention. She twisted her hands against Alex’s hold, wanting to bolt, even though there was nowhere to run. Jesus, fuck. What if Alex didn’t hold up his end of the bargain and said something to her? Her stomach knotted.

“What are you doing here?” She looked suspicious. “I thought you were in China or Japan or whatever.”

Alex shifted, releasing her wrists and tucking her against his side in a protective gesture. “I talked Skye into being my date to the ball. I’m a lucky man.” The kindness of his bluff made her dizzy.

Savannah looked from Alex’s face to hers as if her brain had short-circuited. “You know each other?”

Alex smiled down at Skye, doting affection plastered across his face. “We’ve been seeing each other, but it’s pretty recent.”

Not a lie.

The elevator stopped on the twentieth floor, and he propelled her off. “We’ll catch up with you tomorrow night at the big event.”

Savannah craned her neck to see past her entourage, still gawking at Skye as if she were the famous movie star and not the other way around.

Skye forced a smile and a wave, allowing Alex to take her hand and lead her away. Her fingers trembled in his.

“What’s the deal?” Alex asked when the doors had closed. He trapped her wrists again and propelled her toward her room. “Why does she upset you so much?”

She shook her head. “I just hate her, that’s all.”

“That’s a lot of power you’ve given her over you.”

She stopped, forcing him to drag her forward. “Spare me the psychology, okay?”

He smacked her ass, hard. The slap reignited the burn from the whipping. “Don’t speak disrespectfully to your Master.” He didn’t sound angry and, fortunately, he appeared content to let it go.

He keyed open her door—apparently his key card worked everywhere. “Where are the jewels, sugar?”

She looked up at the ceiling. He wasn’t going to like this.

* * *

“Oh no—no way.” If she thought he was going to let her go crawling back in those vents, which were too small for him to fit through, so she could make her escape and keep the stolen loot, she was high.

“I hid them up there. God’s honest truth.”

Where up there?”

She pointed from the vent along a line that extended beyond her room. “Twenty feet west.”

He glowered at her.

“Listen, Alex, we have a deal. You know who I am. You know that revealing my actions to the public would damage me. We don’t know each other, but you’ve asked me to place my body in your hands for an entire weekend. You’re going to have to trust me, too.”

He scowled, folding his arms across his chest. “Fuck.”

“You could tie a rope to my ankle?”

“Right, and you wouldn’t just untie it.”

She grinned. “Actually, there’s not room in the shaft to sit up and untie things.”

He rolled his eyes. He didn’t like this—not at all, but she had a point about the trust thing. “Okay, ninja. But if you try to trick me, I promise you, little girl, I will hunt you down, and there will be no plea bargains for you next time.”

She shivered, her eyes dilating. She liked his dom-talk. She stepped into his space, touching his chest and tipping her face up. He took the cue and kissed her, a hard, punishing kiss, demanding her submission with the whip of his tongue. When he broke it, her eyes were glassy.

He slapped her ass. “Go on, then.”

She leapt to the bed then stood on the headboard to reach the vent. The screws were out, so all she had to do was push up and slide it to the side. A rope lay coiled inside. “See you in a minute,” she said with a wink.

He followed her up and pushed his head through the opening. Joe would kill him if he let her get away without returning the jewels.

“I can tase you from here,” he warned.

Her laugh came low and throaty. “The jewels are around a corner.”


He waited, holding his breath. Her slippered feet disappeared down the darkened shaft. Fuckity fuck fuck.

She rounded a bend. Dammit. He hoped he hadn’t just made a huge mistake. He listened to the soft sounds of her movement. Then silence.

Her feet reappeared.

His breath came out in a whoosh. She was reversing, backing toward the opening.

“You can unclench those molars now.” That husky laugh echoed through the vent.

He stretched his arm into the vent and caught hold of her ankle as soon as she drew close enough, dragging her toward the opening.

“Hey,” she protested.

He caught her waist and tossed her down to the bed.

She threw him a pouch as he dropped to the bed beside her. A quick check verified the missing jewels were all intact. He flung it onto the dresser and pounced.

She dodged him, a broad smile lighting her beautiful face, eyes sparkling. He leaped to the floor. She leapt off the opposite side, somersaulted on the floor, and dashed for the door.

He beat her there, flipped her around, and held her in a choke hold, his forearm at her windpipe. Her feet kicked out beneath her, not able to touch the ground.

“Time for another spanking.”

She continued to struggle, elbows and heels flying. “Why?”

He carried her toward the bed. “For making me worry. Not that I need a reason. Remember? You’re mine to punish as I please.” He released her neck and pushed her over the side of the bed. With her wrists pinned at her lower back, he wrestled her ninja pants down.

Her ass still glowed pink, with a few lines from the whipping earlier. He started slapping right away, laying down his discipline fast and hard, not giving her a chance to adjust.

She wriggled, her breath hitching.

He punished the backs of her thighs, spanked with his full strength, knowing she wanted it, had asked for it.

