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He's a Duke, But I Love Him: A Historical Regency Romance (Happily Ever After Book 4) by Ellie St. Clair (28)


Alastair sat down at the breakfast table, snapping open The Financial Register in front of him as he mixed a heaping tablespoon of sugar into his coffee.

“My goodness, darling, but does that not set your teeth on edge?” his wife’s voice came floating through the room as she took a seat next to him.

“Lucky for you,” he said as he reached for her leg under the table, “I like sweet things.”

She laughed and swatted his hand away as she saw her mother-in-law rounding the corner into the dining hall.

“Behave,” she murmured.

“Those are not quite the words you chose last night,” he quipped, and she laughed in spite of herself.

“The two of you are in good spirits this morning,” the dowager duchess said as she seated herself across from Olivia.

“Every day is a good day with a beautiful woman by your side, Mother,” Alastair replied with a grin. “Now, would the two of you — ah, make that three of you, good morning Anne — care to know what the esteemed P.J. Scott has to say this fine morning?”

“Of course, not, Alastair,” his mother said. “Why would we care to listen to your business matters?”

“You would be amazed, dear Mother, what some women care to listen to,” he said, wagging his eyebrows at Olivia, who rolled her eyes at him.

“I overheard Colonel Jeffries say, ‘The Scott man has brought a new perspective to the financial world, the likes of which we have not heard before,’” Anne said in a fairly spot-on impression of the man.

“Exactly!” Alastair said. “Now, here we are. We begin with a question from a reader.”

Dear Mr. Scott, I should like to know your opinion on partnerships in finances. Is it wise to take on a partner? Are there risks involved? Thank you.

“Interesting,” he commented. “The response is as follows:”

To my erstwhile reader,

Erstwhile, that is an interesting choice of words,” he interjected, baiting Olivia, who could not currently respond to his teasing, at least not with his mother and sister present.

Partnerships are an intriguing topic, and one I have most recently become intimately acquainted with.

“Ah, I wonder in what regard?”

At one point in time I likely would have advised against taking on a partner, telling you that the risk involved is not one in which you will see enough reward to make it worthwhile. However, recently I believe I have been proven otherwise.

Partnerships can prove to be rather advantageous. A wise man

“He sounds rather astute, if truth be told.”

told me that the key, of course, is simply choosing the right partner. Choose the wrong partner, and it can cause much angst between the two of you, leading to tension and upheaval in the years beyond.

Trust the right partner, however, and it can lead to great reward and advantage, more so than you could ever dream. Together you will need trust, respect, and the goal of looking out for one another’s best interests.

You are no longer alone, and must consider the other when making decisions, and be in agreement on the most important of resolutions.

If you do not think you would like to enter into such an agreement, I would advise you stay far from it. If, however, you are interested in seeking such a partnership, remember that the best partner for another may not be the best partner for you.

Find yourself. Hold true to your beliefs, but know you may have to compromise with a partner. Learn from one another, grow together, and you will find what you are searching for.

“‘Tis the strangest financial advice I believe I have ever heard,” his mother said, bemused.

“Mother, you do not read financial columns, let alone magazines,” he said.

“Of course not!” she said, slightly shocked.

“Well, then,” he said. “It matters naught what you think. I, however,” he stopped to intertwine Olivia’s fingers within his, “find the writer brilliant, and the analyses spot on.”

Alastair would wait until they were alone to tell Olivia the additional news. From the profits of his investments, he had now completely paid back the money he had used from her dowry to pay his father debts. He was well and truly clear of all that had plagued him since his father’s death. With the creditors and gambling debts paid, he felt such a relief in his chest. His next gamble would be to restore his estate to its former glory. Which he would, he realized, for he had an equal partner at his side, who would be there to help guide him, while loving him all the same.

He longed to take Olivia to the side and pour out his heart to her in this moment, to tell her that any day with her next to him was better than any day without.

For now, however, a look would have to do. His mischievous grin with a wink was a conspiratorial look that shared all the excitement, hope, and love they shared today and had promised one another for all of their days to come.