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Highlander's Kiss: The McDougalls, Books 1-3 by Hildie McQueen (31)

Chapter 35

It amazed Ian how comfortable he felt with Ailios. As if they'd known each other for a long time and it was the most natural thing to be in bed together. Was it possible she felt the same?

The warmth in her eyes as he gazed at her made his chest constrict. "You're a brave woman. I know it was not easy to come and ask for shelter. Not after having a home of your own."

Her brow furrowed. "I'd rather that than live with a man who presumed to take me for his own. I was imprisoned once and refused to be again. I was forced into a marriage the first time. I was not brave Ian. I was desperate.”

The light breeze coming through the uncovered window flitted over their bare skin. He didn't moved to cover them enjoying the reprieve from the heat they'd created. With her leg thrown across his midsection, and her arm over his waist, Ailios fitted perfectly.

"You will always have shelter here."

She sighed, but did not say anything further, her eyes drooping closed.

Tucked beside him with her head on his chest the small woman seemed to ensure he remained with her while she slept.

Ian brushed burnished tresses away from her face with care not to wake the slumbering beauty and studied her. Her pert nose called for a kiss on its tip, her slightly parted lips beckoned as much.

Every instinct had warned him against seeking her, yet each day upon spotting her he wanted Ailios more. Now the wench had not just claimed his body this night, but every fiber of his being refused to ever let her go.

After thirty years of hoping, he'd found the one, the woman who could easily claim his heart. God, why now? Why Ailios?

Sleep evaded as he scrambled with a solution to not marrying his betrothed. It was his obligation of course, there was no reasoning with the fact that his clan was in danger and only by joining with the McLeans would they have any hope of defense.

If only there was a way.

Ailios's brow crinkled and she snuggled closer. Ian pulled the covers over them to ensure she was warm and placed a kiss on her head. Would she accept a place as his lover? It was possible to continue to be with her. He could establish her in a cottage within the keep.

No. He refused to banish her to a life of isolation. The laird's lovers were not looked down upon, but neither did they have a set place in the hierarchy of the clan. She'd live separate from anyone other than whoever served in the house she'd live in.

Ailios deserved much more than that. She'd already survived an ordeal with her deceased husband.

Never a believer in prayer, Ian was not sure how to form the words needed; yet he whispered into the darkness, "Help me find a way."

Ailios woke to Ian's soft breathing. She tipped her face up to find he was awake. "Did you sleep well, Laird, er, Ian?"

"Aye." The huskiness of his voice told he'd just woken.

"I should go," Ailios made to move away, but he held her in place.

"Will you remain with me a bit longer?" Ian took her hand and placed it around his hard cock. "I fear I am desperately in need of you again." His lips brushed her hair. "Will you mount me?"

She slid her hand over the length and it lifted to stand straight up, seeming to repeat its owner's request.

She climbed over him and he pulled her forward and claimed her lips with a hard breathtaking kiss. "I cannot wait to join with you once again," Ian assured her.

Ailios lifted her hips and Ian guided his shaft to her center. He remained still allowing her to lower onto him at her pace. Already wet with want, he easily slid into her and she adjusted to accept him.

Through half closed eyes, he peered at where they joined and his lips curved. With his hands on her hips, he guided her movements and she lifted and lowered onto him.

Flattening her hands on his chest, Ailios closed her eyes and allowed sensations to take over. When she opened her eyes, she saw that he too was lost in the moment, his eyes closed, lips parted. As she began to climb Ailios fought to keep a constant rhythm only to lose it when his fingers began to toy with her breasts, pinching softly at her nipples.

He pulled her down against his chest and continued to thrust into her until taking them to reach heights together. And on they climbed, holding to each other as if they feared losing one another.

Ailios cried out, her much higher pitch mingling with his hoarse rumble.

When she was finally able to catch her breath, she was splayed on his chest. Ian's arms tightened around her not allowing her to move, to separate.

A tear escaped and she hoped he'd mistake it for a drop of perspiration. How could she ever give him up? There was no choice, of course, but her heart didn't understand facts.

"Ailios, I must speak to you," Ian began and she fortified herself for his speech on how he'd never be with her again.

"Listen to me." He gently pulled out and rolled her off his chest. He sat up and pulled her into his arms, embracing her against his large strong chest, "Look at me."

No longer able to keep the tears at bay, she blinked up at him. "Aye, I am listening."

"I don't want to give you up."

"But you must."

"I asked you to listen to me." Ian kissed the tip of her nose. "I believe there may be a way for us to remain together. If you will have me."

"What?" Her heart thumped and her stomach pitched. "What do you speak of?"

"Will you remain with me, as my wife."

"You are betrothed, Ian."

"I am aware of that, Ailios. Would you please be quiet and listen." He kissed her lips and smiled at her. "Listen."

She couldn't help smiling at him. "Very well."

"If I can convince my father to marry Lachlan to my betrothed and Laird McLean agrees, will you marry me?"

"Is it possible?" Ailios could not help but beam at him.

"I believe so. Of course, there are two other people involved who may be put off, but I doubt it will be a problem. Lachlan is ready to marry and Claire has met me but once and it was not a good experience for either of us. She kicked me and ran away in alarm. She didn't like me in the least. Called me a devil."

"How old were you?" She assumed they must have met when children.


"Oh." Ailios giggled.

"Say yes, Ailios."

"Yes, Ian."

He kissed her soundly and she laughed when his stomach grumbled. "I believe you are hungry my laird."

“It can wait,” he told her and let out a long breath. "I knew one day the perfect woman would come into my life. I dreamed that I could have a marriage like my parents, filled with caring and understanding. Dare I hope that one day we will love each other as such."

Ailios kept the fact that she'd loved him from afar for a long time secret for the time being. “I believe so.”

They remained in his chambers for the rest of the day even taking their meals in bed.

Ailios licked her fingers after finishing a delightful treat, which had been brought by Cook.

"I knew it by the way he looked at you. My laird is taken with you." The older woman chuckled as she left.

Heat rushed to her face, but she couldn’t help but smile.

"Ian,” Ailios said cupping his jaw with her palm. “I am nervous about facing your mother. What will she say?"

Ian's lack of concern helped to ease her nerves. "She has always wished for a love match for me."

"Love?" Could it be that she could aspire for Ian to one day feel for her, as she felt for him for so long? Ailios settled into his arms and took a deep breath. "I've loved you for years, Ian. I watched for you from the rooftop window of my house in the village. Just catching a glimpse of you atop your steed was enough to brighten my dreary existence on many days." Her face heated but she looked up to see his reaction to the words.

His wide eyes fell over her. "Is that true?"

"Yes. It's silly I suppose. I never dreamed to be here, in your arms, in your bed."

Ian laughed and kissed her soundly. "I however did dream of having you here, dear love, the first moment I saw you gracing my great hall. I felt as if a part of me which I had been searching for finally returned."

He kissed her tears away. "Did I say something to hurt you, Ailios?"

"No, Ian. You spoke the words my heart has been striving to hear. I love you."

"And I you."