Sounds began to escape her—little grunts and cries that sounded like she was being fucked.

His cock throbbed against his zipper, aching to be inside her. He stopped spanking. “Naughty slave. Get down on your knees and show me you’re sorry.”

She didn’t move, probably still too disoriented. He gave her another whap.

She gasped and shoved herself up to stand, her hair a disheveled mess, her eyes glassy and wide.

He put a hand on her shoulder and pushed straight down, forcing her to her knees. The poor girl must have no clue what he wanted from her because she gazed up at his face in confused expectation.

He unbuttoned his pants.

Dawning bloomed. She reached for his cock, helped it out of his boxer briefs, and licked her full lips. Closing her eyes, she opened her mouth and extended her pretty pink tongue.

He jerked at the contact, the heat of her tongue making his eyes roll back in his head. “Good girl.” His voice sounded rough. He wrapped his fist in her hair and immobilized her head, using her mouth as a fuck-hole to exert his control.

She gasped and gagged, but her hips snapped forward in obvious appreciation of the degradation.

He dropped her flaxen hair and yanked open Joe’s shirt, popping the buttons. Her small breasts sprang out, the muscles of her pecs separating and lifting them. He slapped one and pinched the nipple of the other, dragging her closer.

She made a screaming noise in her throat but didn’t stop blowing him. Her tongue swirled along the veins of his shaft, cheeks hollowed out with suction.

“That’” He groaned. She wasn’t an expert by any means, but her enthusiasm made up for any lack of skill.

She applied herself with even more vigor, pumping over his cock and sucking harder.

He gripped her hair again and yanked her along his length, shoving it down her throat. Her hips continued to hump the air, her muscular ass undulating, driving him wild. His thigh muscles tensed, and cum surged.

“Suck,” he growled, holding her head against him.

She pulled at his cock with her tongue and cheeks, and he came with a shout and shudder.

* * *

Skye swallowed. It was not her first blow job, but it was the first time she’d swallowed. Jesus, if she’d known the key to enjoying giving head was to have it feel “forced,” she would’ve been far more sexually active in her youth. She’d first learned the art of the blow job on a vacation to Ibiza with her friends from boarding school. It had been so unenjoyable she’d repeated the act fewer than a half-dozen times since, and never had it turned her on.

Not like this. Her clit throbbed to be touched. And while she didn’t know what intercourse felt like, her pussy seemed to know what it had been missing—Alex’s big cock. Or maybe Joe’s, although he scared her a bit more than his brother.

Alex tucked his cock away and zipped up his pants. “Good girl,” he said. “You are well on your way to redeeming yourself.” He lifted her to stand and claimed her mouth again, plundering it with his tongue the way he’d invaded with his cock.

When he broke away, she was breathless. She wanted to get on with more spanky sex, but she also wanted to wash the dust and grime from the air ducts off her body. “Do you mind if I take a quick shower?”

He looked at his watch. “Ninety seconds. If you go one second over, you’ll get another spanking—and it won’t feel good on a wet bottom.”

She ran to the bathroom. “When does it start?”

“Clock is already ticking. And don’t even think about touching your pussy—even if you did have time, you do not have permission to rub one out, understand?”

She stripped off her clothes and turned on the spray.

“I need to hear a yes, sir.

“Yes, sir,” she called out before yanking the curtain closed. She’d thought she’d mind calling them that, but it rolled off her tongue easily, sounded right.

She tipped her head back under the spray and rinsed the grime off her. No time for shampoo or shaving, but she lathered a washcloth up with soap and scrubbed her body.

“T minus 30.” Alex spoke from beside the shower.

She wondered if he’d been military at some point. He certainly knew combat.

She rinsed off the soap and flicked off the shower. If he hadn’t told her not to touch herself, she probably would have spent the ninety seconds getting off. Obeying amped up her sense of being owned by him—by them.

Alex opened the shower curtain.

She flinched but let him look his fill. She’d never considered whether she was pretty or had a nice body. While her classmates in boarding school had been preoccupied with fashion and cosmetics, she’d been immersed in martial arts training, even then. Now, under his blazing stare, her body came alive. For the first time, she felt beautiful, sexy, desirable.

“Turn around and place your hands on the shower wall.” Alex’s voice sounded gravelly.


He slapped the side of her thigh. Ouch. He was right about the wet skin thing. “When I give you an order, I expect it to be followed immediately and without question, ninja girl. Turn around.”

As if she hadn’t already been creaming for him, his words turned her insides molten. She turned around and placed her hands on the wet tile.

“Push your ass out.”

She started to obey, but something made her turn around for a double take. It wasn’t Alex stripping off his clothes behind her, it was Joe.

He lifted an eyebrow, giving her a stern look. His cock jutted toward her, pointing the way.


“Yes.” He advanced, looking dangerous. “Alex took the jewels to the casino safe.” He stepped in with her and turned the water back on.

She shifted.

“Look at the wall. Show me that ass.”

She arched for him, staring at the expensive marble tile. The snap of foil sounded behind her, and her belly fluttered. This was it! She would finally cash in her V-card, and it would be good, she was certain.

Joe’s hand crashed down on her wet ass, and the crack echoed off the tile.

She gasped and pushed it out for more.

He slapped the other side then the first again. “Spread your legs.”

He didn’t wait for her to obey but used his foot to nudge hers apart. His hand clapped her pussy, and sensation shot through her—pain and satisfaction at the same time. No, not satisfaction, because she still wanted more, needed more.

He slapped her again, then a third time. When the head of his cock nudged her entrance, she shoved back at him, desperate to have him inside her.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and fisted her hair, pulling her head back. “You want my cock, ninja girl?”

“Yes, please. Yes, sir.”

“I won’t be gentle.”

“I don’t care. I need it, I need it now,” she babbled like a lunatic. Screw gentle—she wanted him to fuck her to smithereens.

His cock breached her entrance by a small fraction and eased out, teasing her.

“No, no, no, no,” she breathed. She reached back between her legs to grab his cock.

“Hands on the wall,” he snapped, sounding irritated.

Her hand flew back up. “Please…” she pleaded. “Please, I need your cock. I need it now.”

He chuckled and pushed against her entrance again. She’d once read that only 30 percent of women actually have a cherry to pop. She prayed she was in the 70 percent non-hymen camp because she didn’t want the embarrassment of having to explain her virginity. She used tampons after all. How tight could it be?

He shoved in hard, and she gasped at the sudden pain.

Damn. She had to have a cherry, didn’t she?

Joe froze, buried deep within her, his arm tight around her waist.

She blinked back the tears that sprang to her eyes and rocked her hips back against him. Maybe he hadn’t noticed. Good thing they were in the shower—there would be no bloody sheets to explain.

He eased back then plowed into her again, his balls bumping her clit, the head of his cock hitting her inner wall.

She moaned at the exquisite pleasure.

As promised, he wasn’t gentle. He pounded into her like his cock was a weapon, like sex was punishment she had to endure, and that mindset made it all the hotter to her.

Make me. Force me. Hurt me.

She arched, opened. Fingers splayed wide against the cool marble; her arms shook from the effort of holding herself away from the wall each time he thrust into her. All her confusion about who she was and what the hell she was doing with her life melted away, drowned in the sensation of flesh slapping against wet flesh, his hard cock scything in and out, filling her, destroying her pussy with each violent thrust.

She remembered his promise to take her ass and the fear of it, the realization of how much power he would have over her brought her over the edge, straight to orgasm. Her muscles clamped down, squeezing his cock.

“Did I say you could come?” he growled in her ear, sounding furious.

She couldn’t speak. Her orgasm rolled on and on, rocking her with its release.

He reached around and slapped her clit, and a second wave of flutters went through her.

She grew lightheaded, the warm water adding to the haze in her brain.

He gripped her hips and slammed into her. “The next time I fuck you, you will ask permission first.” It sounded like his teeth were clenched. Like he was losing control.

He cursed and shoved deeper, impaling her, nearly lifting her off her feet with his cock alone. The heat of his cum registered, even through the condom.

She orgasmed a third time and collapsed backward, her knees giving out.

He caught her in his strong arms, holding her up, his teeth finding her shoulder.

They panted together, bodies intertwined, water running down their skin.

His lips brushed her jawline, his touch softer now, soothing. “I’m sorry.”

She went still. “For what?”

“That your first time was like this.”

Of course, he knew.

She didn’t want him feeling bad—not when she’d just found Jesus three times in a row. “I’m not.”

He kissed down her neck, bit the place where neck met shoulder. “You’re so brave, ninja girl. I can’t believe you gave yourself to us without having any experience.” He squeezed her breast.

She didn’t know what to say. A blush crawled up her neck and heated her cheeks.

“We might never let you go.” He sucked her earlobe.

Tears stung her eyes, not for any rational reason. Just for being wanted, especially at this peculiar juncture of her life. Or for the nirvana of the orgasm. Her legs still trembled, and her body felt boneless.

Joe eased out of her and helped her from the shower with an arm around her waist. He disposed of the condom and opened a towel, lifting his chin like he wanted her to step into it.

Like when Alex had bandaged her, it brought on a disturbing stab of longing. It had been years since anyone had taken care of her. When they had, it had been because they’d been in her father’s employ, not because they wanted to care for her. Now, as Joe toweled her dry, she shook beneath his touch, shyer than a unicorn.

He wrapped her in the towel and pulled the ends to bring her against his sculpted body. His lips brushed her forehead then her nose then mouth. “Are you okay, little ninja?”

She nodded, mutely.

“I’m glad it was you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Stealing from us.” He claimed her mouth again, his lips both soft and powerful as they twisted over hers. “I like having you as our slave.”

She blinked rapidly, her face heating again.

He eased back. “Come on. Get dressed and pack your things. You won’t be staying here again.”

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